How to Frame a Wall Corner

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hello this is Geo and we're still working on the laundry room project here and we're getting the framing all underway and you can see that one wall is almost framed the other ones working on it and we still need the doorway but I today I want to focus on the corner and you have this wall and that wall merge in a corner and I just want to show you how this is kind of how I decided to frame this in you see a stud here and this actually stud here well this might be an odd stud you might think well if you have one there as long as you have 16 inches between the two you're fine why do you need this one well this one is to act as the next step so it's helped to reinforce here so it's to you know I mean you you could have a stud facing this way as well but this is basically the first stud to this wall but I'm not going to stop at that I'm actually going to put one more stud right here and now you might be thinking well gee you're just getting carried away now you're just overdoing it but the reason why you want to do this is not because of the strength of the wall it's for the drywall later on now let me put this back and we can kind of focus out to cut this corner again now if when I put drywall on this side of the wall I could secure it on this end stud here when I put it on this side of the wall I could secure it here so both pieces will be secured at the ends now let's go inside the wall okay so I also have drywall inside here so when I put drywall on this side of the wall I could actually secure it right here at the end of this drywall piece now when I put drywall on this side what happens well there's nothing for the drywall to hold on to on this side and therefore like it or not you have to put one more stud so the drywall has something to screw into or nail into so that's the reason why this corners made up of three three boards instead of just two or even just one so there you go and hope this answered a couple of your questions and I will see you next time bye-bye
Channel: HowToWith GEO
Views: 1,265,986
Rating: 4.6375265 out of 5
Keywords: How-to (Website Category), frame, wall, framing, corner, stud, studs, 2 by 4, wood, construction, building, nailing, bottom plate, top plate, plate, DIY
Id: B10vz34_j1k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 34sec (154 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 26 2014
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