Framing Pro Tips
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Channel: Essential Craftsman
Views: 1,416,279
Rating: 4.9272876 out of 5
Keywords: Framing, Pro Tips, Garden Shed, How to, Construction Tips, Production framing, wood frame, Carpentry tips
Id: l8-LpSRrW44
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 28sec (1048 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 15 2017
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
I really enjoy these videos.
While true, also remember that it's your job to effectively communicate the ramifications of each option so that your client/employer can make an informed decision. Most laymen will err toward speed/cost over quality simply because they don't understand the specific drawbacks of shoddy work in your field, even if in their own field they would never recommend such a decision.
Spent the summer framing with my friend and his father made decent cash but left feeling like I grew with the experience.
I see this a lot in IT. I've installed some God awful equipment, but sometimes it's really all a company needs. You have to focus on the clients budget, resolution time, and needs.
Some good advice I was told at one point, its always easier to requote than it is to redo.
This dude needs a show, he's like a construction Buddha. This one is great too: