How To: Frame a 16" O.C. Wall! (Most Common Wood Framing Method)

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what's going on guys my name is Matt Piniella and I'm here with Norris tools to show you how to frame a 16 inch on center wall let's get started alright so when we're framing what we're gonna want it's three plates you have a bottom plate also known as a sill plate or a mud sill you have a top plate when you have a double top plate we're gonna go ahead and do layout right now all three of these are cut at 6 foot we're gonna pull this top plate set it aside for now and lay out these two here this is where people start to get confused 16 inches on center we're not gonna mark 16 you're actually going to mark 15 and 1/4 and 16 and 3/4 what that does is when you get to 4-foot and you have a 4-foot sheet of OSB 4-foot sheet of drywall 8-foot sheet of drywall it's gonna land right there and split on a stud we're gonna keep laying out with 16 now remember when you're framing you always have a set on your end if you don't have a stud on the end what you're gonna have is called a California corner I'll show you how to build one of those in just a sec now a little fun fact for you guys back in the day framers did not lay out like we do today they wouldn't mark both sides of your stud they would mark Center and that was it if you couldn't put a stud on Center you shouldn't be framing all right so we're gonna go ahead and take one stud put it on edge just like that take the other stud lay it on top flush up your ends and then you want to make sure that's nice and flush there we're gonna go ahead and pin it all the way down alright you guys so now that we've got our bottom plate down there top plate up here we're gonna go ahead and spread studs in between so we're building an 8-foot wall our studs are pre-cut from the lumberyard at ninety two and a quarter when you add the four and a half from the triple plates that puts you at ninety six and three-quarter leaving you a little bit of wiggle room when you go to do your drywall let's get to building this thing alright we're gonna go ahead and crown all of our studs and what I mean by crown you're looking for the bow and the board every board that you're gonna use in construction is gonna have a bow or what we call a crown to it crown always goes up now a few things when you're framing your waltz you want to make sure the top of your stud here is flush with bottom plate if it's not that's gonna create a hump in your drywall but you don't want your hands too close to that right there in the case that and they'll pops through the top hold your hand back just a hair all right congratulations you nailed the bottom your wall so maybe the top you want to make sure you're flush to the side right there get these last ones nailed off bingo now we've got our double top plate always think about other trades while you're nailing off for instance if a plumber has to go through here with a pipe the last thing he wants to hit as a nail going up bits cost a lot of money so while you're nailing these off a good habit to get in is nailing directly over the top of your studs where you already nailed once again you want to make sure that this is flush with your other top plate as well congratulations guys you just put together your first wall now an extra step you can take some people do it some people don't is blocking in between your studs now this helps keep studs rigid this helps when you're lifting walls to make sure that they're nice and sturdy now when you don't have blocks in the wall and you go to stand it you'll notice it's really flimsy now I'm gonna show you guys how to block out this wall as I said though this is an additional step you don't have to do it but I highly suggest doing it don't ever want your blocks to be too tight because what'll happen is you'll notice a bulge on both sides of your wall so we cut them a hair short what we call a standard block is 14 and 3/8 so we're gonna go ahead and cut 1 2 3 at 14 and 3/8 and we'll cut our specials after that but first we're gonna go ahead and get our walls laid out or where our blocks cope some people will run a continuous block line at 4 foot or four foot 6 we run our blocks at three foot six four foot sticks mark the same thing on this side we'll go three foot six four foot six run a snap line this is another step that a lot of people don't take you'll see some guys and they just throw blocks in and go like crazy but you want your blocks to be straight your work is your signature we're gonna go ahead and cut a few blocks at 14 and three-eighths [Music] so we've got our block for there they're in there we're gonna go ahead and cut our special block for here and our last block there now here's an advanced tip for those of you who have been framing for a little while or maybe you're comfortable with a saw I don't suggest this to the people that are building the wall for the first time so you set your blocking material in here hold it a little bit off that stud set your saw up just like this and run it along that stud they fit perfect every single time now we do have a 2x4 in here for our drywall backing with our Cali corner you can go ahead and notch out that inch and a half by three and a half or you can run your block sideways like that either or works just fine for me personally though I am gonna go ahead and notch it so now we'll go ahead and get these blocks in same thing with blocks as top plate and studs you want to make sure they're flush with all your material you're working with now I'm gonna show you that trick that I showed you over there for nice quick easy cutting except for without the demonstration so I'm just gonna go ahead and make our cut you'll see how quick that method is instead of getting out of tape major all that other gunk so I want to explain to you guys the reason behind the Calley corner when the insulators come in to insulate they can get insulation back into here while if you were to do one stud here one stud there with a little block in between here that creates a dead space and you don't want that with an energy-efficient home you will see guys use triple studs here as well one it wastes more material two you are creating a dead space that isn't insulated this is by far the best way to do it the California corner is a perfect advanced framing technique for energy-efficient homes I highly suggest you use this method all right you guys I wanted to congratulate you on building your first of all a few things to point out this is by far the best method of framing with your staggered block line at three foot six down four foot six and up you were able to nail each one of those blocks and really really easily as opposed to if you had a block line ran at four foot all the way through it would be a pain to nail you end up toenail hanging a man and it's never fun all right you guys you have built your first wall congratulations I want to give a huge shout out to Norse tools for making this video possible that's the saw blade I was using right there the reverse of cut a saw blade that you can flip both directions and use incredible design check out their website right here for all of your saw blade needs they also have a 13 inch industrial cutter that will blow your mind party lap siding all that bad dust that you have to breathe in no longer with this cutter with the push of a handle your cut looks like factory check out their website for all their products and more that is all we have time for today though guys my name is Matt Piniella with Matt bangs wood thank you for watching
Channel: MattBangsWood
Views: 1,884,075
Rating: 4.907897 out of 5
Keywords: how to, how to frame, framing basics, construction, apprentice carpenter, tips for apprentice carpenters, tips for beginner framers, tips and tricks, how to frame 16 oc, how to frame 16 on center, framing a wall, building a wall, building a house, nail gun, how to be a framer, larry haun, framing videos, framer, hitachi framing nailer, appprentice carpenter, how to frame a wall
Id: pqhyYFtCjMw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 4sec (604 seconds)
Published: Mon May 27 2019
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