How to Build a Partition Wall // Mother & Daughter Build a Wall

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I'd die their asses if they worked for me and built a wall like this. What a f'n waste of time. Must have taken all day to build.

Measure height from floor to ceiling. Build wall laying down. Stand it up. Secure it.

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/doinjax 📅︎︎ Jun 22 2018 🗫︎ replies

"... wall falls over the next day"

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/HierEncore 📅︎︎ Jun 25 2018 🗫︎ replies
welcome to mother daughter projects I'm Steph I'm Vicki and today we're gonna show you how we built this wall before we start the build take a look at the plan we started with three pieces of ten foot two by fours for the bottom and top plates the studs are made up of eight eight foot two by fours to connect all that we use stud plate ties and then we back the wall with four by eight underlayment the first step was determine the placement of the wall we laid our bottom plate down and found the wall stud then we cut out the baseboard so the wall would be flush with the existing wall here we're using the Dremel multi-max if you're going to be dry walling be sure to cut the baseboard to the width of the bottom plate plus the thickness of the drywall you're using we cut the three ten-foot boards to length which is a little over nine feet we'll be using one bottom plate in two top plates the reason we're using two at the top is so our eight-foot 2x4 studs fit snugly into place [Music] we determine the location of our bottom plate and we marked it with blue painters tape just in case it move while we are securing it there are a lot of methods to connect the bottom plate to the concrete we decided to use a rotary hammer to drill directly into the wood and concrete it's very important to remove excess concrete dust as you can see mom doing here [Music] we also lifted up the wood and drilled a little further into the concrete to be sure the screws went in with ease to secure the wood to the concrete we're using tapcon concrete anchors we chose this method in case we ever want to remove the wall in the future here I'm using our rigid impact driver to drive the anchors into place with that secured we moved into the Attic to find the proper placement in the Attic mom drilled a hole into the ceiling where the edge of the top plate should start once I found the hole I laid our 2x4 in place and attach blocking which are those short two-by-four pieces which I'm attaching to our existing ceiling joist here you can see me in the Attic and you do have an attic light but it doesn't reach all areas so you can see I'm using the compact sight light and work great to make sure we got the 2x4 exactly where we needed it before we started attaching our studs we needed to mark the location on the bottom and top plates a standard wall should have studs place every 16 inches on center that means the studs are 16 inches apart when measured from the center of one stud to the center of the next one here you can see mom marking the bottom and top plates at the same time we stabilize the top plate just enough so we can start securing it into place [Music] if you wonder why I keep heading into the Attic is to check that the screws are going into our attic support once that was in place we added a second 2x4 again we did this or 8-foot studs fit securely next we attach the first stud to the wall there was a little extra space on the top of the stud so we use a couple shims and later cut that off with our multi-max then we started attaching the studs we made sure everything was lined up we use a stud plate on the top and bottom of each side of the wall [Music] we got a chance to use our rigid comb nailer and compressor on this build the setup was very easy we just simply loaded those nails into the palm nailer and apply them to the wall and it went in very easily after all the studs were in place we added a very thin underlayment material to the back of the wall nothing's gonna be hung on this part of the wall it's purely so you can't see through that's why we use the cheapest material we can find [Music] we did have to cut a little bit off on two of the pieces here we're using our saw max to trim the board [Music] once I put the backing on the wall we couldn't see the studs and we really need to be able to see the studs so we can accurately put those Brad nails in so I got it at the laser level clamped it to the letter in you see it weapon as mom said we used a brad nailer to attach the boards we cut the middle section and secured it into place well we learned as you can see we didn't cover the front of this wall with drywall we decided we want to leave it open so we could use it as a visual demonstration wall in future videos you may watch this build and thought some of the things we use were a little overkill and you're probably right but there's two reasons for that one we want it to be as secure as possible and two we wanted to work within our skill level sometimes we have a challenge putting two by fours together so that's why we use those metal plates we were able to nail those in really secure with our pom nailer and didn't have to use any strength that we didn't have did you notice there's a little bit of extra writing on this floor plate down here and that's terkoz when I was marking a two by fours on the bottom at the top I'm in a mistake so I had to go back and do them 16 inches on center and Stephanie they look wrapping to show you what that looks like and you may be wondering why we built just a wall here for our sword room and not a wall on the other side well we are working on a moveable partition for the other side of the wall and we'll be sharing that in upcoming video we want to thank the Home Depot for sponsoring this video as well as our entire garage makeover as well some of the tools that we use in this video and if you liked this project and want to see more from us be sure to visit us at mother daughter projects calm and subscribe right here on youtube click the bell and you'll be learning through all our new videos you can ding ding you you know I was waiting for it
Channel: Mother Daughter Projects DIY
Views: 759,042
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mother daughter projects, homeowner, new homeowner, home improvement, steph, vicki, tallahassee, florida, diy, how to, build, wall, partition, garage, garage makeover, the home depot, thdprospective, 2x4, stud, framing, plumb, attic, tools, drill in concrete, concrete, floor, how to build a wall, diy partition wall, room divider, make a wall, do it yourself, framing a wall, wall framing, partition wall, how to frame a wall, how to build a partition wall
Id: 5O_sp2rgNL4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 14sec (374 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 21 2018
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