How to attach wood to a concrete floor IN SECONDS! How to attach 2x4 wood to concrete floor fast!

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now maybe you're thinking about redoing your basement maybe you're gonna put up a couple rooms you're gonna throw a bathroom maybe a living area maybe an office i mean do what you want it's your house not my business that's what i'm doing in my basement i am building a youtube studio where i can record and do all kinds of things and not have to worry about noise i want my own area now this is all pretty easy if you have an idea of how to frame the problem is how do i secure the wood to the concrete floor well there's a couple different ways of doing it the first method is tap cons me personally i'm not a big fan of tap cons if you don't drill down far enough well they're sticking out and you have to have a special impact type drill or rotary hammer to install them and not to mention they take too damn long don't get me wrong they work but if you don't want to go on spending money on a rotary hammer or your impact drill well this is an easier method and way quicker so what we have here is called a ram set if you're professional you have already heard of them and you probably definitely use them the one thing about this tool is not only does it make it super quick to do the work but it is really fun to use all right so let me show you how this thing works all right so you got your studs put up you know your wall was built now you got to secure it to the concrete concrete is pretty damn hard so instead of sitting there drilling for an hour and a half we're gonna use our ram set again it is super fun to use and it is super super quick now what i usually do is tack the wall with one nail and then level it out and then i use my ram set oh yeah there's two other things you need safety glasses and hearing protection because this is loud all right now here's the version of the ram set that i bought i'll leave a link in the description below but there's other versions of this some are a little bit more ergonomically correct but for the price this one worked for me so i got this and i need two other things now the second thing i need are my fasteners this is the ram set brand it attaches two by fours to concrete you can see it right there i got the two and a half inch long because i really wanted to make sure that i got some depth when i drove these into the concrete now what's cool about this is basically now but it's really hard you got this little rubber piece up here which i'll show you what that does here in a bit but basically all they are are nails they're also super cheap and only ran me a few dollars now because we're going into concrete we're gonna use the 22 calories a bunch of different cartridges out there on the market let me show you a couple it's actually really simple to pick out the shot that you need it's color coded so for example we're going into solid concrete so i'm going to use the 22 yellow if i want to go into just concrete block which is not as hard i would go with a green or mortar joint i would go with a brown if i needed something more powerful i could go with a red or a purple so these have a hundred shots it only ran like four bucks for this entire box and you really do get a lot for your money i only paid a few dollars for this entire box you get 100 shot and that's what's cool about the ram set you don't spend a lot of money for the fasteners or the shot so let me show you how this is used dude what we're going to do is we're going to open this up right here like so we're going to take one of our fasteners or our nails put it in like so now this rubber piece right here is going to allow it to set in and it won't go anywhere now we need our 22 caliber shelf you can see in the box there's a lot of them and trust me these will go a very long way now you can see it looks just like a shell 22 cow shell but really all there is is powder in there when i open this up like so you can see there's a place to put this shell so we're going to put this in like so if it doesn't go all the way in just bring this barrel back a little bit push in and it's ready to go close it up all right so you can see that this is spring loaded check this out now when i push down on this it is ready to fire your trigger is right here and this is your padded handle you're going to place your palm on here because it's going to want to jump all right here we go check this out i'm going to push down i'm gonna hold on to this padded top i'm gonna squeeze the trigger now what's cool is i have to remove this casing just open it up and it pops out you can see that smoke and that's your spent right there now check this out that nail is driven perfectly down through that 2x4 stud and into the concrete and it's not going anywhere and not only does that seal help prevent that fastener from falling out of the ramp set before you fire it it also keeps the nail from getting loose up on top and not only that the damn thing is solid it's hell it will not go anywhere and that's real nice lag and another cool thing is you can get into some really tight areas with this i'll tell you i wish i would have bought this years ago i always wanted one i was just too lazy to go up and get it or maybe too cheap but it's just awesome but now if you're a diyer and you have a limited budget maybe you want to do it yourself you don't want to hire a professional but you still don't want to spend 100 or 200 on a specialized tool plus the drill bits and then the fasteners i think the ramps that's the way to go now if you're a professional and you already have the rotary hammers and the impact drills well that's fine you can use tap cons but if you're on a limited budget you want to do it yourself you want to fasten the two-by-fours to the concrete i'm telling you the ram set is the way to go i really wish i would have bought one of these years ago i pulled the trigger literally and got one and i could not be happier with the way it works now now however i do want to let you know this the damn thing is loud sounds like a 22 going off so you're definitely going to need hearing protection and it does have some recoil even though you have this rubber top up here when you pull that trigger you're going to feel it going up against your palm so i would say maybe wear some gloves as well my new favorite tool and you know i appreciate you stopping by but if you could ease that like button it would be greatly appreciated also if this video has helped you you know get subscribed hit that bell notification so you don't miss out on any more videos like this i'll put a couple more right here for you to check out but i would love to hear your feedback have you ever used one of these are you thinking about using one of these let me know in the comment section below with that i'll be back with more videos soon
Channel: Tool Review Zone
Views: 970,227
Rating: 4.8935046 out of 5
Keywords: tool reviews, power tools, power tool reviews, Tools, cordless tools, how to refinish basement, finished basement ideas 2020, ramset, how to use a ramset tools, attach wood to concrete, wood to concrete tools, how to build walls for basement, ramset tool reviews, ramset how to videos, attach 2x4 to concrete floor, 2x4 to basement floor, home renovation ideal, home renovation tools, tools needed to finish basement, tools that everyone should own 2020, ramset tool, ramset how to
Id: 5cp-ZsLZQnk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 15sec (375 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 26 2020
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