HOW TO FORM THE IMPERIAL FEDERATION [1 of 3] UK - Hearts of Iron IV Man The Guns

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it's feedback gaming welcome back you ready for some more man the guns as the United Kingdom let's do this let's do things a little bit differently we are gonna unify the British Empire democratically through the Imperial conference and then unify it under the Imperial Federation we're not gonna do any of this the King's party rubbish we are gonna unify the British Empire democratically it's pretty simple to do and it's really strong when you pull it off it just takes a lot of time you don't really expect to unify the British Empire for at least four maybe five years I've been game time we'll start off by reinforcing the Empire we are going to invest quite heavily in two planes artillery and guns and appaled upon sure Seabees start by doing a a one division trick around some XP and we'll focus on electronics industry all that jazz and with also some superior firepower as well but a few ships that currently in production will finish these ones off one of the difficult parts of playing the UK is managing you feel and we're just moving our fleet around the world here to merge them we drop down in fuels until we have 15 days with a fuel left that's insane now with man the guns we have an alternative we can go steady as she goes and global defence and we can take a stability here that will result in is getting Churchill and also getting rid of the war war to end all wars as I said one of the difficult of the UK is having a large Navy and a large air force but not having a lot of oil and what we'll do is we'll pull oil in from our puppets garage hang a little bit from Canada and now we'll fill our fuel storage let's make this division bigger we'll go for a 40 width and the beauty of Britain as we get Montgomery at the start he is a logistics wizard so that's pretty much the same effect of going for deep battle doctrine Stanley Baldwin allows us to get cheaper advisors start the game I think what would do is buy Africa or the silent work us as the first advisor then free trade then early Mobe slight detour off the reinforce the empire focus tree will go for limited remnants for civvies that's a lot of production costs but earlier the better King Edward abdicates +15 stability popular figurehead so her hundred percent stability in 936 which adds a massive twenty percent extra production damn right so we've got a lot of naval dockyards here that doing nothing so I would like to do is to exercise our fleet just a little bit gain some XP then we can modify a template and build a more optimal flee on the problem is you're probably gathered is if I hit a naval exercises now we're gonna go from full to our fuel expiring in 38 days uh okay one day two days zero days I'm gonna run out of fuel so now as you can see I'm getting significantly less XP you can't glitch this trust me electrode now we've stopped exercising on fleet it's gonna be a hundred days until we can refuel our supplies go free trade and now it will take a hundred and fifty days Oh My Damn believe it or not we've suffered some damage in those exercises just from exercising HMS revenge we knocked it out of service for 24 days what what happened what happened let's go for early mobilization now is it from ninety days to fill the storage to 150 days first thing we're gonna do is we'll to separate all the submarines and we'll give that to another Admiral so sea wolf is the trait we want to look for we don't have any sea Wolf's another trait I could go for or simply is concealment expert which reduces visibility surely that's good for subs right about three superior technicians okay this guy is an aviation so this is gonna be our carry guy this guy is a gunnery expert so this is gonna be our capital ship expert so in this case we'll go with this guide in this case it will select this guy and we'll give him the in seelman expert trait oh it can also go for the smokescreen specialist to retreat decision chance plus 25% yes your honor and we'll give you guys a skull and crossbones that's white if two classes of submarine we have the OPR class and the s-class one thing I thought was a little bit intimidating at first was when you open up the the build ship screen you're like got all these lists of ships some of them are historical ships some of them are templates these filter buttons here I like are the best boom look at that template and they're the actual models makes life so much easy but the OPR class looks like the basic model where the s class has extra opido attack but downgraded them just isn't worthwhile so in that case we'll just keep everything as they are okay this is the plan first thing we're gonna do is we are going to go for sub module detection and surface detection modules as well in fact the capital has detection for subs and surface so this is gonna be the no-brainer and it's only fifty days to write we've got the solid workhorse we're mobilized and we want free trade at the moment we need to sit on a political power this when it comes down to the Imperial conference we need a lot of political power to convince all the Commonwealth nations to go ahead with our plan the girlfriend active sonar as well and that one's only sembly days so our even says without autonomy the British Raj will not accept any proposals for an imperial Federation but this is essential you need this focus man let's start researching radar not 0.81 years ahead of time which isn't too bad this is what I'm gonna do I'm gonna focus on smaller ships for detection without the destroyers and the light cruisers and then the capital ships I'm not going to focus on a detection I'm gonna focus our just raw firepower oh wow I almost forgot my trivia question whoa there's the trivia question boys what date did World War 2 end the exact dates what is the date World War two ended comment below if you're smart enough to know the answer this question the first thing I'd like to do is upgrade the submarine so what we're going for is the improved ship torpedo launcher this is a module it's not a passive bonus I need to research this to get access to extra torpedo attack which I'll do now this is the 1936 destroyer the UK has the EFG H class and it's pretty mixed it does a little bit of everything we have depth charges which we can improve it's got torpedoes for close range against capital ships as well we can add so now on to it which is essential it's pretty multi-purpose it's good to look there's a little bit of everything whoo its main role is gonna be to detect submarines so we got in there in a nice amount of detection they're gonna call this the empty sub class like one the production cost isn't that much different so the upgrade should be relatively painless so what we're gonna do is select all of 1936 models and upgrade them to the anti sub class mark one okay so announcer kill this convoys or make one more of each then we assign them all on we can go for the depth charge throwers 172 days you probably thinking that's a lot of time but we spend 50 XP 73 days that is such a big buff okay Stanley Baldwin resigns that's a big deal because we're gonna lose our discount on advisors is there any other visors we can go for I feel like I'm gonna go for the war industrialists I don't need him right now but seeing as we can get a slight discount on him why not and then we got a Chamberlain but pull off this strategy as effectively as possible we need to rush for maintaining Imperia integrity alright it's time to work on our army now so let's make a one division use the cheesy exploit to make a few of them or deploy them and then change them into the ideal division in this case is doing to my biggest initial concern is submarines and because these circles turn on everything and that's what Germany's going to do to what we'll do is we'll go down the convoy escort doctrines here extra detection and more escort efficiency and we can get a buff of a hundred xp to get these a lot quicker to deploy you boys and convert to our artillery after having a little think after she realized that this anti super class is actually not optimal it needs to be a single role destroyer in that case we'll make this the mark to will add better depth charges from fact well I doubled depth charges we can improve the torpedoes to as crucial and that's the one we're gonna go for and it is a defense icon that's awesome and we upgrade all of these doesn't mug to oh I realize you should decommission the old one to the production cost is a lot higher okay our fuel reserves are almost full and their fault so let's just exercise the entire fleet right and that means we'll run out of fuel in 45 days one technology the software discussion is fuel refining so this means we gain 20 percent more fuel from oil that we currently already have alternatively we could go for some more excavation as well which is also gonna give us more oil now we need a spotting Admiral now there is a trait called spotter just this guy without a doubt this guy is definitely going to be our capital ship guy okay let's give him the relevant icons so I think the big gun for the Capitals a binoculars for the spotters and the Serbs with their skull and crossbones next we want to give more surface detection to our light cruisers so let's see if we can upgrade our existing light cruisers oh this is interesting the adventure class is a mine lane ship oh we have one okay in the meantime we need to equipped a fantastic spotter so catapults ooh big guns catapults I think we'll keep that torpedo tube and we'll keep the guns will add radar to em I think that'll do that brings the server detection up to 45 that's pretty good who's a spotter mark 1 now we have a seven array of those so we'll break those boys off and then we'll assign them to be upgraded they go upgrade to who's a spotter mark one by the looks of things if we manage to grade all these two spotters it'll be may 1939 before we've got any excess production so we're not gonna have a lot of time to upgrade our capital ships you know what I've just realized we don't have time to go for the next heavy ship hull but we could go over the super-heavy battleship oh I should I do it for the memes at long last we can hold the Imperial conference so what is the Imperial conference and how do you mid max this so what this is gonna do is it's gonna take 60 days for the whole conference to happen and within that 60 days you can fire off a bunch of decisions and those decisions will cost political power and they'll decide whether the nations that are in the Commonwealth can agree to form the Confederation if you get them to agree to the most of their reforms you can finally get them to agree to the Imperial conference which will reduce the autonomy over time for all the Commonwealth nations significantly then you can fire the Imperial Federation but you can only do that once all of the dominions are integrated Papas which as you know the love and Dominion so that's like three steps down in autonomy before they become integrated so that's gonna be pretty tough hence the reason why I said this text like four or five one on six years time to actually successfully do it here we go so this is the Imperial conference initially when you take this event everyone gets -100 penalty I guess the way it's meant to work is that the idea of a federal Imperial Federation is not actually historical and a lot of countries weren't into the idea of doing it we're gonna try incredibly hard to try and convince them and what I'm gonna do to make them more likely to accept our proposals is to improve relations to get a hundred relations which is the max or all of the Commonwealth and here we go the super-heavy battleship a whole look at all these slots if we max this out we're gonna have an incredibly heavy ship so just for a historical perspective this is just like a really bad idea I feel like from a history lesson the navies did bear when they spread out their production all the multiple ships and had technologically advanced numerous fleets other than putting everything into a super-heavy ship but just from vanity purposes let's make the greatest battleship in the world HMS feedback gaming why is this monstrosity it has five batteries liabilities 56% we've lost half of the speed because we've completely overfilled it it has a heavy attack of 88 okay I think this is a bad idea and the reason why it's a bad idea is that no one's gonna want to fight this ship everyone's gonna run away from it and they're gonna be able to run away from because it's incredibly heavy we just say that this wasn't gonna be a functional ship we did say this was gonna be a vanity project okay so we go with it we're doing it live so we're gonna start doing the reforms now but these are reforms to go to them and we basically say ways that we can integrate the governments of all the Commonwealth nations with defense trade economy etc if they agree to it we get some buffs and they get a buff this is small above it's kind of like the Holy Roman Empire in Europe Universalis for where you do the reforms everyone benefits but the Emperor himself benefits the most it's kind of like that by the first event this is about defense whether you're the option to push it even harder against that by spending political power we've saved five hundred going on six hundred political power so this is the perfect opportunity to push it as hard as we can India has said yes Canada yes New Zealand yes South Africa says no Australia says yes trade in the yes Australia South Africa yes and at a yes New Zealand yes it might be good to know that we don't need to get all of these reforms it's just the final reform as the key one online effort every one of these ones give three percent war support or damn we can go polish a mobilization but I don't want to do that because we need to do the final focus which is the Imperial Federation a hundred hundred hundred a hundred one hundred so everyone has relations with a hundred with us but this should be a straight yes for everyone the concept of a federal super state spanning the entire British Empire is already over half a century old but previous Imperial conferences weren't able to reach a decision on the matter we have one final chance before we become too sad on our path towards home rule for the Dominions we must make them understand that this is the best possible ushion for both of their peoples and for the Commonwealth of Nations as a whole spend tremendous diplomatic effort to persuade the demeans to agree New Zealand says yes South Africa says yes Australia yes Canada yes India yes and we've done it success the motion of Imperial Federation has been unanimously anonymous success now all the involved the PI's are out to begin the long process of reshaping and integrating their governments on a federal level all nations in the Commonwealth will result in minus three daily autonomy that seems massive but some of these colonies these dominions is so on Thomas I mean look at India for instance it's only like 220 210 points to eleven points away from breaking free so there's a long way to go before we could integrate everyone I've found from playing around with this is of course you do with the Imperial conference then you go from maintaining Imperial integrity which also reduces autonomy by not 0.5 per day and then you've also got the continuous focus as well which decreases they're talking about not pond5 per day but even taking into account all those things you're still looking from this point on at least four years until you can hold and form the Imperial Federation I just Imperial Federation sounds like some different Star Wars what I love democracy alright boys if you enjoyed this episode don't forget to like and to subscribe don't forget if you do not hit the bell icon when you subscribe it's like your subscription means absolutely nothing if you do enjoy my content feel free to share on Facebook Twitter reddit all that jazz and I will see you guys next time see you soon boys
Channel: FeedBackGaming
Views: 193,901
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Keywords: funny, comedy, feedbackgaming, feedback gaming, guide, hoi4 guide, hoi4, man the guns, Drew Durnil, America, Hearts of Iron 4 Civil War, HOI4 Civil War, HOI4 UK, Democracy, how to form the imperial federation, Hearst of Iron 4 Man the Guns UK, UK hoi4, drew durnil, isp, isorrow, hearts of iron 4, hearts of iron iv, new dlc, hearts of iron 4 dlc, dlc, hoi4 dlc, hoi4 new dlc, hoi4 man the guns, man the guns guide, man the guns walkthrough, hoi4 walkthrough, hoi4 british empire
Id: Z0fAMRNM2hk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 50sec (1130 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 01 2019
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