How To Fix Naruto: Part 1

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Naruto is a great series but it's also a deeply flawed series despite that I cut Kishimoto some slack he had to draw and write 20 pages of Naruto every week for 14 years by himself weekly shonen manga is not as easy to write as something like a book where you can revise and edit as much as you'd like that being said there are still plenty of plot holes missed opportunities inconsistencies and downright shitty moments that we can't ignore but I got you Kishimoto you put your blood sweat and tears into writing that rough draft imma touch it up for a final draft with all the experts constantly criticizing Naruto it's time to put all those issues we have with the series together here's absolutely everything that should be changed about the entire Naruto series in my opinion as quick as I can make it in no particular order assume any edits I don't make are things that don't believe should be changed if you have any ideas on things I missed or changes you disagree with comment below spoiler alert for the entire series Jiraiya was apparently named The Godfather of Naruto by monotone Kushina yet Jiraiya's first interaction with Naruto in the series makes it seem like Jiraiya barely knew the kid existed aside from being the nine-tails Jiraiya should acknowledge Naruto as his godson at least in his head and perhaps feel bad that he's been gone for so long this makes her sort of father-son relationship more grounded and gives dry actual motivation to make him a student the whole thing about Naruto failing the graduation exam three times is pretty well known and downright [ __ ] considering he's the same age as all the other kids in his class this line needs to be tossed in the early series Naruto hesitated to use the Multi shadow clone jutsu way too much Kishimoto stated that he shouldn't have introduced such a powerful ability to early and I agree Naruto should have been able to spawn maybe a dozen or so shadow clones and kick the [ __ ] out of me Zaki but the whole thousand shadow clones I mean he should have just gradually got better at it having too many moments where he gets his ass beat without ever thinking to use such a broken ability kind of makes this introduction pointless same thing goes for the nine tails power after training with Jiraiya for the Chunin exams obviously when you learn to draw upon the badass power like the nine tails he'd want to use that as much as possible but he doesn't and it's awkward and it really doesn't make sense considering all he had to do was ask Kurama to give it to him the first time they met I think they should have nerfed it to the point where he could only draw upon its power if his life was threatened and the Fox did it to protect itself that way current fights where he didn't use the Fox wouldn't have to be for the most part and it also goes better with kurama's selfish nature perhaps in the fight with Neji Naruto refusing to give up really did put his life in danger given neji's ability to target his internal organs and getting the nine tails of power was a result of that same thing versus Gaara etc keeping that last point in mind after the time-skip were Naruto and Jiraiya were supposed to be training to control the nine-tails his power perhaps that's when they learn how to draw upon its power at will instead of relying on Naruto's life being threatened that would justify the seemingly little results Naruto made after the time-skip because he can now use the Fox whenever he wants - when he gets to the fourth tailed state because him losing control at that point is pretty awesome also we are first introduced to the nine tails as chakra in this series as this red area stream of chakra however later in the series it's almost exclusively shown as that bright red bubbly chakra it should just be the bubbly chakra from the start the silly thing about the tailed beast is that they're completely immortal if their jinchuriki dies they basically reappear somewhere in a couple of days I get it they're divided up beasts that descended from the god tree but since I'm now liking the idea of the tailed beast protecting their jinchuriki in order to protect themselves how about we only make the ten tails immortal and just make the nine beasts some of the most powerful beings who are at the risk of dying if there'd in Cherokee dies so they protect them as much as they need to it's not that much of a stretch in fact it kind of makes the rules for the tailed beasts a little more set in stone I get it that would kind of mean Naruto couldn't die against the vast majority of enemies which lowers the stakes but that aspect of the tailed beast wouldn't need to be revealed until later anyways so it's not like anyone would ever know for the most of the series also due to that change to keep the circumstances of Reno Horus death relatively the same instead of being targeted after becoming the jinchuriki of the three tails it would work the same if she's kidnapped to later become the jinchuriki and she sacrifices herself in Kakashi's judo tea to keep that from happening same impact speaking of Kakashi when he first reveals his Sharingan against Zabuza Sasuke definitely should have been upset about Kakashi having the signature power of his slaughtered clan which is completely genetically exclusive to the Uchiha there should be a scene where he interrogate Kakashi for having the shotgun and perhaps that's where we can first learn about what happened to Sasuke's clan and about Obito also Kakashi is supposed to have the mangekyo sharingan early in the series but we never see it Kakashi should have introduced it in his battle with Itachi and maybe even introduced kama weeks since we're later supposed to believe that Itachi was a pretty good guy how about he doesn't use tsuki to stab Kakashi continuously for 72 hours also Itachi should visibly have them on get your Sharingan when he's first introduced Kishimoto said he didn't finalize the design at the time so Beck said Danzo a crucial elder to Konoha in a major villain in part 2 should be introduced before the time scape preferably around the time the Third Hokage died and the elders approached Jiraiya to become Hokage also Danzo suicide in the fight against Sasuke was absolutely pointless just let Sasuke kill him it adds to his drowned in the darkest persona at the time perfectly plus Danzo just stole a page out of day 2 his books so unoriginal b-joo mode is definitely cool but it's completely confusing why no other jinchuriki has this power in my opinion I think it would make more sense that once Naruto defeats and extracts Gramma's chakra he should only have control over the power similar to Killer Bees - switching places with the tailed beasts given chromosome meant to work with Naruto this would still make Naruto just as powerful as before if combined with the Sage Mode I would love to see the sage mode mixed with that dark red tailed beasts form and only when Kurama cooperates with naruto should naruto be able to switch places with him like Killer Bee and gain his full power but the whole yellow chakra thing should be held off until the six paths Sage Mode that would make the parallel with Asura six paths sage mode make more sense Naruto should keep that badass red cloak he's seen wearing at the beginning of the paint fight I get that the nine tails was supposed to burn it off or something but why wouldn't his regular clothes burn off as well honestly just keep the cloak for the rest of the series it's fitting also in terms of the tailed beasts have the fact that how powerful they are depends on the amount of tails they have makes very little sense why wouldn't hog Oromo just split up the ten tails evenly given how powerful it was mathematically that would make a lot more sense in terms of what hog aroma was trying to achieve with dividing its power I thought it was pretty dumb that Minato apparently had perfect sage mode and the Bijoux mode just so he could fight alongside his son I think that was too forced and given how Minato with his flying riding is already pretty broken was that really necessary did he really have to seal the other half of the nine tails inside himself if no other jinchuriki ever needed to do so if so what happened to the tailed beasts needing to reappear after the jinchuriki dies also why couldn't me natto use sage mode against Obito he said he's bad at using sage mode but he's a perfect sage which is better than Jiraiya ever was now sage mode should have wiped the floor with Obito just just to plot holy can we just not all of the jinchuriki active during Naruto's life should get scenes shown here and there facing off against the Akatsuki why go through the trouble of making them so uniquely designed of most of them are only mentioned in passing this would also help raise concern among nations to protect their Jin Turkey earlier in the series focusing the plot and helping build up the shinobi alliance in the fourth war the concern only starts up at the beginning of part 2 which is odd considering the Jew Turkey had presumably been being kidnapped by the Akatsuki for quite some time perhaps start adding such scenes of the jinchuriki around the time the Akatsuki is introduced with Kisame Itachi it would have been so awesome to see Sasuke fight past members of the Konoha 11 after the time skit perhaps in their pursuit for Sasuke before the COG a summit or even before the Sasuke versus Itachi fight we see them find Sasuke before Naruto and gets the chance to try and take them on themselves characters I'd personally love to see duke it out with older Sasuke would be Rock Lee so they can rematch and he can finally show Sasuke the eight gates and Neji because he was the top of his class just like Sasuke was and a fight comparing the Shangaan in Byakugan would be epic since the Hyuga and the Byakugan are direct descendants of hammer ax the sage of six paths his brother in the literal shinobi god of the moon the Hyuga clan should definitely feel a little more important not to much more important because regardless of that lineage they're really only relevant until much later but perhaps some more scenes where we get a better semblance of the prominence also during the fourth war we should have seen Neji faced off with his reanimated father not have his father fight completely unrelated characters it was a missed opportunity during Itachi's fight with Sasuke Itachi makes a point about only two people ever awakening the mangekyo Madara and Itachi however this is absolute [ __ ] seeing as how many characters have actually awakened it I understand the d'etat she was creating a persona to persuade Sasuke to take his eyes and go after Obito but wasn't Obito assisting in the claims genocide good enough a reason the lines should just be removed entirely Sasuke should have stuck with his original design after the time-skip he was fine as hell back then his hair didn't grow over his forehead so he didn't look too rugged and emo got that sexy Fabio look with the white silk shirt splitting down showing off his cleavage love the armed guards and then he went all knocked us on us and downgraded I'll be it just a little bit with the gray blazer I get the whole physical change to emphasize their emotional change trope that so many writers used but now the original was a lot cooler and reflected Sasuke's post time-skip persona a lot better in my opinion when Sasuke has his first reunion with Team seven after the time-skip he definitely had no reason to try and kill Naruto or anyone else for that matter considering he had this no killing rule later McKeen heavy also putting up the gesture for Keating was completely pointless given how there was no thunderclouds present at the time the whole thing was brutally out of character he should have just offended them off when they tried to capture him and escape like he did at the end cutting should have gotten over Sasuke and joined sides with Konoha after being used and nearly killed by him having her still be obsessed with him afterwards is pretty much pointless and serves to make her character more annoying for no good reason Tsunade getting pummeled by Kabuto in the early series cheapened her role as a sannin and the next Hokage come on she should have at least not freaked out and let herself get repeatedly kicked around I get that they needed Naruto to introduce the rest same gun and save the day but they didn't have to downplay Tsunade so much Kabuto should not have become this major villain during the fourth war but basically absorbing Orochimaru in surpassing him how about just have Kabuto Eve I of Orochimaru from alcone Orochimaru mastering the reanimation jutsu and gaining sage mode and then a lying with Obito is a lot more believable than Kabuto doing so let's be real there's a famous plot hole where Orochimaru knows how to undo the reaper death seal on his arms by using the Shinigami mask however if that was the case it would have made sense for a rosy morrow to do this a long time ago saying is how he knew that the Shinigami mask existed yet he didn't and struggled with a lack of arms for far too long to rewrite this perhaps in Kabuto pursuit to revive Orochimaru that I mentioned earlier Kabuto continues the research Orochimaru was doing on the Reaper death seal and then discovers the existence of the mask makes a bit more sense that way Sasuke needed to use keating more because Keaton was broken as [ __ ] and was one of the biggest eye candies in the series you don't spend three years creating a jutsu to supposedly wipe out Itachi only to never use it again canonically Obito is able to use commonly far too often given how the mangekyo was supposedly supposed to blind person after being overused it makes zero sense that Obito can thoughtlessly spam commonly with his regular manga q one way to get around this would be to give him the eternal mangekyo sharingan which we know requires a close relatives eyes I thought this would be an interesting way for Obito to look into who his parents were giving him more character development as he discovers the parents he never knew and mercilessly steals one of their eyes for his eternal mangekyo because they were [ __ ] who abandoned him so he shouldn't care and this would act as another moment to strengthen Obito's resentment towards the real world and his indifference towards those supposed to be close to him for the sake of his goal this is a more natural way for him to be able to use comma we so often other than just bending the rules and shrugging it off kakashi definitely needs to utilize his prowess as the man of a thousand jutsus far more he's hyped up in the beginning with such an ability yet he barely uses any cool jutsus to defeat enemies at any point in the series he's mostly only seen using Lightning blade he needs to start whipping out jutsu from all nature transformations and start living up to that height Kakashi should have been the one to talk no jutsu Obito into realizing he was wrong Naruto generally said the same things that Kakashi had already said but I guess proved that Naruto's will and Obito's old will was truly strong enough to bring peace you didn't need Naruto to reach out to him in order to do that just let Kakashi say see you get yo ass beat by this boy you're done kid it just adds to the connection the two hat Kakashi straight-up should not have died against paint yes the Rinnegan is truckload stronger than the mangekyo that Kakashi had but in the fight Kakashi acted so ridiculously stupid that it was completely out of character he literally only charged at him with lightning blade and that was it Kakashi should have realized that attacking pain head-on was a bad idea given how much visibly stronger the Rinnegan was and should have fallen back to report to Tsunade and others of his observations he shouldn't have croaked so carelessly from a needle to the head I get the key she wanted a moment where Kakashi meets his dad in the afterlife and that Kakashi would be revived anyways but you could have just had a moment with his dad with the reanimation jutsu in the fourth war Kakashi shouldn't be stomped so carelessly especially since he's supposed to be cog a level cog his revival in the final battle came completely out of nowhere and seriously cheapen Madara as a villain I honestly believe she should have never been brought back and mothered I should have remained the final boss I get the whole black zetsu thing but his character apparently orchestrating all of shinobi history also came out of nowhere and was kind of [ __ ] Kishimoto stated he had no idea how to defeat Madara but since cog ei was defeated it's kind of easy to imagine modded up being defeated in the same way by sealing him with the six paths to Baku Tensei in some other dimension or some other magical sealing jutsu hagoromo pulled out of his trick hat would that be so hard perhaps then having the story of zetsu and reviving Kaguya to protect the world for some greater threat could be brought back to the boruto sequel but you can't just [ __ ] on mother die like that not after all the hype we went through after the time-skip Kakashi should not have been able to use the perfect Susanoo yes he was given both of Obito's eyes and Obito's chakra but you can't suddenly cheapen the process mastering the Susanoo over time it would have been okay if Kakashi summoned to base Susanoo to protect soccer on himself but the perfect Susanoo is just ridiculous you can't do that kiichi I'm sorry also Kakashi should not have been able to spam comely during the fourth war sorry maybe if he got the eyes of obito's new eternal mangekyo that i talked about but not for most of the war mic guy using the gate of death should have killed him it would have been a very impactful death and moment for gai and Naruto using his six paths ability to preserve his life completely cheap in the moment also he should have continued to use the eighth gate after naruto and sasuke awoke in order to use that as a diversion something about Naruto versus Sasuke's final battle seemed a little rushed to me while their original battle took place between 15 chapters the final battle is only six chapters the battles are fundamentally different considering the first battle was them at a much less powerful state and we're constantly one-upping each other with new powers and included a lengthy flashback while the final battle was them using techniques we already knew they had and were both massive powerhouses however such a monumental fight deserved just a little bit more in my opinion I would have loved to see Sasuke discover his Rinnegan ability to travel between dimensions and they continued to duke it out in some unknown land I would have also loved to see them use even more familiar abilities like Naruto's creative barrage of Rasengan zki Dean more blaze release just a little bit more still a great fight but too important to glaze over the final battle made a point about Sasuke as a kid thinking about Naruto Allah and that Naruto's recklessness started rubbing off on him and reminding him of his family but we practically never get this feeling in the original series having a flashback regarding this at some point before the time skip would have made that sentiment feel more natural it was also stated that Sasuke began to form close bonds with his team early in the series before his brother reminded him of his revenge yet that sentiment is also kind of weak considering Sasuke always seemed to think selfishly and as though his team were always a drag there should be more scenes in moments where Sasuke starts to think of them as friends and enjoy going on missions with them while still incorporating his struggle for revenge in thinking that friendship is a weakness Sakura needs more fight scenes a lot of her potential as a strong female character is completely wasted without it I personally recommend Sakura beating Ino in the Chunin exams Sakura perhaps beating someone else in the Junin exams Sakura versus Conan during the paint invasion and soccer having more of a combat role in the fourth war these fights would be done more effectively if they utilized her intelligence more which was a big point of her character and should potentially rival someone like Shikamaru it's also stated early on that she was supposed to be talented genjutsu presumably similar to cur and i or ii music hog a if this has never seen it would be cool if she got some cool genjutsu abilities yes she's a medical specialist I get it then why give her a buff and power at all after the time-skip it's just the wasted potential having Sakura be unhealthily obsessed with Sasuke even after learning he's become an international criminal seems very unreasonable to me given the two weren't that deeply connected in the first place I personally believe that should have been the point where Sakura got over her feelings for Sasuke and getting over her helplessness when it came to Sasuke I also think it would have been super badass if instead of stupidly trying to plead to join Sasuke she would have just ran up and punched him as hard as possible out of frustration for who he's become that would've been such an Oh moment and yes it would make sense because he was blinded by overusing the mangekyo just like how she was almost able to stab him in the back later shut up on the subject of Sasuke and Sakura seeing as how they magically ended up as a couple in the end despite Sasuke's seeming indifference to Sakura there definitely should have been more moments with Sasuke reciprocating affection towards her perhaps by acknowledging she's attractive or by feeling comforted when she takes care of him and how it reminds him of his mother I don't know something other than honey and then suddenly boom maybe salad come on in terms of how Sakura and Sasuke actually come together once Sasuke is released from the curse of hatred he just reconciles with Sakura any sort of wins her trust back and the two start over at least it's more believable than before speaking of couples Naruto and Hinata I think how it was handled up until the pain art was perfect given their two characters but when he not have confessed why she loved him and nearly died for Naruto shish-kabob like an ass and he nine tails hooked out because of it yeah he probably should have said something after the battle was over I get it he's dense and the last night to a movie made a point about how he doesn't understand love but honestly Naruto had a very clear crush on Sakura and Naruto was curious about how Kushina and Minato fell in love the guy at least understands lust he even knew what Sakura was getting at when she told him that she loved him he should have approached Hinata after the battle admitted he was dumb for not noticing her sooner felt grateful that someone acknowledged him even when he was younger and felt like he had no one and then BOOM you get yourself a smooch and you now have a thing with Hinata of course no one has time for a full relationship when you got Sasuke in the fourth war to deal with but at least you got a girl to write letters to and go to when the war is over it makes for moments the audience has to look forward to also given now Hinata somehow went from being incredibly shy and unconfident even after the time-skip to suddenly having balls of steel to face the Rinnegan it would have made sense if she at least had a better sense of confidence after the time-skip perhaps not completely fainting when seeing a Naruto again and perhaps a moment or two when she almost has the guts to tell him how she feels just to make that transition a little more believable I think that Naruto's crush on Sakura was perfectly fine after all audiences enjoy love triangles but there was a specific moment in the early series where Sasuke after awakening in the hospital from the tsukuyomi is greeted to Sakura hugging and crying and Naruto has this sad look on his face only to end it with a short smile and exits the room Tsunade who was also president remarks that Naruto doing so was him being considerate of Sasuke and Sakura I think this would have been a great moment for Naruto to get over his crush on Sakura and just to toss it in there's some more development between tamari and Shikamaru Ino and Sai yeah the romance in the series is utter garbage another important relationship that gets heavily glazed over is the one between Neji and Hinata the two never seem to actually reconcile afternoon AG's change of heart and the Chunin exams so we've seen where Neji apologizes and gets to understand who not as motivation should be added as well as a few moments here and there where they seem to act more like brother and sister or cousins the two should play off of each other's strengths giving Neji and even kinder heart and greater admiration for Naruto that relationship may also add to strengthen he not as confidence change I mentioned after the time skip such an on-screen relationship would better justify his sacrifice for her and Naruto in the fourth war who the [ __ ] is Tenten in this series can we please get her doing something showing off her powers as the weapon expert that she's supposed to be it would have been super cool she actually got to do something with the amber purification jar and help seal away the ten tails that alone would do her a lot of justice given how little screen time she's gotten she also seemingly has no distinct personality she's a very typical female character with no defining characteristics honestly the anime filler has the right idea with giving her more time to shine but canonically she needs more development Kadeem apparently took part in the same tuning exams as sasuke and naruto and has a moment where she is saved by sasuke from a huge bear it would have been cool to actually see her during the Chunin exams and have that scene introduced to us when it took place as a quick foreshadow of the connection in part two kimimaro a seemingly minor and unimportant villain is a character who suddenly linked Takagi otsutsuki the little or of chakra much later in the series during the Sasuke recovery mission kimimaro should be introduced with this in mind and this could be the first time we hear about Kaguya for descendants and the creation of chakra without spoiling too much of course when Obito dies and is greeted by rena in the afterlife i really wish he was greeted by a grown up green I get that she died when she was a child but it would really serve to make the scene less pedophilic oh he tells like thirty and even though they made him look like his child self you can't help but be like uh [ __ ] you I do think it would make a bit more sense if reen slowly started to return Obito's feelings honestly it's just a bit of a missed opportunity given how much the audience is supposed to care about the two as a pair towards the end of the fourth war while it can be implied that she does have feelings for Obito she's only ever stated having a crush on Kakashi perhaps towards Obito's death she can show a bit more romantic affection for him or perhaps Obito could have told green his feelings before he died that's it that's all the changes I can think of have a good night [Music]
Channel: Cryptonix02
Views: 196,696
Rating: 4.8724322 out of 5
Keywords: Naruto, Naruto Shippuden, Shippuden, Boruto: Naruto Next Generations, Boruto, Masashi Kishimoto, Kishimoto, Swagkage, SethTheProgrammer
Id: zsCCCph0lk0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 53sec (1253 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 12 2017
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