How to fix a ceiling crack. Filling a ceiling crack.

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[Music] hi guys steven here from inexterious painters and decorators and you're watching in exterior tv in this video i'm going to show you how to fix a ceiling crack if you want to purchase any of the tools that i use for this project please click in the links in the description below and also please feel free to check out my tool store which also the links are in the description below let's do this this is the crack that we're going to be dealing with so the materials and tools for this job is some filler some containers some water in a glass i've got this multi-tool a three inch filling knife a cork board dust brush and some worn down 80 grit sandpaper first what i do is get the pointy part of my multi-tool and break any loose out of the crack [Music] then i like to give it a light scrape a sand and a dust down just to clean it up and make sure all the loose is off before we apply the filler what i'm going to fill this ceiling crack with is this gyprog easy fill 60. because i'm only going to mix a little bit i'm doing it quite controlled so i've got this glass with about half inch worth of water in it i've got this other container with the powder and i've got another container to mix it [Music] in what i do is pour the water into the container that i'm mixing it in i then get the powder that's in the other container and i start adding it slowly just like you're mixing bisto and then i add it a bit at a time until i get it to the consistency that i want it to i like to get it nice and thick there's nothing worse when you're trying to mix some filler and you're trying to pour it out of a big bag into a little pot and then you end up pouring too much powder and then you have to go back and get more water if you want to know the difference between a filling knife and scraper please click on the card in the top right hand corner of the screen now all the fillers mixed we're ready to start filling the crack now we're ready for putting the first bit of filler on the crack just make sure before you start filling that your filling tools are clean and also fill cleanly as well because then it just makes it easier for sanding down [Music] after a couple of hours when the first feels dried i apply the second coat of filler but there's absolutely no need for me to sand it down because i filled it clean first time around but i will have to sand it before i paint it and before i started sanding this i think i left it about 16 hours to dry but it does dry a lot quicker than that it's just that i left it overnight and came back the next day [Music] and there's the crack all filled sanded and dusted off ready for painting and there it is all painted and it's all completely gone okay guys that's how to fix a ceiling crack if you've got anything from this video please like share subscribe please hit that notification bell if you want to be notified of any future videos and feel free to leave a comment down below thank you very much for watching take care now [Music]
Views: 87,616
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to fix a ceiling crack., ceiling cracks, filling cracks, fixing cracks, cracks in plaster, how to
Id: jH2h82DvJWc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 35sec (275 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 30 2020
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