Artex Ceiling Water Damage Repair

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[Music] welcome back to painting and decorating uh as promised to somebody who left a comment fixing in our text ceiling with water damage now this happened a couple of months back and i couldn't actually do anything for the customer so what i did is i put this board up for the time being just to save any muck first off i'm going to remove the board and we'll have a quick look so on with the mask all right you can see why the book you can see why the board was up there the amount of muck that fell out well let's have a quick look at that so you can see it's uh it's a fair mess and by the looks of it it's been our text before because that's one layer of vertex and that's another layer of vertex so yeah all good fun and look at this [Applause] that's the old lap and plaster and that's the old plaster and that's pretty solid actually in that plaster unbelievable that's really solid though i can't pull that off so that's staying um as you can see it's had plasterboard put on there pretty rough so basically what i'm gonna do i'm gonna mark out a square and then i'm gonna remove all the rubbish um and then replace with a piece of plasterboard and hopefully we'll be able to seal the plasterboard and then our text straight over the plasterboard if we get the level right all good fun all good fun all right let's crack on basically what i've done i've measured the plasterboard and i've also measured where i want to come and cut out to so i've marked a line on it and then measured it on the plasterboard so i'm gonna cut all that out it just makes life so much easier to neaten it up and take all the loose off so i'll cut that out now what i'm gonna try and do is go around it with a stanley knife best i can and then just chip it off you know so i've got a new blade in the stanley knife let's see how this goes be careful because you don't want to be falling off your steps [Music] it's not too bad [Music] okay [Music] so we'll basically get basically get the idea there and check a little bit to wear classic you can cut around the edge as well [Music] i've got a scraper i've got a scraper that i'm slowly going to start working at him so [Music] so so [Music] so as i get to this edge where i've been cutting it it's not quite gone through so what i'm gonna do is using the scraper just an old one which is quite sharp on the hammer i'm going to work back from it so i don't damage the edge too much so basically you get the idea of that you've got to cut it off all the way around make sure you keep the edge very neat that's just a bit of a bow in the other board but there's nothing that can be done about that now i'll show you this once i've cleared it off and then the next stage cut it back uh it's not too bad i mean a lot of waste of muck i could say anyway so another quick look now the plasterboard is going to slip over the top of that edge as you can see there's no real need to fix that as such but what i am going to do is just put some diluted pva all over that once i've dusted it off and i'm actually going to squirt some foam up there just to secure the ends of these a little bit not that the loose they are well solid because they're actually nailed to the joists but just to make it a little bit more um i would have put it secure help with the insulation a bit as well that's the word i was looking for now what you need to do is make sure you remove all the old nails now i'm actually going to screw this up this time it just makes it a little bit more but secure it's not too bad now all right so with your claw hammer just make sure you get rid of all these nails that's pretty tough that one try and follow the joist if you can otherwise you'll crack the plaster more there's this last one where we go there you go all right so remove all those clean around the edge squirt a pva on there some foam and then we'll cut the board to size and stick it up the only problem i have got is this bow the um and it goes all the way along the ceiling so really there's not much i can do that i'm going to try and wedge it and see if the board will bow with it um the only other thing as well some of the artix has come off a bit further because it's not it's been put over old artex and it wasn't adhered proper so well that's not too bad it'll just help with the blending in really when we do the artexin i just thought i'd show you the pva and that's the one i use i mean there's different ones on the market just don't use a waterproof one when you're decorating now i've actually diluted it my ratios they're not exact but it's got to be milky water all right that's it's got to soak in it's got to be able to come out your nozzle on your spray and that's a pump spray i'm using on this because as you can see uh there's no point in using a brush it's just difficult flat surfaces you can use a brush not too bad burp plaster things like that but i'm just going to use this pump spray so i'll just what i'm going to do also is go around the rest of it around the edge just tightens everything up not too much and then wipe down all the runs don't let it run everywhere wipe it off so once you've sealed it you don't really have to wait for it to dry because this stuff sticks to water better sometimes you better actually wet in the area before you put this on i'll just show you a little bit of this i have a better newspaper as well so you can capture the drips and the mess so what i've done i say i've sealed the whole lot even sealed the artex there to the edge where it's come on well i've just run out i need another one so what i'll do that's all you get to see because i need to go and get some more now you can see what i'm doing there i'm trying to trap it between so it just doesn't fall back out and that'll just seal along that edge there and like say if you get any dripping off make sure you try and collect it don't let it drip on any surfaces and use your newspaper all right see i've done the foam now what i've done is i've marked whereabouts the joists are so as soon as i put the board up i can screw into the joists so hopefully it all goes well because doing this on your own it's never easy but needs must now the board i've got it's just a little bit short for how much actually come off because the size of the board where it was but it's not a problem i'm just gonna in fill that so i've got everything ready to go i've got screws in my pocket and i've got my drill there which i'm just going to pop in the pouch that's all ready to go luckily it slips over that edge it's not too bad at all man all right [Music] so and what i did is i put a piece of plasterboard across so you give that a bit more level there better level [Music] don't go too deep with your screws otherwise that happens it pops off there's a bit of a bow in it there but let's say if you go too far with the screen right it's not bad so oh so i'll finish screwing this in place and then i'm going to in fill this part here with another piece of plasterboard and then all around the edge i'm going to put some foam to help fill the gap and basically once it's cut back more or less ready to attach but what i'm gonna do this is uh i've pre-painted that i'm gonna have to put i say another piece in there but what i'm going to do before it attacks it is put some neat pva on top of it and just leave that for 20 minutes to go off a little bit and just help the rtx stick to the board better do well uh okay let that dry off and put it back and i'm ready to put my artex on that's what i'm using now it actually says the creates or smooths all the textured patterns so you can either create the pattern there's some of the patterns or you can actually cover over texture you know um anyway this is a five kilogram bag and it's 0.5 liters of water for every kilogram so i've got two and a half liters of water in that bucket there and i'm gonna pour in the powder slowly and i'm going to use mixing paddle to mix it up to a nice thick consistency now once you've mixed it up it says there leave to stand for 10 minutes and remix and then use the mix for smoothing over attach your textured patterns you know you can dilute it as follows if you want to smooth the pattern and you're only doing a stipple effect which is that one there you can thin it out a bit because it doesn't need to be that thick now if you're doing some other patterns that's one more kind of matching up to there uh you need it thicker now on this ceiling it's really thick so i'm going to well i'll probably see i've got enough artix to add some more in there if i need be so i'll see how it goes um once i've mixed it i'm going to apply it to the ceiling using the flat brush and then to actually do the pattern i believe they're not a sponge but you actually leave it in the plastic bag like that and what you do we load it with our text first so you put some latex on the front of that and then once your artex is on the ceiling stick it on the ceiling twist it round in a circle and pull it off but you can have a look at that in a minute let's mix this first just before we mix the rtx let's just have a look where we're up to now i'll put some plastic sheet around just to save some mess because it can be messy artex now let's have a look you can see i say that's all dart x with some new attacks on so it's come off so i'm going to blend it in which kind of makes it easier in a way you know so i've cut all the foam back and i've actually applied a coat of pva undiluted on there um so you know you use that when you're plastering to help addition sometimes you dilute it slightly but with the board being primed there's no need to now when you do attacks you apply it with a flat brush or a roller it's up to you um then you do your texture and after you've done your texture you use a brush let's just have a look there and you go around the edge of the ceiling with a brush and you clean off any artix as well that's on the wall but you go around with a brush and just finish it off with a neat line so all right let's mix some attacks important thing is don't leave any lumps on the bottom of the powder you really have got to make sure that you get rid of any lumps you know give it a straight round let's just zoom in a bit there right so [Music] hmm [Music] so [Music] hmm what i'm going to do now is just give it a scrape round with a scraper just in case there's any mixture that's dry at the bottom or anything like that just double check it that's not two foot tall huh all right now i'm not going to taste it but i think that's done now leave it for 10 minutes mix it again i might add a little bit more water to it because i mean it's not too bad at all right finally we're ready to put some of our tacks on i say i left it 10 minutes and mixed it again sure using the fat flat brush you can use a roller if you want but i'd find the back brush is fine and then just start applying your antics make sure you spread it out evenly that's the key so [Applause] i'm just working it into that edge [Music] you can actually build up the attacks i'm putting a little bit more on at a time so you get the right level of what you want it's always difficult matching up vertex especially when it's not something you do every day you know if you're doing this all the time you find it a lot easier your arm gets tired lay out two ounces so again once you've got it on try to make sure it's nice even before you start your pattern and just check the levels towards the edges make sure you've got a nice level i mean you can create any pattern you want technically once you've got it on that's where that big bowl is all right almost ready all right that's not too bad that's all i'm just going to put in one more go over right you sponge larger sponge up without x now what i'm going to do is actually start from the outside edge and work to the corner um when you see the first circles appearing start the turn and pull off [Music] and then just the battery in filling obviously you can't get too close to the edge if you do get any bits that are a bit sharp you can just knock them back just keep checking your pattern you're not satisfied just redo it and so some of the curly bits you can just knock them back you know and you can draw yourself down from it have a look and see where you need to neaten it up [Music] getting [Applause] it's a little bit dusty in here and if you find any spots where it's not enough attacks on just have a bit more you can play with it for a bit you know until you're satisfied it's not looking too there you go now i'm just going to knock off some of the tops later [Music] so that's looking good guys if you like messy jobs you'll love our texas quite happy with that usually when it dries you can knock off some of the tops just to get them a little bit smoother because what you've got to take into account is that our text has had about five coats probably more coats of paint um so you're never gonna get it bang on straight off what you need to do is let it dry soften the edges off a bit and get a good few coats of paint on it to kind of blend it with the rest and but like so that's not too bad i'm just going to clean the color now and like it was saying before around the edge of it taking a one inch brush just run around the edge creating that edge on here there you go that's good that is good i might figure it out [Music] oh yes i'm going to take this sheet off straight away i'm not going to let the artex dry on we find it more that to remove [Music] so so going around the edge you can just soften them edges a little bit when it's dry you can tidy it up a bit better around that edge with a bit of poly filler and there's no point in leaving any big lumps just make your life harder all right well i'll just give you a quick look over the whole ceiling and then towards this and then that's the finish but i bet you can already guess the next video coming how to paint freshly attached to ceilings so starting on the pattern there when you come across you can see the other one there how lumpy that one is and then you know look at that so that's matched in quite well i'm happy with that here yeah i'll just give you a closer look let's just go around the edge i mean you can see how lumpy the other one is and that's mine blending in the edges to the other circles look at that i mean that is quite heavy attacks really jump in there till next time [Music] [Applause] you
Channel: Painting and Decorating
Views: 27,770
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ceiling, artex, artex repair, ceiling repair, artex water damage, water, damage, water damage, Artex Ceiling Water Damage Repair, repair, painting, decorating
Id: FJVJ1698Zrg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 44sec (3044 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 03 2021
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