Plaster Crack Repair - Works for Drywall Wall Cracks too

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hey in today's video i'm going to show you how to fix a crack on a laughing plaster wall like this one right here we got a pretty good crack and it's a little different than fixing a kraken drywall it's pretty similar but i'm going to show you how to do that right after this [Music] hey welcome back to my channel and today i'm going to walk you through the steps that it takes to fix latin plaster because it is a little bit different than drywall it's really hard to cut it out and do anything with so you really want to avoid that so i'm going to give you those pointers i'm going to show you how i do it and walk you through that and hey if you'd like to learn how to do these kind of tests so you can save some money take pride in your workmanship and so on be sure and click that subscribe button down there and if you click the bell icon right afterwards you'll get notified each time we put out a video and be sure to click on the down arrow button of the show more down below the video because i put a lot of good information in there that'll help you out as well as links to tools materials etc okay so this is what we have to work with and as you can see i've already done some prep work on it so the first step is to do the prep work and what i mean by that is you need to go through and remove any loose debris and that in here so you just kind of feel it and if it's loose remove it you can cut it out with a utility knife or just scrape it loose whatever works so like around these edges check them don't go too hard because you can almost always peel some up just check if it's a little bit loose like that one comes up too easy go ahead and peel it off so we'll finish doing that now this has been cleaned up pretty good so it's not too bad of shape and by the way today's video is sponsored by custom grips these are some gloves that were sent to me and i'm trying them out and i can tell you that so far they feel great well these gloves they have some features like they're highly breathable this back is got a nice weave pattern a special weave to it so that they breathe better and you can see they bit really good you can easily pick up smaller items like if i want to pick that little bitty piece up you have no problem with gloves like this and because they're more flexible you don't get so much fatigue if you wear them a long time so these are good for all-day wear some of the features to most of their gloves is that these i've got two pairs i'm going to show you today these are the best for work like this working around the house uh automotive work in that because they have a nitrile foam coating which gives them a lot of really good dry grip and they're very durable gloves and this nitrile foam coating it doesn't let liquids penetrate so that helps too and if you use the link down below you can click on them and go check these out they even have a handy sizing chart make sure you get ones that fit you right they told me how to measure my hands and they fit like a glove now these gloves this is called the or the series or model s10 these have a en 388 rating on them so here's what that means the this is an official testing and it rates them on four areas so this one is a 3121 meaning it's a three level of abrasion resistance a one level of cut resistance a two level of tear resistance any one level of puncture resistance each glove is different so if you need more durability in some areas they've got it all right now let's get back into this here's an example of something that you want to look for right here you see this loose paper peeled up well what we need to do is just cut that out it looks like that whole piece of sheetrock right there is pretty loose so i think i'm just gonna cut that out cut it out man stop it that benadryl you know okay that's pretty deep but we're going to fill this with durabond we can go pretty deep or i could put this piece of rock back in and just glue it down and give it a little pre-fill that way now underneath here on this case they've done some previous repairs so there's some mesh tape here i'm just going to get that out of there so i can start over yeah i hope everybody out there is staying safe during this corona virus scare we're right in the middle of it because i'm shooting this our city has issued a stay-at-home order but construction is exempt or i wouldn't be here this is a house that nobody's living in so it's been vacant for a while i feel like it's probably pretty safe and thank you to all my supporters out there as some of you know i got hospitalized for five days last week with basically all the symptoms of coronavirus but it came back negative so maybe i don't have it but i did find out that there's a lot of false negatives happening and this thing is mutating so who knows but main thing is i'm getting better this is just my second day back to work i had five days in the hospital and about 13 days off total i'm pretty weak and tired but hey we're back at it so now i want to open this up a little bit give it the durable room to go in there and penetrate through that crack and lock it back together a little better so we could do it like this with a knife you could do it with an oscillating saw you could even just do it like this if you want now i think opening this up is even more important on latin plaster because this is plaster in here and the durabond that i'm going to use is closer to that if you can't get durabond you can use a fast setting joint compound okay so we'll mix up a little bit of this durable 90. now the difference between this and regular hot mud is it dries rock hard so if you're not good at getting it on really smooth and level use the regular fasciting joint compound because you can sand that this would be like sanding concrete you don't want to do that now you might notice i switched gloves this is the second pair of gloves they sent to me this is the the u30 series and basically it has the same common features of the other glove the nitro palm coating the bare hand like feel the difference with these gloves is they're better for wet type situations slick because they have this nbr coating on here which basically absorbs some of the slick stuff which allows you to steal grip a little better now nothing's gonna give you grip if you get too much on here it gets coated and all there's a limit but these are really good for automotive work where you're handling greasy parts and yard work so on and mudding so i switched to these for the mudding part so the secret to keeping the grip is basically keep the gloves fairly clean so if you're doing drywall if they start building up just come over and brush them off clean them a little bit that'll help get a little bit of that grip back but if they get too wet it might still lose a little bit of grip but they're gonna they should be a little bit better i'm testing these out today i'll let you know if i think they aren't now for today we're just mixing up a little bit we're just pre-filling the cracks a little bit of floating so we don't need a whole lot so if you want numbers i'm going to try about oh i'd say 8 to 12 ounces of water and we'll go with i think about eight there and then just enough powder to thicken it up to the right thickness on these smaller amounts i often just go ahead and mix it with my knife although you might have seen in other videos i can mix it with this but when it's pretty shallow doesn't work as well now you want this mixed up fairly thin you don't want very thin or it's not going to stay in there it's gonna try and sag it's not gonna give you the holding flat smoothness that you want so that's about right it's pretty thick it's not gonna run off my knife but yeah it's not like super thick now note that you don't have to get this mixed up totally smooth free you can have some lumps in there a little bit generally what they call for is mix it until it feels decent wait a minute that lets the lump soften up then mix it some more so as we're working it on the wall that'll help mix up some more all right we just want to fill all this in so with this piece that was missing here what i'm gonna do is stuff a little bit back in here i'll put that piece back in there just for a little filler the durabond will glue all this down then we'll just keep filling it get all this smoothed out a little bit when you do these cracks try and work it back in the crack by working it like that a few times now there was some brown paper there it's pretty small i'm gonna take a chance and not pre-treat it with the pro 999 or the guards but it's usually a good idea i think with this setting mud and as thick as we're putting it on here it will probably be okay so now i've kind of got it pre-filled now what i want to do is i'm going to go ahead and tape it with some mesh tape now normally i use this yellow mesh tape which is basically the same thing as white but you can see the weave on it but i want a little extra strength here so i've got this more densely woven super strength tape i'll try and put links to all this in the description down below i want to try and keep it in between these pieces so it doesn't get up on top of here that can make it harder to finish and then i'm going to put a little extra up there where i know that hole is a little bigger even though i can't see it right now then we're going to run some along the bottom of that window like they had and to cut it like you see you really just have to use your knife like that push it up fairly tight to the bottom now my gloves are getting a little muddy see it feels like i still have better grip than normal when you get mud on your hands it gets pretty slick so doing pretty decent it's not going to be dramatic but it's going to be better than the non-coated gloves because i have tried very similar gloves to this that are non-coated and they just don't really give much better grip they just don't really give much grip so this is going to improve on that a little bit now that we kind of have all this just stuck in here we'll go ahead and cut it a little bit all right i decided to go ahead and get out a little bit wider knife so i can actually float it out a little bit more we can get it pretty close on this step then the next step won't take as much we're going to be returning it to this stomp texture stomp texture covers a lot so it doesn't have to be quite as good as for some textures anyway yeah chunk up before that's it for that coat we'll come back and put another coat of regular fast setting joint compound on it and see what it looks like it's already looking pretty good looks like i mixed up just the right amount i've mixed up probably ten thousand pounds of hot mud i can just guess pretty good okay now the durabond is set up and it's very hard very tough even wet it's it's pretty tough so that's why you want to be careful if you're a novice of using this now after i got done we i figured out that i've got a pretty good hump there this section being corner bead often gets built up but down here it doesn't so that transition still kind of nasty so we're going to build that up with another coat of hot mud [Music] [Music] me [Music] [Music] so this is kind of like working with clay or something basically trying to sculpt this to glow more gently down here [Music] on the last days [Music] [Music] okay i think that's good enough we got a nice contour turn to it now so with one more coat of regular all-purpose mud it'll be ready to go i'm still gonna go ahead and coat the rest of this and you might see in the picture i added a joint there so let's get it all at once boy i tell you i am so weak and shaky after being in the hospital for five days and then flat on my back for another eight or nine today is rough but i will get to it i hope we all get through this major incident here all right that's it folks i'll come back and put one more coat of regular all-purpose on it after this dries or sets up at least i'm actually going home soon so it'll probably be dry okay hey this is dried overnight you can see it's white it'll usually go from that yellow color to a white now there's still some defects here i'm gonna show you a close-up you can see this wider shot and you might better see some defects and it looks pretty good overall but when we show you this closer shot you'll see that there's some bubbles and lines so first thing we want to do is we could scrape it a little bit if we want or sand it i'm gonna do a little both because these bubbles that come up in the mud right here there's not much else you can do except get rid of them then you're gonna have these little holes and i'll show you how to deal with that in a second so let's sand it today we're using our radius sander with our 80 grit sandpaper and this pretty pole this thing is great because it locks in any increment anywhere i put it it locks it doesn't require those holes i'll put a link to all this in the description in case you're interested in it now i put it on pretty much in the shape it needs to be so i'm not trying to shape it too much i'm mostly trying to knock off the ridges lap marks those bubbles things like that that are sticking out now if you put it on a little bit too heavy you might have to sand it a little bit more to get a little flatter and get the shape and contour that you're looking for okay after you sand it they're still see i've got this light right here on the side and that's because it helps highlight some of the defects now i'm gonna see if i can do this on camera a lot of times it kind of blows this part out on camera when i try and side light it like this but what you want to do is take a bright light and hold it like this so it shines right down the surface that way you'll be able to see every defect and how much you need to fix depends a lot on the texture you're going to do if you see this one it's a stomp texture which covers pretty much a hundred percent we'll actually put a solid coat of mud on here a lot like a skim coat and so it's gonna cover really well so we don't have to get it quite as well what we're mainly trying to fix are these bigger ridges all these pinholes and major defects so i'll show you how i go about that and then we want to get rid of these edges still having a hard time reading today whatever that stuff was i had it took away my lung capacity a little bit for now gonna take a little bit to get over it okay now all these little holes that we created from scraping off the tops of the bubbles they're now full of dust and if you try and coat right over it that dust will cause the mud to just fall right back out of the hole so the best thing is to either either vacuum this with a soft brush or you can't even take like i didn't want to run out to my trailer and get my bigger brush for this so just dust it and knock the dust back out of the holes and i'm just going to go ahead and kind of skim coat most of it because there's so many of them little holes little bubble holes [Music] [Music] now when you're trying to fix these holes like this a lot of times if you go the same direction every time it'll keep trying to bubble back out so sometimes you want to go this way and turn around and go across a few different ways you may even have to work it in these holes these bubbles are a pain in the ass that's all i can do [Music] [Music] okay that's basically it we just skim coated it with a fairly tight layer and that's going to get rid of those ridges and that if you want a really smoother finish you're gonna have to do a heavier skim coat sand it smooth and then touch it up i've got a whole separate video about doing a level five finish if that's what you're looking for i may be able to put that at the end of the video or right here at the top of the screen a little eye but after you skim coat this let it dry and then just take like a sanding sponge and go around and sand these edges i've showed this in a lot of other videos so all you do is i can't do it while it's wet but if you want to stand that edge you tilt it like this so you're putting more pressure out here and then just about that fast it doesn't take much with this plus three sand the middle part you want to sand off any chatter marks like this sand off any lap marks and just smooth it out it shouldn't take more than two minutes to sand this whole thing so hey i gotta say that so far i really like these gloves i got nothing to complain about them they're actually very affordable too check out the price it's gonna differ now and then but they were between two and three dollars when i got these so per pair really affordable price for a really well made glove and i'm happy and thanks to custom grips for sponsoring this video but you did get my honest opinion if i didn't like them i would tell you so i hope you enjoyed that video i hope i helped you out with something in your needs and that's what i'm here for is to teach you guys how to do your own home improvement projects repairs and that be sure and click that subscribe button and the bell icon and i look forward to seeing you on the next video take care and be safe
Channel: That Kilted Guy DIY Home Improvement
Views: 82,113
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: plaster crack repair, plaster crack repair compound, plaster crack repair kit, plaster crack repair material, plaster crack repair mesh, plaster crack repair products, lath and plaster crack repair, plaster damage, plaster damage repair, plaster damaged wall, plaster repair, plaster repair mesh, repair cracks in plaster walls, cracked plaster wall repair, cracks in plaster walls, how to fix damaged plaster walls, how to repair plaster walls, Repairing cracked plaster
Id: CmluWYg1f1A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 2sec (1562 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 31 2020
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