🟡How to Repair a Water Damaged Drywall Ceiling - part 1 of 2

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[Music] hey today on that Kilcher guide videos we're gonna fix this water damage ceiling for you like I mentioned in my community tab so if you've ever had water damage ceiling that caused the tape to come loose and such I'm gonna show you how to fix that next hey everybody welcome back to my channel here at that kilted guy videos and if you're into doing your own home improvement projects such as drywall repairs and other things and you want to learn how to do it right be sure and click on that subscribe button wherever it appears down there below the video and if you want to be notified each time a video comes out click on that little bell icon that way YouTube will notify you each time we put a video out because if you don't click the bell icon you actually don't get note notified you're just subscribed to us again welcome to my channel my name is guy per Saleh I am a 35 year professional in the construction industry having owned my own business of Mister patch drywall for the last 15 years I've specialized in repairing drywall so I've done thousands of repairs like this and after 35 years it's my goal to pass on my knowledge to you guys so you guys can do some of this I know you're gonna try it so you might as well get the right instruction and learn how to do it right so in today's video what we have is simple common water damage so I'm gonna walk you through some of the things to look for how to repair it and we're going to do this with really simple inexpensive tools and I'll list all those in a description down below with links to them you won't need an air compressor or anything this is considered a knockdown texture which means that it's sprayed on and then you come back and knock it down with a trowel now I'm going to show you how to do this without that compressor and hopper and we're gonna use a texturing sponge and you can make this yourself I'm gonna put a little link to it in this I card here it's gonna pop up showing you how to do a texture with a knockdown sponge and you you can actually make get yourself or if you want to buy it there's a link in the description and these aren't ones I make or sell but you can buy this through our link and anything you by using our links you won't pay a dime extra but you will be helping us put out more videos so in other videos I've showed you how to do the knockdown texture with a spray so if you want to spray it a lot also put a cheap thirty dollar texture hopper down there that I use I actually like that thing better than my eighty dollar hoppers and you can spray it if you've got an air compressor I think it does a better job overall but we're gonna show you how to do it a simple way this ceiling how to repair before over here and I'll show you a close-up of that probably one of the worst attempts at doing a repair that I've seen paint didn't match nothing about it matched it was just terrible then last summer we had additional water come through so it leaked more joint tape came loose and it peeled off so there's a few things you got to do before you start first you got to assess the structural integrity of your ceiling and when I say that what I mean is sometimes when the water sits on a ceiling for too long it'll cause it to start sagging if it sags and beause you've got to cut it out you can't just push drywall back up and rescrew it it won't do it it'll just Pulp screws over and over so the first thing is to kind of go through and see if you take a straightedge this one's not very long but you can put it on here if you can't tell by looking and see if it's humped anywhere this one's not so and the next thing to do is determine did any of this rock get wet enough to crumble if it did you can often poke through it with your finger or the corner of a knife because it'll be soft and just fall apart if that's the case you got to cut that one out patch that back in too but in our case we don't have to do that so I'm going to show you what you do in this case I showed it in another video how to fix a ceiling crack and this one is different this is not really a ceiling crack because that one actually cracked right through the middle of the text and the joint tape didn't come loose so what I did there is like mesh taped over it and floated it out nice and wide with this one the joint tape actually has come loose so it leaves us a little channel here to reapply some joint tape in the middle and just float that out and we don't have to float it out quite so wide because we have a recessed here because that joint tape came out so we're just going to scrape everything that's loose off and that is key you don't want to leave any loose stuff on the ceiling because if you try and put mud over loose stuff or joint tape it's not really stuck because it's stuck to the loose thing so get all the loose stuff off just go through and scrape you could sit here and scrape this probably back several feet because it's been coated before you don't really have to you're just trying to get where it's loose from the ceiling like that piece right there so we'll go ahead and do that and come back to the next step [Music] so are we [Music] okay once you get all that loose stuff scraped off the next thing is to re-secure it and what I often do is just push on it and you see right where the nail or screw is if you see that lifting up it's weakened and often the water causes it to weaken so it's sagged a little bit so I'd like to go through and just put new screws in now you can often see where the joist are so I would just put a screw on each side and if it lifts up very much at all go ahead and put a second screw out there to make sure you countersink them so Risa cure all this I'm gonna use my cordless Dewalt screw gun I'll put a link to that down there too if you want it the way a screw gun works is this only turns when you're applying pressure so if I go like this there's nothing turning so once you apply pressure by pushing it into the wall it engages the clutch in there and then it drives it when it comes back out to the set depth it will disengage the clutch and it won't overdrive it and of course I missed now depending on which way these studs and joists are running you'll determine if you can put them white or not in this case it's running this way so all I can do is go up and down it all right after you do that you're ready for mesh tape if you're gonna use hot mud if you're gonna use paper tape use paper tape and all-purpose if you use mesh tape it has to go with hot mud I like to put a little bit of spray adhesive on first that makes this it's not wrinkled up on me not slide and not fall off even though it's self-adhesive okay I'm gonna use my mesh tape gun to this on I'll put a link to that in the description too and you just want to run it right down the middle trying to keep it in the recess and just get everything taped in and you're ready for mudding down here where it's a little more crumbly I'm gonna go ahead and not cut it out because I can re-secure it by getting mud to go back in there but I'll put a little extra mesh tape around it and next we're ready to coat it so I'm gonna go mix up some hot mud hot mud is fast-setting joint compound I'll be using five minutes on this coat but I suggest you guys use no faster than twenty forty five would be a good time for you there's a picture of that showing up here okay I've got the hot mud mixed up this is a powdered mud that comes in a bag you mix it up you can mix it up right in your pan if you want to know more about how to mix it up and all that I have a separate video on that I'll put that thumbnail up here now we're ready to go ahead and put a coat on this I'm gonna go ahead and coat it with a 12 partly because someone else has done a repair and there's a hump they left right here but even if there's not you really can't just fill this you want to fill this in a little bit more so a 12 or 10 works good so I just put it on like so and I've showed in other videos how to spread it this is five minutes I don't really have time to show you now feather the edges which means tilting your knife on the outside and bending the blade to take off that that rough edge and feather it in towards the middle a little bit then we lay our knife down fairly steep where your knuckles almost dragged push fairly firmly and go across it and you get a nice smooth coat instead of a big hump don't worry about getting this too smooth if you're a novice you probably won't anyway but try and get it to where you didn't leave too much thickness on here one thing to note is five-minute mud means you have 5 minutes of working time so I got about a minute left to get out there and clean it up before it starts thickening and hardening in my pan it takes about seven or eight minutes for it to actually harden up enough where we can actually put another coat on it today and I'll point out that if you're putting hot mud over paint the gloss here it is the longer it's going to take to set up so it might actually set up in seven or eight minutes here and ten or fifteen out here don't be surprised if that happens save this pile out there put doe it into on a piece of cardboard or something and then you can come and touch this and you'll see when it's starting to set up right now it's already starting it a little bit you won't have to come in here and mess this up you can touch this and you'll know when it's ready to recoat we'll come back when that's ready [Music] [Music]
Channel: That Kilted Guy DIY Home Improvement
Views: 79,084
Rating: 4.8719397 out of 5
Id: 9p7sb8pgfS4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 52sec (772 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 31 2019
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