How To Fix Cracks, For Good! Lath And Plaster Ceilings

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[Music] foreign [Music] running across this ceiling running down the length of the ceiling there or you can sit there a bit closer up foreign here you can see where it's been repaired so I'll just there we go I'll just get hold of the filler so there a bit of filler I can see the crack there a little bit closer up quite a nasty one I'd say everyone's right the way across the ceiling and there's quite a few others so I can tell that this has been raked out there'll be two reasons why this is coming back one it's not been sealed so the filler hasn't adeared and two there's a bit of movement between these surfaces so that filler Fallout so that side is moving so I need to go along and remove all that filler because it's going to come out really easy and we'll get it sorted this will come out really easy I've got my Stanley blade and that's just flicking it out so bit of an angle and just knock that out that side's already clean it's already come off that side [Music] so I'll go around and remove all this and then we'll get ready for the next person when this is just falling out of its own accord last bit foreign I want to deal with them differently foreign that's all raked out ready for the next step quite a lot but slightly more than I expected but it's nothing we can't cope with now that operates out the cracks and preparing them to filling okay you can see where I've worked along um this is where I'm up to now so basically what I'm doing is along that crap there just create a small hole directly on the line of the crack about six inches apart and then what I've done with a fine piece of sandpaper is run along the crack and remove any loose paint now in the raking out and creating the holes so we get it nice and smooth you can see where I've not done I'm taking vacuum cleaner nozzle I'm just going to vacuum along that crack remove any remaining dust [Music] you can see where the vacuum cleaner has pulled some of the soot through the holes from the attic damp cloth just wipe that over and move a little bit of that salt and then diluted PVA this is perfect for sealing the plaster every plasterer will recommend it perfect for bonding fillers and plaster such like a quick wipe bowl with the damp cloth foreign and then just injects a small amount into the holes foreign [Music] all cracks on the ceiling and freeze have been prepared now ready for filling there's quite a lot of it foreign started pre-filling and stabilizing the crack s so now I just want to re-wet got the diluted PVA again and now I want to run over this and wet in ready for the phone so like I say it's already sealed it just wants wetting in so I've only got this last section to do just to hear so this time just using a squeezy bottle foreign cloth with white spirit I'm working on my plank now just makes it a lot easier so mascot and so this is the stuff I'm using it's the Gap fillet expanding foam so you can you can use the um plasterboard adhesive on this but either one is good really does have good ball strength it's got the wall clock with white spirit foreign so because this has literally gone right the way through I'm going to run along the whole length of the crack as you can see that's what I've done anywhere where there's an intersection like this I put a hole just the just on the tape so gently and I want to get to the hole that's going to inject it one way and then the other make sure some sun goes in the hole a bit of newspaper to wipe off the excess foreign foreign that's it so this box is already dry enough for me to start going around cutting it off foreign I've started filling I've only got this section to do got me old filling blade quite sharp I've hung for stripping [Music] foreign I've got the same screwdriver I made the holes so I just want to make a bit of room about quarter of an inch [Music] foreign make it to a point and I can just bring it along the crack line it's smooth down the foam make sure I've got a little bit of room for the filler and I'm just generally along the face foreign a little bit of diluted PVA again or just a damp cloth I'm not going to throw that away I'm just going to use it just to wet in I've got done cloth I've got some poly filler mixed up so generally I always use the powder form really good stick to it but just to help it I've mixed it up using dilated PVA again so now start filling up on a slight angle to the crack [Applause] both directions making sure you're pushing the filler in and onto the edges okey-doke now that the first layer of filler is dry then with 120 cloth back sandpaper I'm gonna rub down the areas that I've filled and damp cloth just to wipe the dust off then I'll mix a stick mix of the poly filler and then add some of the juulups easy cut as a hard stop so then when I paint the ceiling I won't need to Prime over the filler foreign foreign foreign foreign okay then so that's the second layer of filler in drying and once this is dry I can give it a light sand I'm ready for painting oh that's it for today hope you enjoyed the video found it useful and we'll see you next time [Music] no no no no
Channel: Painting and Decorating
Views: 27,770
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: IC-p_202Evs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 1sec (1261 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 17 2022
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