How To Find Your Purpose - Boss In The Bentley

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- How to find your life purpose. Before you do anything, I want you to hit the Subscribe button below and turn on notification. Today we gonna address the question "How do you find your life purpose?" Why are you here? (upbeat music) Welcome to another episode of Boss in the Bentley. This is Dan Lok. On my way to work, during meeting, this is what I do. I turn on the camera and I answer your questions. If you wanna ask any questions, comment below. One of the most common questions I get from people from all kinds of age group is, "Dan, how do I find my purpose? How do I find out what am I here for? What's the reason of my very existence?" I think sometimes people get confused with the whole finding your purpose thing. Where they think, okay, I'm just gonna wait. I'm gonna visualize and somethings gonna fall in my lap. Oh, that's what I'm supposed to do. I don't quite agree with that philosophy. I do think we all here for a reason, but it's not so much where you just kinda find that thing and then everything will works out. I think a lot of people they kinda procrastinate, they kinda wait, oh yeah, that's not my purpose. That's not what I wanna do yet and they just procrastinate too much. I think when it comes to, asking what is my life purpose? that's not the real question. The question is. How do I invest and how should I spend my time on something important? That's really the question. How do I spend my time on something that's important? How do I live my life? That's important. That's actually the question. So, how do you do that? I can give you some guidance and maybe give you some questions. And it's not as complex as what most people think. First, I think the very question you should ask yourself is What do you love to do? What do you love to do? That when you do that thing, when you doing that kinda work that you just forget about time. You for forget about to eat. Time just disappears. What are you so passionate about? When you do it, it doesn't feel like work. It doesn't, you don't even care if you get paid doing it, you love doing it, that's your joy that's your passion. What you love to do. That's question number one. Assuming you have that. Now, if you don't you cannot even answer that question, "Dan, I don't know what I love to do." What it tells me is you haven't tried enough things. You haven't tried enough things that you didn't like, that's why you don't know what do you like to do. So, what do you love to do? Second question is, what are you good at? What's your natural talent? That when you do that thing that you love, somehow, well people will tell you, "well, you're so natural, you're so good at it. Wow, like I don't even know how you do that." And to you like it's so easy, "what do you mean, just do dut dut da da and you just do this" That's your natural talent. Your strength. So, what's your natural talent? That's the second question. The third question you need to ask to find your life purpose is who do you like to help? Who do you like to help? When it comes to life purpose, you got to think you know to kinda find it to identify what it is you need to think bigger than yourself. You need to think bigger than what is around you. You know, think bigger than just survival. You need to think bigger than just paying the bills. You know, think about not just internal me, me, me, me, me, you gotta think about who do I enjoy helping? Who do I enjoy serving? It's very very important. Because only when you're through giving and through serving and through contributing you get satisfaction. You get joy. If you just do it for your own ego, you just do it for your own gain, you just do it for me, me, me, me, me. Yes, you'll get achievement, but you won't get fulfillment. And that's the problem. Sometimes people they, they try to win the race for fulfillment, running on a track of achievement. And it doesn't work. They are two very different things. So the third question. Who do you enjoy helping? And the four question, the number four question is, not just who do you enjoy helping, who do you enjoy hanging around with? Who do you enjoy spending time with? Cause think about that, the people that you spend time with, at the end of the day, I think life, it's made up of experience, it's made up of memories. And at the end of the day that's all that is. It's not things, it's not possessions, it's, by the time you lay on your death bed all you remember are just memories. That's it. The people you spend time with. The people you've helped. What's your legacy? That's what legacy is. When you die, who is going to your funeral? Who is gonna be, who is gonna remember you? What are they gonna say about you? And for most people, it's very sad. They probably don't have much good things to say about you. Because your whole life you actually haven't impacted a lot of people. You haven't helped a lot of people. You just, going through life paying the bills, doing my thing, going to a job. You know, have a mortgage. So at your funeral maybe you have two, three, five people. You know, some family members and that's it. And that's not what life is about. I don't think that's what life is about. So, life is not so much about finding yourself, it's about creating yourself. I never, I don't even know even unto this point, is it of my life purpose is to impact entrepreneurs, impact people to help them see, to become a better version of themselves. That's what I do. To help them become a better version of themselves. To inspire you, to motivate you, to give you tools, to become a better man, a better woman, a better husband, a better wife, a better father, a better son. That's what I do. That's my mission. That's my purpose. That's why I make these videos. And so, is it something that just fall in my lap? Oh, you're supposed to make videos. You're supposed to go out there and do speech. You're supposed to do that. I don't know. But I try enough things I find that okay, you know what, I love doing this, I get joy from doing this. And then as I do more of course, I enjoy doing it, I get better at it, and then people say "oh, you're talented at this" I don't know if I am, but through enough practice maybe I am. And through that, oh wow, you know, I'm also helping people. And people are telling me my video, my message, my story has impacted your life. Wow, okay. And through that maybe I can, that's become slowly oh wow, I'm good at it, I'm impacting people. I'm helping other people and I enjoy being around entrepreneurs. I enjoy just having conversations with people who are go-getter's, who are hungry, who are not wanna be's but gonna be's, who are, who wanna make something outta themselves. Who want to provide better future for their family. Those conversations I love. I hate to have conversations with people who are like, doom and gloom, bitching about the sports game, bitching about their life, bitching about their work, I don't have time for that. So I know that's what I don't want, to spend my time with those people. So naturally, I gravitate towards spending time with people who are positive. Spending time with people who are business oriented. Who are, who have the abundance mindset. That's why. That's how this whole thing, that's how I form, how I identify, how I found my life purpose. So don't think it's that too complicated. You can't find your purpose by just sitting there and thinking "Oh yeah, you know, Dan, what is my life purpose?" How the fuck do I know? Do something. Try something. Try more things. Try that, you know what, that doesn't work for me. Okay, try something else. That doesn't work for me. Try something else. That doesn't work for me. Try something else. Oh, okay, I like this and people will recognize me for this. I'm good at this. I'm helping people. I'm impacting people. So, it's very interesting to find the purpose you gotta think beyond in yourself. You need to think bigger than yourself. More than just you. It has to be about more than you. Because that's how you leave a legacy. When you can do that, that's a life purpose. It may not be a one line. It may not be a so clear of my purpose is to blank, but you will know. When you're doing something you love, when you're doing it with the people you wanna do it with, when you know you're helping people, when you are providing a good life for yourself and your family. When you are good at it. That's life. What more do you want? What more do you want? That's a good life to me. If you can consistently, every day, experience those types of emotions, joy, satisfaction, pride, not pride, not ego, pride from doing good work, pride from knowing that you are good at what you do, you take pride in what you do, that the outcome, the product, and you can, you know you're making an impact, you know you are serving people and you know you are secure and you know you are providing a financial, a solid financial future for your family. What more do you want? That's about it. It doesn't get more. It doesn't get more simpler than that. That's really what life is about. It's not so "woo or foo foo" it's a purpose. Here's a statement that what your life is about. And your purpose might change. My purpose changed. From my early 20's, to you know 30's, to now where I am. It changes too. It's not like you're born and suddenly someone gives you statement. "Hey, you know what? This baby, that's the purpose. Here's another baby, that's that baby's purpose." No, life it's about, I'll say it again. Not finding yourself, creating yourself. What do you want to create and shape and create that. It's like a sculpture. You are sculpture and you are the only one that know how to shape that and how you want it to be shaped. So there you go. That's how you find your life purpose. Again, comment below if you have a question. Maybe you want to go deeper with a conversation. I mean, I'll make a future video based on this. I can go a little bit deeper. But share with me what is your life purpose. Those questions. What are your answers? Comment below. I read every single comment that you post. Every single comment that is legit, I read all of them. And if it's good, I might even reply to you as well. Also check out our videos on the right side as well. We have hundreds of videos, all helping you. Not just finding your purpose throughout your journey, videos that will help you in terms of mindset, in terms of business, in terms of self development. They're all free. Watch those. Check those out. Until next time. I'll see you in my Bentley.
Channel: Dan Lok
Views: 122,416
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Keywords: dan lok, How To Find Your Purpose, how to find what i love to do, Boss In The Bentley, How To Find Your Purpose | Boss In The Bentley, Personal Development, What is my purpose, How to quit my job, how to be an entrepreneur, How To, Life purpose, High Ticket Sales, High Ticket Closer, Online Courses, Mentor, F.U. Money, Purpose, Entrepreneur, Dan, Lok
Id: 13uMuWkUBjE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 20sec (680 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 25 2018
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