How To Make Your First $100,000 Online With Dan Lok

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hey what's up everyone is the Stefan and right now we're on the road to go and meet up with my friend Dan law cute is a super successful internet entrepreneur and one of my early mentors in building my online business Dan just moved into a brand new house newly renovated it and we're actually visiting him right now and he's gonna give us a tour we're gonna sit down to an interview pick his brain on success business marketing financial freedom really excited about this many of you guys might remember but I interviewed then several years ago my youtube channel and a lot of people really enjoyed the interview and have been asking for me to do another one with Dan so we decided to do a bit of a collaboration and this time me go over to his house to pick his brain and I'm really excited about about it dan has been in the online marketing space for over a decade now he's built several successful businesses his mentored and coached a lot of people he's got a really inspirational story and background which he'll share with you guys in the interview and he's branded himself now is known as the king of high ticket sales and he's gonna talk a little bit about how you can sell high ticket products online products that are well over a thousand dollars so pretty excited to pick his brain on that many of you guys might remember me sharing a little bit about my story about how I met Dan but all charity guys real quick I think I was about 2010 I met Dan at a seminar called the Canada marketing summit and Dan was one of the speakers and he was by far the most charismatic best speaker that was there at the event and I was so impressed I was so engaged I was so inspired by Dan yeah afterwards I decided you know I had to meet him and I had a brief interaction with Dan and he actually gifted me his book called fu money and you guys might remember it but a book that I've recommended to you guys throughout the years as a pivotal bloke that's really helped shape my mindset around online business and marketing and at the time too I was going on a trip to Southeast Asia for three months I had the goal to make 300 bucks a month online and I was so committed I was broken struggling at the time I was trying so many different things and just couldn't find my way to make money online in chief success and so I finally was frustrated decided I was gonna do whatever took its gonna go to Southeast Asia for a few months I wasn't gonna come back to Canada till I achieved my goal 300 bucks a month online and on that trip I brought with me a few money and I devoured that book I you know went through several times and it really made a big difference I believe in helping me go to that level and achieving success online so it was really cool and then several years after that Dan and I became friends and you know he's had me speak at some of his events and seminars and it's been really cool just being able to have had that experience of being influenced by dan in such a way and then now coming full circle and me being able to be in a position to interview him and share his message with you guys and be able to collaborate with him on this level so excited to share with you guys a bit about Dan and share with you guys the interview hopefully you guys enjoy it and it's gonna be a lot of fun so stay tuned hey guys so right now I'm here with my friend Dan Locke and we're in is do you guys ran new homes somebody can give us a tour show us around let's do it and so we moved in for about less than a year so it's only three hundred square feet six bedrooms and seven bathroom oh wow there's so many pool and this is the office this is office this is where we build the Empire yeah right and so I like to use it because it is a huge whiteboard yeah I like to use it to think yeah so I'm thinking of you're like you take my marker they give up different things strategize your antigens oh geez this almost every they're very visual yeah like mine man this is what I use I always love seeing people's offices because how you it doesn't how you how you and I'll fire yourself too right yeah I see you have a lot of pictures or pictures so once you sure I have like the people of course that who inspire me Tony Robbins of course you know kind of Tony and Richard Robbins and family photo this actually was sent by a student of mine oh that's awesome my Christmas chemical so sorry that's Batman Iron Man that's been Coover yes the gothicassle from my mentor right right so the whole story I thought that was practical that's pretty interesting so you notice I have a lot of wealth triggers in my office and so it's not just decorative item everything means something too right so I have like you know the L okay that's thought that represents personal branding yeah so I can think about that like leadership energy and sure wisdom so everything that's dead in my office I wanted to call them wealth triggers yeah you should this should create certain type of feeling environment for me right I always believe the environments more powerful yeah your wheel power right I want its turn so I have meeting see you all the time that's all sir every week all those yeah yeah and then have the Chinese kind of frightening there yeah I'll see you I can translate that basically means they kind of like the autumn wall and battles one before they were fought right and and your decisions affect affect with the the outcome of the battle even your like thousand miles away right let's rush me out that's cold I like the strategize yeah yeah I love I'm the same way to I'd like to have little things on a little D little things and look at just make you get into that zone that's exactly right Jenny might give you a women oh yeah right and I used to use the phone so much so I use a headset yeah then I'll take you to the basement so these are the the Maggie's ft sean is are cool the king of ascore I love it that's the concierge iconic consolation magazine in Vancouver now it happens to be R at the Austin Martin TV level this is just by accident right that's not that's not planet that's just by accident that's not that's the jest a magazine that's cool right that's just magazine yeah so that's pretty cool it was also that's awesome and so when you have these here they're just important moments of your career they're just full put them up on the wall I'm waiting for one more so I have a space here I'm waiting for one more you're gonna need a whole room well hopefully yeah I was like an older right as I get older so then I'll take you to the basement yep recognize some of these books these books right then I've written this this is the very very first book that I wrote yeah which I don't I don't want it to be out there it's on EBS I don't want it to be out there it's like it's supposed to be gold right funny printed out all the tech is wrong full typos and one of those mistakes well this is like I want to hide this one these okay these okay that's amazing and we're gonna talk more about Dan's story when we sit down for the interview but you came to Canada not knowing any English not a woman and I hear you are these books and now written 13 books wow it's amazing it's awesome for any of you out there that for immigrants or your English isn't the best it just demonstrates like you know you can get still do it no and then I'll take you to the theater room first and then you can see some more books yeah yeah there's definitely money of course your money for this great book here so that's where we relaxed and and I have a karaoke system you know watch movies and all that yeah yeah cool and then though sometimes it's interesting when I work I might work for a few hours right come down and sing two three songs that go back right it's like a secure little meditation I love it yeah so a lot of that books up I've actually when I moved here I've donated a whole bunch cuz I just couldn't fit them all yeah I've donated probably like sweet water books yeah I convert them to Kindle but then these are stuff I've collected over the years so I know you're big in learning obviously investing in yourself you know want to share people is why this has been so important for you in your life I would actually start off with a story because when the first business pilot that I had it was like a basically he was my neighbor at a time I was trying to be a mother business and he sold me on a concept oh you need a website and I pay him some money a long story short he's basically scared me out of like hundred fifty thousand dollars I lost all my mom's money all the savings and I didn't know anything about internet marketing and then right after that because that experience was so traumatic for me from then on everything I do I said I want to learn in a hundred percent so I went and at a time internet marketing I bought the corey rudl course and remember insider secrets to marcona internet that the two big binders like 600 pages I went through in two days and from then on I was just like reading carefree I forget about like reading a book a month I was eating a book every two three days so that experience change how I operate and that that's hard about this hunger to learn yeah as much as I could so I would feel I don't think it's a healthy thing is when I went to Tony's event unleash the power within yeah I don't know there's there's a healthy thing but I always have this feeling of no I need to know more right I need to know more that drive right yeah yeah well the great thing is though a lot of people have that but they don't do it you learn you implement what you learn so it's that combination of the two that it makes a difference some of some Chinese Chinese books and in all this audio program write all this stuff a lot of different programs I've already convert a lot them into digital but it's just a lot of good to have the physical distance okay I still like this to cassette the CDs and now the good thing one thing I because I am able to speak read and speak in Chinese so I should study a lot of Chinese entrepreneurs success what like Jack Ma write these books are from a gym bar yeah actually gives me a different perspective from the west and the East right and these all my like the martial art right right like Bruce Lee yeah I can see the Bruce Lee stuff right and you have this this little book here out of produce books like a thousand dollars that's crazy yeah like this something like that the seventies yeah this is like is it crazy that's cool there's a lot so a lot of the things you learn you you have your interest in martial arts but business but also self-development development finance investing and but I find that the martial art philosophies have helped me a lot in business I integrate them I do buy blue belief is transferable for sure so like in martial art I'd why why gravity to words Bruce Lee's martial art because it's about simplicity is about directness mmm-hmm same thing in business I like to be direct I like to go off using a similar simple model yeah so it's the same idea that's so I think that affected me a lot just the way I think and I'll show you that my my mancave oh yeah this is my is my toy room I love this yeah so Kathy you can see this grisly and we've got the Batman costume you got there yeah Captain America shield right oh this is this is what you were on that's awesome okay take this hour to take it down and put it on yes and then yet transform oh yeah yeah that's what I collect yeah so that's my little I think everybody always we all spend stupid money on some things yeah right some people spend money on traveling or golf like this is what I spend my stupid money on right so that kind of stuff and and my wife is giving me a very hard time I want to buy a lot but she's had no room does she have her own room for her toys shoes and purses the closet and so this is where like I kind of work out I'll do mine right for martial arts that's this different wooden dummy that's awesome so what are you what kind of martial arts to be studied so many different martial arts about mainly study Wing Chun but also Bruce Lee's martial art those two to me and did you do that when you're a kid or just a bit more in your adult life no in teenage years this is kind of funny but this is see this this is me effects when I was skinny that's a boost these original student oh wow and then you have that Lee see I used to be able to do it can do the split when I when I was younger yeah cool and this is a sign for in someone else yes I do a sauna sometimes when I worked out right love it and then let me take you upstairs that's for hand conditioning so which is interesting because the way I set it up is I can relax here yeah I can work out I can study everything is in one place it saves me a lot of time I don't know I need to I don't need a drive to the gym to work out right so optimize your yeah environment so I can work on the morning boom you know shower just work so you guys built this house from scratch yeah Wow so how long did it take to build it oh you right that's cool and then this is so you can see we put the living room here because we have like the view and everything so this is just a kitchen so that's the family time and yeah and then I think we can set up the interview here yeah the entire interview here awesome yeah awesome well beautiful home thank you so much for allowing us to come in and we look forward now to pick in your brain and learning for me a lot of your business success or story let's do it so we're gonna set up the interview and then we'll let you guys join in so Dan for some of my fans and customers that don't know your story do you mind sharing with them real quick how you went from living in a small one-bedroom apartment to now living in a house like this well I emigrated to Canada when I was 14 years old right and then my mum and dad got divorced when I was 16 years old and shortly after that my dad actually went bankrupt in Hong Kong so at the time my mom and I were living in a one-bedroom apartment there we were renting in Surrey near the King George sketching station and my mum would in say in the bedroom and I would sleep on the floor or in the living room and at a time because there might well after my dad went bankrupt he at first he was setting uh sleeping allowance money but then afterwards because he had no money anymore so he couldn't send us money anymore and that's when I learned that because I was the only child in my family that I had to learn to be self-reliant that even sometimes you can't even rely on your dad to provide for you and so because of that experience I started my first business when I was very very young like in high school that I was always very driven to be successful funny thing is I mean the the whole money thing actually does not interest me that much it's just because seeing my mom seeing her suffer that I don't know like for most people what drives them some people is freedom some people it's providing for family or some people that they want a nice car whatever it is but to me is it's ok to let myself down it's not ok to let my family that was my thing where I have to to be successful to to protect the people I love at - to provide for my mom so of course at first when you don't know anything you start your business I mean I fail with so many businesses and we were the first business I started it was just a couple buddies yeah we mow lawns for people in our neighborhood and at the time was interesting is I had no money so one time I was jogging around the neighborhood kids at the time was so into martial art I know it's working every day and I was trying well running around in the neighborhood and I saw a an older gentleman trying to mow the lawn like super slow like this and I thought you know a young guy why don't I just go and help him out and I did and I helped him out more the whole thing and and afterwards he gave me 20 bucks yeah then I thought oh this is cool this is nice it's got Tony da honey box and I thought well maybe I can do it for more people that idea what they would give me some money is it going to make money and now but the parliament's I didn't have the money to buy the machine like the lawn mower the mom was like a thousand dollars and so I was thinking outside the box I asked the older gentleman come on a whole mow the lawn for I said hey you know do you mind if like I borrow your machine and I'll take care of it out at gas and I mowed the lawn every week for you for free Wow and he said yeah man why not because he's - always he couldn't use it in the branding machine yeah and that's how I got my lawn mower no money down right you know just entrepreneurial thinking outside the box it got to be resourceful right and I did that and and then I also have approached one of my my mom's friend and my aunt at a time she used to run a printing company like a print printing business card and all that kind of stuff flyers so hey you know end why don't I help you promote like why don't you print out some flyers about your service signed H and everything and and put on some flies I'll go around the neighborhood and I'll distribute it and all I'm asking is a fly has two sides once I put your stuff the other side I put my my little you know lawn mowing business information right and I did that with printed like five thousand fliers and I run around the neighborhood again no money right and just doing that and I remember a district apart like five six thousand fliers and I like I ran home I was waiting for the phone to ring I'm like okay this is it I'm gonna be I'm gonna be rich doing this right I'm gonna be a get a hundred phone calls I'm gonna build your team together I'm gonna buy more lawn mowing machines like in my home I I just created Sol vision first day no call okay second day no call and I thought no no no maybe did I print out the wrongful numbers no way third day no call yeah that's what I learned doesn't matter how nice a lot more you have doesn't matter what you do you got it have marketing yeah you gotta know how to bring customers in right so that business went under in about like three four months didn't make any like I make a couple hundred bucks and then afterwards I started Knicks business like fixing computers with people I try vending machines I try a network marketing all right so they get my friends direct them into stuff try to talk to people in strangers in the mall it's really funny like I did the dumbest thing you refused to get a job like you just you had that entrepreneurial you the thing is if you ask me the question right Oh Dan what why what kept me going what's the motivation there's no motivation every time I fell in a business venture I was further and further in debt so by the time I feel I feel thirteen businesses before having my first success after you fail so many businesses I was so I was in so much debt if I was just to get a job I would never pay that off it would take me to me 20 years to pay that off so it's more like I'm back to the corner I have no way out I gotta make it work so now I thought to myself I just gotta keep trying and if I can just make it and then it'll be fine and that's exactly what it is so I mean if you're in debt that don't think about if you or I want to save a few pennies let's not join the Starbucks coffee in the morning if that makes a difference it's not gonna make a difference you need to focus on wealth creation so you make more money then you can wipe out the debt in short period of time right and so that's my all my failures now how how I went from this depth here there's its when I found my first mentor now at a time I was reading thinking Grow Rich I was reading how to win friends and influence people I'm sure you've read all that that both those books and those things help like the workshops those things help but what changed my life is when I found my first mentor James Allen and Allen was the one who taught me under his wings and and I worked over for him for close to one year for no money I basically volunteer and I worked in his office was helping out to the best of my ability I always preferred that year that's the million dollar year of my life because I got a million dollar years worth education from from him they taught me business marketing copywriting how it actually works versus I was trying all these crazy stupid ideas on my own right yeah so that made me not to be the answer for everybody but that was the answer for me they're finding their first mentor that changed everything after I worked for Allen for one year then I started my own one-man advertising agency I was doing copywriting writing ads for people at a time I was in my early proud early 20s and I was making about 10,000 a month as a copywriter that's my first taste of success oh that's I mean as a young guy 10k a month it's yeah it felt yeah may not be a lot of money for some people I know but for me there was a lot of money back then right so and from there copywriting that's my first what ecology of my first high income skill and I'm cooperating I transition to marketing consultation where was because my clients were asking me hey you writing a copy for me how am I gonna use these things so that transition into that and by using that money at a time as you know you read you know my story then I went online to affiliate marketing I was also selling stuff on eBay I was importing Bruce Lee collectibles from Hong Kong and selling on eBay all of that and that's how I made like Cohen Co make the money and I made my first million when I was 27 years old and from there you know multi million by the age of 30 I'm 37 now right yeah Wow time isn't time flies it's amazing and now and now you know to this day you're investing you're doing so many different projects and it's like that so yeah so fun from that too so I mean I've evolved from a copywriter marketer to intern a marketer but now I just see myself at just an entrepreneur because I do so many things right and I think in your career you'll evolve as well I'm sure you experienced the same thing right yeah from where you were well you learn maybe the skills you've learned originally it's not gonna get you to that next level so you have to evolve and learn business you learn the marketing skills but then business then building a team and a culture and yeah and we were just talking about this before we turn on the camera that first maybe you're more it could be more lifestyle entrepreneur yeah then you might evolve into you know what I've done the thing I've done you know see that's sitting on the beach you know all that and traveling I've done all that now what snicks you want to look for the next thing right yeah that's awesome and why do you think so many people fail in spite of the best efforts you know a lot of people watching this right now they've maybe tried different ways of making money online or building businesses why do you think is the the main reason why a lot of people fail I think that tubing reasons the first one is I think because of the whole internet that they have people have this unwilling spectators they see someone like you and say oh Stefan is doing this it's got a YouTube channel and he's doing Kindle publishing and I want to do that you know I maybe I'll make some videos to what they don't see is how many years of effort that you put into it so most people they listen to a webinar they watch a video and they say oh this guy's making whatever how much money online I could do that and they jump into it and then they try for three months and so all this thing doesn't work yeah right oh they come into the next thing bitcoin whatever it now it's bitcoin so hard right oh and then and then they try that and they try for three months all that doesn't work they try the next thing so I think that expectations unrest expectations' need to the you disappointment and failure I'll give you a perfect sample so let's say actually I share a story with you about a karate master okay this is karate master and there's this student and he said you know what master I want to be a black belt what would it take for me to be a black belt well the master said well if you want to be a black belt what I need to do is I want you to come to the school to dojo I want you to come two times a week and I want you to practice two hours each time and then in four years you'll be a black belt the students like oh that's no that's too much work that takes too long I'm not gonna do that I thought it's gonna be like a one-year thing I just showed up like once a week right you can get a black belt no let me tell you about different student a second student who is actually shorter not as athletic not as talented approaches to master and say hey master I want to be a black belt what would it take the master said well for you you Andy to show arm so showed up four times a week practice two hours each time because you're not as talented you're not as strong you know take you six years the second student said is that it when can I start yeah now think about the attitude of that the second student actually has more things has to overcome he has to work harder to get to that goal the black belt but because this expectation is oh yeah okay that's kind of what I was thinking sure now then the second student would be successful in the first one wouldn't right so I think that expectation where the thing is going to take this much effort so they think I'm sure you have students hey Stefan I took your cores I published like to ebooks it's not selling oh man this thing this Kindle thing doesn't work how many how many books have you done yeah I've done a well over a hundred so yeah do they all work no no and I've I think it's also the perception that you have a failure because you know people like you or not we don't believe really in fail you know we you know we believe every experience is an asset if you learn from it so sometimes I purposely fail yes you know I want to try this or try that because if you're not trying if you're not failing you're not trying and I experimenting what not to you right so it's exactly it and then you see oh they try to upload to YouTube videos how come they hasn't gone viral yeah yeah how come I don't have the video with 1 million views how many views have you done now right and how many things you've tried right that's what I mean like successful people I think we just view that very differently so that expectation is for the first one and I think you know I I called the dabbler mentality versus the master in tality but the dabblers after the newness the excitement that the short-term get-rich-quick the master has the patience long term they delay the gratification right there they're in it for the process and I always believe if you master the process the results will follow whereas if you're so attached to the results why am I not seeing it yet then that's when you get discouraged and also because then they're desperate they're coming from place where they're desperate not coming from a place of abundance yeah where I kind of make it work I gotta make this money and all this stuff the funny thing is as you know money is a byproduct value creation of money is not something when you try to chase money it doesn't come to you the more you try to chase them and I want to make the money I want to make the money you can see these people that so desperate they don't make money you don't make money but if you are more at ease and you focus on delivering value yeah money comes yeah let me think about today how much you make the effort that you put in versus and they say for many years ago where you put in a lot of like hard work and you and I gotta make money trying to make that $1,000 how difficult that was Memphis now 1,000 bucks is like yeah it's so easy and what changed yeah right yeah what changed it's a very different mindset you know a different person and the people that come and say well I'm not making money and I get results my answer is well what value have you provided to be able to be worthy and deserving of that money yeah nothing right so when you provide the value people will line up to give you the money their products or services or whatever it is you have you look at the people who is making money who making millions of dollars either they are selling something for a lot of money or they're impacting a lot of people you can't help you cannot be oh I want to make all this money but I don't want to deliver value to anybody yeah that's very selfish it doesn't work that way so so that's think that's first recent the unrealistic expectation where they thing is gonna take this much whatever you're thinking right now is gonna take always more if you think out to make ten thousand dollars I need this much effort yeah you multiply that by three or five yeah and it multiplied the timeframe by three or five then you don't get disappointed then you like you know what yeah that's what it is the same thing for me we just did a website yeah we thought it'd be done within like six months later so I'm going you never you know like these things take time this always takes longer than sometimes what you expect definitely does yeah and the second one which you kind of have touched on I think it's the mindset that I think to be successful you need the mindset and you need the skill set you need both so without the mindset I don't care how good you are how good the product is or how could your offer is none of that matters because your mind your mind says not at the right place you may have negative association with money you may have negative associated with people who's got money you might have negative association with success or fear or failure I actually find that most people are afraid of have fear of success more than failure because they do they know how to fail what they don't know is how to succeed so they're actually not comfortable with success you can tell you look at people where sometimes use like I see people even I recommend people to do they change the environment and and when I had no money I would go to you like when I was to incorporating I would go to a downtown I would go to the hotel and I would stay in the hotel and I would just work in the lobby because I want the environment I want to be comfortable I know and and that's I make more money I would I would get a cup of tea as I make more money like I could I would get do lunch there I can a business meeting there then finally I can make enough money to stay there but it's that comfort so they're not comfortable with success although they say they want success but they actually not comfortable with it you can see that behavior even the minute they make a little bit of money that goo yeah even even some cases to it might mean that more successful you become you might get some critics or haters or people jealous you have to deal with that right a lot of people they're afraid of you know going for tundra but also also your friends would think differently of you yeah right your friends and family and you might have to get some new friends yeah I hate to say it but yeah yeah it's isn't that so the mindset if you have the mindset that's all good so you you are you have the abundance mindset but then you also need a skill set to back it up because without the skills you can't deliver value to the marketplace so doesn't matter let's say Stefan it's you know Tony Robbins positive thinking grata to all that it's good but if you cannot communicate you cannot teach you cannot sell you cannot blog you cannot market you cannot make videos you don't have those skills it does not matter Yeah right you need desk skills to bring that to the marketplace you're sure right and over the years I mean what skills you have to evolve the yeast think about it yeah that that oh that are important for you right for sure speaking speaking writing communicating selling right yeah even how to use the camera everything right and that's what makes you successful yeah I think just the mindset we both have which is constant growth krons constant learning and I see how much your going to seminars you you don't need to invest in yourself anymore but you still do right it's it's just a never-ending process and I think as long as you keep learning growing and you're fully committed then you can learn and develop I think because also another principle that I believe in is the principle this like edge where if if I read that book if I go to that seminar maybe I know 80% of stuff but maybe I get a cup of golden nuggets from that that will help me take my life and my business to the next level I'm all for it versus like sometimes people ask me about like you know cuz I believe in phone shiny and arranged my furniture in certain way to attract more success and abundance and good health and I always say to people well you don't have to believe in it I'm saying why the hell would you not do it yeah it doesn't cost anything you have the same furniture maybe I put a tree here and there but if that would give me an edge even though psychological it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy I said why not why would you not do it if I can read that book there would make me a better leader why would I not read that book it makes no sense right so I I believe in that that's like edge if if I can get that I would get it there's no hesitation that's awesome yeah so you know you've obviously had a lot of successes and failures what would you if you get to go back in time is there anything you would do differently you know they help you maybe get to where you wanna be at the same time a lot of what you've been through I sure that become very valuable assets for you in your life today I think first of all people ask me about my whole my father incident where he went bankrupt I think personally it's actually decreased the greatest thing that ever happened to me because if it wasn't for that there would be no dialogue today right because if my father if middle-class and we didn't have that experience I wouldn't be so driven if I didn't guess you know scam you know by my partner at a young age I wouldn't be that's like eager to hide hungry to learned so I wouldn't change a thing for that the only thing I would change its I wouldn't start all these crazy businesses I probably wouldn't do that because I think I started the business with the wrong intent which is what most people do it's the worst time it's not a businesses when you're desperate all the worse times now the business is you work for somebody else you hate the boss and you quit now I'm gonna do something that's not a good reason I always say before you start any business venture you should ask yourself why you and why now like what makes what qualifies you to be in this space why am I now why not two years later one or two years ago so I would say I wouldn't start all these business ventures get to think about if I was skip that I'm not trying to get rich quick and getting involved with all these crazy opportunities if I were just to limb for my mentor and give up my skill yeah I would just develop my skill and offer my skill to the world and just make money as a copywriter I would have skipped a long learning curve right so that's what I would have done differently I would focus on skills and not starting the business first okay so I know you have a bit of a different take when it comes to financial freedom do you mind sharing with people what that is well not just a different take I actually think financial freedom is an illusion and I learned that through my career because at first I was attracted by the whole idea of all you're making enough money you don't have to do any work the whole four-hour work week thing right where by the way a team doesn't work for hour a week you probably doesn't even sleep for hours a day so it's a sexy concept but I'll tell you why I think is illusion first of all if you think about it let's say how would you would define financial freedom let's say the Robert Kiyosaki definition it's where your passive income exceeds your expense right let's save your overheads personal expenses 5,000 a month you make 5,000 a month then you're financially free by definition right it sounds good but here's what I've learned just because you're free today doesn't mean you're free tomorrow you know right so you might have an internet business that's making you 5,000 a month this year but they said make you still - same amount of money Nick yeah right it changes yeah so so you may be very free today but you're less free tomorrow you might have an investment that's making you passive income today but if something happens to the investment it turns bad or attendant moves out let's say you're investing real estate then suddenly you're not so free anymore right so that's also why and I think the whole concept of where you are you are working towards something to get away from something yeah yeah if that makes sense where I wonder I want to work so hard to get to a point where I don't have to do what I do anymore if you think about it it kind of doesn't make sense it's not very integrate approach to life it's where it's like saying hey I'm gonna be an athlete I'm going to be strong I'm gonna be healthy boy when I win the gold medal I'm not gonna exercise anymore I'm just gonna be a lazy bum and eat pizza all day it doesn't make any sense so are you are you in or you know are you not it versus the whole concept where this is just what I do I'm growing I'm contributing I'm learning that's good so instead aiming for financial freedom I always tell people nowadays aim for financial confidence now a financial confidence is a different animal financial confidence is knowing you know what you can lose everything today but I'm secure in my own self and my skills I can make it yeah I can make it back has nothing to do with the investment it has nothing to do with vehicle has nothing to do with that passive income stream because at the end a you created passive income stream it's not that Inc passive income stream it's we did it so versus aiming for something why not developed a financial confidence that's to security doesn't matter if you're in Vancouver doesn't matter if you're in LA doesn't matter if you're New York it doesn't matter that's a matter where you doesn't matter what business you're in because before nowadays people tell me Oh Dan everything that you touch turns into gold you know this business mixed money and and that investment makes money well I think you should have met me when I was young when everything I touch turns into [ __ ] yeah at a time when I buy stock it would go down the next day when I get involved in a business you know the partner would disappear where does that come from there's nothing to do with it yeah it's nothing so financial confidence is what we should aim for so the mindset you can lose the money and everything else but the mindset and the skill sets that's with you forever it doesn't matter it doesn't matter what it doesn't matter what the what we do today is in this space yeah the education space is what we love to do I can tell you I can be Anatoli different space still it doesn't matter I'll be I'll rise to the top it makes no difference well I find especially in the online marketing space if you don't keep evolving with technology because technology is constantly evolving if you don't keep up to date with that you could you know have your little websites making you money okay years ago but that websites like obsolete sorted right yeah it's not like that yeah it's truly not like that and I think it's more than shipping the focus of and some external focus of the vehicle or getting away from something it's hey how can we improve how can we be better how can we be more secure it's nothing it's not because you're yeah YouTube YouTube channel that's awesome it's your list that's awesome your block that's awesome but doesn't matter I take that away you steal you you steal stuff and you can still do something else and you can still make it work yeah and you know it deep down yeah now that's true confidence yeah that's true security not the income stream yeah there's nothing and if you're if you're doing what you love and you're passionate but you don't want to stop that no you know you don't want it you know work for hours you want to spend a lot of it because you love it if it fills you you're making a difference and you're becoming who you want to be I always say look at the people forget their whole like gurus space people like the pitch the whole financial freedom thing let's put that aside let's study the people who are let's say that the force 500 the most successful people on the planet financially think about what they do now all of them could have retired a long time ago yeah all of them Buffett Gates look at any one of them they could all with how long time ago but why don't they there may enough money not only they don't retired they don't even if you I would challenge you to watch interviews with them listen to the words did they use the words like 4-hour workweek do they use words like I want to be financially free they don't even it's not even in the vocabulary they don't even think about that what they're thinking is how they could be better what they're thinking is impacted a society what the thinking is how they could solve a major problem for the world it's a different focus they're not thinking about doing nothing say in a beach they could have done that years ago years and years ago but that's not what they're thinking there's something to be said about that if it's such a good idea why don't the top 4 or 500 people do it yeah it's not a good idea richer they have retired they have retired to the business yeah that's the passion yeah that's what they love to do right same thing with us is what we love to do agree okay now you've been in online marketing space for over a decade now what are you at great here what do you see you know you seen a lot of opportunities come and go what do you see as the next big what do you see that it's the direction of it and what do you see as the next big opportunities I think the the whole internet marketing space has changed so much in the last even three-four years that a lot of stuff where before it's not free now it's free so there's a lot of free content on YouTube on videos on Facebook this infinite amount of content and if you're in the internet marketing space and if you're selling information I think the whole idea where you're selling you know the typical funnel where you have yourself something for free and then opt-in and then they sell us on what 20 bucks and then you sell them 200 bucks and then maybe you sell them something for 90 bucks a month or and then you sell something for eventually $2,000 I think that models did that's what I'm concerned because the cost of acquiring customers it's in getting increasingly very very expensive yeah like what what's before - what it's now you know all right so your front end product and ninety seven dollar product that $200 product you don't make money on it or it all becomes a way to to make a sale to get a customer that's it you don't make money from that all the money is in the back end so that's why I'm very much a big believe and hold a high ticket model where all your money you need to have some sort high ticket program in on the back end that's where you make your money because your front end don't make money before front end you runs a mass you're still making little money now you don't I look at across the board any entrepreneur any marketers I look at the numbers your fondant at best you're breaking even at worse you're losing money to get that customer now until you can have them something sell them something for high ticket I'd maybe two three five ten thousand dollars that's where all your money is made and if you don't have that your business is suffering you cashflow suffering period right and if you don't have a good way of converting them into those high ticket cells you can grow you just cannot grow and that your business would have a lot of these ups and downs right right yeah I'm sure that's the way I see where you gotta have some kind of high ticket program if you don't have one you got an offer one if you do have one I'll actually I'll give you another thing where before the whole idea is more this you think of the three levels the first level it's kind of DIY do-it-yourself where they buy something and here's some videos yeah good luck yeah and then you have kind of done with you where you're kind of hand-holding them a bit give them leave more coaching more hands-on approach and you can charge more money for that but the most money that you can charge is the high ticket way it's done for you mm-hmm that's where all the money is so that's how wedding world's evolving right because everybody's getting getting so busy and people need specialists Yeah right we need someone to yeah it's good you teach teach me do all stuff why don't you just pay you and do it for me cuz I'm so busy with just my thing right it's like if you're gonna do like YouTube or Instagram there's no one no way someone can master all of that just YouTube alone yeah right we need a specialist too hey you know what show us how to do that help us optimize our Channel Instagram okay help me with that pillar yeah and here's another pillar here's another pillar yeah I think that's that's what's changing yeah so the done-for-you high a premium price and the backend awesome and then what for someone is watching this right now maybe they've tried a lot of different things online nothing's really worked for them what advice would you give someone that might be watching that wants to earn their first 100k online yeah I think there are so many different business models you can't have I mean of course you can make money from Amazon you can which is a great model because you're leveraging a platform right you can make money on selling digital product you can make money coaching you can make there's so many different ways to do it but regardless regardless I believe the the reasoned you can say the secret to my success it's my ability to close because you think about in life everything and anything you ever want well success relationship fulfilment anything new you want somebody else already has it yeah we just need to have the ability to go and close them yeah right let's say my relationship with my wife well when I propose I close yeah the cell I close the deal right it's the same idea it's everything that you want other people already they already have it but you need your ability to close and to get that from them right so would you call was that sales skills or marketing skills people it's people might think that it's just sales but to me they're a lot like selling and closing they actually two different things sure because there are a lot of people selling but they're not closing right right then a lot of people do marketing but they're not closing so example if you your marketing you're building you know you're building a funnel you're generating leads but closing it's how do we convert that into an actual sell a lot of people try to sell even some telemarketer try to call me that's selling but they're not closing so I think closing is a whole different different out of set skill so I think for anyone doesn't matter what they do let's say you're offering coaching the other day I have someone email me well dad I want to be I want to be a coach I said I'll be like I want to do my call for mass coaching service I said before all the coaching service you didn't learn how they closed so you have somebody that would pay you for your coaching service so you could coach on somebody right that's one thing if you are if you want to grow your business you want you want to approach it JV partners you got to close a JV partner so they will want to promote you if you want to get someone on your show a podcast you need people close somebody and persuade influence them so they want to be on your show it's all the same doesn't matter what you do it's all the same it's so no different than what I'm doing today the difference the only difference is what I'm closing today just bigger numbers but this skill is this thing that's awesome so we're actually gonna do a webinar together which is coming soon but you can access that while the link below this video you can go to you but it's a few money with Stefan calm and just for registering for the webinar Dan's actually give you a copy of his book here a few money which I've shared with you guys made a big difference in my life highly recommend you guys read this book it is a life changer do you want to share with them a little bit about the webinar what they'll learn and just a little bit about that so maybe you have tried different ways to trying to make it online to make it first $10,000 maybe you're trying to sell money or make money on eBay or you try to make money through even Amazon or on network marketing or whatever vehicles they have chosen doing this women I'm gonna share with you what I believe over I mean all the models I've talked about membership ebooks I've tried them all what I believe I believe for someone who is getting started the the fastest way to get to that 10,000 a month that the vehicle that I have chosen just because the students that I've trained I can see guys in early 20s making from like making two three five ten thousand dollars a month in not like two three years but in two three months but in a very very short period of time so I'm gonna share with you that model but also I'm gonna give you a copy of my book a few money as well right there's this book actually as I mentioned you guys I highly recommend you guys read it made a huge difference in my life so a lot of people they don't see that the thing is the stack of coin basic hahahaha subliminal message so you guys will get this for free just for registering for the webinar yeah right awesome and then go to a few money with a Stefan goal will have a link below click on that or go to WWE you money with Stefan calm otherwise I want to thank you so much for taking the time for having us in your home here looking forward to the webinar hopefully you guys enjoyed this if you did make sure to leave a comment below we call check out dance youtube channel as well we'll link to that but thank you guys for watching we'll see you on the webinar gonna webinar you
Channel: Project Life Mastery
Views: 549,877
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to make money online, Dan Lok, internet entrepreneur, mentor, online business, business, success, financial freedom, collaboration, interview, high ticket products, FU Money, wealth triggers, investing, martial art philosophies, self development, wing chun, bruce lee, financial confidence, passive income, millionaire mindset, tedx, sales, copy writing, online marketing, skillset, high ticket sales, close a deal, inspirational story, the 4 hour workweek, contribution, fulfillment
Id: Wo21a7iyxoc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 2sec (3122 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 15 2018
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