How To Have More Confidence

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- [Driver] But Dan, how do I have more confidence? (confident music) - Well the first thing you gotta fucking change is your fucking voice. Like, how do I have more confidence? Wow, fuck. That voice, you'll never have confidence, right? Confidence, I believe, is something that you need to develop. When I was young, I had no confidence. When I first came to Canada, I was the invisible kid. I was the kid that would sit in the very back of the classroom, I would never put up my hand, never answer any questions, 'cause I couldn't speak a word of English. I didn't know how to connect with people. I didn't know how to talk to people. So I had no confidence. I would finish, I remember clearly, I would, I had no friends, I would finish class, and, with my little backpack I would look, look, look at the floor, I wouldn't make eye contacts with anybody, 'cause I was afraid to connect with people. And I wouldn't talk to anybody, I would just go home and every single day was like that. And I wanna make sure I walk on the side along the locker, verses walking the center, 'cause I don't want to bump into anybody. I was so afraid that people would even wanna ask me a question. I was so afraid of people, so I had no confidence. And you just fast forward today, what I do and how I do these things and, and with millions of followers on social media, and my businesses, my accomplishments, and whatever the hell that those things are. Confidence is developed. I know for a fact that I'm a fucking walking breathing example of you can develop confidence. But sometimes people confuse confidence with arrogance. They think, oh, does that mean there's a prick, that they're arrogance, that their attitude, that's confidence. That's not confidence. Like all this, you see that martial a lot, right? They're puff up macho like look at how fucking tough I am. That's not confidence, that's fucking insecurity. It's only insecurity, insecure people would like need to puff up and say how fucking good I am. You're a fucking good, I don't need to puff up to know that I'm fucking killing it. You don't need to do that, right. You don't need to do that. In martial, if you're good fighter, you don't need to do that. You need to show, let me show how tough I am. It's not like that. Because that's not the enemy. The enemy's yourself, within. So, off track, come back. Confidence. Confident comes from competence. How could you get confident, confidence if you suck at everything? You're not good at anything. You don't have no skills. You have no direction. Of course you have no confidence. Very simple, and the problem is, in your life, the people around you, the role models that you have? Not role models, just the people around you in general. Think about the people around you, parents, relatives, friends. How many of them have confidence? Not the phony types, not those bullshit. How many of them truly have inner self confidence? Count them. Not many. And those are people around you. So when you learn from those people, of course you have no fucking confidence. But when you develop that skills, when you develop that compedence, when you're good at what you do, you feel good about what you do, you do more what you do, and people tell you that you're fucking good. Of course, guess what. Then you get more and more confidence. When I was learning how to do public speaking, when I went to my very first Toastmasters meeting, I had no confidence. I was so afraid, my face was pale, I was shaking, I was reading from the fucking script. And I couldn't deliver a speech. I would stutter and I couldn't do it. But I kept at it, and I kept at it, and kept at it, and it got a little bit better, and it got a little bit better, and it got little bit better, until one day, someone, someone from the audience told me afterwards oh Daniel, you're pretty good at this. Oh, I'm pretty good at this? Yeah, you're pretty good at this. I think you good speaker. Wow, thank you so much, that's, I'm honored, wow. And once I hear more of that, kind of, validation, more and more validation, it builds my confidence, bit by bit. Think of confidence like a fucking, it's a brick. One brick at a time. Not overnight, but one brick at a time. You build that, you build that. Even I made mistake, I fucked up, and lost money in business, all this shit, I build it back up, I recover. That gave me more confidence. You know what I could do this once, I could do it a second time, I could do it a third time. I know for a fact that I didn't create it, I didn't accomplish my success by default. I created my success by design. That gives me confidence. Knock on wood, I could lose everything tomorrow, I know that I could make everything back and more. Not because the money, because of who I am. That's confidence. Drop me anywhere in the world that speaks English, that has a capitalist system. U.S., U.K., America, Hong Kong, China, fucking whatever, you name it, I could make it. And plus more. That's confidence. That comes from, that's true confidence. That's why it's not this illusion of oh yeah, all this maybe, yeah how do I get there. You get fucking good at what you do, you have confidence. How could you not have confidence when you're so good at what you do. That's a problem with young people, you're not good at anything. Oh, I'm so fucking good. No, tell me the fucking truth, you're not good at anything. There no substance. You have no foundation, right? Besides jacking off in front of computer, what else do you do? Nothing, that's the fucking problem. Once you have that, once you can do that, confident comes, and no one can take that away from you. No one can take that away from you. That you own. When you can approach anything, a business deal, any venture, any business, with that unshakable confidence, nothing stops you. Nothing stops you. That's where you need to get to. So how do you develop confidence. I cannot give you confidence. Watching me does not gonna give you confidence. Fucking do shit, make shit happen. That internal confidence, you give yourself, no one can take that away. So comment below. Ask me a good question. Ask a question, with confidence. Maybe I'll answer it. Also, confidently, hit that subscribe button. Sometimes just pisses me off, you watch my video, you don't even subscribe to my fucking channel. What the fuck is wrong with you. Subscribe to my channel, hit that button. And watch my other videos. Don't watch the other fucking videos. Don't watch some pranks and don't watch like people with their boobs and girls and all this shit. Those things don't make you rich, those things make you poor. Don't watch their stuff that most people watch. Watch videos that makes you more successful and makes you money. That's how you build a life, and that's how you gain more confidence. You got this? You really got this? (snapping fingers) Good. Next time, I'll see you in my Bentley.
Channel: Dan Lok
Views: 404,157
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How To Have More Confidence, Have More Confidence, dan lok, Boss In the Bentley, how to develop your confidence, how to be more confident, how to build self confidence, self confidence, more confident, self help, self esteem motivational video, self esteem improvement, Develop confidence, FU Money, Dan, Lok, Boss, In, The, Bentley, How, to, Have, more, Confidence, Develop, power, esteem
Id: fcPmFcS8QoA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 2sec (422 seconds)
Published: Wed May 23 2018
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