Starfield - Rarest Legendary Ship Encounters - Va'ruun Shroudbearer Breakdown

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hello and welcome to where I find my ships today we're going to be taking a look at the Shroud Bearer which is a legendary ship encounter rather rare for Meely rare over 600 hours in and I've only seen it once but that's just the luck of the RNG gods and that's fine cuz today we're going to have a look at all the weapons some of the Class M components and just touch on some of the methods of how to pay more attention to increase your chances to find the legendary encounters so the Shroud Bearer is the Veron Battleship it is a Class M and it is massive and it looks fantastic CH of wait till we can fly these and down the track when we can actually board them spend like 30 minutes raing these giant ships that's going to be a lot of fun it's coming it is the biggest ship that you can find for the Veron faction being a class am unfortunately we cannot fly or Pilot these yet they're not actually properly built out but I don't think there's any current method to fly them I could be wrong please let me know if you can pilot the Legendary Ships with or without mods be very keen to try that okay so let's dive into it so this is the Shroud Bearer do note I'm able to get it into my Shipyard using some console commands if you're interested in how to do that I'll add that at the end of the video and just look at it it looks absolutely amazing I love this fuel system it's just awesome got a quad Silo a large tank got pipes got a reactor here I think it's got possibly two reactors I could be wrong no it's just the one look at that the 8780 mag Target reactor now I'm still on the lookout to find out if someone has compiled all the D for all the Class M components um so then we can go through these in a bit more detail and get an actual better understanding of how good they are in terms of their components but this fuel system is just awesome even got the pipes down into the grab Drive which is really cool cuz ex a bit more realistic then we have another fuel tank at the bottom here at the back I mean but I'll just yeah it's really cool how they've done it and now for the engines these are all Class M so I don't really have a lot of information but you can just look at the engine thrust the engine thrust it is huge now the maneuvering thrust is extremely poor on these engines only coming in at 6,000 so when you look at the engine thrust and compare it to the maneuvering thrust this is very poor engine and the mobility for this is only 43 which is surprising I thought would have thought with these huge Eng engines it would be at least 100 but there you go so the engines look awesome but they actually have terrible terrible maneuvering thrust which makes it a kind of a bad choice for Class M but I guess with a ship this big having 43 Mobility might not be too bad and hopefully we'll be able to get some uh better detail and data on all the different Class M components okay so why we're at the back here so this is the N400 grav drive but I assume it's not that good for a Class M it does have a max power of 12 but the grab Drive jump thrust is pretty low so it only gives it a jump range of 16 light years which again maybe for Class M that's not too bad but I was expecting a lot higher for a jump range now under the class C the highest NG grab drive you can get is the NG 340 grab Drive which actually has more jump thrust at 45 and a max power of 11 so even looking at the best class C version of the NG Nova Drive it's definitely looking like this isn't a very good one now for the reactor these are Class M so the power generators is humongous and funnily enough it says it's Starship design rank four so that's pretty funny and here we have the reactor the reactor is linked in to all the fuel and pipes really cool to see I really like how they Design This 8780 mag it has a huge amount of power generated 64 but it has quite a low Hull health for for a Class M I'm guessing at 181 but if we look at the highest class C dog star mag reactor which is a Class B it can generate 39 power and has a pretty low Hull health of 71 so it's interesting just to compare those two so it's it might have worse Hull Health but it's actually not too bad considering it's a Class B and also just note look at the prices of these components where it's available 500,000 just for the reactor woo and look at the engines 73,000 for the engines what that's crazy they don't have prices for some of these other components uh we'll just have a quick look underneath we got some more piping it's a complete damond build and do note so there's a couple Weapons Under here we'll take a look at the weapons just in a moment so we've had a look at the reactor the grab Drive um they've got the fuel tank which looks amazing and some of the silos that are just there for cosmetic got the large tank on top pipes here and then yeah the rest of this is pretty much just Class M opponents but yeah you can see here we can move them but unfortunately if you look at the errors there is so many so there's probably a way to get around this I'll have to um have a look might be some mods um and the big trouble is there is no there is no landing gear no way to enter the ship so I think that's one of the first things You' need to do we would ever to try get onto something like this but down the track we sure someone will figure that out so for the cockp we have the DS 40.2 not too bad like I was expecting maybe a bigger version this one we can buy ourselves which pretty cool but yeah it's just a fantastic looking ship let's take a look at the weapons okay so first up for the weapons we have the blaze P 2G wsx pulse laser turret and this is a weapon we can actually buy and attach ourselves it is a turret so it's going to be automatic it is a C-Class now it requires a power of four the Shroud Bearer has six so that's pretty crazy rate of fire four 21,000 a pop with a level unlock of 30 and I think it has a base range of 1,200 but now this is where it gets crazy cuz if we combined the hull damage you get you get 192 if you combine the shield damage you get 6 00 all six of the blaze P mashing you at once doing 600 Shield damage per second which is pretty crazy and that's why on very hard it just absolutely shreds not to mention we got to cover the other weapon but this is a Class M so you can actually put six on it has two at the front two at the back two underneath you can probably attach more I don't know what the limits are for Class M next we have the disruptor 334a auto Alpha turret again it's another auto turret it's going to be firing from quite a distance automatically it is a class seat does require a power of four again a reif fire of four and a pretty cheap price of of 15,100 a pop with a level unlock of 24 now normally we can only have three of these on a Class C the Shroud Bearer has six in total two on top of the cockpit two on the front and two underneath and when looking at the damage for all six we're looking at a combined Hull and shield damage of 456 is definitely not bad if you factor in the other damage from the previous weapon oh and most importantly it is a particle weapon should have said that at the start it is a particle weapon so it is got the good range quite strong does great Hull and shield damage now if you do want to purchase this I'll put it up on the screen cuz there's only a select few technicians that sell this just in case you want to try it out yourself and just in case you're curious there are only three other base ships in Starfield that will have this weapon attached the base one Claymore silent Runner and the star semi so just an interesting thought there now next we have a ballistic weapon there's actually no base ships in Starfield that have this weapon attached now I'll probably murder this but it's the jiz ndrf rapid rail gun turret it is another turret so it automatically fires it is a Class C with a power of three definitely it's in the top 10 for the ballistic weapons it comes at a cost of 22,500 per pop the level unlock of 27 now they're only four of them attached which would give you a combined Hull damage of 384 and a combined Shield damage of 112 So when you look at all these weapons they're not too shabby at all especially with the sheer amount of them again you have some of these at the front some on the side and then at the underneath you got some tucked under here not too bad now it'll be really cool to check out some of these other Legendary Ships I haven't been out to find them so if you happen to have a save where they're still in orbit and not destroyed and you're happy to share that with me be awesome if you would be able to send me that and then I can do another video on these Legendary Ships where we can try to cover them in a bit more detail moving on to some of the tips to find them there's no for sure way in finding these vessels they're very rare and happen at random but make sure you visit all the black ship icons as these can turn into legendary encounters so for example I found the shra bar in seenus system which is pretty cool cuz that's probably the system you think you would find it the reason you want to go to these ship icons is that they do turn into these legendary events it is much rarer but that's how you'll find it now I don't know if you can use a save and reload trick on one ship icon try to see if you get different results I did test it very briefly and each time I got the exact same sort of event but I don't think you can do that I think it's determined as soon as it appears do let me know if that's not correct and you can find these shipping counters anywhere in the universe could be level one system could be level 75 I would probably tend to stick to the higher level systems but again it's up in the air about how it works but at least this would just give you an idea of how you can find these ship encounters I I didn't actually realize this for quite some time okay so for you PC players out there if you do want to get the Shroud Bearer into your inventory even though you won't be able to fly it what you want to do is when you find it you want to fly as close as you possibly can to it basically touching it at least 100 m if not closer you want to be facing it and you want to click to your console make sure you click on the ship and you'll get this gbfm number make sure that's selected and then you want to go R set player home spaceship and then enter that code in that's next to the gbfm I'll put this command into the description you want to copy and paste it and then you hit enter and you want to make sure it says success at the end of the command there that way you know that it's been added to your to your inventory now it says it's your home ship but it really isn't your home ship it will just sit in your inventory you can register it you can look at it but you can't do anything outside that now the reason we have to use this command and there's no other way else you can't spawn these ships like you would others you can only do this if you see it in front of you at least to my knowledge if there's other ways of doing it do let me know but that should get you the Shroud Bearer into your inventory but that will sort of cover it for this video thanks so much for watching if you got anything out of it let me know if you think I should cover something a bit more or something else on this definely let me know in the comments until next time peace
Channel: SiNKiLLeR
Views: 20,805
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Keywords: starfield, starfield gameplay, starfield guide, Starfield How to, starfield highlander, Best and rarest ship in starfield, rarest ship in starfield, how to get the rarest ship in starfield, rare starfield encounters, starfield news, ultra rare ships starfield showcase, legendary ships starfield, legendary ship encounters starfield, shroudb, Shroudbearer, Spacer Scavenger Blattodea, starfield tips and tricks, rarest ship encounter starfields, shroudbearer starfield
Id: NCZYsi0U2zA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 40sec (640 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 03 2023
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