ONE ROCK WILL LEAD YOU TO MASSIVE AMOUNTS OF GOLD - Gold Prospecting Geology | ask Jeff Williams

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in this video i'm going to show you where to find gold in the most unlikely of places i'm going to talk geology and show you some historic places along the way all that and a whole lot more coming up wow just look at the geology around here isn't this perfect for gold deposition now we're up in the san francisco mountains and if you know anything about these mountains you know that what oatman and you got gold road which is right to the south of us they produce a lot of gold oh and some of it free meal too anyway this is associated with the black mountains you can look it up on any map and the interesting thing about this geology is there's a lot of volcanic activity that was going on you can tell just by looking see that mountain behind me i know it don't look very spectacular you see that black band running through it some people would think that's a sill remember you got dykes and you got sills that's not a sill because it didn't form inside the earth it's part of a lava flow you could tell because the bottom section has been cooked not the top section on top of that is what rhyolite it's a light colored volcanic rock it's an igneous rock and felsic in nature remember there's three different types of igneous rock felsic intermediate mafic and then of course you got ultramafic and we'll talk about that later you have all these volcanic necks this entire ridge is nothing but lava flows and then as you get over to oatman over there you just see these beautiful formations all those were part of dykes and volcanic necks or plugs as they call them they came up and then of course the outer cone was a lot softer most of it's going to be ash flow and it eroded away and it left these beautiful formations behind that's why they're all rough and gnarly and jagged looking and a lot of them are kind of a beige white color while other ones like this ugly one here is dark that's more of a mafic basaltic neck now i want you to take a look in the background you see that boy what do you got you got two plugs over there they're they're day site which is in the rhyolite family and you see a lot of hematite at the base you're gonna find a lot of gold out here in the volcanic ranges that are associated with rhyolite now don't get me wrong you're gonna have gold associated with mafic rock too but it's going to be a different deposition model but for the most part we found more gold when it's associated with rhyolite than when it's associated with basalt so i'm going to show you some stuff around here but first i want to show you some rocks up close and personal because you're hearing all these words and you're thinking jeff every word you say has it on the end of it how am i supposed to remember that stuff well come here boy i'm going to show you all right we're going to go over some rocks real quick the geology out here says it's what mostly all igneous which is a no-brainer but what type of igneous rocks well i'm going to show you the majority of igneous rocks are going to be granitic in nature which is like this monkey right here you can see it's got large crystals growing in it which are called phenocrysts and then of course there's tons and tons of mica in there some people mistake that for gold now of course granite's made up of what mica quartz feldspar you should know that and of course you can see little black spots in there called horn blend well that's a typical type of granetic rock and you're going to see a lot of that as your basement rock out here all right this is another one this is andesite it's an intermediate on your igneous list now if you heard me in the gold fields before you've heard the word andecite you're going to hear it a lot especially in your usgs reports and this one is called trachtite or trackeye depending on how you want to pronounce it now you're going to see this a lot and especially over there in oatman and it's been altered you're going to see this a lot in places like the comstock where this has been altered all right the next one you're going to see out here is rhyolite you're going to see tons of it out here and like i said you find a lot of gold with rhyolite now rhyolite is in the granite family and it's an extrusive rock it just means it came up to the surface really fast and it cooled and so the crystalline structure is very small it's got a fine ground mass to it it comes in all different colors reds yellows whites and pinks now what's associated with it is daysite and this is dayside it's a white igneous rock and you're going to see tons of it out here and like i said you can always tell by using a jeweler's loop it's got a fine ground mask to it and you can see small quartz crystals growing inside of it now in this area you're going to have a lot of stringers that's what they were looking for which are little tiny thin bands of quartz that are running in the rock is where your gold is going to be out here especially where you see a lot of hematite on the outside of it that means a lot of mineralization that's what the old timers are looking for is there anything that had those deep reds or dark purples to them now another rock you're going to see out here a lot are these green rocks now there's all different types of green rocks so don't say one green rock is like another it's called peridotite and it's got a lot of olivine in it and this is really good stuff when you start finding this up in these ranges here start digging around it see if you can find any of this redder material this dark red hematite material or these stringers running around it that's always a good sign too and i'm going to show you why here in a minute oh now before we get going i got one more i got to show you this little guy right here now if you get hungry and you're out in the wilderness these make good eating just soak them in water for 10 minutes and pop them in your mouth ooh they'll fill your belly up fast boy look at this mopper you know what that is huh you better boy that's a five stamp mill or a single battery anyway it's right off the 68 you can't miss it right on the side of the road why is this important think about it son what did i tell you the five top places to find gold one of them was old mill sites and this one's 20 feet from the highway it don't get any easier than this you could see where the mortar box sat right here and then of course they had the cams up there and the bull wheel was over here on the side and then right here they had the steam engine sitting here the power plant to run that darn thing and if you look up above you could see where the trestle is that would feed the back to feed the mortar box and then it would come down off of this and you could see where they had tanks down here at one time check these old mill sites because a lot of the ore that they dumped into this thing is spilled off to the side and you want to collect it up and you want to check it out see if there's any gold now before you do that i highly recommend you check the land status make sure you're not on somebody's property i already checked this thing and it's on open blm land so anybody in their uncle can come over here and sample to their hearts delight and that's what we're going to do i'm going to get up to that trestle where that old trestle used to be and do me some sampling boy you ready are you with me boy i said are you with me boy so come on let's go look at that boy samples ooh and they got sulfur in there too which means sulfite a lot of this oars got sulfides in it you can tell when you break it open give it a good smell you will smell that sulfur in there now most of the time stamped mills they only work for free meal so i want to see if there's free meal associated with these sulfides so what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna collect up as much of this stuff as i can and then we're gonna take it back to the shop run it through the little pilot mill and then we're going to roast it find out what kind of materials in there there's any free meal gold or not and that'll tell me if this is going to be worth coming back to and that's what you should be doing too when you see places like this go ahead and sample make sure the land is open first it doesn't belong to somebody and if there is gold there you're sitting on a gold mine they've done all the work for you all right now i don't know the name of this mill because it's not on any map so we're going to call it the union pass mill because we're right next to union pass on 68 now speaking of union pass there's a small establishment on the other side a homestead if you will and i'm going to take you over there because i think it's important if you're going to come this far you might as well head over the other side and take a look at the homestead over there it's a fantastic site anyway we're going to head on over there now i'll show you what i got oh so you know what i'm going to say huh say it with me boy ready so come on let's go this i bet you didn't know this was here huh this is the old jonathan draper richardson homestead it's right off the 68 you can see the 68 right up there wow look at that it's still here it's been here for like 100 years now if you're not familiar with this place i'm going to give you a background story on this so you can understand all right now the story has it that in 1897 jonathan and his wife victoria they were living in l.a and they got tired of living in l.a they said you know what we want to head out west well they traveled 360 miles in a covered wagon in summer time to get out here can you believe that and they found this spot where the union soldiers used to have an encampment here to protect a lot of the settlers going over this mountain range because they were headed over to colorado river and they were having indian problems here well they saw this place and they said hey this is a perfect place to live it's got water it's shaded and it's it's in a perfect area for a road right through here so that's what they did they built this homestead back in 1897. this this whole place covers 160 acres and they've got a several whales on the property where they dug down and they actually are getting a lot of water there's water everywhere here you can tell by the vegetation and so what they decided to do is hey you know we get so many visitors rolling through here going from kingman to the catherine mine or over to to the colorado river what we're going to do is we're going to start growing fruit trees and vegetables and things like that and then that way when when travelers come passing by we can give them stuff to eat and give them something to drink and maybe if they want they can stay the night so they can rest up keep going wow look at how thick those walls are and it still has the number on the door frame now if you look at the old photographs you can see where they had a balcony here for that door up there and come out here cover the top of this and then there would be stairs they came down right here it was fantastic and then they had a porch back here where people could sit around and eat go in the house and then this was built on later this is an old hotel that was built back in the 40s they had three kids with them when they came out three children and after their parents died um the wife died first victoria from cancer in 35 and then the husband later in 1940. well in 41 the children came back out here and they love this place so much and people were still traveling through they built this this hotel right here it's actually a motel for travelers coming through you can see where they had the wiring up there they had power heat water and it was a really good looking from the old photographs it was really nice looking back in the day you can see the old tool shed in the very back there wow this wasn't a tool shed this is a chicken coop you can see where they had an area set up for the chickens right there all along inside and let's see the chicken wire in here so they could come out here and do what they do and then that way they could have fresh eggs in the morning that makes perfect sense ooh fresh eggs is making me hungry good place to stop to wet your whistle more water pipes everywhere and then down there where the campfires are in this little spot where you see this retaining wall they had another building right here too but it looks like somebody carted it away or burned it down this would have been a fantastic place to hang out after driving on the hot dusty road for hours at a time i mean right now it feels fantastic in here you can see where people been spending night now they were getting so many visitors passing by here and stopping because word had gotten out they said you know what why don't we build a gas station here too that way people driving by they can fuel up their vehicles so that's what they did they built a little gas station come here look at it here's the gas station i was telling you about look at this it was a two popper they had a pump here pump there that was probably for water and air in the middle and then the two posts that held over the awning right here looks like somebody cut that one and pulled i don't know why they pull it out of the ground yeah they did and this is a this is a good looking building they built this in the 30s so people driving by they can stop and they get the fruit or they can get water they can take a break and fuel up their car before they're heading out now a lot of the people passing through here back in those days was headed over to the to the catherine mine it was a very rich gold producer i'll show you that here in a minute but they would stop here and get fuel maybe stay the night and then move on because there was nothing out here for miles usually coming in from kingman and the fruit they had fruit trees everywhere vegetables growing everywhere because there's a ton of water under here there's a basement in there too but i'm not going in there oh no no no before they got here this used to be the cam encampment for the union soldiers when they came through in 1851 that's why they call it union pass and they camped out right here and they actually found remnants of their clothings and buttons and all kinds of stuff laying around here if you didn't know it was here you drive right by like everybody else does now like i said if you ever get a chance to come out here and visit this is right off the old 68. you can't miss it it's the road that connects laughlin with kingman oh and it's a neat place to come down and visit and get a taste of history i'll throw up some old pictures so you can see what it looked like back in the day it was fantastic they did a great job wow remember union pass all right we're going to head on out of here because i want to take you over to catherine mine because i think that's something you should see boy so you know what i'm going to say so come on let's go [Music] do [Music] wow i can't get in there you see that authorized vehicles only areas closed dangerous mine working that's a 900 foot shaft over there and a lot of the collars collapsed in they had to put that big fence around it you see that and they had levels 100 200 300 every 100 feet there was a level and they produced all the way up till 1940. i know there's tons of gold in there but it's all flooded out timbers are rotted i've heard stories about that thing it produced three million dollars worth of gold when it was 20 an ounce all right well i'm sorry i can't get on in there because i don't want to mess with the man so i want to get on out of here i hope you enjoyed today's video and if you did smash that like button boy smash it hard break that button don't forget to leave me a comment if you know more about this mine than i do let me know down in the comment section okay all right well i'm gonna get on out of here so until next time this is jeff williams and who you better know who boy saying you like these old locations we do too you sample in the places i've been telling you about you'll find yourself some ain't you take care everybody [Music] you
Channel: Ask Jeff Williams
Views: 363,233
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ask jeff williams, dan hurd, finding gold, flour gold, geology, gold, gold mine, gold mining, gold panning, gold prospecting, gold rush, goldbug, how to find gold, jeff williams, jeff williams gold, minecraft secrets, minelab, mines, mining gold, one rock will lead you to massive amounts of gold, pioneer pauly, placer gold, prospecting, prospecting for gold, secret gold, sluicing and gold blue bowl
Id: ch4w4__n5kc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 47sec (1127 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 10 2020
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