That's how you'll find RUBIES and SAPPHIRES - #crystals #gems

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imagine for a moment that you're walking along the banks of a river and you come across a dull opaque and ugly Stone after looking at it and seeing that it looks like an ordinary Stone you throw it away but did you know that it could be a precious stone well if this has never happened to you you can be sure that it has happened to someone you know that's because not all precious gems are found polished and so obvious in nature that's why these gems need a little closer inspection to be found just to give you an idea rubies for example are rare and very expensive stones that can be found in many rivers around the world including the rivers in the region where you live and that goes for sapphires diamonds agoes and almost every type of precious mineral you might be lucky enough to find out there but before we go any further I'd like to ask you a question if you found a sapphire or a ruby in a river would you be able to recognize them if the answer is no then this video is for you because today I'm going to reveal how to identify these two two precious stones if you find one lying around and as usual here's another video with useful and relevant information that will change the way you look at things as well as teaching you how to recognize a rare gemstone if you come across one first it's important to know that rubies and sapphires are the same type of mineral called corundum which is composed of oxygen and aluminum and some impurities this is the second hardest mineral in the world it's only behind diamond on the Mo's scale which means that corundum has a hardness of nine mes while Diamond has a hardness of 10 Moes So in theory rubies and sapphires are the same thing the difference is that rubies are defined by their red color while sapphires are defined by their other colors and now that you know that rubies and sapphires are the same type of mineral this means that if you find a ruby you can certainly also find a sapphire in the same place so almost everything you learn here applies to both rubies and sapphires another important thing to know is that rubies and sapphires are extremely expensive and highly valued on the gemstone Market but this only applies to highquality Stones just like any gem including diamonds to become valuable a stone needs to be crystalline and have an intense color the more crystalline and clear the higher its market value therefore not every Ruby or Sapphire found in nature is going to be a valuable stone if it doesn't have a very good color or quality for cutting it will only be called an industrial Ruby where the mineral is used as an abrasive material thanks to Ruby's ability to scratch anything except diamonds but don't worry about that because if you find an industrial Ruby there's a good chance you'll find a very highquality Ruby but after all what are the indicators to find rubies or sapphires how can you know where they are before you go looking in any River first of all you need to learn to recognize the signs for rubies and this information will apply to any type of terrain so in order to find any stone in nature there are Clues which are the minerals we can find in nature that are associated with rubies and sapphires when you identify these minerals you'll realize that you're in a region that's more likely to have rubies or sapphires a good sign for the presence of rubies and sapphires is usually regions with a lot of white quartz which we talked about in the previous video in addition Shale and Micah shist can also be found if you've never seen it it's this shiny material that crumbles easily the presence of Mah is also a good indicator Mah can be found in various colors the more mAh the greater the chance of gemstones it is also important that you learn to identify pegmatite which is a rock related to Granite made of quartz and Feld Spar it is rigid full of visible granular inclusions and usually gray in color depending on your region there may even be huge walls of this material other rocks we can see are the aluminous gises these are gray rocks that also look a bit like Granite but with long Stripes these rocks contain a lot of aluminum which is the main element in the formation of rubies or sapphires [Music] Zite is a light green mineral which is also commonly found in association with rubies so look out for green stones with pink dots as these can be a strong indication of the presence of rubies in the area if there is also a lot of Basalt marble and granite in the area this could also be a good indication and the more of these signs you have the better it will be for you to identify the presence of this precious stone so now you know all the information you need to know about whether or not a river near you has sapphires or rubies but regardless of that we're now going to show you how to identify a ruby or sapphire in practice directly in rivers once you found a ruby or sapphire in a river even if it's a bad color that's a great sign this is because the stones found in the river undergo natural selection meaning that higher quality stones are stronger and more resistant while lower quality stones are more brittle and fragile so when they come into contact with other Stones over the years the more fragile stones are naturally eliminated while the more resistant ones remain intact for longer here are some pieces found in Brazil to use as an example at first glance they look a lot like ordinary River stones but they are sapphires the colors still aren't the best but large Stones can have added value due to the Rarity of their size these grayish greenish stones are another type of sapphire that also came from Rivers now guess what those reddish stones are that's right they're rubies and you can see that their color is a pinkish red although it's not very intense and we can see that but even if these Stones aren't of the highest quality yet once they've been cut they can be worth a lot including these Stones you're looking at now these are some of the rubies shown earlier already cut and ready to be sold but how do you identify a stone like this to know if it's a ruby or a sapphire in practice the first thing that strikes you about Stones like these is their weight rubies and sapphires have a high density and can weigh almost twice as much as an ordinary Stone compared to quartz Jasper or agot this different weight means that these Stones tend to accumulate with other heavier minerals in rivers such as humanites and chromite which are a mixture of iron and titanium and are very heavy this is why the river tends to cause these heavier stones to accumulate in cavities in the rivers taking only lighter stones with it Garnet for example is another mineral that we can find which can indicate the presence of rubies and sapphires Garnet is also a heavy precious stone with a reddish color but the color of garnet is not to be confused with the color of Ruby while the red of rubies is more pink the red of garnets is more brown one test you can do to identify rubies in a practical way is to use an UltraViolet flashlight in ultraviolet light rubies will have an intense pink color that stands out the other stones will be the same color as the ultraviolet light but this test only serves to identify rubies sapphires do not react to ultraviolet light another common feature to look out for for in rubies and sapphires is their DNA that's right a stone's DNA is a popular way of saying that the stone has a distinctive characteristic that only it has as if it were a fingerprint Sapphires and rubies tend to have a weave like appearance like a tic-tac-toe game with lines that cross on both sides take a look at these cut samples of golden sapphire in them we can clearly see these striations that look like a weave of fabric and we can also see a bit of the famous historism effect this characteristic won't always be so evident so every heavy Stone you come across it's worth analyzing this characteristic a little more carefully perhaps in some cases you'll need a magnifying glass to observe this characteristic in the stone even a ruby or Sapphire with a more translucent quality will have this characteristic designs forming a spiral are also striking features in some stones that are worth looking at carefully and last but not least if the stone is broken be wary rubies and sapphires are very resistant and hard meaning they don't break easily in in addition rubies and sapphires have no cleavage and when they break they are totally irregular on the other hand a garnet a quartz a Jasper or an agot when broken can present a smooth or shiny fracture very similar to Glass when it breaks but unlike other gems this doesn't happen with sapphires or rubies which when broken become irregular with almost no shine at all if you spot a sapphire in a river even if it's of poor quality it means you're in the right place and it's worth looking for more Stone of better quality but the main thing if you want to find a ruby or Sapphire is to learn to spot the signs and this tip applies to any gemstone so if you want I recommend that you go back to the video get a pen and paper and write down the topics in this video and for those of you who are still feeling a bit lost I recommend having a sample of some gemstones in your hands because when you have the minerals in your hands and feel the texture it's much easier to identify another similar Stone in nature even if they are lowquality gems but before we continue if you learned anything new from this video don't forget to subscribe to our Channel and comment on what you thought of it now moving on did you know that as well as rubies and sapphires you can also find Fortunes in the form of jade stones then watch the next [Music] video
Channel: Cabo Da Nau
Views: 1,191,502
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: MysticMinerals, GemstoneExploration, EarthsTreasures, GemologyJourney, CrystalCollector, how to find sapphires, how to find rubies, sapphir, rubi, crystals, river, gemstones, crystal hunter, Corundum
Id: z99qb0Q75tQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 27sec (567 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 13 2024
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