Panning And Sluicing For Gold In A Small Stream

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all right so we're back to sluicing for gold this is where we were the other day and I started working in this way and I've got some really decent little gold out of here but I thought what would do is if we're gonna work our way upstream prospecting just a little bit just gonna take the pan there's a lot of bedrock up to there and I'm just gonna break open you'll scratch a few of the cracks and stuff and see if there's like a real hot spot we won't go too far and if that doesn't work out we'll come right back to heat I was really happy with what we're getting out of this stuff and you can see we didn't get very far up this direction alright so been here for like a while Thomas has showed up and I went up and down the creek a little bit and I test this in sports and nothing was any better than right here so I came back that my sluice up know just kind of digging this little bar right through here and I'll show you what I got it was really not having a lot of luck earlier so I didn't I didn't really start running it but I've got some nice little pieces in here look at that that's two buckets at classified material and I say classified it's just running through that thing right there so I mean that's not like wonderful but that one piece is okay might be under here that on the old metal detector if you try oh sure I'll show you what I'm doing on this run okay okay so this is what I'm doing I just got a hum I'm working it so long gravel Bank is bedrock here I'm just getting the thinking all the big rocks thrown at them over there that's what you get all the gravel the fine stuff is falling through into the bucket just that big rock side hopefully there's no huge nuggets in there but we're gonna check out with the metal detectors before I go I'm doing I'm just doing that can't really dig to you with a shovel too well because I saw a better rocks I'm just taking that a little more picky just picking it up by hand seems to be the quickest way I can fill up buck it up pretty quick doing that just do this one bucket you will take it apart see what's there and if there's not much I'm going to go ahead and try to get to a different spot I don't see any big pieces I see some little ones in there kind of carefully take it over here take it apart and see if we have some gold then typically you'd run a bunch of buckets through there you would stop every single time but I ain't wanna moon spots this time but carefully this isn't is the critical is what's coming up but look here is the all black sand and stuff well the heavy stuff is caught behind there at those riffles they don't really see any pieces in here so one or two flakes on the water is running but there's definitely no nuggets in there let me show you what you know wash it off in your bucket of water you want to wash this out too but only just take some water you just flush all that stuff out right there do you know it gets out to pick them out by now up there now watch what happens next so that's all we have left out of you know one half of three quarters of a bucket of classified material that's all we have to pee dump it in there hey you still got some in the bottom it's really the heavy stuff so you have to wash it off getting it in there and watch out the bucket your Gold's likely to be when it's in your bucket like look like me to be stuck on the very bottom up against the edge all right now we start panning feel the stuff rolling on the bottom you don't want anything stuck to the bottom and you're shaking it like that the gold is going down and going to the edge and then we just started getting the lights up off the top like this wave comes in wave comes out that's I shake it now like I said everyone has a different technique this is how I do it and I'll show you what happens well I just think one for now I'm gonna my batter you're gonna run out in a minute though I'll get a new battery but you see how many heavies are in here the heart you know the the black sand and the garnets and things that the things just full of is how much is in there just you know and this pain is very heavy it's not I can tell us not just regular saying but when you shake it and you see that light stuff comes up and that's the lights and that will come right off of there the goal should be all the way down on the bottom those riffles are just keep doing that all right I'm gonna turn you off for a minute so I had to switch out the battery which was fine we'll go ahead and start painting again and one thing about panning and this kind of stuff that you have to remember everyone has their own techniques in fact if you read the comments on this video I absolutely guarantee you you'll see comments were it's okay you don't have any idea what you're doing you don't know how to pan you got a you got a Titan onion to your belt you'll see those comments so but I can find gold I'm happy with that so let's get back to panning don't forget if you like the videos that I do please like and subscribe it's always nice to have the subscriber you know going up and have likes on your videos comment if you can that makes me want to make more videos let's get back to it let's get started we'll just start over again we'll get everything swirled around all the heavies down on the bottom of the pan hopefully in that first group and see them coming up and see how light it is now that's all that light lightweight sand this should come right off of the top no problem shake I'm gonna let it go back down I always usually do about two of those we've been we've out deals look at that that looks like charcoal doesn't a couple like that is hopefully we'll have some goals in this one settle it back down again not ready yet so what harder to do takes longer when you have all those heavies in there like that and the heavies would be the garnets and the blacks and stuff like that the gold led whatever is in the or here this will give us an idea first thing I want to do is take these two rocks ID gonna drive me crazy just pull them to the side the rope a little stuck to it all down on the bottom keep rid of that thing all right know what I'm gonna do just kind of flatten it out like that and just swirl it around and this will just give me a give us an idea what's in the pan we'll have to be a little bit more careful when we you don't want to get really get the gold out of there but I can see some gold coming up there in the corner cool just have it back like that if you tap it like that make sure the water on it all the gold in this the mercury cover gold will scoot right to right to where you're tapping so it's all going back across the pan to there and I see it's really not that much in there um not as much as I like to see anyway I just messed that up didn't I but watch this okay you can see I swirled it all the way down through here you park aim see this on the yeah with a stupid GoPro but when you tap it you see coming into the green right there it's falling it's gonna go right to where I'm hitting it can actually hit it pretty hard and we'll swirl it a few times yeah it's really not much in there well we ended up with my porch a lot of the goal that I had in there it's actually combined with the mercury but it's a nice little line across there I mean nothing right at home about but I won't throw that back Thomas moved up just a little bit higher than I was and I came up to see how we were doing check this out I concentrated I don't know just a couple of those right there and basically that's my concentrates which is a little bit you know a little bit over a quarter less than a half yeah did two scoops in here that's a nice little coarse piece lots of little bonds in there so you need got room for other chick yeah 100 yards upstream no I'm gonna try it right here hold on a second knock down here Tom it's a spot and just right below can you see I got a couple little pieces in there not too bad what your son was up about another three hours high though it'll get dark soon so but we're gonna I'm get a couple more pans down there and I'll show you what I'm up to hopefully they'd be a giant nugget in there about four or five ounces in the third pan well unfortunately for you guys the chick went crazy with gold fever and he'd never turned his camera on again this little adventure anyway I got to pack my stuff up and see the sun's going down and but I wanted to show you some of the goals that we have actually not too bad I'm gonna retire early on this but it's shiny well some of its silver colored because as murky we're in it but let's check it mercury on it I need to enunciate let's check it out I've got most of us separated from the black sands but you see it right there that's gold I wants me gold is floating away see it but yeah so anyway that's that's the goal that we have for now a pair I can't see it but some of is actually floating on those things anywho I'm glad you join me for this little adventure this evening I'm sorry we it's not probably gonna be like two minutes long but and I goes my little bottle I gotta grab my body a little homemade sniffer bottle not snuffer wanting I'm gonna call it a snuff we'll see you on the next one if you guys behave yourselves they say and stay healthy and these the most desperate sometimes I'll quit talking pretty cool let's see on the next one you know how I say no one ever listens to the jig well guess what I was talking to Tom my Saint Thomas I think we could drive right across this little creek and get over there be a lot easier well he listened to me and guess what he shouldn't have no I thought it was gonna be pretty good I guess it's the angle man sorry about that so weird right Oh Marty here don't ever listen to the jig alright you ready I thought you had in lo get it neutral ready [Music] well that was easy enough [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Aquachigger
Views: 109,821
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: aqua chigger, aquachigger, beau ouimette, gold prospecting, gold prospecting north carolina, gold rush, how to find gold, gold panning, where to find gold, sluice box, prospecting for gold, where to look for gold, gold mining, how to pan for gold, gold panning techniques, panning for gold, gold panning for beginners, how to find gold in creeks, how to find gold in rivers, how to pan for gold in a creek, how to pan for gold for beginners, where to look for gold #1
Id: JwM0sanrpvk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 33sec (813 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 27 2020
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