HOW TO FIND ARROWHEADS!: Tips for a beginner!

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[Music] so [Music] [Music] hey guys thanks for watching this is going to be a how-to on finding native american artifacts now i've dropped tips throughout the years in different videos as i've hunted artifacts but i don't think i've ever done a video where i kind of brought all that information all together and that's what i want to do on this one because i've been seeing some of your comments and some of you are saying man i've been looking for years and never found an artifact maybe these tips will help you narrow in your search and get you on that artifact you've been looking for so you've got some studying to do you need to understand who the native americans were that lived in your area and the internet's pretty valuable tool for that now if you think you're going to go online and just find you know locations posted about where to go hunt for arrowheads you're going to be pretty disappointed that sort of information just isn't published and for good reason but you can find out about the tribes that lived in your area you can run across old um you know some of the earlier settlers writings sometimes recorded in old books about the rough location of villages you also this is probably even more important you're going to be able to find websites on the internet that show artifacts that come out of certain areas of the country really study the pictures of those artifacts the material look at the color because you're going to look at be looking at that really shortly in the dirt a local museum probably has an artifact collection you can go look at that and uh boy if you happen to know an artifact hunter they're always good guys to talk to they're not gonna necessarily put you on a the exact spot but most artifact hunters i know are pretty willing to show off some of the things that they found one of the things that you're going to need is permission and that's because artifact hunting on government land national forests state parks guys you don't want that sort of trouble in your life so don't do it it's not legal but private land you can hunt for artifacts you can even dig for artifacts on private land so unless you're a landowner that owns lots of land you're going to need to get permission now this spot here is just a garden and the way that i got this permission was through a friend that knew somebody and the friend knew that i liked to hunt for artifacts and kind of put in a good word for me and i was off but one thing that allows me to kind of come back and you need to keep this in mind it's kind of a nice thing to be able to share the artifacts especially if the landowner has an appreciation for them as well now this particular land owner has been collecting artifacts off this site for quite some time and in some ways i think it's good if there's an active collection from one particular location to try to keep the points all with one individual so at this particular spot now the little broke stuff i'm not that worried about but some of the better points that i find well i give them to the landowner now that probably doesn't sit well with all artifact collectors i know a lot of guys are really passionate about their collections and so it doesn't have to be this way but i think that this probably helps to keep the door open and you know makes people at least smile a little bit when you're out there and instead of maybe growling wondering why you're back out in their field day after day it just keeps me coming back it's something i'm willing to do maybe something you need to consider but ultimately you need to get permission these guys that slip around and go to places they're not supposed to i don't understand how in the world they do that that would absolutely kill the whole experience for me do it the right way you won't regret it a bad location is going to do you just about as much good as no location you're just not going to find artifacts in some places so what makes a good location how do you know what sort of permission to pursue well for me it boils down to water what do all humans need to survive food water and shelter and water is right there at the top of the list and who wants to walk a mile to the nearest water source every day well the native americans didn't so they tended to have their villages and their camps pretty close to a water source every single artifact i have ever found in my entire life has been within a hundred yards of a water source it's that important now that doesn't mean that you can't find them farther away than that but by and large you're going to have larger concentration of artifacts near water for me in these mountains water sources are creeks and rivers if your permission has a water source if it has more than one water source you might be in luck pay close attention to the confluence of two bodies of water so if i have a permission that has a creek running into a river really check that ground where those two bodies of water meet those tend to be good areas another good area would be a spring native americans like cold fresh water just as much as the rest of us and artifacts tend to pop up around spring heads just keep in mind that over time spring heads tend to move and they're going to move uphill as the dirt erodes away so be sure to not just check the area at the spring head but to check the areas down below it and that might be one of the few places that you'll ever see me actually in the water looking for artifacts now that may not be the case where you're going to be hunting in the mountains when it rains these creeks fill up with water and it becomes a raging torrent and even the biggest of boulders is getting shifted and moved when the creeks get like that and artifacts well they're getting shifted down to the bottom they're lost but if i lived in a lowland area where the ground is relatively flat when it rains real hard you're probably looking at your creeks filling up and there being some flooding in the fields as that water recedes it does so much slower in flatland areas and it brings a lot of silt sediment and artifacts to the creeks to the lowest points look for rock bars if you have a sandy bottom creek look for places that rock is just naturally gathering and you're probably going to find an artifact there look at this piece of quartz crystal that reminds me of something else when you're hunting the ground of your permission keep your eyes open for things that are out of place there is a lot of rock in this garden but i'm looking for odd shapes i like this triangle now that could easily be a natural rock but if i've kind of got my eyes attuned to looking for shapes like that well i'm going to stumble across an artifact eventually not all artifacts though are going to be arrowheads or blades and this probably takes a little more studying um there are hammer stones and you're about to see one in just a second they're a little bit tougher to identify because many times these stones were picked up out of creeks there wasn't a lot of work put into a lot of them they were just a naturally formed useful tool and so how do you know whether an object like this is an artifact or not well even though i'm within walking distance very short uh distance from a creek if you look you don't see round stones in this garden that stone came out of the creek but it didn't walk up the hill to this garden it was carried there and it's out of place it's unusual to see those polished stones up in this garden so this is a tool and you can see the the on the end there where they were hammering away and uh the end is a bit more degraded and there's even a little bit of a pitted spot kind of a worn spot in the middle of this rock so be looking for things that are out of place you're going to need open dirt on your permission if your permission has all the check marks that we've already talked about close to a water source maybe at the confluence of two creeks but it's waste high grass you're not gonna find anything more than likely this is good news for an artifact hunter we're about to change locations we're getting out of the garden and i'm going to go to an old road bed that i have found artifacts in pretty routinely this sort of rain right here oh man does this make me happy and it's something that's actually going to help in the garden site too because as this water washes it is moving dirt and it's taking old hunted out sight and turning it into something brand new now this little spot on this old road i found it because i was looking for flaking you're not gonna normally just spot the artifact right off the bat but you're gonna spot a lot of this stuff flakes very thin flakes of the material that you're to be looking for now that's actually an artifact we'll get back to that in a second but there's a bunch of it in this spot so i always slow down here and usually after a heavy rain like that i know that i'm going to be running this off across something pretty cool check out the top right corner of the screen there it is i just haven't seen it yet you got to really go slow while you're walking across this ground these things are easy to miss it's amazing to me how many times i've stepped right next to an artifact like this one in plain view and almost passed it by and there it is sitting there for thousands of years just waiting to be discovered all of these tips that i've given you they come into play into finding this one artifact once you've found your spots you've got them identified guys you're off to the races so i hope these tips help i'm going to cease my endless talking and just let you watch the rest of the video you're going to see me walk up into the woods which is not a typical place that i would hunt because of all the leaf litter but i do know this one spot in the woods that has some bare spots and i know that it's the right location and you're going to see that even the littlest bear spot can produce a little artifact for you hope this helps hope you enjoyed and thanks so much for watching that's how on what terms up here all right [Applause] it's not a big area but it's it produces now we gotta find them others there's one back of a point or a blade that looks broken so that was probably back of a big spear point always check them too and that's more of a flake there all right well that's just the initial survey i'm gonna go real slow i'll let you know if i see something else and guys at a place like this you hunt everything that can be hunted and that means sometimes getting over in the woods even though that seems very counterproductive because all the leaves there are bare spots you need to go really really slow i think i got one up here and i have found them from these leaves before you're just looking for color and shape when this place i am looking for white i'm looking for dark gray i'm looking for oranges yellows reds you see it yeah it's just a broke but it's pretty check all these spots all right that orange brooklyn was right there and right here i think we got a little tool of some sort scraper something like that but i did see some more quartz clicking through right here yeah that's nothing i don't believe all right it does have a weird shape to it just nothing all right so you can see anything else [Music] so [Music] [Music] cows
Channel: History Hound Detecting
Views: 225,043
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: arrowheads, how to find, artifacts, history, discovery, where to find arrowheads, Native American, projectile points, how to find arrowheads, spear point, stone tools, arrowhead identification, artifact hunting, arrowheads for beginners, artifact hunting for beginners, History Hound Detecting
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 35sec (995 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 03 2020
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