How a Former Convict Taught me to Mine Gold Simply! | Learn to Prospect

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Greedy Creek for the past 3 years has been in high flood that means no one has been able to access the center of the creek and that's why we have an infestation of gads here you can't get rid of me it's like you know antibiotic resistant syphilis the Gravel Bar behind me is full of gads and some gold for over 3 years we've been locked out of the center of the creek because of the depth of water we physically could not get in there in any meaningful way and now that the water has dropped for the first time in all of those years we're St to find some really interesting and quite Rich gold deposits one of those little deposits is this Gravel Bar just here we've got the river wash gravel here and it's sitting right on that clay layer clay has always acted as a false bottom in any river system that carries gold when re Creek was flooding the gravel the bed load was traveling over the top of the clay and because the Gold's so heavy and the clay has a static force it attracts gold to it it literally covers itself in gold so contrary to popular belief Mr gadz that's popular the gold on this Gravel Bar is not deep we've dug test pits about 4T down and we got literally nothing [Laughter] what I'm going to come along with my pan my shovel and my classifier I'm going to scoop up all of the surface dirt I'm going to classify it down we're going to put it in the buddings bucket sponsor us already buddings there no cheese look clear shot of your logo come on we need buckets we'll blur it out if you don't sponsor us people won't know and when that's full I'mma ladle it into my monstrosity of a Rocker Box down there which has a really good capture rate present for you Chris a present a present got a Snuffer bottle nice that's more professional than that look at that I've always done this if you get a Snuffer bottle and you put it next to your ear and then you blow into your ear gently it sounds like a dog do sniffing that's what I'm getting out of one pan Which is not too bad it'll add up pretty quick most of the gold is situated from about here up on the Gravel Bar down here there still is a little bit but not as [Applause] much classifying buckets like this can be really time consuming but if you've watched any of my most recent videos where I explain the process of reducing dirt that's all you're doing in Prospect is you're getting rid of everything but the gold classifying gets rid of more than 75% of the dirt that has no no gold in it for me so I process a lot less to get all of the gold so it might be a tedious thing to do but it actually makes you more efficient and gold is all about how much dirt you can move so the more concentrated you make your Pay Dirt the more gold you're going to get at the end of the day because all of that has no gold in my area it's just literally rocking sometimes Crystal if you're really [Music] lucky come with me Young Apprentice I I will teach you the ways of our people he show me show me how to pan gy it's right there he's a hardworking man earning a hard earned thirst quenching thirst we have got a bit of that clay there what's the bit there's no gold in this gzy if there is no gold in this I'll be very sad is there uh yeah there's about 15 what okay they're good size flakes but I think you're too far out from the bank coming closer to the bank I'm classifying down to/ qu in so that bucket did not take long to fill I'm going to assume this is going to be real heavy oh yeah I mean it's so light that's so manly this is my homemade modified slle box and the whole concept of this came about because of a gentleman I met out here on Rey Creek many years ago we' gone back about 7 years where he just got out of prison and he'd stol on a street sign and he made himself a little homemade Rocker Box almost identically to this one and it worked really well so I wanted to imitate that because you don't need the world's best equipment to get gold it can be really simple as long as your methodology is correct it will work I have my meat Scoops today because I forgot my plastic Scoops luckily these work pretty [Applause] well don't think of rocker boxes of any kind as slle boxes they're not they do include a slle run that's where your gold is going to settle but they operate differently the rocking motion is the thing that agitates the soil and creates stratification and that stratification sinks the gold to the very bottom much the same as you would get if you using a gold pan so this is much more like a goldan in terms of its behavior and its functionality than it is as a slle box almost got through me bucket but the most important thing is I'm starting to see little pieces of gold just before they go into the riffles the Javy riffles on this Rocker Box you know these are a new invention that I saw come out of dream matat and they have added this into most of their High bankers and their dredges and all sorts of stuff and they work really well because they not only smooth the water out but they let gravel pass through them as a secondary classifier plate and it just creates a really interesting level of friction within the water and they tend to catch a lot of go compared to any of these more traditional Styles where you got riffles or drop riffles or whatever it might be these still obviously catch gold but they're a little bit more finicky than what these are and now it's just literally rinse and repeat I'm going to keep getting buckets and keep [Music] processing one of the things that I'm doing which I encourage all Prospectors to do especially if you just started is to make sure that you are following the gold it's easy to get distracted by the fact that you might have found an okay spot right at the start but no gold deposit lasts forever and it's really important that you keep an eye on how much is in your pan and how much you processing because there's no point doing all this work and classifying down all this rock if you're processing worthless dirt or low grade dirt so what I do is when I tip my pans worth of dirt into the bucket I tip it out over the Ripples and then the little bit of dirt this just left in the bottom I grab some water I swirl it around I just check that there is still what I want to see in there which is gold and black sand it's by no means a hyper accurate result but it does show you that the black sand and the gold that I was seeing in my test pans is still in the dirt that I'm processing and have yet another heavy mother Rudder to drag over the other thing that's going to happen to you is no matter what you use no matter what pan what slle box what metal detector you're going to lose gold so you got to do a little bit of D diligence and that just means that you want to check your system by doing a test pan to see how much gold you're losing because it's an acceptable rate if you're only losing 5% of your gold you're doing really well but if you're losing 50% of the gold either your Technique or your equipment need to be changed and you got to remember that all Lal machines are designed to shed off black sand and retain the gold the black sand is purely in your slle box because it is heavy and its secondary use is as a friction bed to keep the gold safe in your capture zone so it's okay to see black sand in your tailings it's meant to be there you just don't want to see oodles and oodles of specks I would honestly expect to see maybe three to five pieces of gold in a pan like this I wouldn't be totally unsurprised and we have literally none we got nice big coarse chunky bits of black sand shedding off but we are not losing anything so that is a great capture rate I've switched sides just to see if I can make this work cuz I wanted to be able to put my scoop in the water without having to cross over myself if it doesn't work I'll switch back yeah I could probably make that [Music] work [Music] one of the most common misconceptions I hear all the time on all gold prospecting forums is that the best gold is located on the Bedrock and for the most part that doesn't make sense gold forms in layers it actually takes quite a long time for uial stream gold to make it to the Bedrock that's why when you get to the Bedrock if it's been an untouched area for a long time it will be good if you can reach it areas like this are considered to be deep lead the Bedrock is some 100 ft below our feet right now and there are many places all across the world that have the same sort of topography where the Bedrock is really deep and what you're actually hunting for is a flood layer of gold sitting on something it couldn't permeate through or it simply just hadn't sunk far enough to be out of reach yet like a clay layer or hard packed gravel like in this case how it's all just sitting literally on the surface even though the Bedrock is 100 ft [Applause] deep I'm trying to decide if I want to go up onto the gravel bar or if I just want to hug the edge of it and this little test pan is kind of going to make that decision for me doesn't look very good almost no black sand and literally no gold so we're not going up that way that means that my gold it hugs the edge of this Gravel Bar and comes all the way up to over here start recording stop turning on my camera it's got a voice activated camera so I turned it off on his intro halfway through and just said stop recording and this camera should only obey me and not not him it's not how the machine Gods work my good sir John Conor would be very disappointed in you now there are a lot of people who watch my channel who live in other countries primarily the US and Canada and I just want to give you a life lesson this is a Vite sandwich if you are so unfortunate to meet an Australian and they offer you a Vite sandwich don't do it they're going to they're going to screw with you the the key to getting a good veite sandwich is good amount of butter little bit of veite and you work in until you find your level where it gets disgusting and then you back off a notch and it will be perfect don't trust Australians who offer you veite sandwiches we will screw with you for fun the test pan I showed you at the start of the video was a little bit lackluster it's not what I I know to be on this bar all of this section had pretty decent gold between 20 and 50 flakes but as we come up to this little tree here I took a test pan from just here and this is what I managed to get you can be on a spot and you can know that there's good gold there but once you find the actual pay streak the spec count will go up exponentially and that's what you got to keep an eye out for considering I'm able to get about seven pans in every one of these buckets I think room for a good payday as I'm discovering where the pce streak is really sitting I'm starting to see considerably more black sand just accumulate on this front lip here the matting seems to be self clearing really well but we do have a couple of flakes of gold that have migrated down past the Javy rifle that's to be expected when you start getting more gold per scoop I've also sent gadzi off on a mission Downstream to find me some myrrh and the skins of a rare animal I hope he comes back with one we've done three buckets worth of classified dirt that works out to be roughly about 6 to 8 buckets worth of concentrates if we take into account the big rock and we have a lot of black sand and a lot of fine gold underneath the Javy plate and in fact most of our real flying gold is accumulating right at the very top here straight off the Slick plate that's all our gold sitting right on top of this clay unreal stuff it's not it's not overly rare to find clay like this on Rey Creek or in many other Creeks it's just that the right conditions for it to have gold are rare because this is what I'm getting when I just tip the pan straight into the bucket over the riffles I'm still getting heaps and heaps of gold I'm not even panning it down just tipping it into the bucket meaty Scoopy ploopy oh that's a nice flake see every now again you just see something real nice I'm going to assume that you're going to go down here and hopefully get caught somewhere here what exotic animals have you bought me good sir none no more no beasts anything nothing nothing nothing nothing absolutely nothing well your your your test has failed my boy I'll never be a [Music] nice that's like my fourth or fifth bucket I can't remember and I just looked down and I can see a a real nice piece just sitting in the driving riffle right there for grey Creek that's almost a newspaper worthy bit my pay streak seems to have come to an end you know what they say about good things they're few far in between and you're going to suffer to get them there is still gold up on this Gravel Bar but I basically started working here I followed the pastry up through this section here all the way up to underneath this tree it took me 7 and 1 half buckets to do and while there's a little bit of gold up here and there's still a little bit of gold through the pastry and on the edges and stuff it's the difference between getting 100 specs of pan and getting 15 specs of pan I'm better off hunting for a new deposit 7 and 1/2 buckets you can roughly double that by volume that means we did round about 15 buckets worth of soil and that's because all of this is my waste rock this is the rock that I classified out and got rid of I didn't have to process it because it contains no gold ready Creek Gold's basically almost all under 3 mm in size so 15 buckets worth of soil have been moved today but we've only processed about seven I'm real happy to see some decent size particles coming out in this wash and now that I've taken my sunglasses off I'm starting to see pieces of gold all through the carpet now most of the particles were very very fine there was a lot of them but they were quite small so we're only going to see the big ones sitting up top here in the mat but it's looking pretty good I got heaps and heaps of specs right at the top here I have a lot of plans for this system and some improvements that I'm going to make to make a much better version of it this is basically my my test version of what I want to be doing and I'm thinking maybe if I can get the design right with my ideas I'll be selling them on my website the old moldy if you don't know about the old moldy it's my website where I sell a lot of handcrafted stuff including my P dirt gemstones gold but also things like my beard Combs uh model rocker boxes Rings necklace pendants and all the money that's raised on that website goes directly back into supporting the channel so check that out as well as my Patron where we do giveaways every single month for things like Pay Dirt gemstones gold prospecting equipment that costs as little as a dollar to sign up to and if I get my prototype Rocker Box developed properly that's where I'll be selling it but we can have a quick look in here and just see if we see if we can find anything interesting see if we get an IDE IDE of how much gold we got I'd like to see more than half a gram I would really like a gram I don't think we'll get that because the past streak wasn't quite as big as I thought it was and that's what we like to see gold coming out of the bucket like that you see the black Sand's pretty damn thick and the Gold's coming out on this Edge but when it's all said and done this is the gold I managed to recover off our clay layer it is so nice to be back in the center of Rey Creek where all the really good gold is after 3 years of not being able to access it at all all of this gold was found in an area that's typically not known for very good gold and it indicates that the creek is completely reloaded in fact we're started to find spots that giving us $10 of gold in every single pen and we have several videos already filmed waiting to be published once we finish the spots completely where we're pulling multiple grams a day using very basic techniques like panning if you don't want to miss out on those videos consider hitting the Subscribe button it's completely free and to support all creators not just my channel sharing the videos and leaving a comment helps introduce our channels and our shows to new people but for now I have to get all of this gold on the scales I really want to see a gram I know the Gold's a little bit dirty so we're going to knock a little bit of weight off the total wow we got 1.03 1.06 which is pretty good but it's kind of dirty so I'm going to say we probably got maybe a. n almost a gram out of seven buckets 0.9 of a gram of gold these days is worth almost 100 bucks that's not too bad for 3 hours work and a prison inspired Rocker Box
Channel: Vo-Gus Prospecting
Views: 162,138
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gold, gold panning, sluicing, gold mining, gold rush, gold prospecting, how to find gold, gold fever, panning for gold, sluice, gold nugget, gold hunting, flour gold, placer gold, prospecting for gold, mining, river gold, where to find gold, metal detecting, gold price, treasure, lost gold, pirates, gold ore, coin collecting, rare, Dan hurd, crypto minin, gold stacking, pioneer pauly, jeff williams, shorts, trending, gold rush 2022, parker schnabel, service dogs, boxer dogs
Id: 5zkXkiFahBw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 50sec (1250 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 08 2024
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