FAKE Super Slow Motion Effect | After Effects

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[Music] this video is made possible by today's sponsor motion elements have you ever found you've gotten to a point in one of your edits that you're just missing a certain clip or an element to really make it shine motion elements has you covered with over 2 million stock items and unlimited downloads they offer everything you need as a motion artist one thing i really like are the 360 panoramas that you could use to create really interesting moving background plates or panoramic sky replacements if you're an after effects premiere final cut or davinci user then definitely check out motion elements via the link in the description below now when it comes to filming this super slow motion effect you're going to need a few different things the first thing you're going to need is a camera and that can just be as simple as using your phone the other thing you're going to need is either a blue screen or a green screen now the sheet itself can be anything for my sheet i'm just using this blue sort of material that i found in a local op shop or you could just use a bed sheet or something like that anything that just has a pretty strong blue color or a pretty strong green color and something that again is different from the subject matter you're filming the other thing you'll notice here is that when i set up my blue screen i had really strong shadows running over the back of my screen now what i did is i simply moved this screen back and forth to basically remove those shadows out of the middle section which is the part that i'm going to be using for the tennis ball now to hang the tennis ball what i did was i took a tennis ball i put a screw in the top and just tied a piece of string to an overhanging bar on the top just to get a little bit of separation away from the screen so that'll make it easier to twist that ball around and get that video now once you've set up your green screen you need to grab two separate shots the first is i need a shot of the tennis ball spinning around really slowly to get that shot of the tennis ball rotating around the other shot i've grabbed here is a wider shot of me throwing the ball up and down in the air and that's just to get that wider shot so that we have something to freeze frame and then zoom the camera in so over in after effects i've got three different clips laid out here i've got my ball shot which is this shot here so the other shot i've got here is just a simple background shot and what i did is i just set the tripod up and i just simply rotated the camera around trying to do it all at the same sort of pace and that's going to be our background plate that we're going to blur and the last shot i have here is me throwing the ball up and down in front of the blue screen now you can see there's a lot of motion blur and that's totally fine because we don't need any of that we only want to take this section here of the video so the first thing i'm going to do is take my background layer and i'm just going to drag it onto a new composition so we have this here i'm going to take my blue screen layer and layer that over the top now what i want to do here is basically draw a very quick mask what we call a garbage mat to go over that part that we're going to try and remove so this section here we just want to basically keep this part here of my hand throwing the ball up and down now i'm just going to turn off my background layers to make this easier to see what we're doing now what i want to do with this clip is when it gets to a certain point i want to freeze frame it so as the ball gets to about here what i want to do is i'm going to freeze frame that i'm going to firstly right click go to enable time remapping then i'm going to create a keyframe at that point and what i want to do is right click on that and go toggle hold keyframe what that's going to do is create a freeze frame at that point another little tip here with the green screen as you can see there's all of these creases and shadows and so forth on the screen and they actually don't really matter too much you can get around those and a simple trick to help get around those is create distance and throw the screen out of focus so if you blur that screen it'll help create more of a soft matte in the background to help get rid of that a lot easier so what we want to do is come up to effect down to king and we want to add the key light but i'm just going to create a really quick key here by dragging up on the gain here until we get that completely gone once i've gotten that to roughly where i want it to be then i'm going to switch over to my screen matte settings and i want to drag down on the clip white to bring back a little bit of that edge and you can see we've got this little bit of an edge here and a way to get around that is to either use this part here which controls that little bit of an edge feather another way is to control the edge softness or the screen softness here to create a little bit of softness around that screen or you can even bring up or down these settings here the clip white and clip black so something that looks like this looks okay now the other part of this where the arm is is okay because we're going to extend that on by just using a general mask over the top of the original clip to build that back in later so the next thing is we want to bring over the top our ball that we shot on the green screen so i'm going to bring this over the top so again what we're going to do is just copy those same settings from the key light across onto this bulb just to get a really quick rough mask of that ball the other thing we can do is also come down here and just adjust a few of these settings so i'm just going to give this a little bit of a edge shrink drag up on this softness very slightly and to get rid of this nail and this line that's hanging on the top we want to basically just draw a really quick mask that goes along the top so what i'm going to do here is just draw a very quick mask that runs around the top and i just want to subtract that mask so that's going to take it away from our video and we just want to create some very quick mask path keyframes over the top just so that we're keeping it roughly in that position over the top of that nail here now it doesn't have to be perfect i can always go back through and readjust this the other thing i'm going to do if you need to slow this down i can also come in here and add enable time remapping and you could use that to slow this ball rotation down even more now because that ball was rotating so slowly at the start when we originally filmed it we can afford to slow it down quite a bit if we needed to in this case i'm just going to leave that there and i'm also just going to add a little bit of frame blending and just double click that to change it to be interpolation which is going to be a lot better and make it a lot smoother as it rotates around now the next thing we want to do is basically line this ball up with our original ball here on that freeze frame so i'm just going to hit u to bring up that keyframe line my play head up there next i want to take that tennis ball and shrink it down so it lines up over the top of our original tennis ball here from the original shot so i'm trying to basically line this up so it sits roughly over that same sort of position so something like that i'm going to create a position keyframe by hitting p on the keyboard create a keyframe there and i'm going to line it up maybe a little bit back here so something like that maybe scale this up very slightly and what we want is we basically want to try and get rid of that ball in the background and we want our tennis ball to basically as it goes up it's slowing down so it's got a very slow movement and then drops back down now the next part is we want to remove that background tennis ball so what i'm going to do at this point i'm going to create another mask which runs around the outside of that ball if i just turn off this top tennis ball here i want to subtract that tennis ball there now to turn this mask on and off what we're going to do is just create two keyframes here and i'm also going to create a mass path basically animate that mask so that we remove that ball over our original footage so it's there and then it kind of disappears now when we turn on our tennis ball that we put over the top you can see it kind of picks up where that ball left off now we want to basically also bring this layer in here because we don't want it there in our original shot we want it to kind of come in over the top so we kind of get that motion now i'm just going to move along here on my timeline with these position keyframes because i want that motion to be really slow as it sort of comes up and then it's sort of coming back down so we kind of get that really slow motion up maybe in this direction and then copy this keyframe back down here and then just duplicate this keyframe here in the middle to make sure that it sort of goes up stays in that position and then pops back down the other thing is because remember we created those time remapping what i'm going to do is also drag this out to slow that rotation down of that tennis ball as it's moving up now i may have to go through as you can see here and readjust that mask to cover up that point there so just go back through and readjust this mask maybe just move these ones over very slightly here so it's more up and i can also make these three keyframes here easy ease to get a bit of that slow motion just to help soften out that movement also going to extend out this clip the other thing i want to do is now turn on our background layer and the background you can see we start getting that a media pan of the camera and we don't want it to be like that we want it to kind of stay still and then start panning as we're moving the camera in so the way we do this we basically create a time remapping for this we create a time remapping point there and what i'm going to do is duplicate that same keyframe so i'm going to copy that move back one frame and paste it in there so we have two keyframes that are same and then i want to right click on that first keyframe and go toggle hold keyframe and then delete that first keyframe so we essentially get a freeze frame and then it starts moving into that frame now we get a bit of a sudden jolt as it starts so one way around that is to make this one easy ease out and then i can just turn on the frame blending here just to help smooth out that whole animation i'm just going to drag out this point here so we end up with that arm now it disappears here and that's okay we're just going to remove that keyframe there so we can basically keep that image on screen and now we've pretty much got the movement of what we want we now want the camera to sort of fly into that ball as it's slowing down and then do almost a matrix move as it's flying around the tennis ball so to do this what we're going to do is create a new camera which we're going to just put on top now this can be whatever you like but generally i just use say a 35 millimeter put that on top and i need to make all of these layers 3d so that we can control them using that camera now i'm also going to create a little bit of separation here by dragging this background or moving it into my background and then just scaling it up and then i want to basically start that camera move maybe around this two second mark so what i'm going to do is come down to the transform options hit a point of interest and a position keyframe i'm going to select my camera tool or you can hit c on the keyboard and then i basically want to come along here and start to zoom into that tennis ball up the top here basically move backwards till we get that sort of in the position that we want so we're kind of moving the camera into that tennis ball i'm going to make these ones both easy ease out which will smooth them out into that motion and you can make these ones just normal easy ease just to help soften out that movement now you can go through and adjust that camera however you need in order to get the best results but you can see we pretty much have that effect the other thing i did on my original comp was i added motion blur or a blur to the background now what i did is i selected my background i came up to effect down to blur and sharpen and the one i added was the camera lens blur now what i did was i wanted the camera blur to sort of animate more as the camera is moving in now if you think about it as we're zooming the camera in the background is going to be more out of focus and we want to try and replicate that so what i do here is i create a camera lens blur right as that camera if i bring up those keyframes by hitting u i'm going to create a basically a blur and you can blur the background as much as you like probably going for around 10 here and then as the camera is starting to zoom in and we get to this point we really want to bring up that blur maybe to something around there i'm also going to turn on repeat edge pixels just to help tidy up that edge there and the other thing i did was also on the ball i also added a little bit of motion blur or a bit of blur there to kind of make it sort of come into focus as the camera was moving in so i added the camera lens blur and i just had a very slight amount of motion blur there you got to remember that it's coming out of very fast motion and then kind of coming into focus so we need to replicate that so i have a little bit there and as we're coming in closer we can kind of turn that off to bring it into focus so we get a little bit of that sort of motion as the camera is kind of bringing it into frame and you can see we pretty much have the finished effect now if i come back to my original composition two things that i did was i duplicated this layer here which if i turn off all those effects was this layer here with the blue screen in the background and i essentially just basically duplicated that layer and then i removed all of the masks over the top and then created a mask which ran over my arm here you can see all of those keyframes that i created just to basically mask out my arm so it sits over the rest of the screen now there's multiple ways you can go through on rotoscoping and this is not going to be a rotoscoping tutorial because i already have videos on how to do that but you could use the roto brush if you needed to do that or you could even use mocha is another great option or you could even use the track settings and draw a mask and then track it inside of after effects the final thing that i did was just add a color grade over the whole thing just to give it a finished effect now the great thing about this is you can create so many different types of effects using this same technique now other techniques i've seen is when i've seen people like ben tk use it in travel videos where he's had say masked out a tennis ball or an object and then he's basically had someone hitting that tennis ball and then he's animated up flying through the sky you'd use the exact same techniques as i've shown you here the only difference is instead of using a 360 degree shot of your background you just be putting together say a sky which is zoomed in and then animating it from left to right to show the ball sort of flying through the sky or something similar so there you go guys that's how you create this effect if you like this video give it a thumbs up or a thumbs down you can also check out more videos just like this over here on the side of screen thanks very much for watching and i'll catch you in the next video
Channel: Flat Pack FX
Views: 248,348
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: flatpackfx, Flat Pack FX, how to make video effects, after affects tutorial, adobe after effects, video effects, FAKE Super Slow Motion Effect, Slow motion, Super slow motion, how to fake slow motion in after effects, How to slow down a clip in after effects, Slow motion effects in after effects, Adobe After Effects, Slow mo effect, slow mo in after effects, time effect in after effects, Matrix slow motion effect, Stop motion effect in After Effects
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 40sec (1000 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 19 2020
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