How to Fail at Tornado Alley Ultimate (Roblox)

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hey guys today we're gonna be playing tornado alley ultimate now i did make a video on this game two years ago but i believe this game got several major updates ever since i made my video so i figured that today would be a good day to revisit this game and see what's new so let's let's go in right now all right we're gonna start our first round here in a bit let's see what this game throws at us this time all right what map are we going with medium difficulty hard difficulty or we're going with hard difficulty pretty easy choice i think this round's game mode rain wrapped survive a tornado in extreme fog conditions that doesn't sound very fun alright well it's time to just look around the map for random stuff that we can find not really sure what to look for so i don't expect to find very much it's fine guys we don't need anything i'm gonna survive this round just by sitting down here all right you're gonna watch as i very easily survive all right well these fog conditions aren't as extreme as i was expecting them to be so that's certainly a good sign also i oh oh i i see what it means you just can't see the tornado at all until it's right there alright well i'm gonna trust wild scorpion 57 that he knows what he's doing here and doesn't drive towards the tornado and abandons ship instantly oh look look what you've done man oh no i was about to survive this so easily too and i'm still alive all right we well we gotta go all right let's i'm gonna make my way up here and i don't think that was a very good idea this is not gonna end very well for me i think just please don't come towards me okay that's all i ask okay well that's we we can work with that all right just 10 more seconds of this and we should be good here and it's oh no don't do this to me at the last second please come on all right i think i think i'm good all right we survived the first round and i was basically up against an invisible oh meteors i thought i was good now you're telling me there's gonna be space rocks falling on my head all the time alright well shelter won't help apparently so this this is not gonna be fun oh there's only nine of them actually that's totally fine guys alright where is this one at well probably not near me so whatever oh that's a little close i should survive this oh okay well that person didn't survive um okay i should survive this one too let me just get back here all right we're good um oh oh no all right i think i just barely made it out of that one and the last one [Music] i think we're good here well that was unexpected name yeah what's up man what's going on i hate slenders are you okay sure i just had meteors almost fall on my head but i survived so it's whatever we'll see if i'm still okay going into the next round though roblox weather station has confirmed the following will occur acid rain oh that's that's cool i can tell we're gonna have a good time here then survive two tornadoes at once uh oh feel like we're just we're just screwed in this round all right well what is this is this okay yeah this is the bunker thing that someone needs a key for and also this building is the only shelter in the entire map pretty much so yeah not expecting this one to go very well i'm just gonna check myself into jail real quick just so i have some shelter at least oh oh no all right well there i i'm just screwed here aren't i all i can do is just sit here and probably i should sit here instead oh there's someone outside you know maybe that was a better idea than locking myself in here alright well given that i have to survive two tornadoes right now i would like to ask two things of you guys like and subscribe thank you and now now i'm gonna leave this place let's make things interesting all right can i like all right i guess this works all right there we go i've escaped through the roof now i'm just gonna run around out here during these last 10 seconds because despite there being two tornadoes it looks like i'm gonna survive this first part here oh someone needs help over there what can i help you with oh i can carry them all right i'm gonna bring you indoors because we're about to have acid rain and i mean this this roof is probably just going to melt immediately but it's worth a try at least just need to get this guy over to where the cells are oh oh what oh no all right hold on let's let's go over here oh um okay all right this was a terrible idea oh geez i'm gonna get this guy killed all right well today i learned that it's not the acid rain that kills you in this game but it's the acidic debris that it makes i'm just i'm gonna put this guy here and we'll we'll just wait for this part to end look at all these random parts just bouncing all over the place all right well we made it through the acid rain hopefully that means this is the end of this round yep there we go let's see how this third round treats us here roblox weather station has confirmed the following will occur flood given that we're going on the hard difficulty map i would assume that this flood is just gonna kill us all at the end but whatever it'll be a fun time guys we're just we're gonna go for a little swim okay this round's game mode dead nato survive a tornado and a zombie apocalypse all right well i'm gonna i'm gonna have to search quick and just hope that there's some weapons around here somewhere oh there's a fire extinguisher i don't know how much that'll do against zombies but we'll give it a shot all right come on the the storm is here and there's no baseball bat i need to find one right now well it doesn't look like there's anything around here all right well where is this tornado at all right it's all the way over there and like the entire server is over here so this can only go well oh the zombies are on fire don't worry buddy i'm gonna put you out oh wait there's an actual person who's on fire over here hold on let me just hold on oh oh no no that didn't end very well i'm just gonna die here my skull is broken that is brutal all right well i am dead all i wanted to do was just put out the zombies man and the guy who was getting chased by them oh well i can always just re-enter the map oh now you found a baseball bat better late than never i guess all right now we have a flood incoming so i i need to figure out how to get up here like right now and that it's all destroyed and stuff so i don't know if that's ever gonna happen oh no oh no all right well this is this is just the end all right well goodbye for the second time guys guys make sure to keep in mind that a broken leg will slow you down all right well given that the last hard mode map was a complete disaster it's only fair that we do it again and of course we're gonna be getting some meteors again chomp nato survive a tornado that launches sharks that's even scarier than the meteors guys alright well once again i have not found any kind of loot but i don't know if that'll even help me in a situation like this well let's see where this chomp nado spawns in and hope that it's not right here all right well that that doesn't look very good i'm just gonna just sit here and hope that it does not go in this direction and it's coming in my direction alright well i don't know if there's anywhere i can run i'm just gonna sit right here and maybe the tornado will back off maybe the sharks won't figure out how to get to me under here all right there's some distance now i'm gonna i'm gonna make a run for it hopefully this isn't a completely terrible idea but i don't think the tornado's been moving that much so i should be good here i don't know if climbing up there is the right move but it seems pretty interesting so i'm actually gonna go over there and do the same all right let's make our way up here all right we have a nice view of the map here and there's 10 seconds left and the tornado isn't really doing much right now so i think i'm good here and i will make it to the meteor event alright let's see how bad this gets can't be that bad i've already survived one of these oh this guy found a fire extinguisher alright well we're definitely surviving this one now oh there's 11 of them all right um that okay that one's far we survived that uh where is this one oh it's over there all right that one is kind of close actually not really oh that killed a lot of people though um oh no oh no don't all right oh oh i'm i'm dead i'm just dead here goodbye oh never mind i just kind of got flung a bit well surely it wouldn't happen twice in a row right right guys all right well i'm just gonna re-enter the map just for content reasons we'll see if this last one hits me directly again [Music] nope all right well i didn't survive but we can just pretend that i did let's hope that this next round goes a little bit better oh i am well aware of the extra natural disasters okay oh would you look at that a tsunami is coming all right well there's a giant crane on this map so we'll i'll i'll vote for this it's probably not going to do very well in a tsunami but it's high up at least oh wait i didn't consider the tornado that's going to destroy this thing oh i mean the two tornadoes sorry i don't know if there's anything in the way of random loot on the ground that would actually help me here but oh well i'll take this fire extinguisher just in case i don't have a great track record with using these things but i'm i'm gonna redeem myself okay all right well let's see where these two tornadoes spawn in and then we can act accordingly oh that's kind of close yeah that's it's like right there and i don't i don't really have anywhere to go all right i'm just gonna sneak past the tornado real quick as long as it doesn't see me i should be good here all right no no issues so far doesn't seem like the tornadoes are moving too fast right now oh this one is getting kind of close though oh wait this guy got struck by lightning nice job surviving that dude all you have to do now is survive two tornadoes in a tsunami which is easy enough alright well the tornadoes haven't really done anything this round although they did destroy the crane that was like the only thing protecting us from the tsunami which is pretty unfortunate so i don't know how i'm gonna survive that there's this building here and then there's this building over here and i yeah this one should be taller so we're gonna go for this one all right where's the tsunami at oh i hear it it's over there don't worry guys i have a fire extinguisher i'm gonna i'm gonna put out the tsunami okay oh wait that's nothing i think we're good here yeah we're good although a lot of people just forgot that this place existed all right well there you go all right well we're getting into this next round here in a bit [Music] oh what is that sound what is going on oh someone just summoned a volcano nice all right well let's actually go to the airport so we can actually just leave or not everyone's voting for a hotel come on guys we could have been on a plane just getting out of here and now we're stuck at this hotel instead how appropriate that we're staying at the hotel catastrophe that just it really makes me feel better about the situation all right well let's let's see how this goes oh okay well it's right there it's only an ef1 guys no big deal oh it's very fast though geez all right is this okay that guy just disappeared you know what i'm gonna make my way in the hotel because i don't want to get struck by lightning so this is the best place to ensure that i don't get struck by lightning never mind then i'm leaving let's get out of here guys oh oh no don't yeah keep keep beating up the hotel okay don't come after me you know it would be really nice to have the shelter key right now so i'll just i'll sit here and just pretend that i'm in the shelter and yeah i just barely survived that jeez the tornado was right there at the end oh yeah i almost forgot we have a volcano to deal with as well cause someone thought that was a good idea all right well where's this volcano at i guess it'll just show up randomly oh there it is okay that is a massive volcano and that means my odds of dying are also massive so it all works out in the end actually all right well there it goes it's oh oh okay that was uh oh geez okay let's calm down i just i need to i need to get away from here okay i oh oh we almost i almost hit the debris and oh it's all just landing over here this is just terrible and a lava surge is occurring all right well there's a ladder over here let's hope that i can actually oh it's all falling apart no come on let's let me up here please all right never mind it's all burning down anyways i could climb on the volcano too but it's too late for that oh thanks for telling me that i'm too close to fire i think i'm just gonna die if i spawn in but i may as well try oh oh oh okay can i get a skull emoji in the comments for my broken skull well i'm still alive somehow i may as well call for help i can't see anything right now so i don't think there's actually anyone who will help me here oh never mind there's actually someone coming to get me all right the volcano is going back into the earth well you know what at least i still have my arm and my leg anyways that that was that round alright well that's gonna do it for this video if you enjoyed this video be sure to leave a like subscribe to my channel if you haven't already join my discord server if you want to get extra notifications for things and yeah i will see you guys in the next one [Music] you
Channel: Remainings
Views: 438,408
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: remainings, roblox, commentary, lets play, gaming, roblox gameplay, roblox lets play, roblox commentary, roblox funny moments, no swearing, natural disaster survival roblox, survive the disasters roblox, tornado alley ultimate, roblox tornado alley, tau roblox
Id: 44xN6EcdREw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 38sec (878 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 20 2022
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