How to Fail at Flee The Facility (Roblox)

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hey guys today we're just gonna be running that's all we're gonna be doing we're just gonna be running away from a guy with a hammer yeah we're playing flee the facility basically you hack a bunch of computers there's this dude with a hammer running around trying to stop people from hacking his computers somehow I haven't played this game yet and it's one of the most popular games on the site you are a survivor hide from the Beast all right this is a eat hack all right oh shoot what was that oh oh I I see I see how this game wants to do me with these checks to make sure that you're paying attention I like these keyboards it's literally just bricks that's my keyboard in real life by the way yeah this game seems pretty intense I turned off the music because I think the lobby music is like is gonna get this anyways I'm pretty sure the lobby music is gonna get this video claimed dude that was way too close and that guy was like lagging past two so he might've he could have noticed that I was here I'm not sure how he doesn't hear me hacking it right now because this is very loud all right we got it now I don't know this Matt oh shoot dude just just just don't don't don't bother how does he not see me he can like this man is just standing here pearl what the heck was that he was just standing there I was like sitting here he could have zoomed out and spotted me all right well I'm gonna get out now so I think one of the big things about this game is that the survivors can Crouch and I don't think the Beast can and that's where these come in so that way we have more escape options because we can't fight back against the beast we can't just start beating it up all right that's just not gonna happen I'm like not paying attention right now but the game is giving me the easiest circle things I'm not sure what to call those I'll just call them errors so there's four computers left there's gonna be three once I'm done hacking this computer I don't know where the beast is but I don't I don't hear him and he went that way oh oh oh oh shoot he's got someone oh all right so there's that's where the person that he captured is I think he just got someone else oh she's losing health fast all right hold on I gotta save this girl be free all right and closed door the door is not closing never mind I guess the door only closes when you walk away from it oh shoot there's another computer here but the Beast is right go go go he's not closing the doors behind him you fool there's a computer in here the Beast is over there so is there anywhere that I can hide in the event of the Beast showing up nope whatever there's just the health bar here I think someone yeah someone left there was five people in this Lobby earlier oh the Beast left well we won I guess nope it says I failed all right cool all right this guy is very buff if he's the Beast then we automatically lose if he's not then we it's a win for us what map were we on I don't know I kind of want to play on facility this map looks dark and desolate this one looks this is a very happy looking map all right of course I'm the Beast on my second game playing all right well I guess I guess I'll be the runner I figured the Beast would outrun people by default but I guess that would be too overpowered oh oh so you're locked in the first person as the Beast all right so that's why the guy from earlier didn't see me oh hello get back here whack there's there's two people what are you looking at get down I'm gonna bring you with me okay where are the things there's one here yeah we're just gonna place you in there and come back for the other well she's still in ragdoll form it looked like she wasn't it's kind of weird what the heck is this alright we're just not gonna mess with that or if she's trying to run out that's just not happening alright so this has been a very easy game so far cuz if two of the people just walked towards me like literally one of them actually walked towards me I'm just gonna walk in a bunch of rooms there's a computer right here okay someone is frozen I think that means they're dead I figure well now that now that I have the knowledge that we're locked in first person I'm gonna be more aware of potential hiding spots alright so I just have to go after one guy now dude this game is hide-and-seek with like extra steps and I'm actually enjoying it a lot so far even though it made me the beast on the second game where is this last guy oh I'm in the same room again is he like afk hiding somewhere I swear this guy is actually afk somewhere computers don't take that long the hack I know that LC was just kind of sitting in the lobby oh there he is look at this man and his JPEG face he has no idea what I'm about to do to him oh I like the slow head tilt bear that he just did before falling to the ground if I jump here and walk he still can oh he teleports oh this looks really weird alright I want to oshu he came back no get back I have to end the game now goodbye alright the server's full again so hopefully we'll get some interesting games going on here what map are we doing well I guess we're doing abandoned facility was this the map that I was on the first time no clue I think it was yeah I mean I'm in the same room too with the same computer are the computers in the same spots every time I feel like they'd be kind of randomly generated just so you'd at least have to memorize more of the locations who's the Beast is it the it is the the level one is the Beast the game did this girl dirty by making her the beasts oh shoot she's close sort of I'm just gonna keep hacking look I'm just slamming in the keyboard to just so aggressive this keyboard isn't even connected properly oh oh shoot okay so that's what happens when you mess up it gives away your location I'm gonna take note of that oh hello wait you can help people hack oh well I guess you can there's like three keyboards here and you messed it up alright cool our location has been given to the beasts I'm so glad this happened at least we're hacking it faster now we can just take off after we're done all right here we go oh why would you betray us like that game okay so she's that way we do not want to go that way where's the exit this is not the exit all right here we go let's go this way and go in here oh alright nice not nice oh shoot that wasn't very fun she's still close by but I'm just gonna keep hacking this also my scroll wheel is like messed up right now if I try to side scroll and like cuz normally you see you use the scroll wheel it zooms you out but my mouse has a side scroll function and when I accidentally press it I try to use the scroll wheel normally and it actually functions as a scroll wheel instead of zooming me out roblox please help wait a mon the last computer oh shoot we're about to win so what happens when we get all of them then let's find out okay so there's exits that we have to go to I'm gonna go to this one cuz I saw the Beast go that way and this exit is over here someone already opened it boom we did it hold on him up imma watch the Beast this is super red what the heck also she's just staring at the wall alright everyone got out so we win all right I'm gonna rejoin because I mean I'm not gonna play like this seriously this happened or this is going to happen in a future video that you won't want to miss alright I think I fixed a scroll wheel thing by unbinding my side scroll function on my mouse anyway so I spawned on the computer again this this map actually gives you things that look like keyboards and it actually gives you mice which we're not gonna use because it's just blue it's the thought that counts I just saw movement over there I don't know if that was a beast or if I was another survivor hopefully another survivor alright I'm curious can I I can eat ants while I'm hacking this is a useful piece of knowledge alright that's one computer now for the other three oh this door is very open okay they screw that one up why don't we go towards it and help them hack it before mr. beast comes and gives this person five billion dollars you just screw that up again it's fine we got this we're just gonna finish this and run alright now we run all right we're gonna go our separate ways now there's one computer left there's blood here and a computer this is about to be a very short game [Music] all right get that it says there's one computer left but I'm hacking one right now and I heard an error over there I'm confused also this beast is level one I kind of feel bad alright here we go this is kind of a gamble the beast could be at either one because that errored computer was pretty close to both of them or that's what it looked like anyways i'ma try my luck with this one alright how do you okay I don't like this all right let's get let's get out and we did it again all right this guy is not doing very good right now he's knocked over I'm not sure how the Beast did oh the Beast left great at least I won before before he left uh how do i how do I get these other powers like I can only get runner all right I spawn next to someone how did that not hit him the first time all right I got a nice spot for you right there oh shoot he's asking for help and chat someone's actually gonna come and do it I gotta find everyone else before they help them I hear footsteps hello oh I hear someone hacking too they just stopped but I it's too late man you're already compromised you are in here probably ran out by now but I don't care or you're not in here whoops I got the wrong house all right Oh oh shoot get him get him get him go oh shoot did I just take another W I think I did and you can go right here all right there we go GG's alright here we go we're playing on airport this time I don't think I play that map yet hopefully it's cool hopefully it's not mean to me and hopefully it doesn't make me the Beast oh I'm a survivor all right tic-tac-toe you know what we're just not gonna mess with that you can't mess with a man's tic-tac-toe game what he spawned right there he's gonna jump over me dude oh never mind Oh nope Oh broke my head out i'ma head out now did he even notice me didn't even see that I was there how do I leave I want to leave oh shoot and never mind there's computer here alright that was a very close very close call two very close calls to start the game with yeah this this is this is not gonna be a fun game this I can tell this is just gonna be never mind why to all the beasts keep leaving I didn't even get to hack in computer yet I got nothing from that game what the heck really nothing from that let's go on homestead I guess if you've made it this far into the video be sure to like subscribe lip scribe and Psyche I'm gonna vote for Airport for the next round because I did I barely got to experience the map all right what am I survivor good they left again I didn't even get to play that map for more than five seconds Airport is loading if the Beast leaves this next round I'm just gonna leave too it's just not gonna be worth playing on the server anymore alright am I still a survivor I'm still a survivor all right where am I there's stairs here okay we're going up into the plane this is good alright this is this this could be a good hiding spot there's computer in here oh no come on oh shoot alright that might actually be a good good enough distraction for me to hack this so I will do so they just messed it up again they really want to get captured by the Beast apparently alright so we're just gonna I almost miss that we're just gonna keep hacking this hopefully the Beast is not gonna run in here and just destroy me without me even noticing that there they were coming in the first place I managed to hack one computer without the Beast leaving that's good oh Depp why at least I got something out of that game like do these people just leave because it's too hard or do they have to do something or like what's what's the deal man that's three rounds in a row that the Beast left all right we're on this map again I think the Beast left all four of our names are up here but there's not a fifth one that would be the Beast yep that's I'm leaving the server screw that joining a new one where the Beast will actually stay in the game all right let's see what is happening wait all right what is this guy doing he's in the weird room whoa okay that's kind of trippy it's just the same thing oh so this guy is the only one left he's carrying this entire mission right now is that beast blind or are they teaming or what's what's the catch I don't think they're teaming well so I didn't even know you could hide in these all right let's spectate the beasts get a view of his perspective oh he checked that one but not the other one dang xxx tablet screen is having a rough time here he's had several close calls so I guess that's his escape route then alright so he's gonna hack these bricks hopefully he won't mess up the error oh he's getting rushed oh that's that that's actually smart cuz the Beast has no idea where he's going he's taking it completely different oh but it's it doesn't matter dude this this these are some 200 IQ plays from tablet screen does he like know where this is going or is he just improvising he's got two computers left hopefully he finds both of them because I just realized that the Beast might just camp the last one and he'll never win all right there's one in here oh that looks weird he's just banging you're supposed to bang on the keyboard with both of your hands dude yeah that might be a good idea close both of those doors where's the beast at by the way is he close I don't think so I think this guy is good for now never mind he is not good oh the Beast definitely saw you what is the play here ho ho that was too close Oh so he's gonna open that door and just troll the Beast the Beast is not falling for it this is a mind game at this point so he's actually gonna go in here now he's gonna leave the door open so it doesn't make any noise it's gonna okay this is a bit of a risky strategy oh ho shoot that doors open bit of a ballsy play but it I mean it's kind of working you may as well just find another computer yeah wherever one could be I think there's one in here obviously he's not gonna go check so it must already be hacked or something there's their whole server room that he just backed out of you'd think there would be a computer in there but this guy knows what he's doing so I'm not gonna question it oh there's one right there behind you there's a computer yeah there you go so now he just has to figure out where the last computer is and hopefully not get wrecked as he's opening the door that would just be unfortunate oh shoot the beast is back and he heard it so the he knows he's there now this is not looking good for him there's another okay well never mind I guess dude he can just hack this computer and that computer or he could go the other way and get the the computer that he was trying to hack earlier but he's only got four minutes to do all that so we'll see how this plays out for him oh the beast is coming that that he's coming all right what what does the Beast gonna do here are we gonna see some more yeah we're gonna see some more mind games Oh got him he was gonna go close the door but that's not gonna happen Oh how did the Beast not see him why is he not gonna go close the door they're just staring at each other come on you got three minutes do something wait there's legit another computer right here way this is the one from earlier never mind so there's like three computers in this one area oh I think this is a trim yep this is it for him that was a good game that was very fun to watch actually and the best part is the Beast didn't leave all right we're gonna play on homestead hopefully this guy or the other guys in the Beast cuz I want to win these guys look like they could make me lose what do you know this guy's the Beast great at least I spawned on a computer and we do get a head start at the beginning of every round so I should be able to get this one I like how we're using an external keyboard instead of the laptop keyboard to hack the laptop why is our random computer and a barn anyway what is this doing here and one more error there we go this computer is hacked let's explore this a bit there might be more than one computer here doesn't look like there is maybe we could there's an animal that we can steal okay there's a person the Beast is over there so I want to go the opposite direction because I assume that the other people in this server will go save that person parkour there we go oh what the why would you put a computer on the roof dude I'm actually gonna try and save this person they have like no health can I make it can I make it oh I got it that was clutch they have like no health left Oh someone else got captured that means the Beast is right there and I'm gonna run out in the open anyway alright I hear people going towards that location that error was very far away alright oh oh oh they're all getting captured alright this girl is just dead this person has been saved already so I got a run no why dude all right well the guys just standing there he left there's only one other person who can save me and I think they're getting chased right now yeah we're dead dude that was so unlucky I went the exact same route that the Beast was going and that one guy just bailed on us all right I think I'm gonna do one more game because this recording is coming up on one hour long hopefully I'm either the Beast and I just I get all the good people first or I'm a survivor and we no one leaves and we win that would be ideal all right good right in front of a computer - and all the highest levels are our survivors with the exception of me of course with my very high level of three all right I expect this computer's left counter on the top to go down by like three once I'm done with this computer there's at least one other person at least one other person spawned on a computer like that that one's getting hacked they mess it up so they're probably dead but hacking nonetheless alright no more errors all right cool let's find some more computers how would there not be one in the server room like yeah see like that it just makes the most sense you have the computer in the room with the computers and hacked oh shoot there's only one left it actually went down by two instantly all right hopefully I find the last one cuz I want all the credits at the beasts left nevermind I didn't even consider that how foolish of me alright well I did say one more game so I'm gonna end it there thank you guys so much for watching this video if you enjoyed it be sure to leave a like and subscribe to the channel if you are new and turn on post notifications so you never miss any new videos from me I will see you guys tomorrow
Channel: Remainings
Views: 3,171,821
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: remainings, roblox, commentary, lets play, gaming, roblox gameplay, roblox lets play, roblox commentary, roblox funny moments, no swearing, flee the facility, roblox flee the facility, ftf, ftf roblox, roblox chase, scary roblox game, scary roblox games, roblox challenge, flee the facility challenges, How to Fail at Flee The Facility
Id: x9y2mLgCxf8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 15sec (1395 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 25 2019
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