Surviving Squid Game (Roblox)

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hey guys welcome back to the squid game whoops alright let's try that one again today i'm going to be playing some roblox renditions of the slightly popular squid game show and i'm gonna start off with this one because it's the most popular but i might check out some other ones in this video we'll see and if you're not familiar with the show at all um it'll it'll become very clear what's going on we're just gonna be playing some fun children's games with very low stakes alright it's time to begin my first attempt at the squid game you know if this was real life it would also be my last attempt but you know it's roblox we're good all right the squid games games that's not confusing oh no it gave us a push tool you wouldn't want to be pushed around on this game welcome to squid game this is the first of many games red light green light get to the other side and you will be safe smiley face you know that's that's a pretty simple task i don't see how anyone would fail this but you know things happen things did happen oh geez okay people are just dropping like flies i'm gonna try and keep my distance from everyone else because they have the push tool and okay guys stop dying i'm trying to talk here all right and we reached the end oh this this guy moved on a red light all these people over here are moving on a red light what is this i guess if you finish you can just go back in and walk around which seems a bit weird oh we're just going straight into the next game welcome to sugar honeycomb cut the cookie by following the lines if the cookie breaks you will be eliminated all right we're gonna do a big speed run of this oh no well i said i would do a big speed run all right there we go feels weird being allowed to walk around here while all these people get eliminated alright we made it past the first two games pretty easily congrats on making it this far it is time to rest it is recommended that you forge alliances with other players what good night's sweet dreams there will be no sweet dreams happening trust me because i think this is the part where they instigate a fight just for fun oh i forget to say you get baseball bats for protection yeah i i was right oh no and they turned off the lights well i guess i'm just gonna sit here not have to risk fighting people and this guy right here is actually trying to sleep right now good luck with that man all these people are just brutally just beating each other with baseball bats but you know this guy can sleep it off whatever all right i think i should be good i've just been sitting here the whole time there's five seconds left so i'm just gonna run up to this guy and push him off i hope everyone had a good night's rest well this guy did get up and get ready for your next game alright oh no our next game is tug of war a button should show up press it as fast as you can alright you guys better be fast clickers because i i don't think this is a game that i can carry super hard but we're i'm just going to go looking good so far oh actually no one's really moving that much come on guys we got it we got to kill all of those people start clicking faster wait what happens when the timer runs out do we all just die or do we move on oh oh we're getting them let's go all right we won nice good job guys all right a bridge of glass lays before you um oh she this girl just does not care about anything right now and look how it paid off oh there goes that guy all right let's let's go here with these guys oh oh no i'm in the lead good thing we don't have the push tool on this one all right any volunteers um i i don't like my odds here unless there's some way i can cheese this oh oh oh no oh wait wait everyone's dead oh the game is not ending uh can i like oh okay i think i can just cheese this please oh i made it it seems that all the players have reached the end or have fallen dude i was not expecting this game to end so early but i guess i won welcome back you know the drill good luck what do you mean there's no one here what's the point of me resting is this guy gonna magically revive himself and start beating me up doesn't seem very likely am i the only one in the server yeah i am i guess i'm somehow competing against myself or something i don't know well it's just me and you and you're dead so i don't know what to do now i guess i'll wait for this lights out thing to end and then we'll see while we're waiting for this to end um let me just remind you guys to leave a like on this video if you're enjoying it so far and subscribe to my channel if you're enjoying my channel so far i hope everyone had a good night's rest get up and get ready for your next game but i won what's the point welcome to our next game marbles who am i playing this with i need i need a partner all right well i guess i'm playing marbles with myself so i just i just win by default all right uh it's definitely even hey let's go all right this one is definitely odd oh let's go i got it again all right i'm going with even again they said i have to make it through four rounds of this and i'm doing just that oh i got it three times in a row i'm gonna go with even again but i should be good here all right let's see four for four all right good job you have more than zero marbles i played marbles against no one now what do you want from me you know that what you want me to go to sleep again i guess i can sleep in peace now because there's no one here so uh goodnight guys i'll see you guys in one second hey good morning everyone get ready for your next game well i think the next game here is squid game and it just sent me back to the lobby and i got a win so i guess we just skipped that whole step all right well we won our first attempt and i walked away with 240 dollars that doesn't really look like 240 dollars but whatever all right well that was an interesting first attempt at this all right so we've done this game already let's try out this hexagame next alright so i noticed already that this version has a server size of 115 so this should be pretty interesting please refer to the screen to see how many players will be competing alright we got oh we already lost two people take some time to prepare for your first game all right well we have 15 seconds for ourselves so in that time i'm going to take a two second long power nap so i will see you guys in two seconds and i've awoken all right all right here we are and of course we're starting off with red light green light and we've gone through the rules in the last game let's see how all these new people here will do the good thing about this version is that it doesn't let you push people oh that just killed everyone alright okay this guy moved for like a solid half second after red light and he didn't die and he just did it again all right i guess there's some kind of descent going on all right oh all those guys started moving during red light for some reason all right i won't reach the end this time but once she turns her head around again yeah i should be good here all right we've made it let's watch as all of these people cross the red finish line or not i don't know this girl didn't oh why are you going back oh okay this is just a disaster for people who haven't finished yet yeah this guy hasn't moved he's definitely afk and he's definitely gonna die because you're not getting here in 10 seconds all right well most of us made it all right there's 50 of us left let's see how the rest of us do in this next game what is this guy doing now is not the time to be jamming out all right let's see what shape i got hopefully not the umbrella alright this is much more doable than the umbrella well i guess the umbrella was doable but it was it was kind of risky i don't need to do much of a speed run for this one because we're good all right let's watch as all of these other people die all right how are you doing today ma'am are you gonna manage to cut the cookie in time or are you gonna just uh get eliminated still standing there there's two seconds left i think you're getting eliminated or not i guess she did finish it we lost 27 people already lights out in 15 seconds uh-oh see if i can alright i should be able to climb up here no problem all right so i am just it's just me up here this girl is kind of suspicious oh these people over here are just dead that guy's dead oh what are you doing don't come up here please not looking for a fight right now i'm just just chilling okay this guy is definitely looking for a fight hey you don't want to do this right now man i have double your health yeah just go over there oh he has a quarter of his health left and he's almost dead and he's dead that didn't work out very well for you did it alright so the next game is tug of war so let's see how this game does it hopefully we win this time because you know if i'm gonna die at any point it's probably gonna be here anyways i was not listening to the instructions so hopefully this won't be too bad the game will begin once the button appears on your screen alright so we just got to click oh god it moves oh no oh no we are losing right now i think we're putting up a fight i was i was not ready for this oh there wait there's no time or two we just gotta out click the other team which is not it's not looking very great for us right now not gonna lie like they literally have a floating person on their team and they're still winning as we are gonna lose oh no they they're getting stronger come on guys we just we gotta we gotta keep going dude i don't know how long i can do this for and it's not gonna keep going for very long anyways because we are about to get pulled off the entire map once one of us dies the rest are just gonna go flying off i'm trying really hard to keep us alive right now but it's not it's not looking very good kind of brutal how there's no timer this time it's just we gotta keep going actually we've we've got a bit of room to ourselves now so we might we might be winning this back oh one of them oh they're all dying oh let's go wait we won holy crap just like that there's only eight of us left that was a very long round i gotta say all right so we are going to be playing marbles now okay this one we have to last eight rounds it's a lot longer than the last game we're gonna start off with uh let's start off with odd okay so that was the correct answer nice and the wager was three so that's good decent amount of marbles here i'm gonna go with even this time okay it was not even but the wager was one so i i'm not losing much here i'm gonna go with even again let's see oh no the wager was five are you kidding me dude i just lost so many marbles all right we gotta go with even again come on surely it can't be wrong three times in a row okay dude what is this i'm only losing one but if i get really unlucky i'm only good for two more rounds here it can't be wrong four times in a row right i don't want to pick odd yet because what if it's the one oh no oh she just lost all her marbles well it was nice knowing you guys but i'm just getting screwed by these 50 50s right now and it was odd and i have zero marbles well goodbye guys all right let's try that one again we are back on marbles i had to get through several rounds to get here so hopefully things go better this time and i'm definitely not going with even as much between one and five you are more likely to get an odd number but we're going to start off with even let's see what we get and my streak is continuing right now all right well we're not doing that anymore we're going with odd and if it's wrong i'm doing it again and if i die i'm not gonna be very happy because i had to go through all right good i had to go through all the other rounds to get here gonna go with odd again okay we're still at 10 so it's not too bad but we're going to keep going with odd and it was odd again and i got i'm up five marbles which is very good just a few more correct rounds in a row hopefully and we'll be at 20. oh we got five all right nice we won all right now i can just sit here and wait for the next round which would be glass bridges which would basically be 50 50s all over again so i i am not expecting that to go well but you never know and eight rounds have passed and i don't think anyone died here congratulations on winning your fourth game all right we're going straight to the fifth game and we still have seven people here so more more people for glass bridges might be better okay this one i i don't think you can really cheese it like the first game because there's this big gap in the middle so i think we we really have to do this one all right any volunteers oh this this guy is pretending to go all right this guy went alright we have one step revealed all right we have two all right okay i guess we're all going on this one at the same time anyone want to try their luck i'm the one recording so i would prefer not to die right here oh all right we lost that guy all right so this girl got this one and now it's just down to a 50 50 chance and no one seems very interested in going right now with 20 seconds left oh oh that's unfortunate but he helped us win at least alright there's four of us left and the last game is gonna be the squid game which i'm not sure how this game will handle the whole hopping on one foot thing or if it's just gonna put us on a little platform to battle to the death and it looks like it's gonna be doing just that you will be given a push tool use it to knock the other players out of the arena if you touch the light-colored sand even the tiniest bit you will be eliminated the last player alive will win all right well it's okay it's time to go i guess i'm just gonna inch towards the middle here i see the push tool if you push someone they also lose health so i'm gonna try and avoid getting hit as much as possible in this early stage oh this girl is just coming straight towards me oh oh i am too close oh we lost someone oh you are so close to oh okay she just doesn't care about the other guy right now jeez get out oh geez okay i am losing too much health you guys can battle each other i'm gonna wait here nope okay dude all right so this game was fun we had some good moments in there but you know we won a game at the start of this video so i'm i'm willing to accept the two back-to-back ls that i took in this game and just leave it at that because i'm not trying to make it to the finals over and over again thank you guys for watching this video if you enjoyed it be sure to leave a like and also subscribe to the channel if you haven't already and also turn on all notifications for my channel so you don't miss out on any new videos anyways i'm gonna go back to playing some normal games with no death involved and i will see you guys in the next one [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Remainings
Views: 2,213,111
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: remainings, roblox, commentary, lets play, gaming, roblox gameplay, roblox lets play, roblox commentary, roblox funny moments, no swearing, squid game, roblox squid game, hexa game, roblox squid, roblox hexa game, roblox red light green light
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 19sec (1039 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 22 2021
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