4 AM Snack Adventures (Roblox)

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hey guys so a lot of people wanted me to play this game called get a snack at 4am which is quite the oddly specific scenario here but we'll check it out unfortunately it's not 4 am right now so hopefully that doesn't ruin the immersion of this game but let's check it out oh welcome brawldude3 it's me your self-conscious i'm interrupting your sleep to say that you are starving you appear to be waking up due to your starvation you honestly can't sleep in this condition so i advise getting a late night snack just try to be sneaky about it okay anyway you're waking up i'll see you soon okay well that's kind of ominous but okay so let's see where i spawned in here objective get a snack at 4am fair enough all right oh it is 4 am so i don't have to worry about that all right so let's read this click item to pick up you can only pick up one item get different endings there's different endings on this it sounded like a very linear game at first but now i'm intrigued alright so i think i guess in this video i'm gonna try and get several endings okay what are these pictures these are very random pictures oh some robux here oh gives me so much money carpet i'm glad this carpet is labeled so i know what it is how to make good breakfast get egg cook egg on stove place cooked egg on plate place orange juice enjoy do we have that oh that's not orange juice [Music] that's not orange juice either all right well we're just gonna ignore the top shelf of the fridge oh pick up please do not i'll do that later it's fine wait i found the snack i won all right let me drink this first [Music] all right let me turn on the tv i'm gonna watch some television never mind the tv is just here for show oh okay screw you wait click wherever you want to go can i go to the iceberg i want to drill a massive hole in the middle of the iceberg with 50 other people all right well i'm just kind of exploring everything right now i don't want to eat the snack yet because i don't know if it's just gonna oh okay i thought i was still in first person and i was just looking at some random guy standing in front of my house but why is this so creepy is there anything out there so there's like a whole road there that i can't access i wonder if i can get to that later i just want to see which parts of the map are blocked off all right so it's basically just luring me into this place okay what is this hey guys i got my brand new car here it i i made it myself oh this is my car cashier oh well that's awkward why is there money everywhere in this game all right let's finally go in here and see what's up hi welcome to a generic convenience store we are open 24 hours place an item here and talk to me to purchase it dude you look so tired what is wrong with this fridge hello all right whatever out of order due to being too cold okay then oh orange juice we got some eggs on the floor we no longer sell toothpaste and orange juice together due to the amount of people buying and consuming them both why would you do that don't do this unless it is in a video game definitely not a hint okay but where's the toothpaste at this point the toothpaste may as well be in here somewhere or pick up you feel timeline shifting uh oh bro what did i do hold on i'm throwing this out goodbye i need to buy my eggs why do i only have one egg now hello oh that's awkward i'm following you outside i'm on break yeah but i want my egg and i'm going to be on break for an indefinite amount of time if you wanted to buy something you should have came earlier i'm robbing your store screw you how do i rob your store oh i can open the door now oh what is this welcome to the walk-in freezer okay i need to speed run this because i'm gonna die if i'm in here for too long there's a switch in here why is your switch in the freezer do not consume in cold temperatures that would be pretty painful hold on what's this i don't know what i'm doing oh there's another decapitated person here and there's another one what is with this game and decapitated roblox people we hope you enjoy your stay and i don't know how i didn't see that before and i'm locked all right well at least my carpet is here oh oh oh freezer okay well i guess i died okay let's go again welcome back to another youtube video even though this is the same one thanks game i never need to do an intro again alright now i'm gonna eat that bag of chips that was there and just speed run this [Music] oh go back to bed well if you just let me goodbye oh i can't escape i could hear you opening and eating the chips well just don't hear me then dad got mad uh-oh another ominous message from this game so far though this is a this is a pretty interesting game thanks for uh suggesting this to those who did hold on what if i pick up the orange obviously we have a knife in the kitchen i can't move uh oh oh oh oh dude i can't unequip it oh no well i'm being held hostage by the orange and i just ended the game already uh oh that's what i said dude i am just speed running this game right now like i don't know what i'm doing but it's just it it's just happening so glad i have this orange statue here all right hold on how do i make good breakfast get egg cook egg on stove place orange juice okay so i need to buy the egg and then i need to find orange juice somewhere and there's also this random vending machine here that i have to feed sodas so like i don't know there's a lot of things to keep track of right now oh oh there it is yes give me the egg i want the egg right now oh wait my inventory's full all right i gotta do a speed run i have to purchase the orange juice before he just quits his job so i'm gonna go do that real quick all right let's put this down let's turn this on and see if i win oh all right i have one now i need to get my orange juice and hope that it's not more than 27 dollars just in case all right let's get that and we have a lot more time than i thought okay well i made the right call by collecting that extra money because it was randomly 30 dollars all right i got my orange juice and my egg on a plate here we go did i win i think i won i think i'm yeah i definitely made good breakfast that was delicious oh thanks man hi if you're seeing this i've successfully managed to generate my thoughts into objects you can see so i can't actually speak directly each timeline has one of these notes in it can you find them sup daniel alright now what do i do i almost picked up the orange again oh i don't know what that was was there messages when i was leaving the house the entire time or was that a new thing all right let's try and fill this uh this vending machine here i probably shouldn't use those all right sorry i'm gonna steal these real quick oh bro yeah you were kind of just sitting there it's time for you to pay the price bro come on i can just give you this oh okay bro screw you i'm not i'm not buying soda are you crazy i only buy eggs off of the floor okay i need to get all the money right now i need to feed this thing sodas place an item and talk to me you know the deal sure thing am i gonna get confronted again for buying soda nope we're good all right that's one out of eight and i have to hurry up before this guy quits his job wait bro this is these are one dollar hold on if i place this here bro it's one dollar what do you mean all right whatever how much is this bloxy cola oh it's five dollars all right nice i like how he talks faster every time i make a purchase i don't know where i'm gonna get the last soda i have to look around for that because we're starting to run out in the store here and that is six out of eight i'm gonna be at seven which is not enough but well we'll figure something out all right this thing is gonna explode if i do this but whatever at this point i'm just like whatever all right let me look in the fridge and see what's up all right hello again all right i got soda number eight here yeah i can see that thing going off right now this is not gonna be good all right let's go oh the vending machine seems happy oh that's good did i win it's not gonna explode on me okay orb pick up uh can i buy this oh um you know what i'll take that back whatever the orb disappears in your hands where oh all right so what what else can i do right now because i don't know i feel like i've done a lot i guess there are papers that are just around the place so we'll we'll work on those oh oh he's on break that's what that was all right i don't know what to do i'm gonna go wake up father figure because i haven't really directly done that yet wait there's toothpaste in here and a gun um yo what's up man no why not oh okay i'm sorry okay guys next up what are you doing in here bro i can just get soda for one dollar like i was meant to that's sick but i don't want to do that right now because i want to get orange juice and toothpaste oh oh no hello yeah i'm not gonna interact with that manhole right now i don't i don't i don't know if uh it's a good idea actually no we we gotta we gotta do it come on yo what's up man oh wait i can talk to the manhole i like that idea better instead of someone being down there i don't need saving or anything well what what do you want you're kind of breaking out i can hear you banging on the manhole cover i do get hungry and thirsty sometimes while you're up there could you maybe send me stuff yeah i got some chips that are always in the house 10 sodas oh you know what actually i have a i have a vending machine in my room now could you pour them down here that's not very ideal but sure all right let's grab some sodas real quick all right got a soda hopefully the convenience store is still in good supply just nine more sorry if i'm wasting your time or anything well i'm kind of like deep into this game right now so like it's whatever my time is not wasted here i know i'm gonna do this and he's gonna lift the manhole cover off somehow and i'm just gonna die and it's gonna be terrifying and it's gonna be great content as well while i'm gathering a bunch of sodas for this random sewer monster if you're new to my channel consider subscribing and leaving a like on this video because i mean you made it this far so it would be very appreciated i just know something terrible will happen when i'm at one soda left this game just has me on edge right now it's not very good alright it's time for the vending machine to blow up [Music] all right we're good no explosions today although something might explode out of the manhole all right moment of truth here you go uh-oh a strange light emerges from the manhole it gives you a bad feeling yeah i'm i'm leaving i'm gonna stand back i'm gonna hide behind this does it want me to interact with the manhole again i think it does hello do you know what's up you wanna check out this light with me no all right hold on i'm gonna try and experiment can i shoplift well that guy is just done or can i like self check out or something oh that doesn't work um yo what's up man i just shoplifted how do you feel about this all right so what i'm gonna do actually i'm gonna go outside just to be safe i'm gonna drink this and i'm going to go to the bathroom where the toothpaste is all right i'm leaving scared of this guy all right and now we consume oh what have i done who are you what's up dummy wait you're here uh welcome brawldude3 yo what's up man that was quite a remarkable death it was very unfortunate oh so that's what this is have you heard of the legend drinking orange juice then putting toothpaste in your mouth is supposedly very painful to your taste buds um you could have told me that earlier but whatever anyway the sheer amount of pain transported you beyond dimensions beyond death in front of this naked man eating a burger and some milk you could say you're in a type of limbo i like to call it the void who exactly am i you ask uh i didn't ask but okay my name is dummy can't you see it on top of my head what did you want to know my purpose as well yeah why did you die dude did you do the same thing as me yeah there are quite a few things i can do in this game if you ever get stuck or confused you can come back here and i'll tell you about these endings i yeah i was confused the whole time it's all right get all of those endings oh god why is it getting brighter anyways i don't know if i'm gonna get all the endings in this video this is probably a very long video already just because of how much stuff is happening i don't know i guess i guess that's something i can work on ultra death that's pretty fitting go outside what hold on let me look out here first what do you have going on out here all right well i can't tell so i'm just gonna go something bad is happening is it turning day time or something everything's flooding with soda very slowly though oh geez okay well i'm gonna get to higher ground which isn't really a thing right now i'm gonna pick up all the money off the floor before it gets soggy where's the soda hello why does the soda despawn when i go back in the house all right well i'm gonna explore this outside area real quick the store seems to be holding up pretty well usually i'd greet you but honestly we appear to be in quite a pickle yeah i'd say and by that i mean we're being flooded with soda i don't know how that happened but we don't have much time oh yep yeah okay we can't drive anywhere safe in time so it looks like the employee-only walk-in freezer is our only option we can wait the flood out and people will come rescue us you know what that that's probably a good idea now this door is pretty hefty it'll take me a while to open it bro hurry up i don't care about this dialogue just go we are going to drown right now what do you mean it took you seconds to open listen we need tension we can't just enter the freezer just like that dude you are literally gonna drown in soda i don't know if we have 21 seconds there pal but you know what we may as well shoplift while we're at it because screw this guy never mind it won't let me take that oh all right it's open all right well i'm getting in i hope you're coming in with me all right yeah it's still as cold as i remember you've been here before sounds terrible i guess if you work here you you would have been but i don't know how long we have to stay here realistically speaking we're gonna be here for a while one time i was here for a while and i i died so that was pretty fun you already know the door gets locked when you enter right so yeah we're stuck in here until help arrives if an area is flooded with soda i don't know if anyone wants to help us like at that point the fault relies on us i'm sure that flood has already reached the top of the store by now the flood made of purely soda how that even happened well you see this random no but this random guy wanted soda but it may be a coincidence but you sure bought a whole lot of sodas for me a while back what can i say i was just thirsty how are you oh pretty good i just helped some random oh never mind that you caused a catastrophic disaster i sure did i'm very proud of that all right so everything looks to be all right now i think oh wait okay so there's a gun in the bathroom so maybe i can rob the store or something or maybe rob father figure i don't know we'll see what we can do here yoink oh okay are you kidding me he's literally gonna wake up before it finishes well i'll see you guys when he wakes up almost there and oh you could have told me that earlier all right well i'll just uh figure out how to acquire 100 cash and then i'll i'll come back actually you know what we're almost there and there's certainly thanks for that all right now i can pick up the gun right all right now we just got to wait for a second time and we are almost going to pick up the gun for real and it's all right well i'm out of options i don't know how much longer i can handle this game all right well i don't i don't know what to do with myself right now well in that case i think i'm just gonna stop playing for today because this game is quite the journey so if if if you enjoyed this video which i really hope you did because this this is taking a while to record and this video is probably going to be very long but if if you enjoyed it be sure to subscribe leave a like on this video and also hit the bell icon if you want to stay notified of whenever i post new videos but yeah i will see you guys in the next one goodbye [Music] you
Channel: Remainings
Views: 2,435,709
Rating: 4.9634557 out of 5
Keywords: remainings, roblox, commentary, lets play, gaming, roblox gameplay, roblox lets play, roblox commentary, roblox funny moments, no swearing, get a snack at 4 am, gasa4, roblox story games, roblox story game, get a snack roblox
Id: rJTjNxpTRdk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 14sec (1214 seconds)
Published: Wed May 26 2021
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