How to Enable Copilot Pro in Microsoft Office 365 - Complete Guide

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hi there everyone welcome to techaholic finally the moment have arrived when the co-pilot is available for Office application for example word excel and PowerPoint let me show you how you can get copilot for your word excel and PowerPoint app for that let's type here copilot Pro and hit enter here you will see co-pilot Pro and pricing and then here you need to choose your Reginal website and then here you can see copilot Pro which is now available with Microsoft 365 apps and previously it was only available for Enterprise user but now here you can see it is also available for personal and family subscriber so in case of Enterprise user the co-pilot is different and that actually cost $10 more per month so This One cost $20 per user per month in India it is slightly expensive which is 2,000 Rupees per user per month now before purchasing copilot Pro I would recommend you to keep in mind you should purchase copilot Pro with same ID of your Microsoft 365 so let's say in Microsoft 365 you are using XYZ theate then that should be same in case of copilot then only you will see copilot will automatically integrated with Office application now in order to buy it simply click on get copilot Pro and then here you can see the value that you will get if you buy this so here simply we need to click on subscribe and then it will take us to payment challenge page then here you need to enter your CBB number and then click next this will open your bank website in case if you are from India and then here you obviously need to enter the OTP then confirm on pay now here you can see this message which says all set if you are done setting up your account go back and finish your purchase so now what we need to do here is we will go back to our Microsoft account and now let's click here on your ID and click on my Microsoft account and here we should able to see our subscription now click on manage subscription here you can find all the detail let's say you want to cancel your subscription um you can click here and then you can cancel for next month or you can also get a refund by clicking on this option now let's integrate this with our Office 365 for that let me open CoPilot and here let's click on sign in now here we can see we now have copilot for pro available in our PC with my account now let's talk about the biggest benefit why actually we bought this copilot Pro which is integration of co-pilot with Microsoft 365 app now let's open Microsoft Word and what we need to do here is you need to click on account now what we need to do here is we need to click on update license now here what we need to do is we need to enter our credential so in this way guys you have updated your office license and let's just restart our word so that the word will have co-pilot available now we have just restarted word and let's click on this blank document and there we go here we can see this co-pilot is now available in our office application now no more autopilot other third party plug-in required now we can use co-pilot for personal use as well let me ask him draft an article on YouTube and let's hit enter let's see what it come up with so this will actually give you much more seamless experience than any other plug-in that's for sure I can say and then you know you can keep it you can ask your co-pilot to perform something for example rewrite with copilot or visualize it as table there are so many things that you can do with the power of co-pilot isn't it cool guys so make sure to subscribe to technoholic to see more such content and I will catch you soon with another such productivity video that going to help you in day-to-day productivity till then you take care and bye-bye
Channel: Technoholic
Views: 7,867
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: microsoft copilot pro, CoPilot Pro Sign Up, CoPilot Pro Integration, Microsoft 365 CoPilot Setup, Microsoft 365 Integration Guide, CoPilot Pro Registration, Microsoft 365 Apps CoPilot, CoPilot Pro and Office 365, copilot pro, enable copilot pro, copilot integration with excel, powerpoint copilot pro integration, CoPilot for Office Apps, CoPilot in Microsoft Suite, microsoft 365 copilot, how to enable copilot in microsoft office, copilot pro how to enable
Id: 4xwcifo3ZzA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 30sec (330 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 21 2024
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