Get Started with Microsoft Copilot for Microsoft 365

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in today's episode I'm going to check out Microsoft co-pilot for Microsoft 365 and ask exactly what it is how does it work and most importantly what can it do for you are you ready to learn let's take a look [Music] as Obi-Wan Kenobi once said well hello there and welcome to this week's episode today I'm going to be talking about Microsoft co-pilot for Microsoft 365 the Revolutionary AI technology that's now embedded well to be honest absolutely everywhere facts fun facts of the day did you know that there are 117 different versions of co-pilot so co-pilot itself is not a technology of course it all kind of comes from chat GPT so in this episode I thought we would talk about first of all exactly how it works we'll talk about the security and compliance aspects of it and I'm also going to give you full demos of exactly how it works and uh what you can do with it now um just to mention that um my apologies I've not been on air for about a week um I've actually been traveling um attending the European collaboration Summit uh in Vis sparten this week and this coming week I'm going to be actually speaking for Microsoft at their partner Road show uh in B so I'm really looking forward to that just to mention that if you haven't subscribed we would love to have you on board so bump that subscribe button up there ring that Bell and come and join my learning community and if you enjoyed the session give me a big thumbs up it does make a big difference and if you have any questions or comments um about this or in fact any of my other sessions as always just get those down below and I'll be delighted to hear from uh from you so I think without any further Ado I think it's about time we check out Microsoft co-pilot for Microsoft 365 let's take a look so exactly what then is co-pilot for Microsoft 365 well it's just one of many co-pilots that are now integrated into the Microsoft Suite of applications so we've got Windows Azure Microsoft 365 co-pilot for security and it's all based on this concept of a large language model which means essentially the more you put in to the data the more you're going to get out of it it also uses something called a semantic index now how does that differ from a regular search well with a regular search um it's just doing a straight search on the internet but if you do a semantic search it's actually searching for your data and really what is relevant to you and your project and it all fully integrates with the likes of the Microsoft graph as well as the many Microsoft 365 apps and also if you wish it fully integrates into the web as well so as I've said there are many versions of co-pilot um first of all we have Microsoft 365 co-pilot and as you can see it's uh $30 per month again this price will vary for localization and it includes all the different versions of uh co-pilot in all the different applications this is now generally available now uh in terms of the different plans that are available co-pilot uh if you're using an edge browser then co-pilot is fully integrated into that and you can get access to it for free so if you if you've not got a Microsoft 365 account you can go and look at that uh it does provide foundational capabilities it has web grounding and it also provides you with commercial data protection as well uh co-pilot Pro is brilliant for small and mediumsized businesses and that costs essentially just $20 per month and again this gives you all the benefits of co-pilot it's available in all the the Microsoft uh applications of course with the exception of teams as teams requires a separate license now uh for organizations so for large medium to large Enterprises again the main product is Microsoft co-pilot for Microsoft 365 which is the product that we're looking at here and here you get all the rich features of co-pilot including access to the likes of co-pilot studio so that you can for example create your own prompts and it will integrate with your own applications and you can also extend the capabilities of co-pilot into your thirdparty applications as well so if you're using uh other products as well so for example co-pilot for sales co-pilot for service again these two products these are $50 in addition to your Microsoft 365 subscription but they do again give you access to specific features for sales and also for service so another great feature to definitely check out is the co-pilot lab and this is a great collection of resources uh to get you up and running with your Microsoft 365 co-pilot um it teaches you the art of prompting there are videos documentation links to Microsoft portals and again you can choose what kind of organization you are there's some Technical Resources there to help you prepare to get ready um for example if you're a business leader in your organization there's things like the success kit which is great there's learning there's absolutely piles of stuff so definitely uh check out the co-pilot lab it's definitely worth it so here I am in Microsoft 365 and one of the first questions is okay how do I get access to co-pilot well co-pilot is integrated into absolutely everything so you can see here I'm using the Microsoft edge browser and we have the co-pilot uh logo up here um of course as I've said if you don't have a Microsoft 365 account you can still access co-pilot but you can see the data would be unprotected so you would be using public data so be careful with that whereas in this case we're actually Inc incorporated into our uh private data so our everything that we're doing every transaction we're undertaking is poten protected in terms of security and compliance here so that's the first location that you can access co-pilot and you can also see that I've got the co-pilot button here on the toolbar and this brings us into the co-pilot for Microsoft 365 and you can see it provides us with a selection of prompts there are many prompts that you can use or you can create your own prompts as well um over here you can see that you can add context to your your prompt there are connectors so for example if you're using HR connectors or something Finance or something like that there are connectors that will Connect into your uh data to extend its capabilities and as I've mentioned if you're using each of the various Microsoft applications um of course there is the co-pilot button in there as well um one interesting location by the way or as it's now known is the co-pilot hub is also available in teams premium there as well and one of my absolute favorite features of this is let's say for example you missed out on a meeting so um here is an example of a meeting here you can you can obviously go in and watch the meeting um but one of the really nice things about co-pilot is that you get this extra area here which then says you know um can you recap the meeting uh maybe list the actions if it was a 2-hour meeting you just want a quick overview of it so I can say yeah just go ahead give me a quick recap of this meeting and you can also prompt it for more as well and say you know are there any action points is there anything that I need to know so again it's telling you for example what you need to do as part of the project so as I mentioned again you've got the co-pilot integrated there into Microsoft teams and that's the first thing uh how cool is that that the fact that you've got this meeting recap so what about the the likes of Microsoft Outlook then what can co-pilot do for you here so let's say for example you've been away for a couple of weeks you've maybe been out of touch for a while and you want to catch up you can see that you've got a message from Joe Griffin so this is where co-pilot can be really useful so I'm going to open up co-pilot here and I'm going to say you know um can you provide a recap of Joe's emails what were we talking about so what co-pilot will do is will then collate through all of Joe's emails so now that that's happened you can now do a quick recap and go okay that's what we were discussing that's what the project uh is about now of course with this you might think gosh that's an awful lot of information uh I can say you know can you provide a two paragraph summary and off it goes and it just gives me a nice quick kind of well quite a large two paragraphs there okay you get the idea really cool though so next I'm going to come over here and I'm going to open up Microsoft Word and we're going to start off with a blank sheet of paper now one of the things that you'll first notice here is not only do we have the co-pilot option in the top right but we also have a co-pilot prompt now you can just start typing and nothing pretty much will happen but if you want co-pilot as you can see I can now float my mouse pointer over it and let's say you know for for example I'm writing a new proposal for an internal security awareness training course and you might need help with some ideas so off it goes and it will then start generating that proposal for you now as it goes through and starts that uh generation you'll notice that not only is it creating the document for you but how cool is that it's actually formatting it for you as well now of course later on you can then go in and you can add graphics to it you can customize it you can say I want more details and one of the cool things I love about this is you can even export it um let's say to a PowerPoint presentation to use in a presentation so you can see once the uh proposal is complete it looks pretty good it's quite in depth actually now of course you would then go through and you would edit it you would check that you're happy with it if you are that's fine you can go ahead and keep it if not then you can regenerate The Proposal uh you can obviously discard it if it's no good you can then come back into the prompt and add more and say Hey you know let's shorten it a little bit let's make it a two or a thre day course um can you uh maybe focus it or write this as if I was a training manager for example so it can take on personas but the thing about AI generation is that it learns from you so the more that you interact with it the more you feedback the better the prompts uh are going to be so uh as you can see it's gone ahead it's created that proposal for me you know I'm quite happy with this so what I can then do is I can then say you know I want to go ahead I want to save this document and I'll give it a name I'll just call this my training one and we'll just leave it in the default location so what can we do with this document now so now I can do this from either the co-pilot prompt or alternatively what you might want to do is you might just want to open up PowerPoint so again I'm going to open up a blank PowerPoint presentation and this time again I'm going to come up to co-pilot and I'm going to say you know co-pilot there's nothing worse than a blank page I need some ideas from you so I'm going to say do you want me to create a presentation about something do you want to create a presentation from a specific file or maybe you just want to insert a slide so for this demo I'm going to go and say ahead and say yeah I want to create it from this file and I'm going to say yep let's go ahead and create this document so off it will go and it will now start generating from that file so first up it will generate the proposal itself then it will start creating the slides and it will even create the speaker notes for you as well how cool is that all right so there you have it check it out look so there is our proposed agenda so and you can see it's try to format everything for me now of course as I said you might want to go back in and you might want to customize this but can you imagine how much time this is saving so another thing you might want to do is once you've generated your slide deck you might want to change the design and for that super easy I can just go into the designer here and you can see that we now have some uh nice options so off it will go and it will then format our presentation for us so what if you want to start a PowerPoint presentation from scratch and you don't have a pre-created document no problem again with the power of co-pilot I can simply come in here and it will then say hey you know what do you want to do again do you want to create that presentation about something do you want to create it from a file do you want to add a slide um what I want to do is I'm going to say yeah you know I want to create a five- slide presentation about the many flavors of ice cream so off it will go and it will then generate this for us from scratch oh all right look at that how cool is that that is so great so you can see it talks about the different types of flavors unique flavors chocolate flavors vanilla flavors but indeed it has gone ahead and created that important five slide presentation for us and again you can easily go back into uh the designer and you can start producing some really slick presentations so there you have it little bit of PowerPoint and co-pilot so finally I want to talk a little bit about configuration for admins so getting ready for co-pilot is probably no easy task for a large organization but there are critical things that you need to do both in terms of security and compliance now in the past I've covered things like labeling and classification on my channel so things like data loss prev ion policies retention policies you need to get all of those things uh in place so here you can see I've come into the 365 admin Center and I've come into my co-pilot settings here and you can see that we have a number of different options um things like plugins addins you get do you want the users in your organization to see public web content now again you have to be very very careful with that um again you also have access to things like the security co-pilot here as well which I've covered uh in previous episodes so um in terms of data security and compliance remember Microsoft use a shared responsibility model which essentially means that Microsoft provides you with the service but you have to do all the configuration so things like making sure that you're really sensitive data is labeled correctly that you have the appropriate retention policies and that you've got auditing and things like ecovery all kind of configured super important by the way um in terms of your default settings um obviously who's going to get access or which apps are going to use co-pilot and as there all users or just specific users in groups again you need to make that uh decision um in terms of public web content it's one single click but so important so uh again you probably want to try that with you know some test users I think before you uh go live and definitely read the Microsoft uh article there that just gives you all of that really super important information so there you have it Microsoft co-pilot for Microsoft 365 gosh that's a mouthful isn't it listen I really hope that that helped giving you an Insight uh into what the technology is and what it can do obviously I'm just stroking the surface here it goes much much deeper than that and you can do so much more with them remember with the prompting the more you prompt the more you dig the more you kind of go in further and further the better the results are going to be and that's definitely something that you need to learn all right um is this a fad is it going to go away tomorrow no this is an industrial revolution my friends this is Major technology definitely something that you want to learn and it's going to be a valuable tool uh on that technological tool belt that we all have to wear okay that's it for this time hey if you really enjoyed it give me a big thumbs up it does make a difference and if you've not subscribed well hit that subscribe button ring that Bell and come back and see us again sometime all right I'm Andy Malone thanks for joining me take care hey thanks so much for dropping by today here's a couple of videos that you may enjoy and while you're here go ahead click on the Subscribe button and you won't miss out [Music]
Channel: Andy Malone MVP
Views: 17,580
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Microsoft Copilot for Microsoft 365, Copilot, Microsoft Word Copilot, Microsoft Powerpoint copilot, Copilot for Teams, Copilot Basics, Andy Malone MVP
Id: r4irS6o2vJE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 25sec (1165 seconds)
Published: Mon May 20 2024
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