How to Edit Video Using Filmora X - COMPLETE Tutorial For Beginners

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hi guys welcome to my channel in this video i'm going to show you how to edit your first video using filmora 10. so you know that i published my first tutorial for beginner about female 10 recently maybe yesterday or today and that's uh show you all all the information about the user interface in filmora 10 and now this is a time that you need to import your footage and edit it and then export it to final results with filmora 10 so this video will cover all the stuff basic editing and advanced editing technique in filmora 10 and i will show you all all the stuff that you need to to know about this software to get getting started with this software okay and first thing first uh this is not a completely free program although you can download the software and use all the features but your output will be watermark to remove that you need to purchase a license it is very affordable to 69.99 us dollar and i have a discount 20 of this coupon code in the description below so be sure to check it out okay let's go to the software so uh here is filmora 10 when i open the program or you open the program sorry and the first thing we need to select an aspect ratio here for 16x9 for youtube video just click on that and now we're going to create a new project and it will you will be redirected to the main editing workspace that you just seen at my previous video you can watch it here or here or maybe in the description below okay all right so here is the user interface so the first very first thing you need to do is to import your footage or media files video image background music and sound effect into the into the software to do that you need to go to media so at the media for a media folder you have your project media and remember that all this folder you can create more folder rename them your folder for example if i have a multiple camera shooting video in multiple camera i can create new folder for example here i put a few more uh 10 like this so it's up to you to organize your footage and when editing video okay and you have share folder that's that is something that you can use for next project uh here i have some background music and also some intro that i frequently use in my video so the first thing you need to import your media files into this folder to do that there's some way you can do that so the first way you can click on this plus button okay you click on this button and then you select a file on your computer so that is the first way but i normally normally do in other way i just open the folder on my computer and then i drag and drop it directly to this to this area for example i go back to my my computer and then i repair a folder of all the footage i'm going to use in this tutorial here and then i see like and then i drag and drop it into this area just do this do it so now we have all the file here and it has music and sound effect and also video and images but it is not organized yes being mentioned that you can always select a view option here for example you can view by list view or last view last thumbnail view or something but i prefer video thumbnail view for example you can change to list view so there's more information about your footage here for example the name the type the frame rate and importing our point okay so let's treat my thumbnail view and there's some other option here you can sort by name duration type or date or in ascending or descending so you can try to try it if you want and you can group also group by camera names and type and they created here at the library okay so there is the first the first option and for each footage here you will have a plus button this mean uh when you click on this button you will drag and drop it onto the timeline so that is the first the first way you can run and drop your footage onto the timeline and you can double click on your footage and here to preview it on this this area for example if i double click on this it will play here so this is a footage okay so that's simple right and there's one more one more way you can import your footage into firmware 10 that is go to import this import menu and this import menu you can select import media file from your computer or import a folder or you can even connect your phone your phone your dslr or your gopro gopro heroes to import into a female directory okay so that is some way and you can also import with instant cutter tune and you can also import it um download photo from flickr but actually this feature i never used before okay and this there's an another button here you can also record your webcam and record your screen because screen using filmora 10 okay filmora and i also have this feature and i use the screen recorder all the time and record voiceover also but when you record screen or record voiceover your media file will be here okay so this is a video that i'm going to to use for this example okay so before before drag and drop or or hit this plus button to bring your footage onto the timeline you you may need to set an import and outpoint for your footage to do that just play the clip uh double click to play and then play the click at the position you want to uh to set the in point and just break eye on your keyboard press i as you see here and you can also adjust the import on the on this preview window by i press and hold this and then slide it to the left of the right to change the in point and this is the out point but now you for example you can play it and at this position you want to set an out point just stop it or press o and then spread o now you have import this is import and this is our point now you can just click on the click on the preview window and drag and drop it directly to the timeline okay so and there's a notification here when you have your footage different from your project setting it will say hey if you want to keep your project setting or you want to change it to your footage setting in this case we change we keep project setting okay let's click on that that is the first way you need to set an importing an airport for example if you i want to just uh put this on the timeline i can play it and put the playhead here and then i select select the the image and then i hit this button just click on this button it will appear on the timeline at this position okay so that how you can review your footage and how you can set in point and outpoint for your footage and then drag and drop it onto the timeline now we can click this button to view everything on the timeline maybe to straight out the timeline like this now the first the first feature i want to show you is to split the clip and trim your clip okay so to split your clip it's very easy you have keyboard shortcut and also you have this button and this button to split your clip and now for example if i want to split uh my clip at this position yeah let's play it to this position i select the clip and then i hit this button okay this button to split you see that now we can move the the clip around the timeline okay that is the first option and the second option your keyboard shortcut uh normally the default keyboard shortcut for splitting clip is ctrl b on windows i don't know uh on mac but maybe command b on mac and you select here and then you press ctrl b to split the clip on the timeline right so that is that is very simple that is how to split the clip on the timeline and remember once you split your clip for example at this position but if you want to to have more more of your clip of the same clip you don't need to merge them you don't need to put them here too much because you delete this one and the original file is still in your media library and the program is still remembered remember it so if you want to extend it a little bit you just click on the end that is trim this is called trimming so you can trim trim out or you can just extend your clip like this okay so that is how to split and trim your clip if you're more infuriating this is very simple right and you can delete uh delete you can press delete on your keyboard so delete there are two options one is delete normal delete and the other option is rip or delete the difference is simple for example here if i press delete then it just leave an empty space here when i want to undo an action i press ctrl z and if i if i use rip or delete uh it will delete the clip on the timeline and then move everything on the right to the left okay that is rip or delete for example here i can right click on the clip and select grip or delete or you you can press shift down on your keyboard okay and rip or delete you see that you just move from the right to the left and it has to split the clip trim the clip and grip or delete and delete the clip in filmora 10 so that's very simple just like other software and if you want to undo an action you press ctrl z or you want to if you want to redo you can press this button okay so for example if i have a clip here i want to drop to an area on the uh on the screen for example i want to crop to this area dropping video also very common common when editing video so how to do that in filmora 10 firstly you need to select the clip and then you can click on this button this is crop video in filmora 10. when i click on that you have a new window so the new window has drop and fan and zoom band band and zoom is something that you want to pan left right or upward or downward so that is a very interesting feature in filmora 10 but this now i will show you how to crop the video uh if you want to crop you select on crop then you have a rectangular rectangular box and then if i want to grab to my face i can just move this rectangular to my face so that that will drop to my face but remember to select the aspect ratio if you want to keep 16 by 9 aspect ratio you you only need to keep it here if you want if you want to uh to crop in different shape then you can just select custom and then you can just move around the edge of the box uh to where you want okay that is how to crop a clip uh let's change to 16 by nine and you can also change the size of the shape here for example i want to 1000 here and then uh 563 because it depends on the aspect ratio you choose and then we click ok and now i the clip is dropped to my face at this position right if i want to go to drop back to full screen what should i do so it is very easy you just split the clip at this position and then do the same you double click on click on the clip and then go to crop tool again then you just need to adjust this this box to full screen okay so this go back to full screen and let's click ok and here is the here's the effect with crop alright so you know how to drop a clip how to split the clip on how to trim to delete the clip let's do some more fun how to zoom and pan in filmora 10 okay to do that you go to the same tools drop tool uh you need to select yeah let's select the clip on the timeline and then click on this crop button again let's click on that and you see that here we have a crop tool and here we have pan and zoom tool so pan and zoom is very useful it's a very useful feature in filmora okay let's see like that now you see that we have an endpoint and start point so that is two key feature key so that is two key things uh when doing pan and zoom okay so you need to select this rectangular or resize select a position for this rectangular and resize it to where you want to start and there is a starting point of your zoom effect and then you need to adjust the end area to where you want to zoom zoom in or zoom out okay and this effect will be zoom in and now you need to keep your aspect ratio also if you don't want to uh to have black background on on left and or right side of your screen and okay so that is how you can adjust pan and zoom effect in filmora okay let's play it right but remember we have some preset here so where we have one two three four four preset uh at this area so if you will select this it it's one one of the preset select this so it will zoom at the center zoom in at the center and this one we zoom out at the center okay and this is bound to the left and it is bound to the right okay so there's some preset uh zoom in and zoom in as well uh reset in femura 10 okay now with 10 and there is the button to switch from uh start starting point and starting frame and ending ending frame okay you see here here's the end and here the start it will click on this button it will switch the position and click on this so now it becomes start here and end here and when we click ok we go back to the timeline and apply this effect for example like this oh nice right so that's how you can use pan and zoom so normally crop pan and zoom is in the same in the same area in the same feature of fimora okay okay so that is for the clip and the image is the same the image it will be the same so you can control the image like the same way like you control the video only minor difference for example this is an image on the timeline when you select the the image on the timeline your speed control will be become duration control okay here is this the speed control will be replaced by the duration right and you can select the this one and select this box and then you can change the duration of your photo and maybe 10 seconds and then click ok now let's learn how to control video speed in filmora okay so let's delete the timeline and bring drag and drop new footage for this i'm going to use this one all right keep project setting in order to control video speed in filmora remember filmora filmura10 doesn't have speed remapping or speed keyframing so you need to uh when you need to speed up a clip then you need to split a split it so you can control the speed of that clip only to control video speed and figure out that uh two three or maybe some some different way so this is the first way you press uh press and hold your control key on your keyboard and then you hover your mouse to the to the edge of the clip and then you can just drag it uh click and drag it to the left or to the right if you go drag it to the right you will make a slow motion video right and there's a number there's a number here saying how much how much speed have been slowed down or fast forward this one for example i want to make a slow motion video and this is a slow motion video right let's play it very slow right if you want to fast forward then just uh press ctrl and then hover your mouse to the edge of the clip and then drag it to the left like this so the this number will show you how how much you have fast forward your your clip on the timeline it is 2.83 and it is fast let's play it too fast right so that is the first option but uh how about control only apart control the speed of only a part of the clip you need to split that clip okay for example this one uh so being mentioned that you can can always reset to your normal speed by clicking on this this button and then reset to normal okay and then i want to control only the speed of this part uh then i need to split it and to split uh press this button okay and then we can maybe slow down slow down a little bit slow down by uh press and hold our control key and then hover to the edge but we can cannot drag it to the right because we don't have empty space on the right okay just let's release it and then move this clip to the right and now we can slow down this part right and press and hold my control key and then drag it to the right that is how to make a slow motion video easy right so that is only the first option right and the second option you can select the clip on the timeline and then you can click on this button this is the speed control button and when you click on that you have some option here for example you can open the speed control windows with the custom speed button here or you can just select a preset a slowdown preset here or fast forward preset and you can even add free frame and reverse clip here so now let's uh open the speed control speed control windows right and there's a slider when you type here this is one one x is normal speed and if you type four four x i mean fast forward four time okay and if you click on this button it will reverse the clip okay and i'll just show you how to fast forward and let's click ok you see that this is a number it's a tiny number i hate this because this figure are 10 so it's on the text and the button is very small i hate this maybe maybe next time in the next update or when the share will fix that they will change it to weaker text okay so that is how you can control the speed of your video inside filmora okay filmora 10. and remember that if you cannot if you cannot see the button here or it's grey then you didn't select anything on the timeline so so the the button didn't appear here for example if i click on here uh click any anywhere on the timeline you so you will not see the button right and one more thing if you want to access to any tools in filmora you just right click on the clip and then you see all of them here so for this example i just showed you how to control the speed but if you want to to have more control of your video clip you can also click on the show property here or you can double click on the clip also to bring up the the property of the windows out of the video okay oh it's too hot i need to check take off my jacket so uh you know how to control video speed in film around right and now i'm going to reset it to normal and then now i will put some more clip on the timeline and show you how to add the transition between clip okay and now let's say this clip and i want to trim it shorten it and then i bring down another clip here this position and i'm going to split this at this position and delete the rest and bring that this one okay so here is the timeline i added some clip on the timeline and if you want to add the transition between clip then it's easy just uh you don't need to select anything on the timeline just go to the transition tab here and there's a bunch of uh there's a bunch of different kind of transitions you can see like in the included folder and and the film stop folder if you want if you already download some transition but i'm not i'm just going to show you how to to use a transition in filmora 10. uh the first option if you want to to find any transition in this in this folder you can search here for example if i want to have uh this soul transition and i i can type here this soul yeah and here we can find the dissolve transition and if if we like this transition we want to put it in our favorite and click on this hot button and then next time we just go to this fabric uh click on this go to this favorite and file transition uh in this box and then we can drag and drop it between clip on the timeline okay so to apply a transition you can click on this button click on this button to apply the transition click on this button and it's good where i don't know so to apply a transition in filmora 10 you need to drag and drop it to the position between your clips on the timeline for example i want to to apply this transition between clip this clip and then i just drag and drop it right here and it is a default transition so it has duration that we we have in this preference setting right and let's play it so it's smooth right and to control the the duration of your transition you can double click on the transition on the timeline double click on that and you have some option here and this is the duration you can change the duration of your transition here for example i want to chain it to one second and you can apply only click this button to apply on meaning that if you have all other changes and all the timeline you can click on this button to apply all so they had the same duration one second and this is the overlap overlapped meaning that it is overlapped from the first clip to the second clip and it is both prefixed so the transition only happen at the first clip and postfit will happen at the second clip okay and when you check this box uh it will include included your transition transition will include the trim frame so trim frame where the trim frame here is stream frame now the frame from here to here from here to here will be trim for the transition okay and now let's select the transition again and go back to overlap so this standard transition right and click ok and remember you can also shorten or extend the duration of the transition right on the timeline by selecting the selecting this box and then over your mouse to the edge of the transition and then you can drag it to the left or right sorry drag it to the left twist sorry again drag it to the right twist then and drag it to the left to shorten the duration of the transition right like this and at this position i want to add another flip roll transition i i can also drag and drop it and drop it here and shorten it but the duration of this uh transition and this transition is different right so i can double click on the first one and i can choose uh type zero and then i can type here one i want to chair it to one second right and one second for the first transition and i want to apply all all all other transition on the timeline i can click on apply on that's easy right and now it's time to press the render button click the this render button to to get smooth playback when editing video i can press it now and wait a second or wait a minute it depends on how many clips you have on the timeline because you say that red the rendering frame here if you have any clip on the timeline then you have to wait a long time wait for a long time okay okay so let's press this button to brief to view everything on the timeline and let's play it to see the transition how how does it how does it work okay so that's smooth right so in filmora 10 there's many many different kind of transitions you can use just drag and drop it all the time on between clip on the timeline okay so that is how you can apply the changes and then control the transition duration in fibora 10 but there's many other tips and tricks about transition but we can i can show you later in my next tutorial you can watch my previous tutorial about filmora 10 and fimora 9 it is almost the same okay and that is the transition now we want to apply an effect a video in fact to this clip we can go to the effect tab here and again again it has three uh folder one is favorite and the other is included and the other is film stock so we just find the video effect inside this folder and then drag and drop it on the timeline for example i want to add a filter for my video to to change the look of the video i can select the included folder right here and then i go to filter now we can add check effect to this if we click on check effect here but i want to to add an instagram live video filter right and we can review the filter here oh i think this is nice now we can drag and drop it on top track to apply for all the track below it like this this is a video filter so okay and then we can play it now to see that it changed the look of the video with just one filter so there are many filters in filmora 10 you can make use of it and remember you can always double click on the filter double double click on the filter to adjust the intensity of the filter right oh it crashed a few moments later and remember you can always double click on the filter on the timeline and to control the intensity double click on that or and fire and file parameter i mean the intensity because if it is too strong and that you want to reduce it you just uh use this slider adjust it and different different filter will have different control option i mean different video in fact we have different control options right uh so let's throw it for example in the video effect we have more than just filter we have also shake effect and distortion and overlay and frame and many other right for example if we go and we'll we'll click on the filter we have all the categories here and then we can choose shape for your example shake effect at this sideway and then we can drag and drop it on top on the top track to apply for all the track below it let's play it see that this is track check effect and we can also have overlay on our our video all right in the same in the same effect and we go to the effect and then we select an overlay uh we can overlay a frame here uh this frame for example just for example here we have a new frame here and we can also add static tv static at this position so we can click on this and then we drag and drop the video effect right here right static and to put it on the top track is one way to use video effect in filmora 10 and you can also drag and drop it directly to the image or video on the timeline like this if i want to have another filter uh phosphine and flush or i can drag and drop it directly to this clip on the timeline right to apply it you see that i will change the look of the video that how you can use a few video effect in filmora content version also and now it's time to add some elements because it is also very important category in filmora right and we can select elements and then we can find element but normally elements are video an element is a video or image or a preset you you need to shut it here and then also drag and drop it on top track to apply for the track below it now you cannot drag and drop it directly to the video just put it at the track above it okay for example this is a bed i can drag and drop it and click here i can double click to download and preview it and now i can drag and drop it put it right here okay so where is appear on the timeline you can control where it appear appear on the timeline by putting moving it on the timeline like this at this position and then you can select it on the preview window to scale and reposition it for example i want to scale it to make it smaller and move it to here and also rotate it here and that is a the first option to control an element uh if you attend you can also double click on the on the elements and then you go to the transform tab and there's some other compositing option here but we'll talk about it later okay so that is how to use the element and how to put the elements on the timeline right and you can have many many other many other elements here anything just put it on the timeline and then you can reposition it and scale it to where you want on the timeline that is how to use the element and finally okay but the split split screen i think it's cool also split screen to create split split ring video three video for example you can drag and drop this template onto the timeline right anyway just on onto the timeline and then you can double click on the split screen template and then you can drag and drop your footage here from here to here to the first one and to the second one to create a split screen template a split screen video okay like this it has animation hi nice right right so that is uh all the basic and now let's go to some advanced uh video editing technique in filmora 10 okay uh the first advanced technique i want the first advanced uh feature i want to show you is how to remove a green screen background from your video okay let's clean up the timeline and now go right to our my media and this is a great screen okay i use this one the working dock to to remove a green screen background from your video you need a great screen video and this is an example i use it just this duck okay and there's also some some way you can use to you can accept green screen um feature in filmora 10 but the easiest way it's just right click on the clip and select green screen that is the easy way right select it it is it will open the video property and it enable the chroma key here so it automatically uh automatically recognize the green the green color in your video and it's just remove it so you see that it's already removed the green screen a green background right but you can always uh use this uh i use it you this uh color picker to select select the color you want to remove on the screen not only green but maybe i want to remove this color i can see like here and it will remove that color in my video okay and let's go back and remove green screen okay and the next option you need to consider is offset tolerance and egg thickness x further and also alpha channel if you click on alpha channel then you you can see which color or what colors have been removed from your video and to adjust the offset and tolerance so and to make a perfect green screen video okay and i have a tutorial on this on my on my channel so you can check it maybe in the description okay that is how to use green screen uh feature in filmora 10 and how about motion checking yeah you can check check the motion of this duct okay and now i can double click uh let's bring back the duck here to use the motion tracking also some way right click select the button and show up the property and then i can just double click on the duct to show up the property right and then i can enable motion tracking so we have the square box here on the preview window it is a tracking point if you want to if we want to track this duck we need to resize it we need to resize this box to cover this duck i know maybe i just uh want to track only the his head i will put this tracking area to the to his head and then i can press the track button here but make sure that i will put my playhead at the beginning of the video okay and then i will hit this button to track now for more i will try uh track the movement of the of the duck and when it finished we can attach um a text uh image or video to this uh to this clip okay so it finished now we need to put something on the timeline uh to follow the movement of the duck okay let's select it's like a text and this one this is just a random one okay and now we need to position the the text right here scale it put it right here so you will see that the text will follow the motion of the duck the head of the duck and then double click on them on the the track the video track of the duck and then edit this drop down menu select the title title number four 41 and then finish the motion tracking actually i have a very interesting motion motion checking tutorial about female 10 uh right here right here here here you can check it out okay or at the description below okay uh so how about animation keyframe it is also very interesting it's a very interesting feature in filmora 10 right but before using that i want to i want to scale down the duck and then scale up and then move it to the left but before using animation keyframe i need to remove the motion tracking because i in femura 10 you cannot use the motion tracking and animation keyframe at the time same time so let's disable the motion track and then click yes and then go back to delete the delete the title title track and then i can double click on the on the clip again uh you see here there's an animation animation tab here before it is motion now it can become animation uh okay so the first one i want to i want to scale it down so i'm going to customize customize and at this position i want to add a keyframe let's add a keyframe so this is the normal normal normal situation of the clip and then i move forward one note three three four some frame and then i scale it down i just scale it down okay like this so you see that there's an animation animation arrow here so let's zoom in a little bit so here we have an animation arrows and then we can we can also increase the duration of the animation or reduce it but let's uh stick with this and let's see the effect scale down right and now i want to scale it up and all i need to do is to stop here and then i scale it up like this oh very big right you see that there's a connection between the second keyframe and the third keyframe and this is the effect okay now i want to add another uh another keyframe to move the duct away okay and then i need to add another keyframe i will add it here so this is a normal and go forward one two three maybe some frame and then now i will use the position to move it away okay and adjust it to move this away actually i can click on the screen and then i move it out of the frame and it also okay but i i want to adjust this one and now let's see that the complete animation keyframe from here so that's interesting right this is very nice feature in filmora 10 and we can be more creative when editing video okay so let's stop with an animation keyframe okay let's delete all the keyframe here delete the effect so we come back to the dark with the green screen okay how about adding text to your video okay so when you finish editing a finish cutting and finish sampling adding transition and speed control and remove grid screen and you need to add text to your video let's do it in femora 10 you can go to title so everything about text is in title check type title tab on the on one of the this seven main category so you would go to title and then you can go to the your included folder and then you can select a title here yeah there's many different type titles including preset and animation for example if you want to if you want to you can drag and drop this title on the timeline and then play it okay and then you can double click double click on the title box on the timeline to customize it and i just double click it and then we can change the title here for example jackie okay and then you can also change the forms device nail and then change the size to 100 and also ball so so many options here for for the text you can control the text and you can also select a preset for your text here and you can also go to animation to control the animation of your text right that is the basic and there are many options right here the basic text editor in filmora 10 and you can scale it down and rotate or something like that but you can also go to advanced tech editor by clicking on this button to go to advanced tech editor okay so here is the the advanced tech editor of the filmora 10. you have so many options here you can just resize the text or maybe add more shape and add shape here and there and then you can also add more text here so so there's so many many uh feature in this text editor in this advanced text editor and you can always make use of this when adding titles subtitle and and credit and or other stuff about text to your video in filmora 10 okay so for this example i just click ok and then go back to the timeline this is a text message oh all right so there's some more feature i want to show you so just uh taking snapshot uh with this button here for example you go back to the your media and then you can taking uh the snapshot of this screen and apply it here it will appear in this folder and you can find it relocate it reveal in its browser that is how to take a snapshot in filmora and not only filmora 10 and filmora 9 and firmware 8 is the same okay and here's the image so snapshot now let's let me show you how to add a background music and how to sr effect and also control how to edit audio in filmora 10 okay let's clean up this timeline first let's delete it to add a music or background music to your video to your project it's very simple the same do you do the same way with video or image on the timeline and then you just find the music and then drag and drop it onto the timeline like this drag and drop it here see but before doing this you can you can also enable the mid detection option in filmora 10 it is very powerful because uh the program will mark the beat of the music for you so you can just cut and trim the the clip according to the bit right and to do that uh let's delete this one to do that you can you know just select the clip uh select the music file in your media library and then right click right click on it you can right click on it and then you turn on this bit detection you click on this bit detection and now the program will detect all the bits for you and then you can right click again and select select the bit option you see here if you mark every four bits then it's only the red marker but if you uh you change it here and turn up here and mark uh highlight offset to beat it is now bit and then it will mark also the height the update and dab it uh in your in your video uh in your music track okay let's click okay and then okay and then i can drag and drop this on the timeline right on the timeline you see the bit here [Music] nice right so there's there's bit detection here and so you can just put your clip here and then split it according to the beat of the music so that's very interesting so split this one and then delete this one and then bring down another clip and here and then split at the bit position right that was that is very interesting option beat detection option in filmora filmora 9 and finra 10 now it's female 10 but how how about remove the audio of your video you just very simple you can select the audio here the audio i don't know this is this has no audio oh sorry we need to to import another footage with audio uh let's okay so let's uh let's drag and drop a new clip with the audio inside to the timeline for example this one and if you want to separate the the audio of the video now this is the video so with audio right and you just right click on the clip right click on the clip and select detach audio so you can detect the audio separate the audio of the video or you can just mute the audio click on this button mute the audio of that video clip and now if you select detect audio there's a new audio here and you can move it around or just delete to delete the audio of your video okay so that is very simple and now if you want to adjust the audio adjust the audio of the music and adjust the audio of the um of your video uh you can use this this line you see this light to increase if you want to increase the volume of the your audio you can just drag and drag this light up and drag this slide down to reduce the volume so that is the first option if you want to fit in and fade out the music you can do this you see that this y dot here you can drag it to the right to fit it to fit in and then at the end you can also drag it to the where it i'm sorry too long so i i will shorten it okay and then i view it all the time like and now we see here there's a white dot here and and then we can drag it to the left to fit out the music and you can also have more control of your music by right click and go to adjust audio okay and they adjust audio you have many options so just fit in and fit out you can apply the effect right here and you also can also change the pitch of your audio your voice or your audio and your music and drag the slide slider to the left uh to reduce the to have low tones and to the right higher tone okay and equalizer you can also uh check the the equalizer here there's some preset here for you and you can click on this customize to customize your uh your audio okay but now i believe it by default and here we have an option to the noise the noise means removing background noise from your video if if your video has too so many noise especially when you're shooting outside you can you enable it remove background noise and increase the increase the level of of this future okay and this is a new feature in filmora 10 uh ducking audio ducking audio ducking with just if you use this uh if you have a voiceover track here and you enable this audio ducking uh when you speak when there is voiceover in the video uh the other the other track volume will be low down okay so the audio ducking is very interesting feature in filmora 10 so i will make a more tutorial on this too okay and being mentioned that you can also control the volume of your video clip here to see the light you see this slide change when i drag this slider up and down okay and this is to normal position so that is how you control the bottom of the audio in your video using filmora right and and one more interesting feature of filmora is an audio keyframe you can also add an audio keyframe here with this button for example at this position i want to add up an audio keyframe so you just add a point here and at this position i want to add another keyframe and at this position i want to add another keyframe now i can load out the volume of the background music at this position only and we also need to adjust and to add another keyframe at this position if we if we don't want to load out the volume of the now of the rest of the music track like this and then we can drag this down okay so let's play it uh to see how that to see how the audio keyframe works right [Music] nice right and remember you can also assess the access to the audio mixer here to control the all the track all the track on the timeline including the master volume and also the right ear left ear and also adjust the audio of each track on the timeline okay and finally when you already finished everything and edit audio add background music and sound and everything you need to do some color correction for your video how to do that in filmora 10. it's the same with fever at night by the way i will show you how for example on this clip you can double click on the clip right and then you have here at the video i add a property you have the color so you have some some option for color correction here for example you can select color enhancement so we can click this one to have an auto like automatically adjust the color of your media but i have it i never believe this auto function so let's reset it and for the white balance you can control the white balance here for example the temperature of the of the video and also the tin so this is a these are basic basic color correction tools in firmware 10 and we have advanced uh correct color correction tool but later i will show you and here we have a 3d last so it's possible to apply lots to the video right here for example here we have a bunch of viewing lut here and we can also load more load new lut from our computer if you have new lut uh you can download it somewhere and then you can apply it to your video okay and for example i'll change it to batman who cools right it's easy so this is the basic and you can click on this advanced tool to go to advanced color correction tool in filmora 10 click on this so this is a color correction in color correction tool in the firmware 10 and we can enlarge it and remember you have here the i button and show original meaning that no no color correction and comparison view here you can disable comparison view or side-by-side side-by-side view it this is before and this is after so it will show the original clip and the clip after you have color correction after color correction okay and on the left side you have a bunch of reset uh here frame you can just double click on the on the preset to apply it for your clip and you and you can also um click on this adjust button to uh have more control of your color okay chit chat white balance and 3d luts and colors which expose brightness and contrast and different and cellular saturation also hhl here select your color select yellow and then again increase the saturation of the video and huge and luminance and also increase the vignette and so there are many options here to to color color grading your footage uh by the way it is a little bit limited compared to other professional video editor because we have only the histogram here we don't have a color wave and vector scope or something like that and so that is the limitation of fimora and i hope that we improve this feature in the future uh like adding more feature to this color grading tools okay and then click ok when you you have everything ready right so finally finally when you finish your project you need to export it right so we have the export button here or we have the export app here you can select the export tab and select create video or you can just uh click on this export button and let's it show you how to export it and now we have different options for exporting local meaning that you want to save it to your local computer and choose a format mp4 normally for youtube i will choose mp4 uh wmv is okay also hevc connect avi so there are many options here if you want to export only the audio you can select here mp3 and for device it will customize for each device including the resolution and the frame rate and something more but i never use this one because i just uploading my video to youtube so i always choose local and save it to my my computer i choose mp4 and youtube here you have the option you have the option to to sign sign in with your youtube account and filmora can export the video and then upload to youtube for you okay but i also never use this one it is a it is a useful feature but uh before before uploading to youtube i want to double check my video so let's just save it to my computer okay and vimeo and dvd you can even create a dvd with a filmora 10 but i i also never use this one because now i just create video and uh save it on my computer and upload to youtube i never create a dvd but you can try it try it also okay and when you are okay you need to go to more setting for example here the files that's fine and here's the location where you want to save your your file and then you can click on this setting and to check for the codec at the encoder and resolution frame rate and then also increase the bitrate for the best video quality you need to maybe 20 000 kbps or 30 000 kbps for youtube video and for the other commercial video maybe you can choose eighty thousand or eighty thousand one hundred thousand kbps it's up to you but the more the more the more bit rate you choose i i mean the height a bit bit red you you choose the larger the size the five size is okay and now filmora has even up to 150 150 000 kbbs and custom and if we select custom then we can select maybe 1 million no just one one thousand one hundred thousand so the maximum kbps you can select is um 115 150 000 kbps in vmware all right and let's click ok and then click export to export the video so that is everything you need to know about filmora 10. i hope this tutorial will help you learn female 10 faster and make your first video here on youtube thank you very much for watching and i will see you in my next video bye you
Channel: Jacky Nguyen
Views: 18,383
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Jacky Nguyen, Filmora X Tutorial for beginners, Editing Video using Filmora X, How to use FilmoraX, FilmoraX Guide, filmora, filmora 10, filmora 10 tutorial, filmora 10 tutorial beginner, filmora 10 tutorial for beginners, filmora tutorial, filmora tutorial beginner, filmora tutorial for beginners, filmora x, filmora x tutorial, filmora x tutorial beginner, filmora x tutorial for beginners, how to use filmora, how to use filmora 10, how to use filmora x
Id: IEUgDw-O_G8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 41sec (3521 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 20 2020
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