How to Use Filmora X - Beginner's Guide

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hey everyone in today's video i want to show you how to edit with filmora 10. it's going to be a beginner's guide to filmora 10 and if you've never edited a video before it's okay this is the perfect video editing software to start with so i'll walk you through step by step on the entire editing workflow using filmora 10. now there are two versions of this software and they are not free although you could try it completely for free but to get all the access unlocked to all the features it does have a paid option i'll show you that too now you could compare filmora 10 to fill more a pro and see what your needs are if you're just editing for youtube filmora 10 is perfectly fine but if you're doing more advanced editing take a look at filmora pro and this really blew me away i've been editing professionally for 15 years and this had a lot of the advanced features of the pro editing softwares that i use but at the same time it was so much easier to get started with and edit your projects with than all the other softwares that i've used over the last 15 years or so so let me show you step by step on how to get started i do have an affiliate link in the description below to filmora 10 so click that download it for your mac or for your pc it's available for both and let's get started editing our first project so again the first thing is get filmora if you don't have it installed on your mac or pc on this website again there is a link below and i went ahead and installed it here the installation process is pretty straightforward and let me go ahead and walk you through step by step what you need to do for your editing and i'll walk through this layout a little bit more i'll just point out three different things here this is where all your media is going to be so your images your videos and your audio will all get imported here that will be our first step and i'll show you the import process next to it is your preview and your program monitor this is where you're going to see all your different clips and your finished products so this is a video preview window and down here is called a timeline all your editing is going to take place over here so that's all we need to worry about just about everything in filmora takes place in these three different windows the very first step to editing is we need to import our media so you just click over here to import and i've created a folder here on my desktop with multiple different clips that i've shot with a drone i have a clip that's the introduction to this video that you just watched so you could see how video and audio work together and i have some music i'm going to bring in too so to bring anything in if you want to just bring one clip find it on your computer this is just on my desktop here and clip one i could just press open and it's going to import clip one right over here and for faster editing you could work with small proxy files we don't have to worry about that right now i'll just press ok and when this gets imported you can see it has a little video icon here and photos have a different icon music has a different icon so you can get an idea of what this is anytime you import something you could go ahead and double click that and then look at it over here so you could press play over here to see what that shot looks like and you could see it's reducing the quality when i press play it's just doing that to make this a little bit easier for me to play back on my computer so don't worry about that it's not actually reducing the quality just on the playback now to bring in more clips here more video clips i'm going to double click here instead and you could just select more and if you hold down shift on your computer you could select multiple different clips all at once so i'll go ahead and select all of these and i'll press open and it's going to bring clip 1 through 8 plus the introduction that i'm going to show you and you will bring photos here the same way and you could use photos in your edit and finally let me bring in music this time i'm going to right click in this window and i'm going to press import that's control click on a mac and i'll press import here and this time i'll just select my music here we'll talk more about music too and where i got that clip later on and one last way to import you could press import this drop down here and import an entire folder or import from camera or phone or download from facebook or flickr too so a lot of options for bringing different media here if you don't have any media and you're just trying to see if this is a good software for you there are sample videos here on the left side so you can select this and you could go ahead and work with these in your edit so if you don't have anything to edit with you could just use these samples and they're sample colors too for creating different backgrounds and they're all available to use for you let me go back to my folder over here again i'm under project media under this folder everything has been imported i could change the view here so i could view by list instead of those icons i always like these large thumbnail views so i typically don't change that and you could always press record here and record from your webcam if your computer has a webcam you could record voice over here and you could record your screen so those are all available to you right within the import window let's go to step two which is adding media to our timeline this section down here where all our editing is going to take place to do that you could either select a clip and just drag it and then just bring it to the very beginning you see the very beginning of it it should snap to the very beginning and let go and sometimes you'll get this pop-up do you want the settings to match your video clip now i'm not going to get too technical with that but typically you do want to match the media so i'm gonna just agree to match the media now i should mention if you know where you're going with this video and you don't want a typical size video you could come up here to file new and start a different size project so one on one that's a square shape for instagram or vertical video for instagram story or tic toc you could choose those here it will close and save this project if you do that so if i select instagram it's going to ask me to close that project and start with a new project and then i would have to go through the entire process again but typically i just start with the 16 by nine project another way to add a clip is up here when you have a clip selected this one got a check mark because it's now down here on my timeline but if i select another clip here i could right click or control click on that and i could insert the clip so if i press insert it's going to insert it in the beginning over here so this is clip number three now and it pushed clip number one over so now this red line is your play indicator so depending on where it's at that's the preview you're gonna see up here so if you bring it all the way to the beginning here and then press space bar that will start playing the clip that you have your play head on and the third way and my favorite way to add a clip is you could double click on a clip so i'll select clip six double click it and it should play right here on the right side let me pause it what if i don't want this entire clip down here in my timeline what if i want to decide where it starts and where it ends well you could do that over here with your keyboard so you could go ahead and press play and let's say you want the clip to start here you would press i on your keyboard i that creates an in point and then keep going i'm just going to keep going to where i want this to end let's say i wanted to end here and not at the end of the clip i could press o so the in point and the out point are one of the most useful ways to select a clip from here decide where it begins and where it ends and then drag it from here to your timeline so that's probably my favorite way to bring in clips to edit down here is by double clicking the clip let it load over here preview it by pressing play on it and then putting in and out points using i and o you could also use these this is your mark in and your mark out so you don't have to use the keyboard shortcut you could use these two options and then simply drag and drop the clip down here step number three is all about editing now now step two was you know deciding where media begins and ends and adding it all down here to our timeline now we want to edit and trim down here so the very first thing i want to show you is in your timeline you could decide the order of the clips so when you started editing that's not the way it needs to stay let's say clip one needs to go all the way to the end i just grab it and bring it all the way over to the end and let it go now this area where there's nothing let me bring my play head over here if you finish your project right now and there's this area that's blank it's going to play as black video you don't want that typically this is what i need to do i need to select so i'm just dragging and selecting all the clips here and i could just drag them and let them snap to this other clip so now it filled up the black area let me grab this playhead here i'll bring it back and press spacebar now i could see go from one clip to another clip and then when it gets to this cut right here it's going to go to the next clip so that's how you would change the order of clips the next thing is sometimes you want to trim a clip that you brought down here maybe you didn't select the end point and the out point and you brought the whole clip down here but now you want the clip to start a little bit later or a little bit earlier how do you do that it's simple just bring your mouse over here and when the arrow turns to this bracket you could grab and drag your clip and let go and now the clip starts a little bit later same thing at the end i could come over here and when i get this bracket here i could just drag in to make it shorter and i could do the same thing if let me bring another clip down here let's say this clip i made shorter so i'm just going to drag it and make it shorter here but what if i decided now this clip needs to be longer same thing as long as the bracket is at the end i could grab it and extend it out now it's going to hit a wall at some point it's not going to let me extend it indefinitely because the clip is only this long there's not any more information on that video clip after this and now i could go here to the end press play and see how that ends we looked at changing the order of clips you could easily just drag it and drop it it's just very simple to change the order of different clips i could drag my entire clip sequence here and just move them over anywhere i want so i can move two clips over so i could make room for another clip to go over here from my media panel and let me show you another editing tip that's going to come in very very handy sometimes you want to split a clip into two you just don't want to drag and make it shorter you want to split it to two to do that you just bring this playhead right here where you want to make the cut and there's a tool for it right here the scissor tool is the split tool select it and it turns that clip into two separate clips now i could select this part and press delete and just like that you snap the next clip onto it where i made the cut you could always undo what you did too there's this arrow right here to undo and then the one next to it lets you redo so sometimes when i make a split is because i want the second part of that clip to be somewhere else so i could go ahead and drag it here to the end and then drag these two and bring them back so now it's gonna go from the sunset right here if i press my playhead to this shot and then back to the sunset it doesn't really make sense for the storytelling because it went from sunset to daylight back to sunset but you get the idea here on how you can move clips around and finally in your timeline you could change how you view things so sometimes your timeline gets really large so you have this minus and plus over here in the slider where you could go ahead and shrink or extend your timeline to see a little bit better on what you're working with so i use this one quite often it's this minus and this plus sign or the slider to get a better look of my whole edit now let me bring in another clip down here that has sound now this blue section is actually sound but these clips were shot on a drone so they're actually silent even though it has an audio track there is no actual audio there let me bring a clip this one i know has sound and video i'll drop it down here you could see now when it has actual sound you get these audio waveforms so right here those are called audio waveforms so now i have my video and my audio together now let's say sometimes you want to add video on top of another video clip so here let's say i'm talking about filmora 10 and i want to add another clip talking about it over on top of this clip well the way to do that is you could just drag another clip you have and bring it right on top and it creates a second video track this is my video track number one this is my video track number two so if i go back it's going to go let me mute this it's going to go from me talking to that shot and then when i'm done here if i come over here it's gonna go back to video track number one so this is a great way to layer different contents on top of each other on different video tracks this typically is called b-roll track one is me talking and then i would usually add b-roll to track two of what exactly i'm talking about or it's called a cutaway sometimes but i use this technique often i'm working with two different video tracks one dedicated to a talking track with a face second track dedicated to b-roll or footage that needs to be used to make a better story and more visually stylized story i'll go ahead and select this now and press delete and i'll press delete since this is not part of this edit now typically after i do my basic editing over here i may want to add music now this will be my next step in this process so let me show you how to add music and if you look down here you see this little music icon there is a track just for audio like music dedicated so you don't put it on the video track and i imported a music file right here you could see it has the same icon i could drag and drop it down here and i'll go to the very beginning so it starts there and you can see this is now my music track again i have this on mute right now but if i take my play head over here and if i press play you could see right over here there's the audio mixer right here that's showing me my audio i just clicked it to make it bigger that's my audio playing right now as long as this doesn't hit red means the audio is not too overpowering or too loud and i'm good to go now again this music goes far beyond my edited video so what i need to do is come over here i could bring the playhead right to the end here select this music track and then i could use the scissor icon and it cut the music in half so i could select it and delete the rest the other thing you typically do with music is you fade in and you fade out music to do that just double click on the music track it's going to bring in this section and here you could fade in the music typically maybe one second over here or you could type in a number and fade out usually a couple of seconds of fading out looks good and there's some more advanced options like removing background noise that we won't get into right now and we could press okay so now we have a music that faded in and faded out you could see that little slash right here and i could always grab these two arrows here and change the duration of the fading and the fade out down here but now let's talk about where i got this music file you have couple ways to get music here on filmora one is you go to the audio tab we haven't talked about these because we're about to go through all these different tabs right now the audio tab has some music tracks included depending on which version of filmora you have so you could actually grab the music from here and then use it in your project that way i found this a little bit limited so i typically buy royalty-free music especially when i'm going on youtube because i don't want to get any type of copyright strike using music i don't have the right to use and this is the website where i get my music i'll put an affiliate link in the description to this website and the reason why i like this website is because look at this 62 000 tracks i have access to i could press play on any of them see if i like it and just press download and it's unlimited downloads for one monthly price i don't have to pay for each song this is incredible especially for more advanced editing projects or if you really want to mix it up for your youtube content you could go ahead and use this platform and they also have other things like stock video as part of that same price so sometimes i find other video clips here that i didn't shoot myself to make my videos a lot more entertaining so music is over here under this tab you could also use stock video graphics this has a ton of stuff so i recommend you check this out even if you decide not to go with it so that's adding music here to filmora okay so now we have our edit we have our music what's next typically after i add audio and music i go to title let's go to title and see our titles here and there's ton of advanced pre-built titles here that you could use now with titles let me go ahead and drag one of these down here again i'm gonna put it on another video track so i would even make another video track you could go ahead and bring this up for example to add a third video track if your second one was taken up and let me go here with my playhead just to show you what that title looks like i'll go in the beginning i'll press play and there's a cool title animation here so you could get a little bit of a preview on these and let's say i actually like this one so i'm gonna select this one press delete and i'll bring this one down here in the beginning and actually let me let me bring it over here on this top of this clip is a little bit easier to see there we go so how do you edit a title that you found over here and brought down and look at this there's ton a ton of different titles to use here on filmora so check them out double click it and it loads this title editor here and here is your text so you could type in your text here you have ton of different fonts to choose from you have font sizes that you could change over here you could change the color over here so if this is too hard to read maybe this should be black or gray i could go ahead and change it to pretty much any color i want using this color wheel over here you have text spacing and you have positioning so i could bring this up here or i could put it in the center put it on the left side again depending on which one you use you may want to change it and you could change the scale of it over here so you could shrink it up and down and you could change the position of it over here too so i'm gonna bring it a little bit left or right and you even could change the opacity of it or the blend mode of it now this is getting a little more too advanced but i just wanted to show you all the things that are possible under the title tab let me go ahead and delete that for now but that's working with titles and again look how many different titles you have to work with you also have credits over here you could use you have these lower third titles so if someone was talking on screen you could go ahead and direct it by and change their name here all these texts here that you see are completely editable you could put your own you could change the presets you could even change the animation over here on how they come into your shot but again that gets a little bit more advanced this is a beginner's guide but those are what's available to you under the title tab next to titles you have transitions and this is very very useful but it could also get really out of control because look at how many transitions you have to work with and some of them really make your edit cheesy so let me show you what i typically do as a professional editor i use dissolve and i use fade so to add a dissolve all you have to do is grab it you could get a little preview of what that looks like so it's going to go from one clip to another or i could drag it and drop it between two clips here so let me go ahead and press play on that and it goes from one clip to another clip just like that so it's very very simple to add dissolves fade is the same thing bring it between two clips let me go ahead and press play over here with the spacebar and just that faded to black and then faded out and they're all editable you could select them it should get you this window here so you could decide how that's going to change you could change the duration you could decide if it's going to be in the beginning of the clip or the middle of the two clips or at the end of the clip that's going to change a little bit on how it's going to look and you have ton of other ones like this is what i mean by cheesy if i use a cube for example let me just show you what that looks like and that typically ages your video and makes it look like it's made in the 90s so i stay away from just about every transition except these two and there are some other useful ones so you can kind of try them and see if they work out for you but this has a lot of different transitions that you could just drag and drop and typically after transitions i get to effects and color correction now let me go over to the effects window next to transition now to add an effect let me just use this black and white one i'll drag and drop it on top of the clip i want to affect it you can see it completely changed how that clip looks so you could add any of these effects and it will help with the color or just kind of stylize that exactly how you want and there's ton of them to choose from but that's not really color correction that's adding effects and there's ton of different ones to choose from how do you color correct let me select this clip and when i have a clip selected you could see all the options we've used here so far there's another one that's for color let me select this one and i'll choose color correction and it opens this new window here and let me go ahead and press play so it starts to clip here and i have a bunch of different styles i could use so this gives me a lot of preset color corrections i could just apply easily to my clip and i could also adjust again this gets much more advanced and this is showing you some histogram and things that more advanced editors use but you could go ahead and use some of these to really tweak your color temperature for example making it cooler or warmer you could change the tint of your shots a lot of different options like vignetting are all available over here that you could try out but typically presets get you very close to what you need by just dropping one of these presets and then pressing ok and it will change your clip here your timeline to that preset and sometimes you do want to before you finish up your project zoom into a shot or crop into a shot so you could select the shot and there's an option here for cropping let me select this and it opens up a cropping window where you could go ahead and just drag the corners here to just zoom into a shot so i'll just make this smaller and i'll move this window to just zoom into my subject over here and then i'll press ok and it changes my shot completely now it's not that wide shot that i had and it cropped into it so that one does come in quite handy and that's cropping into your shot inside of filmora now for this step i'm just going to show you an overview of some more advanced features that are available here and then we'll get into exporting and delivering our project or posting it online so some of the more advanced ones are under elements you have a lot of different layovers that you could choose so for example this layover i could drag and drop it to another video track and it's pretty advanced here it puts some animation just like that on top of my video clip so that's pretty cool and you have ton of different ones to choose from you could just drag and drop them over here and then go and press play to see what it looks like so you get the idea here these are very very simple to use drag and drop on top of your clip and then you could go ahead and press spacebar you could see none of these work with my project but it may work for your project so i definitely recommend you browse through these effects then you have split screen this is really interesting let me grab the split screen let's choose this one right here and i'll drag it down here and it just tells me here's the drop area for one clip two clips and three clips i could just drag clips and then bring them over here here's clip one here's clip two here's clip three and just like that i've created the easiest split screen i've ever created on any editing software you could also change the speed of a clip let me show you how to do that you could select the clip and then click the speed option and then you could slow it down you could make it fast or you could type in custom speed i'll do custom speed now you want this to go twice as fast so i'm going to type in a 2 over here and i'll press enter and it's going to change the duration of my whole edit here so i may have to tweak my music here so i typically do this before i add music but now with speed i could go ahead and press play and it doubled the speed of that clip so that's the speed option you could also work with green screen over here i don't have any screen screen footage to work with but that's over here you could add voice over so this microphone icon lets you record voiceover by getting access to your built-in microphone i usually use an external microphone called a yeti microphone and then i could press record over here and it's going to record everything that i'm saying so you could see on a new audio track it's recording what i'm saying if i press ok you could see that's the voiceover i just recorded on a separate audio track than my music track and those are some of the advanced features and it has a lot more even than what i'm showing you here but i want to get you to exporting your projects so how do you export a project well when your editing is complete let me go ahead and delete these let's say this is my edit and it's complete i could go and press export up here and again this requires you to buy a full version or you could export with a watermark let me go ahead and export with a watermark and this export window has some options for you including you could go directly to youtube you could sign in and directly export to youtube i never do this on any editing platform you could go to vimeo same concept you could sign in and directly export there for some reason they still have dvd but i haven't made a dvd in about five years then you have format this is typically where you want to be an mp4 if you're going to the web any website on the web mp4 is typically the best bet that you could choose so i'm going to choose that if you're making a commercial or something that you want to put on tv apple prores will be better but right now i'm going to choose mp4 you could name your video over here save to output or decide where it's going to save on your computer i typically choose the desktop or make a folder that i know exactly where it's at resolution this is in 4k but yours may be different but let me press settings because i want to show you these you could decide just simply by selecting one of these options i usually select best encoder is h264 that's perfect that's what youtube likes too resolution really depends on the footage that you use this is 4k this is hd typically this is okay frame rate it's already going to know that from your project typically i shoot in 24 that's okay this bit rate is important so if i go higher you could see it's changing the quality over here so better good that's basically what the bet rate is the higher the bit rate the better quality you have but the bigger file size you're going to have so typically just select best over here let this decide for you press ok and then you could press export and you could see it's exporting my footage and if i want to get rid of the watermark i just have to press buy up here after this exports done and get the full version of fillmore thanks again for watching this video again in the description below i'll put more resources as i come across more resources or create more videos so make sure you check that out and i hope you benefited from this editing tutorial thanks again for watching and i'll see you next time
Channel: Howfinity
Views: 7,430
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How to Use Filmora X, filmora tutorial, filmora video editor, filmora 9, wondershare filmora, filmora 9 tutorial, how to use filmora video editor, video editing tutorial, filmora pro, filmora x tutorial, how to edit youtube videos, how to use filmora9, how to use filmora, video editing, how to edit videos, filmora9 tutorial, how to use filmora x, wondershare video editor, filmora x tutorial for beginners, howfinity, how to
Id: UgNQXzATcwg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 30sec (1710 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 24 2020
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