How to Use Filmora X - Beginner's Video Editing Guide

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hi there jamie keate here today at teachers tech hope you're having a great day today today i want to show you how to use filmora 10. now i've showed you other videos how to use familiar 9 and how easy it is to make a great looking video now filmora 10 has added more features and is just as easy to use now remember this is not a free program i'll put the link so you can download it for free and test it out but if you want the full features no watermark you will need to purchase it and just to let you know if you do purchase it that is an affiliate link that i'm placing down below in the description if you're looking for something specific in this video uh jump down below in the description and you'll also see everything timestamps so you can jump around to different parts to find how to do something specific in filmora 10. now this is a beginner's video i'll have more videos coming out breaking down some of the new features in filmora 10 so keep posted on those but let's get started today on teachers tech i have my filmora 10 opened here if you're opening yours for the first time what you're going to see is a window pops up and asking you if you want to create a new project or open a project or your library i've turned that off of mine so it doesn't open each time but i can still get to all those if i go up to file up top here and you can see new projects so let's say if i was going to create an instagram video and i wanted that square type of video i could select it and it will make sure it will put everything correctly before it starts when i put the videos and i'll be working with uh the cr the correct settings now i could open my previous projects from here also what i do first is i like to bring in my media into my media projects here so you can see the media project and i'm just under media up top so by media what i mean is the videos the pictures the audio whether it be music or somebody talking so i need to bring that into filmora10 and it's going to be arranged in here now it's quite easy to do this i can just click so maybe there's a certain file what i can do is i have a folder with some media in here there's music there's audio or there's uh pictures and videos in here so i could grab one i'll just grab this bottom one and i hit open and it brings it in uh and i can see it's a video because that little icon in here so if i go ahead though and double click on this one it will give me a preview of what's happening in here i haven't started editing or anything it's just previewing this clip so i could go back and import more now so up now i'm just clicking up here and you can see it's going to get me to the same things i can import media files i could bring in multiple ones so i could hold shift down and grab three at a time and i could do the same thing with any of the type of the files and bring them in now this time i had a video this from the first time that i brought in now these are images because you can see how the icon changed i i'm going to go back again at this time and i'll just bring in now just one audio file and you can see again that's changed also i'm going to delete these because if maybe you didn't want these in you can select them all and delete or you can delete one at a time i'm going to delete these here just like this and they'll be gone so if you don't want them there you can delete them you can import a whole folder so i have the folder with all my media in it so if i import a media folder and this is on my desktop i have a folder that i've brought in the videos and put this in so whether or not you were taking it from your phone or wherever wherever and brought it to your computer you can see i just have them on a folder and i'm going to bring it in and they all come in once at once like this now i have some options how i want to see this i can go up here and click and have go to view options so i can view this in a list view and this will show me with that with the thumbnails and everything but it gives me the icon still i could go through and uh just go you can see the different thumbnails i'll just hit a middle one but we have different options we can sort by name by duration by type and if you get a lot of media in this is handy uh because uh maybe you wanted something by the the newest one if i was hitting date created in the ascending order i could go ahead and create it and it puts that in there so that is a good feature when you're dealing with a lot of a lot of different files that you could be bringing in so you can go through and sort i'm gonna go back just to none here and just leave it like that so that's bringing the media in we haven't started editing or anything like that but we have our media in filmora 10 now and we can start to think about how bringing it down into our timeline to start creating our video bringing this media up here down into your timeline is where the magic happens it's where you create your video so to do this if i just hover over this first one you notice on any of these you get a plus that shows up if i click the plus like so it goes into the timeline but notice it just put it right in the middle like not at the very beginning that's because my playhead was in that spot so with this playhead if i go ahead and bring it over here and if i clicked another one that's where it's going to go so if you're wondering why it's not going in the right place if your playhead and this red right here that you pulled back and forth over top your videos it will go where that is selected you can get rid of these videos too so if i just hit delete they'll go away uh my playhead's at the beginning so i'm going to go ahead and just add some of this media again so i'll click i'll add this as a video i can drag my playhead back to watch it i can hit play up top here in the now now i'm seeing the start of the video that i'm creating here i can stop it at this point now you can also just drag down your media so what i mean by that if i go over to this one and just drag it into next to it now i have two videos and i've started i have if i move my playhead to over here you can see that the length of this how long it's starting to be just by looking at the timeline and i can drag this playhead as quick or as slow as i want to see kind of frame by frame now the other thing i can do i can zoom up on these frames here so if i go over here i can drag this and notice as these clips get larger there's nothing being affected and how they'll play but what it allows me to do is zoom up and now when i move my playhead i can go even it makes it easier to go by frame by frame and when you're editing trying to get to a specific spot to trim or cut that makes it easier if you zoom in and out if i quickly click on this zoom to fit timeline it just goes to the length of it so if i had more clips it will get smaller i'm always going back and forth between these uh two i'm increasing decreasing the sizes um no matter what video editing to see how where i'm going to be trimming and to see kind of the big picture too now you can drag pictures down here like i said some of these are images if i drag a picture i can put a picture into the same timeline and if i hit play it will go from a from a video to the picture like this to drag audio down you drag it into the audio track down below and if i you can see the waves on it to kind of show how the audio is playing if i go ahead hit play [Music] now i've moved audio into here with all these you can drag them around into different places you could select them more than one and move them all at once if you have gaps like i have gaps here between the videos and pictures if that plays you're going to have a black if you notice right here it uh so you can get rid of those gaps by just put it by selecting one putting them together you can be moving things back over now the other thing i just want to show you is how you can make more tracks uh right now it doesn't look like there's any there but if i was dragging any of these if i drag it up one it automatically creates a new track so i have with a lot of the videos i do if you're using effects like green screen you're going to be you're going to be working in different tracks you can be changing kind of the transparency of this so if i was going to put one over top of the other to see through but if i put one on top i want to show you what will happen now remember this is the video up here that people would see that even though i have other videos in a picture here if i hit play you're not going to see the ones below so if you put something over top without changing any of the transparency or the size of the scale of the top one you're not going to see these bottom ones but i'll talk about that a little bit more later with some of the effects in this so you can also hit the plus up here if you wanted to create more tracks just like with the audio uh with the video i can drag down more audio down below so now if i was hitting play i actually have two audio tracks playing at the same time it probably shouldn't sound very good if i play it you can hear so both get played at the same time if you're overlapping them it's not the top one that you hear like how the pictures dominate if they're on the top so that's just a little bit about some of the bringing the media into the timeline but now we'll get into more of the specifics of trimming and editing this so we can start to put together our videos okay i'm going to show you how to do some basic editing now i'm going to put one of these clips down into my timeline i'll just hit the plus and it goes to the beginning one other thing i want to show you before that if i added a couple clips here so i got a couple clips pay attention there's a bar down here i can drag so if i wanted to move over you can see how i can adjust this to get to different parts here so i have two different clips i'm just going to make this a bit smaller so you can see them here and i want to do some trimming of these now there's three different ways i can be doing some trimming if i click this first clip what i can be doing if i hover over the end here i can click and hold and you can see where i get start time and duration now i can i'm holding on my mouse and i'm dragging over so i'm changing the duration i'm cutting off the beginning i can also do that at the end so i can drag this way just like that so i have a lot shorter clip on it so i've brought it down by cutting by trimming the ends off of it but don't worry you haven't changed the original file up here in fact you can put it back if you decided you didn't want that much off you can actually drag it back to the original one you can always do that with all your clips even after trimming you can drag it back because you haven't changed the original file on it now the other way you can make a change to it if i bring this my playhead over i'll bring it over this clip and let's say i wanted to clip something out of the middle of this one if i look and i'll be using this bar over here quite a bit and you can see these scissors right here i'm going to go ahead and click on those scissors and notice what just happened it put a line right here so let's say there's a chunk so maybe i could grab this and even change the order uh here and i could bring this over and move it to a different track so i've just taken the first half or the last half and made it the first half there's also the undo here so if you didn't want what you did you can also undo that way to go back previous steps and there's the redo if you want to go forward again now let's say if i wanted uh to click again now i just click on this red here since i already have had the scissors selected before then i can click here and i've made a chunk so now i have this chunk i can pull out so maybe there's something that happens in the middle that that i don't want and i just want to put them together i could go ahead and delete this so i could hit delete on my keyboard i just hit delete here and now those two have put back together so i'll have a little bit of a jump cut if i was playing this through even though you don't notice it very much because the dog didn't really move and sometimes when you're editing if you can take out that and there's not much motion people won't realize that you made an edit at that spot it'll be hard to spot all right so that's some basic editing there with just the trimming uh of it like i said it's with all different video editors you can just trim from the end and sometimes you'll get a razor in this case we have our scissors and you just clip and take things out or move them around as you want now i want to show you a few more features here that you can do i'm just going to select some of these and delete to actually delete these i'm going to bring in a picture now what i want to show you with when you bring in a picture you can actually stretch out the picture for as long as you want because it's static it's not moving so if i drag this i can play a picture for as long as i want i can move it around and stretch out both ends of it uh if you're bringing it in so you're not limited to any amount of time so i'll just delete this with a video though if i bring this video in notice if i try to grab the ends and drag well it doesn't stretch longer because you can't create more video than what's there so you can't i can trim it and take some off but i can't pull it longer what i can do is change the duration of it and what i mean by that is change how fast or how slow it plays so if on this clip i go up to this right here the speed and click on this one uh you can see there's custom speeds slow i could slow it down i could make it faster normal freeze frame on this one if i wanted to pull that but let's say if i make this eight times faster notice that the clip got a lot smaller i didn't cut anything out of it if i hit play it just is moving a lot faster so the clip is smaller now if i undo this and go back to my speed again and you could go custom speed here and you can change on this and you can see if i increase the speed lot it's it's gonna go faster if i go the other way it's gonna be a lot longer like this so now this dog i'd be adding almost like a slow motion to this you can see how it moves so you can go through and get your custom speeds on it so remember you can't create more video than there but you can change the duration by using this and filmora 10 makes it super easy to do that just by how i showed i'm just going to delete this the next thing what i want to show is i'm going to bring in another video and i'm just going to bring in this one here and this is the cropping tool because this allows you to zoom up on a certain part so maybe on this one it goes to the video and i'm going to zoom up and i just want to actually move it to here and now i'm going to crop right to here i'll just hit ok so now you can see how it just zoomed in on the dog so if i move uh if i play it now that's a much closer look on it so if i go back i can go back and that was the cropping tool here open it up you can see what section it was on here that i'm zooming up on it so i could go even more if you want and i could put it right here hit okay and then it's even zoomed in more but remember you might get things pixelated depending on the quality that that you have in here if you're zooming up too much but if you hit play i have that much closer view so if you want to zoom up on something use that cropping tool to zoom up again filmora 10 makes it incredibly easy by using that effect of the cropping so i'm going to drag down this video here i took this on my iphone and i'm going to drag it down i'm going to put it into the video track notice when i bring this in it's going to ask me hey do you want to match to media or do you want to keep project settings because the frame rate is different on what i took on my iphone it was at 30 frames per second and then this one's at 25. i'm going to keep it to my project settings on this now what's different with this video than the other ones these had no audio on it and you can tell right away i can see uh right here that this line indicates that there's audio in here and it was just me talking not very much i don't know if you'll be able to hear it very well it's very quiet but let's say i didn't want that audio in there if i wanted to take it right out but notice if i try to drag it around they come together if i right click on this i get all these other options remember you can right click whether it be an audio track and video track you have all these different things that you can quickly get to just like i've already showed you with the toolbar down here with the speed you can also access it here and you can see from adding a freeze frame to adjusting audio crop and zoom all these things or if you right click you'll quickly get to it but what i wanted to show you here was the detach audio so if i go ahead and click detach audio now it becomes two separate tracks so i have my video here and i have my audio i can delete my audio or i could keep my audio and delete my videos so i could just go ahead and delete it and i'm left with just the video on it so with audio and let's talk a little bit about audio i showed you all the ways you can trim with audio or trim video but if i go ahead and drag a video video in i mean sorry an audio track in right here and play it you can hear it start up right here i can trim the same way that i showed you with the video i could go to the end drag it like so when i and i've shortened it i can bring my playhead to a certain part and just click it and cut it so i got a whole piece right here i could drag it down into more audio tracks i could overlap it and i can delete it i can like it drag from the end like i showed you before remember when you have this even though i cut it i can drag things back because i haven't uh i haven't destroyed the original file on this now if i go up here this is your mixer so if i had a bunch of different audio and video in different video tracks and audio tracks i open this up and you'll see that here's the video one and i don't have any audio and video one video two but i have this audio one track here i can control each track separately how loud i want to have each one or i could have the master here too to be controlling everything down to bring it all down if i wanted it much quieter and that would affect everything so that's your mixer if you want to make some adjustments uh adjustments there the other thing you can do if i drag this line you can see i could increase the the volume levels the gain of it just by dragging this up here another way to adjust and this will work on videos to adjust videos and i'll get to that in a moment but if i go ahead and double click on this one you can get some quick effects like fade in fade out and i'll show you if i drag i'll just play this real quickly so we have music playing now watch the beginning here if i drag this fade in you'll see that it's going to be started quieter and gain through there so if i hit play now it gives that nice transition into the beginning and i can fade it out and if you watch the other end i have now a fade out over here so very quickly you can go through and work with the pitch you can denoise the background noise and ducking through this just by double clicking on this you get to those effects so the other thing with audio i just want to point out with filmora here if i go up to audio here you do have these different audio that you can bring in right from from femora and depends on your what subscription you're buying and everything but let's say if i was gonna drag it down you'll notice if i drag it down into audio what happens is it's gonna just do a quick download because it's not on my computer yet i'll just delete this one here whoops i'm just going to undo that one or ctrl z you can see if i just go ahead delete this one now i have [Music] i wasn't really sure what audio i was picking there but there is are all these different audios right into more uh femora 10 that you can bring right down it downloads makes it really easy uh to access it with a lot of the features too you can always get more different effects added to it after the original purchase too okay so now i'm going to show you how to do transitions and familiar filmora 10 again this is an incredibly easy process so i'm going to drag down some videos into my video track here and i'm just going to shorten them up a bit because they don't need to be very long for this example here so i'll just bring them in i'm also going to bring in pictures here too so here's a picture right here uh one thing i wanted to point out so if i go over this notice that there's notice that there's black bars on the side of here and videos this can happen if you're not in the right dimensions you can quickly fix this if i right click look for things like crop to fit or to fit and then you can just fix it so it fills the screen on it too so just to know if you get those black bars you can quickly fix those i'm gonna add in uh one more video here i'll just go to this one here so i got a series of videos in here so i'll just bring this back okay so now what i want to do is add transitions on it so i'm just going to drag my playhead over here and i'm going to click on transitions and i have all these different transitions through here and all i need to do is just drag it down so watch now as i hit play i get that nice transition from one to another now i'm gonna zoom up a bit so you can see it a bit better uh you can just drag i'm gonna drag another transition down here i'll hit play and you can see that was the transition it was a zoom one i'll just bring one more down here and i hit play and we go through so very easy to add them if i double click on these transitions you can see if it's an overlap prefix postfix you can change how you want do you want to apply to all we have duration sometimes you want the transition longer or shorter and you can change it in there so remember to double click on it if i go ahead and click on the transition and hit delete i can delete them out so either on my keyboard or hit the garbage can i can remove them but remember you can add these transitions between pictures and video or pictures and pictures very easily by dragging them down and then making the changes to them just by double clicking on them if you're looking to add titles to your video again filmora makes this simple everything's just dragging down i already have some videos in here i'm just going to go ahead and click on the titles and just like the music you can see there'll be some download and there's always more you can purchase of it and again depending on your subscription but if i you can see as i scroll down there's different ones i'm just going to go ahead and drag this down now i'm dragging this down over on top of it because you can see it's transparent it's see-through so if i drag my play head back you can see around it so if i go ahead i can adjust this do i want this at the beginning like so and i haven't made any changes to the title or anything but it gives you an idea of how it looks and it's animating like this so it's just a simple drag and drop double click on it you're going to get to more features so how you can customize it on it so from the font in here this is my title here so if i was all about dogs we'll put in quickly adjusting it where i can change the font size the fonts through here if i wanted a different one i quickly adjust it there's the font color if i wanted something else i'll just quickly change it something that can be seen just like that again there's different presets animation of how we want things to move on it but it's quickly quickly you can customize this to the way you want and adjust move it over and you can add more than one so maybe again if you wanted something at the very beginning and can take this drag it over and drag this down into this track here and maybe this is my title one and i put this over you can see how quickly everything is to drag it around on it and now i can go through and make any changes to this one on it just by looking through all the different settings you can see even from transform when you can change the size of different items on it so go through and you can play with these settings remember it's just dragging drop on top of it if you see i it see through it's transparent on it when i hit okay so any of these are transparent like this because it's see-through and you can place it on top of the layer let's get to some of the more of the fun stuff with some of the effects that you can easily do i'm going to bring some video in and i'll bring in two videos here i'm going to bring two and top on top of the other here so i got these two different videos and what i want to show you here was earlier on i talked about how that if you put the one on the top you can't see the one down below watch what happens so if i double click on this and remember i double clicked on the audio to get to more things too uh what i'm going to do is i'm going to double click on it one more time i want to go up to transform here so transform and i'm going to change the scale so look at this as i bring this down i can then move this to another one and i have like picture in picture happening here so i can do this again i'm going to bring in another i could bring in a picture if you want but i'm going to bring in this video on top so now it covers everything up but now if i go double click on it and i'm still under transform and scale this down i have another video so i have all these videos that will be playing at the same time so if i hit play on this three different videos cooper cooper are playing at the same time and very easy by transforming the top ones to see through in the back one now the other thing i'm just going to undo a few of these so remember you can undo to reverse uh different ones if i was taking this one and i go back double click on it and i just wanted to point out uh some of the other effects that you can have point uh do through here if i drop down you can see here is the uh how transparent it's gonna be so if i start to drag this through now i can see through this first one and watch the other ones behind it so you can play with these effects between picture and picture or changing the opacity or the our story opacity or the uh how transparent it is very very quickly now the next effect i want to show you was green screen again it's just a couple clicks and i'm just going to get rid of these two here when you're working with green screen you need a background uh and then so i'm going to put this on again i'll just use these two videos i have these chickens on a on the green background and then i have the dog so i want to be able to put these chickens with the dog and what i do they actually have the quick access to the green screen here but remember i can right click and get to it here it will get me to the same thing but i'll just click on it and right away it makes some adjustments uh to it so i can kind of see through uh it but it's not quite right the greens are a little different so what i'm going to do uh here is just click on the eyedropper and go through and click on the green that it came with and it makes it a little bit better so now if i have these uh chickens they're in front of the dog here and i can might go through and change the offset to make it a little better or maybe the tolerance of it and you go through if it doesn't look quite right you can try to adjust these remember anytime you make any adjustments any of these if you hit this these are resets that put it back to normal i can go now back to this one too i can go up and transform and i can scale these chickens smaller making sure you have the right layer selected if i make them smaller on it i can click on them and move them around too so you can really have a lot of fun with green screen and some of these effects inside filmora just by quickly right clicking or accessing these here or the double click on top now there's more effects and elements up here too so if you look at these are just like all the other ones here i'm just going to delete the chicken ones here and if i bring any of these on these are just drag and drop effects if i wanted to change so i drag it on you can see how it quickly changes any of these and some of these will have to download on it i'll just go through a few of these here but if i undo i can go through and i'll drop a different one let's try this one and you can see how quickly it makes those changes to it just like that again double click and you'll be able to see other ones video effects will be there so i added that one video effect and if i go down i can make some changes even to it i can turn it off just like that reset it back to how it was before because now it'll be on on it so remember double click and i'm just going to hit ok and remember these are all just about dragging down and dropping there's also the elements that you can put on these two so with the elements are just things you can drag down you can see some of the halloweens coming up but with any of these elements if you when you have access you can put them over top and they'll download and then they're transparent as they go through you have them on and remember double click and then transform and you can scale them down you can put them on a different place of the video they just don't have to be where you place them you can move them around to adjust you can even grab the handles like this so you can have a lot of fun with these you have a lot of different elements that you can go through right through here so one of the last things what i want to show you which is a great thing is the split screen this has to be the easiest program for split screen and let me show you how to do this uh i'm going to go to my media and just drag in a piece to start with and i'll just shorten this up to show you can blend this in i wouldn't need video to start with but i just wanted to point out if i go to a split screen and let's say i'm going to take this one where it says one two three it's going to have three videos and or i can put pictures i drag it down now one video is going to go here here and here well i can just drag the video into those spots so i just click and drag it into spot i can go over i can even take a picture and drag it in here like so and then i can adjust you can see how you can adjust you could turn off any volume in it you can delete it or make some adjustments in it too so let's make i'm just going to move this over so it's a little bit more centered on some of them just like this so now i have a video going from one video to this next video just like that and that's how easy it is at add split screen you can actually even add transitions between these two so if i wanted to add a transition i bring my playhead back i can hit play and it will just add that transition in before the split screen starts so it's super easy to do so the last step i want to show you is how to export your video when it's all done because you've just been editing it and it's not good to put on youtube or anything yet because you actually have to export into a final product that puts all your edits and audio and changes all together into one file so let's say your video is done and you're ready to export it out to youtube and we have this little video here and it has some titles and some music and different things and it's all done what i want to do is to hit export up top right so there's a lot of different files you can you can export it out as so if i hit export here and i you get this now notice that there's local and device meaning is it going to be a phone or ipad because it will change what the settings need to be when it exports it out you can go right to youtube so i've used this feature in different video editing products you sign in and it will actually upload it straight to youtube from here but you need to sign in here and it will connect to your channel so kind of eliminate some steps here you would just go through fill this out and hit export but you can go local too on this one so if you go local you can see all the different file types you would just give it a name here so if i was calling this dogs save it to where i could open this up if i wanted to a specific place and go through but you can see all the different ones here so you can go from mp4 to a gif down here or maybe you just want the audio as an mp3 so you could choose what you want and where you want it to be saved you can always go into the settings to open up depending on what quality you want and after that you just hit export and it's that easy you'll have your file either directly put youtube or you have it on a file on your computer so i hope you liked this tutorial here today i went over a lot of the things that filmora 10 can do but there's still a lot more i can do and i still put more videos uh about how to do different things like motion traction motion tracking and some color effects too let me know if this has helped you out uh take it you know what this is a one i would recommend to try it's always worked well and simple for some editing that you can produce some great looking videos thanks for watching this time on teachers tech i'll see you next week with more tech tips and tutorials
Channel: Teacher's Tech
Views: 139,017
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: filmora x, filmora 10, how to use filmora x for beginners, filmora x tutorial, easy video editing software, easy video editors for, easy video editors for windows, filmora windows 10, best easy video editor for youtube, teachers tech filmora, teachers tech filmora x, easy video editing software 2020, filmora tutorial, filmora video editor, how to use filmora video editor, filmora 10 tutorial, how to use filmora 10, how to use filmora x, wondershare filmora
Id: SO9-X-llODQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 3sec (2163 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 18 2020
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