FilmoraPro Tutorial - Designed for Beginners

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hi there Jamie Keita here today a teachers Tech cope you having a great day today today I'm taking a look at filmora Pro so I'm gonna go through a beginners tutorial on this showing you the main features what I really like about femoral Pro it is pretty much as they say it's professional editing software made easy if you've used for more a9 which is a simple product to use to create great-looking videos it's very easy to use it's a step up on that so you can download this for free I'll put the link down below so you can download it for download for free but it is watermark you have to purchase it to get rid of the watermarks or just so you know that link is an affiliate link which means if you do end up purchasing the company does give me a portion of the sale back to me so I can help support my channel so let's get started on this beginners tutorial here today I want to know what you might want to learn about this product or other products for video editing so just let me know down in the comments down below let's get started here today so just so you know I have time-stamped everything down below in the description so you can jump to different parts of the video if there's something specifically you're looking for I'm working on Windows 10 today this is also available on Mac OS so you can work on that computer and also put a link to filmora 9 if you haven't used that yet it's a little bit less expensive than this product and very simple to use I'll put my tutorial to that one down in the description and in the card so let's get started here I've already clicked on the icon and I'm just on the opening screen of filmora Pro and I'm just going to go ahead and create a new project any of the old projects if I created would have been right here so I'm just gonna go ahead and open up and hit get started on this one so when it pops up we get all these different windows from you can see from viewer to trimmer two different controls and everything what I like is how quickly you can customize things on this you can if I go to any of these and drag I can change the size of my viewers you can see I can just stretch things out differently and I can also drag things around so for an example if I wanted this audio mix or somewhere else you can see as I click and hold I can move the tabs in two different places to start adjusting the view exactly how I want it now if you wanted to go back what I can do if I go back to view here I can just go ahead and hit reset workspace and it goes back to normal so just adjust things the way you want but if you move too many things you just want to sort from scratch just try that so I'm just going to start with importing my media into filmora Pro here so I have a file that I have set up on my computer with some audio and some video and some pictures in it so I'm just going to be taking it from there so let's say you've moved it from your camera to your computer already but I'm going to go ahead and just hit import so I'm going to click it here and you can see what the different ones are I'm just for this beginners tutorial I'm just going to be importing my media and I have some different things here but I'm actually going to go to a different one that I have I'm just going to type it in here so this is filmora Pro and there we are right there so here's you can see I have a number of different files working here and I'm just gonna go I could drag one in a time so if I go ahead and hit open you can see I can bring one in at a time but if I go back if you want to bring multiple ones in a time and I have a mixture of a different audio and everything in here I could grab many different things and bring them all in at once so then all the media is now in here in my media panel and if I want to again if you might want this up top so if I bring this I could put this in a different place if I wanted it up here to view it and then if I wanted to view any of these what they are if I go ahead and double click on these here and then if I go ahead sorry yet play over here I can watch the preview on this one here so if I want to go to a different one and then just hit play again you can do all the previews here so this is going to be a previews to your media this is going to be the viewer where we're actually working when we bring it in to our tracks so that's just the first step into importing your media into filmora Pro so just before I bring in my media into my editor I just wanted to show you some organization that you can do within the media that you have so you can make folders with these so if I go ahead and make a folder I could call this audio and maybe I put my audio files you can see the audio files are recognized with the wavelength on it and you can still preview them the same way over here but then you can drag them into the folder and you can see how that's underneath it so you go through maybe make audio images and video and organize things just as you get a lot of different ones in there or you might have certain types of videos to help with your organization of it too so the next step I just want to show you is actually bringing your media so when I say media I'm talking whether it be pictures or your video or your audio into the editor down here and to do that all you can do all you have to do is just drag it down so for instance if I was going to go and take this one here I could just bring it into video one now when we're putting things together we just drag video into the order that we wanted to play and I'm going to show you some editing after but if you're new to this you're just dragging your video down you can see so now as I have two four different videos I can scrub it here with the play it if I grab it you can see as a drag it over top it shows what's playing in the viewer window up here so maybe you want your viewer window larger so you can view it and then the trimmer one goes goes smaller and then you can just drag it back and forth or I can hit play up here and I can do the same thing so audio when I drag audio down that would go in our audio here and then if we have pictures so this is just a picture you can see this is just the JPEG pictures can go also with the video so I have two videos and a picture and I'm just putting them in the order that I want and now I have audio so if I hit play you'll be able to hear the audio with the pictures and as I switches back and forth you can quickly change the order of any of these two so I can drag them over in two different places and to manipulate where I want to have them I could highlight or select three or all of them and then move them around all at once or I could even grab the audio and move it around too so this is just some basic movement and once you bring your media in here the other thing you can do is create more tracks so you can see we have tracks we have audio 1 & video 1 so if I right-click on here I could insert a track and now I have video - any of these ones can be actually put I could drag this up and it'll still play the same but if I play it you can see now this is just in another track and I can make more inside the audio so if I go insert now you can see there's audio too and I could play multiple audio all at once so that's just a little intro how to bring to bring your media over if you want it to ever undo something you can always go ctrl Z on your Windows or command Z on your Mac but you have the back arrow here you can see how I can I just go back the other thing you might want to know is down below you can zoom up certain parts of this too so if I go and down here and I just bring this over to the right you can see how i zoom up so this allows you to get to a specific spot a lot better because when I show you some editing in a bit you might want to get pull your playhead to a specific part and cut there so that's just a basic intro bringing your meaty in into your tracks and creating some more tracks and just moving them around within them so just before I get into some trimming of the clips what I wanted to show you is if I go ahead and bring this into video one I'm just gonna say yes because so it matches and if I bring another one in and I've already showed you how to insert the tracks but if I just drag it in it automatically creates the video tracks to what I wanted to point out is when this one's on top this is what you're gonna see so if I hit play notice it's the top one I'm seeing now when the playhead would get to here I'm gonna see the other one but if you're not seeing something it could be that you're overlapping somewhere with it and you're only seeing that one there are some effects and different reasons that we use or different layers and I'll show you them a little bit later on but just so you know at the top one is what you're gonna see the other thing I just wanted to point out was - you can hide the layers very quickly so if you have this in place but didn't want to see it you can just click the I here and now I'm not even seeing that track at all and the same thing with audio so if I bring in the audio down into here and I go ahead and I didn't want to hear it I can just mute it here so it makes a makes a good way when you're working on it if you don't want to see certain ones to work on one track at a time you can mute and hide but you can quickly turn things back on and you'll get everything working again so let's just move to our trimming now so I want to show you a couple different ways that you can trim your Clips so if I was gonna go and drag this one in before I do that I can do some editing right in here in the trimmer I can trim it so let's say if I was gonna go I'm gonna drag this little round circle here - I get to a certain spot right here right here so I'm gonna say when it gets on to the boat so this clip right here I'm going to mark it in and then I'm gonna go right to you can see where it goes this shot so I'm gonna go and mark it out here now I can just go ahead and click on this one and it inserts it so now I just have the clip that I selected so I've trimmed it in here you can see inside the viewer here that it's a trim clipped the other thing that you can do to trim so if I was going to take a different one we'll take this one with the dog-eating if I just bring it in you can bring you can just grab the end so you can see how this hovers green if I drag this over I'm trimming the clip and I can do it from both ends so I could even do it to this clip that I've already trimmed once but you can see how quickly you can trim it so now once you trim you can move them into the order that you want now if I was going to grab a picture though if I go grab a picture and bring it in a picture is it constant its static it's not going to move but what I can do is I can drag so I'm just gonna zoom out a little bit here so our zoom out this way I can drag a picture as long as they want so I can play it for as long as I want a video I can only have it play for the length of the video I can change the duration of it which I'll show you in a little bit I can speed it up or slow it down but I can't give make more video out of it the nice thing with working with images I can drag it to play for as long as I want on it so this is a picture on this one that's what allows me to do it and then these ones are the video here so I put the pictures in that same track so another way you can do some trimming is just by dragging Clips over top of each other if I drag this over you can see how when it goes over and if I bring it back I've actually trimmed it so you don't want to make that mistake but remember the ctrl Z or going backwards will get you back to where you were before too but you might want to make sure you have the snap tool on I had it on so what it does is is if I drag over it's really easy to drag it over now but with the snap tool on and it's usually on by default it will just snap if I bring it close its snapped so you can make sure the gaps are away and you're not anything else just some other things I wanted to point out with some of the other tools here so if we just look if we just look at under here with different tools of the where you can adjust the in and out points but even the slide tool if I now do this if I drag it over top so if I drag this over top like so and allows me to see in the viewer window what part I'm at now if I drag it back though you notice it's still there so do take a look at some of the other tools and play with some of the editing that you can do this one is the slice tool so what it can do is if you can take something out in the middle so if I go to this part right here and just the cut on it so I slice I've made a slice and I can move it over and make another slice and now I could take out a part out of the middle so I could use my selection tool here and drag it out and maybe put it in a different spot so I could change the order of the clip if I didn't want it so it maybe there's some some footage in between you can slice out that certain part I can just delete it if I want and then put the other two together so if there was this mistake in your video or something you just want to take a part out that's how you can kind of quickly do it with this lace tool but again you're just putting everything in order usually from trimming to slicing and those are just some different ways that you can do it so let me show you a few other options here and what I'm going to start with is this one right here so here's a clip people at the beach I'm just gonna match my settings here people at the beach and I have it's just the waves and maybe I don't want this sound attached to it and so they just muting it or bringing it down I can right click on this one and I can go to unlink notice so I'm just gonna go back control Z see this little link this shows that they are linked together if I right click on link and now I can move them separately I could even delete the audio and it wouldn't be there anymore so you can delete the audio out of a clip I could replace it with something else some music and I could link it back up again too so if I wanted to link this back up or if you wanted to link to Clips just make sure they're both selected right-click and link and you can see the link is there again now the next thing I wanted to show you was with but I'm gonna bring in another clip when we go with the dog on the boat and I'm just want to show you how we can change the duration very quickly so in this case if I wanted to speed this up it's about a 29 second clip this one right click on it speed duration and if I wanted to go faster I need to go above 100% if I want to go slower I go below it so if I want I could just type in I could click and drag but baby I want this I know this I'm 8 seconds and you can see nothing get clipped what happened was it just it's speeding everything up so you can quickly adjust the duration to it and if you wanted to make it slower you just have to go below the hundred percent on it and you'll bring this little motion into it the next thing I wanted to show you was some transforming so I'm gonna go back actually I'll use this clip again notice when I bring in the clips the clips always come back originally when I'm editing them they're not changing the source files on them I'm gonna bring in this one right here this is just a picture and I'm putting it on top and remember what I said when I bring in something on the top layer that's going to be what it's seen and I'm just gonna right click on this show you another one and that is under transform I'm gonna say fit to frame and you can see how it adjusted now because it was a little bit big but now it's adjusted I can keep adjusting this when I have this one selected these handles here you can see I can kind of change it and move it around and I can even rotate it and I can do the same thing with video here too so I'm going to make this a bit smaller and I can have these on different tracks and I can have the video playing and the picture overtop I can even bring in another video and I could bring it into a new track if I wanted to you can see now it's over top but again if I make this smaller I can adjust this move it around and use all the same features that I just showed you and now I can go ahead and hit play and you have picture-in-picture so that's how you kind of create that picture-in-picture effect using the different tracks on top of each other by just changing transforming that very simply by selected so those are just some more tips that I want to show you before we get to our next part some other things you can do when you're overlapping the tracks like I've showed you before is adjust the transparency so if I go ahead and there's a fine white line on here so if I hit play you only see the top one but there's this white line right here and I'm gonna bring it down you can see how it changes the transparency of that top clip like because that's what I'm adjusting so you can change that through it so just another quick effect that you can add to your videos another thing is with audio you can do all the same clipping or the trimming that I've showed you with the video clip so if I bring this in notice we can bring we can trim our Clips in this way we can use the razor the slicer tool to cut certain parts out and then select it and then delete out apart so you can change your audio like that too if I right click I can do the speed duration on it and you can see all the different effects that you can do with the audio if I'm playing with the audio I can make some volume changes to adjust it just by pulling this down but you also so if that would make it quieter like this but you can also go to the audio mixer and you can see the different levels that are playing and I can make some adjustments in here so that's just some quick things with audio but now let's move over to some transitions in between our videos and pictures so now I'm going to add some transitions and I'm going to show you how to add some titles to to find the transitions you need to go over to the effects or wherever you have it place and then as you go down you can see we have transition to audio and transitions in videos so if I open up the video one here we have all these different ones I'm just going to show you with this cross dissolve and but you can play through all them the concepts the same you drag them in between the two clips so now if I drag the playhead you can see it will do a cross dissolve between them and so I can stretch that out just by grabbing you can see how the green handle came and I stretched it out so it makes it a longer transition on this one you can see how it's slower now as it goes through so very easy to pick and to adjust on those ones the other thing you can do it from videos to pictures so same thing if I grab it this is just a picture over here and I put it between the two points it will go from video to picture I also have the audio ones here so if I go to my transition audio you can see if I wanted to add a fade out and I can adjust it by pulling it longer and I'll just play it and it fades out so those are some quick things to add some transitions to your slides so I'm going to show you how to add some titles the first way is just kind of a traditional way but then they have some neat effects to add some titles too so just quickly there's the T right here if I just click here and then click in here I'm just gonna write dog on a little just a bit simple boat here and when I select on this though if I go back to my selection tool I can move this around in different places I can i alter it the angles that I want the other thing that you can do if you go over here to text you can see this is where you can make some changes to this so on so if I wanted a different different font if I wanted a different color you can go through and make these changes this this stroke I can increase the size of it and you can just get what you want now with you can see how it is on a different layer here on a different track I can move this around to a different point if I want it I could create more tracks and put them on top of it to have multiple titles now here's another way and it's a they have some neat ones that you can import into filmora Pro and if you look above this when it says import titles so of now if I look through I'll just scroll down here and they're hard to see the pretty little but we'll just we'll just pick this one right here so title 16 I'm gonna hit import and where it goes to is the media now so if I go to media and it's right here at the bottom and I drag this over top you can see I'll just hit play here and this is animated here too so if you want to go through and edit this you just need to go to controls over here and you can see that they have all these different properties on it but if I wanted to go through let's say edit text 1 and then I'll just write I'll just click in here I pull this but I'm just gonna keep this simple here and I'll just write dog here and if I go back and I'll hit play again you can see how quickly I adjusted those ones and you can change all of these here just by putting a edit - for this line edit 3 and then you have all these different ones that you can just adjust a little bit more for the animation in the effects of the title so it's a pretty cool way to add some professional-looking titles within film or a pro so the effects are kind of like what I did with the transitions you just drag them on top of the clip so if you look in the effects you can look so if I go crunch and I just go and drag it over top and I don't know if this one shows up enough a little bit I don't know if you can see it but what I can do is make sure your under controls is go up and you can increase maybe this green I'll go up higher and higher and you can see now inside the video how it has a little bit of a different look to it so any of these effects so I'll just take this off here with a couple of controls ease on here and you can look through all the different ones here that you can just kind of quickly drop over and then you can kind of see the effect of each one these are just some animations here that couldn't work like as transitions - but very quickly you just drag them and then look into your control so for more ways that you can adjust them - so what I'm gonna do now is actually talk about the keyframes really quickly a keyframe helps you change things over time and I'm not going to get deep into this I'm just gonna show you one example so in this clip right here what I'm gonna do is go up to my keyframes here so I'm under controls and I'm gonna go to transform so I'm gonna actually add a keyframe and I'm gonna work with scale so if I go here and I'm just going to increase the scale at this make it a bit bigger and I'm gonna mark it in as a keyframe I'm gonna go up and click this right here because this shows the mark of the keyframe this is kind of the clip I'm working on I'm just gonna drag this back to the beginning here and what I'm gonna do is actually now decrease this make this smaller so a lot smaller so now something's gonna happen over time if I go ahead and hit play you can see that it's smaller but it's growing to where I set that other one all the way up to that about 147 percent and then it goes back to normal so a keyframe can change things over time you add the keyframes in but I'm not going to get it into a lot I just wanted to kind of touch on keyframes and what it did so let's say we have our project done we've added our titles or transitions we've made our trims and cuts that we need to export it here so that's what we're gonna do next so I didn't mention this before but as you're working along make sure you keep saving your project just go up in the very first time you'll be save as but you don't want to lose any work so just go through and hit save or ctrl s the other thing is we do have project settings right here that you can set up here but most these are just gonna leave at the 1080p but you may want to change your frames per second or depending on what you're working on so now we're all ready to export you have a couple different options you can export everything in your video so in this case I could go to export and hit content so that would be everything or else what I can do if there's a certain part I only want to export I can hit the I on my keyboard for in and then move it over and hit the O and you can see it's kind of shaded on the outside so that's what it's going to be is the exporting it's just between those two points when I choose in an out area but so in this case here I'm gonna go to contents and another option is you have can actually keep continue working as it sends it to the queue for export but I'm going to go to export you can see right up here so if I was setting this for YouTube I probably drop down and you can see we got YouTube 1080p I'd go on this one where you can see 2160 is there too and I have the name on this you can change your where your gonna be saving it here you can pick a different location if you want it's based on the title that when you saved it the first time but when everything is good to go you can right click on this one and you can see a few other options start exporting and then it's going to start you can see right here it's starting and we have a little preview over on the side so it will go through that that progress and then you're going to have that file saved where you River wherever you selected and then if you are uploading it to YouTube you can just upload it select that file and upload it to your YouTube channel so I hope you like this tutorial here today I know this is a professional program I just kind of touched on more from the beginner aspect of this and it can do a lot more especially with the color grading under the scope and different effects on this one but I hope this got you started with it let me know in the comments down below if there's other stuff that you'd like to see thanks for watching this week on teachers tech I'll see you next time with another tutorial
Channel: Teacher's Tech
Views: 88,197
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: filmorapro, filmora pro, filmora pro tutorial, filmorapro tutorial, video editing, wondershare filmora, filmora tutorial, filmora video editor, filmora 9, video editing tutorial, filmora professional editing, wondershare filmorapro, filmora pro editing tutorial, best video editing software, wondershare filmora pro, video editing software, wondershare video editor, how to edit video, how to use filmora video editor, how to edit youtube videos, teacher's tech
Id: Zh955KW9NZc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 50sec (1610 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 19 2019
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