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my name is Joe Carroll and I'm going to teach you everything you need to know about filmora 9 in 20 minutes over the last 10 years my wife and I have edited music video was wedding videos corporate videos YouTube videos you name it on Final Cut Pro 10 but it's expensive it's five or six times the price of film will remain it's full-on professional editing software not everyone's in the market for that level of functionality or at that expense so when the lovely people at filmora 9 asked us if we wanted to bring their software to your attention we thought why the heck not and digging into it it is seriously impressive software yes it's aimed at beginners but there's some serious mileage in there and some serious functionality we're going to talk about it all we're going to talk about editing we're going to talk about titles transitions split screens effects you name it in this video it's gonna be intense you might want to pause you might want to take notes you might want to re-watch sections but in 20 minutes we're going to teach you everything you need to know about film or a name in the description below you will find a link not only to film or a name where you can download a 30-day free trial or purchase the software if you like but you will also find a link to our free editing software purchasing guide where we compare film or a name with a bunch of other software like Final Cut Pro 10 so you can compare the features understand better what it is that matters to you to better inform your own purchasing decision so do grab yourself a copy of that link in the description below here we are inside Fillmore & 9 first things first we need some media to work with so let's import some click on that big icon in the middle of the media window select our media assets click open and there we go lovely here we have our media organized by video images and audio click on this little icon you can sort your files by name duration type date created so on and so on you can also click on the filter icon to separate the media by videos images and audio and so on and so on but for now we'll just leave it with all displayed before we start drinking clips down onto the timeline let's get our bearings first here we are inside the Media Browser up here we can also switch into our audio browser our titles browser transitions browser effects browser elements browser which is a bunch of cool badges and animations that we can employ and also a split screen browser which we'll get into later at the upper right-hand side of the film or inane interface we have the preview window if you double click on any of the assets in the Media Browser it will preview in the preview window so in this case a nice piece of b-roll that we will incorporate later into our edit use the mouse to click on this button to start and stop playback you can also move playback backwards and forwards one frame at a time for precision editing over at the right hand side we have a timer so if we click on those buttons again you will see the timer move forwards and backwards by one frame at a time it can be a lot faster to do this with the keyboard so press spacebar to stop and start playback and if you want to move the playback forwards and backwards one frame at a time use the left and right arrows now all of these keyboard shortcuts worked not only up in the preview window but down in the timeline also so get familiar with them because you are going to be using them a lot before we start dragging Clips down onto our timeline and building out our edit I want to show you a slightly more refined approach you may wish to take double click on the first blogging clip and it opens up in the preview pane there I am scratching my ear this is the start of a YouTube video I filmed recently and as you can see I'm walking with the camera and talking but obviously we don't want that bit at the beginning so let's play that and skim forwards and see if we can identify the start that we want we're going to use the spacebar to stop and start playback we'll use the arrow keys to go frame-by-frame and I'd say that looks about right there press I to mark the end point now look at that little bracket that's put on the timeline there now let's play forwards and see if we can find our out point we'll speed this up for the sake of demonstration you can see that I'm trying to put my sunglasses on trying to be all cool epicfail didn't manage so we want to get rid of that so we'll skim back a little bit again just using our playback controls dragging cursor there on the timeline using a left and right arrows let's see what we can find okay let's go back a little bit and we will stop the playback around about there press all four out point and there we have a little close bracket marker no when we drag this vlogging clip down onto the timeline we drag the select that we identified up there in the preview pane in this case because we didn't set the parameters of our timeline it has defaulted to 1080p timeline at 30 frames per second so asks us if we want to match the timeline to the media that we are dragging down onto it in this case 4k at 25 frames per second so we click on that button let's play the clip to see if it starts and stops correctly we play yep it starts exactly when we wanted it to our endpoint skim all the way forwards and cool yeah it stops before I fail at putting the sunglasses on my face now you can see in the Media Browser a handy little tick showing that the clip has been used in the project so that's a glimpse of a slightly more professional way of editing those of you familiar with Final Cut Pro might have seen this before but we can of course do it the old-fashioned way of just dragging Clips down into the timeline all right let's see what we've got in clip number 2 walking along fixing my sunglasses right we don't need any of that do we start talking about now okey so we need to get rid of the beginning of this clip now there are numerous ways of doing this let's use the left arrow to go back and identify exactly where I start talking going back frame by frame to see where my mouth starts moving the first way is just to click on the little scissors icon there in the middle of the clip do so you'll see it splits the clip select the bit we want to get rid of and hit backspace it is gone let's undo that and we'll try again with a second method with the playhead where we want the clip to start simply drag the clip in from the side to meet the playhead that portion of the clip is now gone super easy but if we undo that we can also just click on the little scissors icon there and it makes a cut in this case let's simply press the scissor icon in the middle of the clip select the bit we want to get rid of and press backspace now rather than drag the playhead back to the beginning of the clip to see if we made a good cut use the up or down arrow keys to locate the playhead at the your end of any given clip now we may press spacebar to preview that clip we can see that we have actually made the cut in the right place excellent job done now we've got our three Clips down on the primary storyline of the timeline something you'll want to do all the time a zoom in and zoom out we have a little slider here for doing just that you can zoom in and zoom out you can also press command + and command - on the keyboard that is my own preferred way of doing this dragging left and right on the timeline there at the top also performs the same function rearranging Clips is super easy you simply grab and hold and then pull them around to your heart's content there we have one up on a secondary storyline b-roll if you like we'll see more of that in a minute it's very intuitive play around with it and this is where you can get creative and start to build out your edits let's add some b-roll clips on top of our primary storyline that will click on b-roll clip 1 and as you know it opens in the preview pane now it's just me holding a drone from what you can see but in a second it will pull off the screen working backwards let's find the out point of this clip in addition to pressing or you can hit that little bracket key will work backwards and find the end point of the clip again you can press the i key or that little bracket we want to put this clip at the start of our film so let's drag it down onto the timeline and there you can see it creates a secondary storyline on top of the primary storyline zoom in a little bit we don't want any of that background audio that was captured at the time of recording so grab on that Lane and pull it down as far as it will go with the clip selected you can see we have some more options here go to the little icon that looks like a speedometer adjust speed click on that and we have a bunch of options we can set a custom speed we can slow the clip down we can speed it up we can return it to normal speed we can insert a freeze-frame but in this instance let's click reverse nice look at that little one times backward arrow there now the drone comes into the frame it's reviewed from the side of the frame hitting the mark perfectly because we started that shot with the end in mind something we do all the time is the so called picture-in-picture effect we've done it throughout this entire video and it features and pretty much every single one of our youtube videos very easy to do here on film or a name we've set the end points and the out points of our editing purchase engage screen capture so when we drag that down we now have our edited piece on the timeline but that doesn't look right it's far too big we want it to feature in the top left or top right corner of our footage let's get rid of the background audio by pulling down on the audio line as before now you'll see this all the time in film or a name double click on anything in the timeline to access more options here we have video audio motion and color we'll stick with the video parameters here and we can pull backwards on this scale slider to reduce the size of that clip on the clip itself you can pull on these handles to resize on the X and y axis but we don't want to do that here you can also pull on this little circular handle to rotate the image again we won't bother doing that here click and hold on the image to drag it around and reposition it within the frame let's see how this comes up move the playhead to the start press space bar up it pops yeah that looks ok I didn't particularly like the way the clip just appeared so let's see if we can do something about that double click on the clip to bring up all the options and look there's a motion tab a whole bunch of preset motion options that we can apply to that clip double click fade with the clip selected and look there you can see it fades in and fades out it looks quite good but let's try another one what about boom double click on that spacebar to play boom and it comes here looks quite good no I think we'll leave it at that but you can play around with these to your heart's content [Music] here we have an iPhone screen recording that we want to incorporate so we'll set our end points and our out points drag it down onto our Beedrill storyline and mute it as before double-click on the clip go to the video tab and in this instance we want to rotate it let's try a 90 degrees nope the clip is upside-down so let's try 270 degrees that's more like it maybe want this to fill the frame so let's use the scale as before to zoom all the way in until we get to the point at which it has indeed filled the frame that looks about right but we want to shift it to the left now by using the position parameters and there we go job done here we aren't say the transitions browser and fillmore are very generously gives us loads of these to play with many of them very very good double click on each one to watch a preview inside the preview window let's open the video with a fade from black so we'll drag the transition down onto the start clip and you can see there a visual depiction of the transition that we've just added let's play that to see what we've got and you can see note that it fades in from black excellent now I think that was a little bit too slow so command + to zoom in and you can see there in more detail that visual depiction of the transition grab on the right-hand side of it and shorten it just like you would any clip bring the playhead back to the start and let's try again yep a nice quick fade in from black being film or a 9 you can double click on that transition to view all available parameters up in the transition and browser in this instance we can set the exact number of frames for that transition now we don't need to do that just now so let's just click OK here we have a hard cut between two vlogging clips and it looks absolutely fine it looks consistent and it looks good but for the sake of example let's find a jazzy transition to try it out scrolling down let's try warp zoom 6 double click on that for a preview looks kind of cool so I think we'll drag that down between the two clips and there you can see the visual depiction of that transition on the timeline let's press play it looks pretty nice it's got a pretty cool canna travel II travel vlog tape style to it so leave it yeah I like it the cool thing with these transitions is they can be used to introduce your b-roll so if we look at this iPhone screen capture that we incorporated earlier it comes in with a heart cut boom there is heart cut now we can soften that transition so let's have a scroll through and see what we can find what about swirl let's just drag that down and see what we get press spacebar to play no no I do not like that at all that's Nath doesn't work at all so select the transition backspace to get rid of that let's have another shot little Bros through the transition browser let's have a go at wind we'll drag that one don't give that a go spacebar to play okay let's leave that one on for the time being playing this from the start we fit in from black but I think it'd be nice to have a title that introduces nine name so let's go up into the titles browser and much like the transitions you can see we have a whole bunch of titles here many of them very very good very classy I think it's a real strength of film or a name for giving us so many usable titles that are infinitely customizable for more a name keeps quite a lot of this stuff online so if we look at this lower third ten you'll see that little icon there downwards arrow click on that to download it into your system and double click on it for a preview yeah I think that one looks quite nice it's quite a nice example so let's work with that drag that down onto the timeline as you would any clip into the position where you want it to be this being full motor name just like the clips themselves or the transitions a double click on the title to open up a whole bunch of extra parameters up there in the title browser now let's type in Stuart Caroll into the text box take a look at what we've got click on the next piece of text and we'll type in a drawn film gate this time again you can play around with all the customizations here but no let's just change the colour to black or select the second piece of text to do the same there change it to black and we are good go hit play and see what we've got in fades the animated title Stuart Carroll drawing film gate looks alright we'll double-click on that title again you can see more of the options transform compositing there's an advanced option where in this instance you can adjust the timings of the fade ends and so on and indeed if you hit on something that you really like go across and save as custom this will give you a title preset that you can use again and again and let me tell you this is something we searched for in Final Cut 10 it doesn't have it and it would save me so much time if it did so thumbs up for more a name for giving us that function on reflection I wasn't too struck on that title but rather than go ahead and just delete it and start again let's drag a second one down on top same place as the first title but this time we will mute the first title see that little I button there let's just click on that and it hides the track this allows us to work away on the second option without necessarily deleting the first one so we can always revert back to the first one if we don't like the second one so we go ahead change all the parameters of the second title change the text drag it around so on and so forth then it comes yeah I think it does actually look better in this instance so this time around let's go back to the muted track and we will just go ahead and delete it and drag the replacement title down in its place [Music] up in the media browser let's find our music drag it down onto the timeline below the video tracks and there you can see a little musical note depicting that we are on a music track play that and if we decide that the music is too loud or too quiet we can adjust the volume by dragging on the volume line there you have it we'll just pull that down a bit in this case 2 - 25 decibels for the sake of this demonstration we also have little handles here that allow us to fade in the audio track you can do this on a full music track like you see here or on the audio track attached to a video clip this being film or a nine you guess that double-click on that music track to access more options fade and fade out we can change the pitch we have an equalizer in here so we can play around with the various frequencies that make up the audio track particularly useful function is remove background noise if we have wind noise air-conditioning noise Road noise all that kind of stuff try the D noise or it can be very effective remember this little b-roll clip from before of the drone coming in whoosh there it goes well I think it'd be nice to have a little whoosh sound effect so let's drag our sound effect don't underneath the music play around find the right place for it a little bit too early there maybe and we go yeah I think so let's listen to it for more inane comes with a whole bunch of pre-installed music tracks and sound effects but if you find yourself growing out of that library then do check out epidemics sound that's where we get our music and sound effects from probably the best source for YouTube creators at least all the tracks are pre-approved for use on social media there's a link in the description below 30 day free trial and one month free subscription if you go ahead and get involved on the paid service just like videos you can add photos to your edit so let's drag a photo down onto our timeline and as you can see it's a bit too small for the aspect ratio of our video so you guessed it double-click on it access more parameters and drag that scale slider up so it fits the frame I want to show you a really cool trick that works well for photos and videos for that matter so select the photo and click on the little crop icon that you can see here in this window select pan and zoom and we have a couple of options look at that we have a start frame and an end frame and it's just as the name suggests is the starting and ending size of that image now in this instance we want to zoom in so we want the end frame to be smaller than the start frame so we're just accordingly click on the play button for a preview and look at that the image is just creeping in it's a so-called Ken Burns effect and it's really useful for adding a little bit of motion if we're incorporating photos into our edits I'm a big fan of the split-screen presets here in film or online so let's click on the split screen browser and we see a whole bunch of options let's try this one split screen seven drag it down onto the timeline same functionality as bringing down video clips for two as music etc and you can see we have a whole bunch of options up here in the split-screen browser feel free to investigate those as you wish but for now let's click on the media tab and drag some photos across into those predefined frames let's use these jazzy car photos that I took a while back we want to resize some of these you can see they're not quite fitting so just click on each one and drag the slider to resize so that's the white portion position let's zoom out on the red Porsche what a car jealous well look at the Lamborghini click on that one and we'll just zoom out a little bit on that as well a feast for the eyeballs let's try it out look at that in it comes I love these split-screen presets [Music] in the elements browser window we have some really nice animations that we can add to our films do browse through all of these but for now let's go with this emoji click on the little download arrow you can see it coming in and we'll drag it down onto the timeline same functionality as before and you get that double click on it and we get access to a whole bunch of parameters let's resize it make it a little bit smaller dragged up into the top left corner of the frame let's trim it a little bit by moving the playhead to wherever want the cut mark to be hit those scissors delete the bit that we no longer want okay let's move the playhead to the start and press play and it comes and it pops up no actually that was a bit short so I think I'll extend that I didn't like the way it just disappeared right there at the end so let's drag a transition down and dissolve out of it up in the effects browser this is where we can get really creative there's a ton of presets in here many of them very very good it's another real strength of filmora double click on each one for a preview in there we can see we've got a very strong look if in doubt err on the side of caution you don't want to ruin all your hard work with a silly preset but nonetheless go ahead and have some fun here's a nice bad TV example that you can play with as for modifying the colors of your clip one option is to double click on that clip and identify that color tab you'll see we have some color enhancement options some white balance options we can make Torn adjustments so for the purposes of demonstration let's pull on that contrast slider and you can see the picture of me changing quite dramatically we can mess about with the saturation as well okay that's a little bit too much I think you'd agree a real feature that I enjoy on Fillmore 9 is the built in Lutz lookup tables the preset looks that modify the colors of an image and they're set here according to various TV shows and movies I really really like them and you can also import third-party Luntz which is a function previously reserved for more advanced software like final cut I have to say in terms of more advanced color adjustments select the clip and click on little color palette here we have pretty much everything we could need for color correction and color grading it's a bit intimidating if you're new to this but if you're more advanced then it's good to know that you have this functionality here we can pull out the shadows if we're to say that the image is a little bit underexposed but we don't want to blow out those highlights we just adjust those shadows specifically we could move that black point down as well you can see the way the histogram moves there as well so you can really do everything you need to the HSL tab is something that was only just added to Final Cut Pro 10 here you can target colors individually look at the grass and the greens and the trees there we can take them up into the greens we can bring them down into the oranges you can really play around and create your own looks it's seriously impressive stuff for an entry-level piece of video editing software so a big thumbs up - for more and 9/4 incorporating mattes now that we're done let's export our masterpiece click the export button and you can change all the parameters from the file name to the destination folder you can select that as you wish you can change the resolution although in this case we would just leave it as 4k you can also change the file format a movie and mp4 will get you where you want to be most of the time all the we also have support for the newer h.265 HEV c codec if you wish a whole bunch of presets depending on whether you're exporting to an iPhone iPad so on and so forth hit that export button watch your creation be exported and created and then just sit back and enjoy did I get it all done in 20 minutes I do apologise if I went a minute or two over but as you can see there's an awful lot to talk about and for an entry-level piece of software that's relatively inexpensive there really is some serious depth in their coming from Final Cut Pro 10 I've been seriously impressed with the elements the effects the split-screen presets the titles the transitions a lot of the things in there you need separate third-party plugins for Final Cut 10 normally paid for to get those kind of options within that professional software that already costs $300 if you do need a bit of help working this out get yourself a copy of our editing software purchasing gauge you can look at the various functionalities and see what software has which and see which piece of software is for you you can also download a free trial of filmora 9 I definitely recommend you do that link in the description below for that ok if you've enjoyed this content please do subscribe some of you will be new around here there's a lot of stuff on this channel not just editing content as you probably guessed from the name of the channel so we'd love to have you with us on an ongoing basis and we will see you next time [Music]
Channel: Stewart and Alina
Views: 432,489
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: filmora9 tutorial for beginners, filmora 9 tutorial for beginners, wondershare filmora 9, wondershare filmora tutorial, wondershare filmora 9 tutorial for beginners, filmora 9 walkthrough, filmora 9 full guide, learn filmora 9 video editing, best video editing software for beginners, filmora 9 effects tutorial, filmora 9 transitions tutorial, filmora 9 titles tutorial, filmora 9 split screen tutorial, filmora 9 basic editing, filmora 9, filmora9, wondershare filmora
Id: JhShsqHyqFU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 51sec (1491 seconds)
Published: Mon May 11 2020
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