The NEW Wondershare Filmora X! - New Features REVEALED!

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Keyframing? Light & Dark Mode?  What about motion tracking? Yup! the new Filmora x is here ready for you to  download and it is a powerhouse of features that   every one of us has been asking for for a while  if you want to learn how to find and use all these   new features in Filmora 10 stick around i'll show  you how hit the subscribe button and click the   notification bell to be part of the conversation  this video is sponsored by the good people of   Filmora it's like we put the band back together  let's get right into it one of the first things   you're gonna notice is that Wondershare Filmora  X feels very similar to the previous version of   Filmora so you'll feel right at home using the  new update let's jump right in with one of the   coolest features key framing bring a piece of  footage down into your timeline and when you   left click on it in the upper left you'll see  under the animation tab that you now have the   options for preset and customize the customize tab  is where all the cool keyframing features exist   now there's a lot of different ways to use this  but let me show you some of the basic functions   here we just have a piece of footage of a surfer  that's surfing out on the ocean the footage is   full screen and it's not doing anything let's go  back to the beginning of the footage and I'm going   to add a keyframe by clicking on the add button in  the upper left if you look at the footage down in   your timeline you'll see that a little green dot  has been added right where the playhead was that's   important because it gives us a starting point  to tell Filmora this piece of footage should be   full frame at this scale with no opacity changes  just as it looks right here but maybe as we move   forward we decide to change it a bit let's go back  to the upper left and click add another keyframe   and you'll see another keyframe is added but now  we can left-click on the footage in our timeline   to highlight it up in our preview window and make  some changes let's shrink this down to the corner   you'll notice a green arrow appears from keyframe  to keyframe telling us that there's going to be a   change between these two keyframes let's go back  and take a quick peek F'll hit play and watch what   happens now that footage just dives down into  the corner Filmora fills in all of the blanks   of what should happen with that piece of footage  between the first keyframe and the second keyframe   from full screen to where we shrunk it down now  let's say we want to do something different from   here let's add another keyframe that will hold  it at this position between these two keyframes   let's play the footage a bit forward and let's  add one more keyframe here now let's left-click   to highlight that up in our timeline and let's  move that way up into the right while we're at   it let's go into the upper left and let's rotate  that footage and let's dial the opacity back to   non-existent now what you'll see happens is this  piece of footage goes from being shrunk down in   the lower left corner to spinning up and slowly  dissipating as it goes up to the right this gives   you all kinds of control over what you want your  footage to do in your preview window for animation   you can see there's a back button that will  take you to the previous keyframes or forward   that will take you to the one ahead of it if you  want to delete any of those keyframes at that   point just click delete this is a feature that  Filmora users have been waiting a long time for   but wait there's more let me show you the color  match feature here i have two different pieces of   footage of two different surfers surfing one with  this really warm bright sunny coloration to it   and the other one that's more blue with the sun  in a completely different location and a totally   different coloration to it if i right click on the  second piece of footage in my timeline and choose   color match what it will do in the upper right  preview window is give me my entire timeline of   footage to choose from I'm going to scroll back  to the very first piece of footage that had that   really bright warm yellow sun look to it I'm going  to choose the match button and now Filmora will   take the coloration from that piece of footage  and match it into my second piece of footage   now i can dial back the amount of coloration I  want added in so there's virtually none or temper   it in to get a little bit of that feel once I've  got it where i like it i just click ok and now my   footage has been color matched to approximate  the look of the other footage I've chosen   let me show you another cool thing that Filmora X  can do I'm a huge fan of using keyboard shortcuts   but if you go up to the upper left click on file  and scroll down to keyboard shortcuts you'll now   see an entire list of all the different shortcuts  that are available to you in Filmora X with all   of the shortcuts listed next to what each one  does but wait it doesn't stop there some of   these shortcuts i use all the time such as split  which on my keyboard is always control plus b   but I can back out of that and decide i don't  want to click that many keys and just say hey   I'd rather just click the b button and have that  split my footage i click ok and now wherever   my playhead is in my timeline if i hit b on my  keyboard it automatically creates a split you can   now customize all of your keyboard shortcuts to  whatever you want them to be but let me show you   another cool feature audio ducking now I've got a  few pieces of footage here one where I'm talking   and then one where I'm waving my hand around that  has no audio on it whatsoever and then one where   I start talking again I've got an audio bed under  that that's all playing at one volume now in other   versions if i started talking i would add audio  keyframes to reduce the level of my background   music so that it didn't overpower the areas  where i started speaking but here's something   really cool you can do let's double left click on  this piece of footage in the timeline go up to the   audio tab and scroll down to ducking you'll see  it says lower the volume of the other clips if we   tick that box we can now decide how much we want  to lower the volume of the other clips and if you   look down below filmora has reduced the volume  of that section and then slowly faded it back up   where there was an area where i wasn't speaking if  i click ok it will apply that change let's say we   want this to actually reduce back down and volume  on the second clip where i start speaking again   let's double left click on that in my timeline  and in the audio tab above let's apply that same   ducking feature and it will pull that audio  back to a level that we want it to go down to   click ok and now we have that entire section  laid out quickly so that the background music   ducks down when I'm speaking and raises backup  when i'm not but wait wait i have saved the best   feature for last one feature that Filmora users  have been asking for forever and that's motion   tracking this motion tracking feature is actually  really good i've got some footage of myself   waving my hand around let me go to the very  beginning of that footage i'm going to double   left-click on it in my timeline and in the upper  left under the video tab i'm going to open up the   motion tracking feature let me tick that box and  you'll see that in the upper right preview window   a motion tracking feature box has been added now  i can click on that and move it exactly where i   want i'm going to put it in the center of the  palm of my hand and shrink it down a little bit   and once i got it where i want it located on my  hand in the upper left i'm going to tell filmora x   start tracking filmora now automatically tracks  and assigns that motion to the clip by itself   now the second step in that process is you  have to assign what you want to be tracked   in this case i've got a piece of text that says  yes i'm going to put that right up in the center   of my palm and in the motion tracking box of  the footage below in the drop down menu anything   that's aligned with this track in this portion  of my timeline will show up in the drop down menu   now i could either import something and put it  here or use the default title that i've already   created let's just choose that title and that yes  now follows my hand perfectly now you can download   the latest version of filmora 10 right from the  help tab of filmora9 or you can click on the link   that i'll put down below to download it today oh  and before i forget if you want to use fillmore in   either a light mode or dark mode go up to the file  menu scroll down to preferences and in the general   tab you'll see appearance this will allow you to  switch filmora x from dark mode back into light   mode if you're one of those people who miss the  old school look of filmora and don't like working   in the dark if you want to learn more filmora  tips tricks and techniques make sure you click   on the video that's on screen now or the ones  i'll pinned down below. Say it with me... Peace!
Channel: Daniel Batal
Views: 342,467
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Daniel Batal, Creator Conversations, Wondershare Filmora X, Filmora X, Filmora 10, FilmoraX, Daniel Batal Filmora X, Filmora X Features, Filmora motion tracking, filmora key framing, Filmora audio ducking, Filmora X first look, Filmora update, new filmora features, wondershare filmora, video editing, filmora video editor, new filmora x
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 50sec (530 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 18 2020
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