Eating SNAKE FRUIT off the Tree!! 🌱 Natural Farm Tour in Phatthalung, Thailand!

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hey everyone hope you're having an amazing day it's mark wiens i'm in the southern thailand province of patalong and we just came to a place that's called suan lung nuai and this is an organic farm they have some really unique looking fruits and vegetables which hopefully we'll have a chance to walk around and see and maybe taste and eat but i think they also have a full coffee shop but i'm especially interested to just walk around the farm and see some of the unique fruits and vegetables and we just arrived here beautiful location drove for about 15 minutes outside of the center of the of the city they have a bunch of fruit they have a number of unique fruit trees and i guess you're just kind of on your own free to walk around the farm they call it a natural farm so far just walking through bananas but it's beautiful lush the papaya is growing as well [Music] do what is this thing i'm not totally sure it's kind of cool no guide it's just you're completely on your own here just free to walk around roam around give yourself your own tour of the farm and tons of bananas huge bananas really healthy looking bananas and so far tons and tons of papaya as well which we're coming to the papaya forest of papaya i'm pretty sure this is in thai it's called lamut i think it's sapodia [Music] oh yes this tree is just full this is awesome i've never seen the tree of this before let me try to get in here check check this out this is called makmao in thai and in english it's it's i just looked it up anti anti des a species of anti-desma um and the direct one is the anti-desma anti-desma the white tessienum that's awesome they're little berries that uh form in clusters often you make a juice or uh even a wine out of them but i think you can eat them raw like this too i'm gonna ask them if i can eat it and it just goes all the way up the tree just clusters my cup cup yeah [Music] well they're kind of chalky but then sweet and sour mmm almost like a cranberry oh it's really good oh that's just a punch of sour you can tell that would be a really good juice make a really good liquid because it's so sour it's so tart and just a hint of sweetness at the same time over here there's a greenhouse there's some more salad kale chinese kale wow look it's let's just mikey you want to walk down here real fast this tunnel got to keep your head down um there's some very healthy looking lettuce going here and then i think this is mustard greens it's humid outside but it's even more humid on the inside this kind of lettuce is really good ah rosemary do i come here oh yeah okay oh she's on her way to go cut some vegetables oh this is like a food forest back here okay she's taking us on a little tour or just walking through the garden oh this is roselle more papayas back here there's some unique stuff going on too and i love the farming style yeah i did also see that they do kind of seminars and educational programs about agriculture here so i think this is where they have some of the education center oh and we're continuing ah snake fruit oh awesome oh look how deeply do i this is long pepper oh man this is a paradise of edibles long pepper one of my favorite things and they just have a bunch of pepper vines going up this is long pepper this is just straight up a long pepper a pepper paradise in here healthiest long pepper i've ever seen they're huge and they're just blooming what a food forest wow incredible spices spice paradise in here with snake fruit with whoo with lots of bugs and mosquitoes though you gotta just keep on moving keep on moving keep on shaking oh man long pepper after long pepper oh i am excited so much long pepper wow and so back here there's a bunch of snake fruit trees man these are spiky they are dangerous that's that is so spiky uh so sharp and then even the leaves are extremely sharp you gotta be really careful and then even the the fruit is extremely sharp too um but that's why it's called snake fruit because it does look like kind of like snake skills she just you can just pick them off the oh yeah just pick one of these guys right off that's amazing they just hang it's just blooming there's so much fruit okay i think we gotta move out of here oh yeah be very careful of the branches though too oh yeah that is a lot of thorns and they're extremely sharp [Music] oh and here's just a pepper a regular pepper vine just going up so unbelievably healthy and beauty oh man this looks like almost like wild pepper okay and i got a long pepper and i got a snake fruit man there's so many insects in there my legs just got eaten and i've had long pepper quite a few times but i don't think i've ever seen it this developed this red and this big so i cannot wait to taste this [Laughter] oh wow it's like i mean it tastes like is there a bug up here it tastes like pepper but it's more juicy um and oh man and almost citrusy oh and you can immediately well kind of slow you can start to feel the spiciness coming out to start to burn your your tongue a little bit my entire mouth is now starting to get warm and traditionally in a lot of thai food uh curry pastes the the long pepper was used but it's kind of rare to find now so i'm always excited to see long pepper that is big on spice oh that's big on flavor i'll use the snake fruit as a chaser you can feel that's nice and ripe and juicy mmm oh what a contrast sweet juiciness pungent oh that's delicious picked right off the tree yeah that's wonderful there's quite a contrast and they still have some of the the long pepper a lot of long pepper on my tongue now that's kind of missing mixing sweet juiciness with pepper fire heat in my mouth man this is a beautiful place such a cool farm i can still feel the heat of my mouth from that long pepper it kind of is like a slow heat build it's not it's not like a chili that is like instantly hits your mouth it really is kind of a slow build because i can feel that in the back of my throat now oh these are passion fruits whoa with some massive beetles [Music] and then she just told me that the grapes are in are they in here the grapes in this greenhouse i guess i just step in this net uh to keep the insects keep the insects out of here there's not a lot of green oh back here there are okay definitely yeah it's not that often that you come across grapes in thailand so that is pretty cool that was a great tour walking around the farm the long pepper that was the highlight of my of my time here for sure okay let's go to the cafe though i'm ready to i think they have especially some drinks coffee uh i hope that they have some fruits and some things from the farm here [Music] this is a nice coffee shop down here there's some cakes there's some pastries there's coffee and then they also have a couple of beverages from the fruits here and then it's also kind of like a market so while i was i was still off wondering eating long pepper king was here hanging out and she already bought a bunch of stuff including these are called uh so whoa yeah that's a big huge entire this is called a wee one stock of bananas like this and then i just ordered the makmao juice which she said she makes they make similar to uh roselle just with boiling in hot water i think [Music] oh man after sweating walking through the garden oh man that tastes so good it's a little bit sweet but it's that tartness it's very similar to cranberry okay we gotta try these bananas all right i'll peel it from the bottom side style look at the look at the thickness of that banana yeah oh wow it just melts in your mouth it's not overly sweet this has a really nice tartness balance to it a nice sourness while being sweet at the same time it's almost like marshmallow in texture it just fell out [Music] that the flavor of it is exceptional mm-hmm awesome banana being also bought some of the other vegetables that they had on display and we're also going to get one of the big bags we have some big bags of those lettuce that we we passed by in the greenhouse some fresh winged beans eating a wing bean like that raw is very similar to eating a raw green bean or raw garlic bean almost has the same kind of green crispness to it and then i'm going to move over to the next seat so she also gave us a whole tray of the snake fruit picked fresh which she probably just picked as she was down there that one is also called lip crew right oh yeah oh that's hilarious and it just pops out that snake fruit is unbelievable straight farm to table from down the hill there it's that's like the juiciest sweetest and still part amazingly tart all at the same time snake root that i've ever had and perfectly ripe like it's so soft not chalky at all oh it's extraordinary that's just like addictively delicious so that other snake fruit i had the first piece um it was just one one segment this is a this is a double [Music] oh that one's a little less sweet and almost alcoholic tasting [Music] [Music] we ended up buying a bunch of vegetables all those vegetables on the table uh the bananas tomatoes eggplant oh and then they had peppers little they have like a whole thing of pepper canister of pepper for 25 baht that's less than a dollar that's really cheap and that's just organic fresh pepper black pepper so i honestly didn't really know what to expect coming here i just found it on google maps looking for organic farms and we just decided to come check it out see how it is it turned out to be pretty cool like this farm it's really nice you can just walk around give yourself a tour see just be really careful there's tons of mosquitoes so bring a lot of insect repellent but really cool just a quick stop by this place again is called they actually call it a natural farm uh and it really is natural i like the process and the style of the the agriculture um and it's almost like a a botanical garden you can come here walk around and they definitely have some unique fruits and vegetables so that's gonna be it for this video i wanna say a big thank you for watching and remember to subscribe i'm gonna be publishing more videos especially about unique fruits and vegetables uh about food that's big on flavor food that's good for you and food that's big on spice and that long pepper today oh man that was huge on spice okay thanks again for watching and i will see you on the next video oh micah is that a lime a lion yeah it's huge and like warty
Channel: Big On Spice - Mark Wiens
Views: 195,889
Rating: 4.9306564 out of 5
Keywords: Thailand, fruit, snake fruit, salacca, salak, พัทลุง, Phatthalung, exotic fruit, natural farm, organic farm, organic fruit, organic vegetables, organic Thailand, Thailand organic farm, Asian food, Asian organic farm, Mark Wiens, Thailand food
Id: CHVQkSV9hxs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 35sec (935 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 29 2021
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