How to DRILL A WELL the LEGAL WAY! Solar Powered!

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patrick how long have you been drilling wells uh legally hey there folks this is josh stoney  ridge farmer welcome back to the farm today   we are going to find a place to drill a well  and i got patrick with carolina virginia well   we have what you call witching sticks right  right okay and we're gonna try and find   water with this number eight number eight  copper wire now patrick's got a cool story   uh you had an elderly man that used to  come out and help you mark the spots to   drill wells and he never was wrong right and  somebody stole the witching sticks from you   and you had his son make a new set correct buried  these in the ground for a couple weeks right and   now these are the witching sticks and we're gonna  go find water what do you think sounds like a plan   bridge tell me how this works what what do i do how  do i hold these in my hand and this is number   eight copper wire right right how do i i i just  hold them in my hand like this like like grips   okay just grip them and then when they make an x  let's just be eggs this is a spot x marks a spot   so this is again it's just number eight copper  wire just like that just bent to an elbow and   i've already done this and he's already done this  he walked the area the same area that i walked   and we both found the same spots right so we  want to drill the well up here on the top of   the hill so that it feeds down this way out this  way this is kind of the central location for   our agricultural well here on the farm there's wet  spots in the ground so there's like areas where   the ground is clearly wet maybe there's a spring  under the ground i don't know you it could be but   like i said it's surface water so yeah no good  for you well let's get busy let's give it a try   guys this is this isn't this is not bull this  is not bull crap this is for real man this is   unbelievable so i've got the spot marked where  we found water the first time where patrick found   water he's over here he's supervising and where  i found water there's two spots there's one here   and then there's one up there so i'm gonna i'm  gonna walk it here we go there is right there   and as i back out they open back  up yeah and as i step back in they come back in together it's unbelievable  i mean it's really unbelievable i'm gonna   let patrick do it i'm gonna film him do it  because it's really just unbelievable um and   it's a roll of dice seems like we need an old man  for this don't it yeah ain't nothing left no ain't   none of them left you hold them in your hand like  that you got you can't grip them too tight because   they still gotta move some so you leave them a  little loose in your hand and then you just walk right there there's the spot and that's right  beside right there's a spot it's right there   beside the one that i found just a minute ago  now keep on walking let's see what we got here okay so we crossed there too now i've  got my magic can of spray paint here   so we're going down spray paint camp and we're  painting this area all right let's find one more this is not bullcrap guys this is unbelievable  i mean so we've come up with four potential well   sites has this worked for you in the past is it 50  50 or is it 80 20 50 50 50 so it might work and it   might not work out all these marks which mark do  you choose which mark do you think look like we   got a bunch of marks over here i think down here  now patrick how long have you been drilling wells uh legally how long have you been drilling uh  drilling wells legally legally i've been drilling   well since i was 18. since you're 18 how old are  you now 40 40. okay good deal been putting in   pumps and helping on the whale rig since  i was seven gotcha gotcha so i'm a fourth   generation awesome let's get the equipment get  lined up here and x marks the spot that's it   okay guys so the truck is here this is the truck  with the pipe and the casing and everything in it   the truck is here and they're going to go ahead  and set the rig up i've got to drill an extra   wide hole and put this casing in here okay the  casing is the pipe that goes down into the bedrock   so it goes five feet down into the bedrock then  they'll switch drill heads and go to a smaller   drill head and drill on down to the bedrock  our weld down at the house which is maybe 500   maybe 300 yards away is 525 feet deep oh it's  really deep the deeper you go the more expensive   it is anywhere from 14 to 18 a foot around  here where i'm at so we're gonna start drilling   man it's gonna be awesome all right guys what  you're seeing here is pretty cool these guys are   leveling up the truck getting the whole truck  up off the ground they're raising up this boom   for the drill rig there are a couple different  type bits that they're going to use this is like   a paddle bit it's around 10 inches and that will  bust through the top of the soil here in a second you can see how the joints are  individually screwed together right here all right action here goes yep so this thing blows air there's an  air compressor and there's water in the   truck right beside us so the truck to the left  there has a water bed the bed is full of water all in all this process took somewhere  in the neighborhood of seven hours give me your best guess how deep we had to go  right here if the witching sticks worked or not busting through until we hit rock till we hit  granite and they blow the hole out this is really   fun really interesting guys if you like this kind  of stuff jump in subscribe the channel i'd love   to have you back found that like button if you  think this is fun so that is the cutting blade   or cutting bit this is what we used to pick it up  with there's a cable hooked to the top of the boom in a minute they change out that cutter head to uh  put a new diamond tip cutter head and that thing   vibrates with air pressure and water pressure so  it pushes water down into the well and it vibrates   now we're going down to bedrock so three different drill heads that we use in this  process that's called a carousel it's a carousel   basically uh i think it's a 10 shooter it holds 10  or so uh weld rods not welding rods but well rods   that connect here and he's using some copper  lubricant so that they don't get stuck together   come back apart easily i don't know if you noticed there was a little  wrench right there that holds it in place   so everything can be snugged down so blowing more air pressure and  you'll see the hammer and the   water here in just a minute you'll  see them start to use some water   and you'll see the hammer that's when  the hammer is kicking in so getting rock that's bedrock right there ended up using about  30 feet of casing so we went down about 20 feet   and hit bedrock you can see it's all dry right  now and you start to get excited that's that   hammering effect it's hitting that granite bedrock  that's what we have here in north carolina i got   kind of excited when i started seeing water like  this but what you're seeing is the machine uses   water to cut each one of those rods that you're  seeing pushed down in the ground is 20 feet long and that's all water straight out of that truck  to the left this is about seven o'clock in the evening i got pretty excited when i saw this this was  just blowing out the hole just cleaning the hole   out as they drilled i was like man what'd  you do would you hit an artesian well or   did you hit a well full of foam that's  just cleaning it out it's like frothy water right so they're down and  they're through the bedrock   to the point where we're going to pull this  bit out and we're going to slide the casing   in place so he's laying down the bit again  three different bit types get used here   that's a casing that's around a six inch  well casing pipe we want to go down into the bedrock plus five feet   this is the second piece of casing interesting  how they put a little collar on the casing   to raise it up a little pvc cement here this is a  different kind of pvc cement than i've ever seen really appreciate carolina virginia well  being so accommodating let me shoot this video   hopefully this is really educational for you guys   so he removes that collar and  the casing goes down in the well all right so we got a new bit head here you  can see as it screws on see how it raises up a   little center section that's that hammering  effect you can see that center section is   separated from the actual tip of the bit go  down in here and put the guard back in place hold it with the little wrench that's built  into the well drilling machine this is an older   wheel drilling machine newer wheel drilling  machines have a lot of like electronic stuff   on it a lot of well drillers prefer the  older stuff because it's easier to work on   all that is is water and and stuff blasting  out where they're displacing water as they   drop that head down in there still fun to  watch one of these well drilling machines   cost somewhere in the neighborhood of  three quarters of a million dollars   that's why it costs so much to drill well now around here where i live anywhere from  12 to 18 dollars a foot is fairly common all right so we unlock from that  one go back up to the carousel   and all those pipes to the left we're going to use  about half of those pipes in the rack to the left   we're actually going to drill down  somewhere in the neighborhood of 460 feet that's a hydraulic well head right there  it's like a giant hydraulic hammer drill so he screws into a new section of   rod or pipe and down we go those are  some fun shots to get with the drone a little bit of copper lubricant screw the pipe sections together and this went  on over and over and over and every time i saw   another section of pipe go on i just thought  dollar bills dollar bills dollar bills   total bill on this was six thousand  three hundred and seventy dollars   for 460 foot well i did pretty  well i got a pretty good price we did not install a pump because we're  gonna put a complete solar system so guys   please jump in subscribe the channel and watch  us finish the well out with the complete solar   system for the farm we're all about  passive energy we're all about   keeping the cows out of the watershed that's  what this is all about it's doing things   passively no matter if we have power or  not we'll always have water on the farm according to patrick the only difference  between a agricultural well and a regular residential well is  the permitting process okay see that gray dust coming up so we hit various  levels of gray and red dirt gray dirt red dirt   they call that shale or granite that well drilling truck has a big old cummins  diesel in it we kind of flew over here just to   kind of give you guys an idea all this  is for the cows all this is for the farm   so we can irrigate so we can water the cows  so we can go in behind the cows and irrigate   it's all about doing the right thing with  our livestock building a farm we've got a   100 year plan here on the farm we're not  a five-year plan we're in a hundred year plan this is after we hit water so we  pressurized well and blew it out good   and that is our fresh water isn't that awesome  we ended up with about 10 to 12 gallons a minute   at about 460 feet he hit water at about 425  i told him to go on a dig to 460. that way   we've got some more reserve and if we hit  another vein of water that would be awesome   you can see no erosion just a  little water running down the hill   now i gotta pull every single one of those  tubes out of the ground put them back on the   carousel put them back on the truck and you  can see how many we use we really used a lot so be sure if you're deciding to drill a  well like this in your particular county   or state be sure you check with them check  what your local regulations might be for   drilling agricultural well or drilling a  well for your house this all could apply they're just loading up the pipe getting ready  to get out of here and collect their check   it's a big pill to swallow and it's going to  take several years to recoup this cash that we're   spending on the wells by selling cattle but it's  what has to be done so you're making a long-term   investment in your home and your property in  your farm in your land i think it's a great thing   every time you do something like this  you're increasing the value of your property awesome good to see some teamwork here huh feet about  seven thousand dollars worth of drilling over   the last two days here on the stoney ridge farm  this thing is loud they're taking everything   down right now these sections of pipe are about  20 feet apiece they're unscrewing them stacking   them on the trailer and that's it so if  we were doing this on conventional power   we'd be hooking up power and putting the pump in  and it would be probably about another thirty five   hundred to four thousand dollars however we're  setting up a totally solar totally passive system   stay tuned for a future video we've got a couple  more weeks before the solar guys get out here   and we'll have water to our cows guys  thanks a lot for joining me today on the   stoney ridge these guys are taken down and  we got the job done thanks a lot i hope you   learned something we'll see you next time all  right the way it's supposed to be stoney red
Channel: Stoney Ridge Farmer
Views: 45,639
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Keywords: homesteading, farming, tractor, stoney ridge farm, stoney ridge farmer, farming channels, homesteading channels, farming youtube channels, solar pump, off grid living, well drilling, pressure washer, dig a well, dig a well yourself, dig a well by hand, dig a well for water, dig a well in your backyard, dig a well in africa, dig a well on my property, dig a well for irrigation, dig a well in the desert, how to drill a well, how to drill a well for a house, water system, water
Id: 3eKe3fV_glQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 1sec (1201 seconds)
Published: Sat May 22 2021
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