Do YOU Really Know How to Use a Box Blade? | Hydraulic Top Link | TYM Tractors

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so how to use a box plate again on this video i'm going to show you how i use the box blade to level the yard and watch it all the way through because there's key points where i stop in the middle of video and give you some of my life lessons that i've learned over the years as i remember them doing the job okay so we got all the logs cleaned up over here there's still quite a bit of a mess here it's still a little bit wet so what we're going to end up doing is coming back maybe next week supposed to have four or five dry days and we're gonna bring back the tiller and little rufus and take rufus tractor out here and till all this and then take the box blade and level it all out for him uh jody's got grass seeds and we'll probably probably bring the spreader out here and we can throw uh fertilizer i almost said insulation fertilizer and grass seed out and get this started it's perfect time of year to do it so let's get back hey welcome back to the channel we are back over here at miss jody's place and we took the tiller out this morning and busted the ground up this there's some really hard dirt in here uh actually it's probably a clay and i'll show you a little time lapse of the tilling right now wait can i do what one of the what do they call it tick tock [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] yeah there you go except i ain't gonna be in the bikini afterwards anyway that'd be scary wouldn't it so we've done many many videos here on box blades over the years but i'm gonna do one more how to use a box blade and the difference here in this video is we put a hydraulic top link on and i've never showed you guys that and i've used them before uh but it's been a good little while i you can do so much with a hydraulic top link and a box plate it just absolutely changes everything so let's talk about real quick since this is going to be another how to use a box blade let's go ahead and deep dive this let's get into the box blade itself first all right let's talk about the anatomy of a box blade so this is this is a box blade by hardee's it is a hardy manufacturing it's a real heavy box blade uh we're partnered with them and they make some really good heavy stuff now some box plates do not have a real rear cutter they only have a front cutter this rear cutter is nice if like you're pushing backwards say up to up to a building you need to push dirt up to a building it gives you like a little dozer blade and it's not meant to push big heavy things uh or big cut backwards but it's good to push loose dirt and spread loose dirt instead of shoveling it up by hand the next part of the box blade is your cutter here now you'll notice this cutter it face it's about an inch uh below about one inch below the actual slot the guide here so we'll call this the guide here and if you have the box blade perfectly level right then if it's perfectly level then you know you're cutting about one inch if you tilt the blade or the box blade up a little bit then this blade will not cut and all the weight will ride back here and that is really good for spreading so where we're going to get into now is our our rippers here so this box plate is equipped with rippers and what what is different about this now is that the hydraulic top link changes everything so if you normally if you want to use your rippers you get off the box blade and reset them to whatever height you want now you can still do that you can make it a more of a ripper versus a box blade but in this case with a hydraulic top link i can while on the tractor tilt the box blade back or i can tilt the box blade forward so i can set these rippers at a very minimum ripper angle and then tilt the box blade forward and it makes the rippers way more aggressive or i can run it level and they're very mild all right what i'm going to do here is i'm going to set the box blade and give you guys a demonstration of what i'm talking about so let's just say i want this is all loose and i want to spread it out so i'm going to tilt it up where none of the front cutting edges are are cutting and i'm just going to drag it you'll see it leaves a perfectly smooth i can raise it more if i want it to cut less really leaves a smooth smooth area looks really good carries very little dirt [Music] so now i'm going to take the same box plate we'll pull right beside it and i'm going to carry carry some dirt we're going to i'm going to pull a load of dirt with it i'm going to fill i'm going to fill the the box plate up and what i'm going to do there how i'm going to do it is i'm going to tilt my blade where the front is barely down basically it's almost perfectly level this should cut and instantly i feel feel it digging in now in that short distance [Music] that short distance i've got the box plate full so you can see here how much dirt is inside it in just that short distance now we'll go ahead now and lift this up i'm going to pull forward and now i have the option with my rear because this box plate has a rear blade i can push backwards with it now what i'm going to do is i'm going to tilt the front down so that the rear i don't want it to i don't want it to dig i just want it to level [Music] so i'm putting that dirt right back and you can raise the box plate up and down as you go back to smooth it out but the hydraulic top link gives you so much more flexibility uh i don't think i'll ever go back and for i don't know it's how do i top link is not very much it's less than 200 if i remember correctly i've had this a while um and i just put the rear remotes on this tractor i'm telling you it's it's a game changer for this side of the tractor and it keeps you from getting off of the tractor constantly and adjusting the top link by hand so now let's say i want to rip [Music] we're gonna go right here this is some pretty hard dirt [Music] now i don't i don't want to get off the tractor so what i'm going to do is i'm going to pull forward a little bit and now my rippers are aiming down so now i'm going to rip i gotta put the box blade down first i guess that would probably help so put my three-point hitch all the way down yeah it's ribbing got all he wants right there so we're gonna drop it again here this is the [Music] we just rip that up really easy all right i hope that was clear as mud i i i did my best to explain it but with a tie doc top link it gives you so much more flexibility in the seat of the tractor you can adjust it and it's probably going to make you do a better job because let's face it we don't want to get on and off the tractor you know a bunch of times adjusting our top link out all the time for each individual situation in this field right here that we're getting ready to level there's probably three or four different scenarios where i got a place that's low that i need to bring dirt to and then there's places that are high that i need to rip and then there's places i just need to level and so i have all three of those scenarios right here and with the hydraulic top link i don't have to get off the tractor so i i strongly strongly uh encourage a hydraulic top link for a box blade and other implements your rotary cutter it's a nice feature to be able to pull your rotary cutter up and down a little bit as you as you mow so hot top link i have yet to find anything that it's not better at all right so now that we're ready i've kind of gave you guys another demonstration of how to use the box blade with uh with a hydraulic hot link i want to again talk this is a great demonstration ground on how to level uh the way you level we can't just pull one direction and be done so to level a yard you want to crisscross so you want to go i'm going to go all i'm going to go back and forward on this area all the same direction all the way across both sides then i'm going to turn a 90 degrees and go this way all the way across both sides then i'll come this way a 45 degree angle basically going straight back and forth again and that will level this thing out it'll it'll pull it'll fill spots that are low and cut spots that are high you don't want to do this very very aggressive you just want to take your time and you get to the end you do your pattern you come back you look at it if it's still not where you want it you do the same pattern again and it may take you one or two pattern pulls but it will level it out and and i'll i'll show you here the what's still saying the proof's in the pudding so let's let's get it done so so so i said crisscross back and forth this way we're going to go back and forth and then this way and that's going to level it out well i did i need to add something to that you're constantly adjusting your box plate up and down so as you're moving forward if you as you're moving forward you're always raising up or lowering depending on what you want to do so if you have a high spot that you want to take away then you're going to lower it down while moving forward at the same speed and what that does it causes a smooth transition you'll carry you'll cut the high spot off and carry it further down and then let's say below the high spot there's a low spot well then you're going to while moving forward you're going to raise the box blade up to dump the dirt out but you're not going to raise it up all the way you just want to you just want to slowly spread the dirt out any sudden movements you're going to have those little humps that you see when you raise it up and down too fast so all these moves are very slow very deliberate now the the the last thing is is at the top of the hill and the bottom of the hill you're always going to come back and look because here where i'm sitting now looking at back at the work it's very easy to see the grade but when you're in the middle of it it's very hard to see so as you come down to make your turn for on around you're always looking where the low spots are and where the high spots are and then you are dropping dirt each and every time where you need to drop it and cutting where you need to cut it off so it's con it's a never-ending thing you're constantly adjusting as you're driving now i'm going to change my pattern and go crossways because the wind is absolutely limited out here today looking for the low spots to drop so so [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hmm all right what do you think it looks pretty good here we've put about three hours of work into it actual probably seat time on the tractor and you put a lot more in walking around you probably had the harder day's work i don't think so i think you did a great job it looks so much smoother it's gonna be easier for me when i'm on my lawnmower it's going to be so much better for our yard and the drainage looks great i do want to point out this is just for this is just for smoothing this is for for not not for great we didn't do anything for gray we did fill in some low spots here and there but this is not we didn't shoot it with a level or laser or anything like that it's just all eyeballed but this is a pretty nice slope and there's probably not going to be much of a drainage issue but i think it will keep you from bouncing off the lawnmower i agree yeah so i'm pretty happy with it you're pretty happy with i think only thing now is some seed and some rain and i think some rain's gonna come tomorrow so we better better get some seed on this yes sir listen if you like what we do please hit that thumbs up and the subscribe button thumbs up and also the little bell icon that'll let you know when we put out something new god bless and have a great evening
Channel: Tony's Tractor Adventure Homestead
Views: 320,132
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: leveling yard with box blade, leveling yard with, hydraulic top link cat 1 with hoses, hydraulic top link, hydraulic top link cat 1, box blade, leveling yard with tractor, tractor top link hydraulic cylinder, tym tractors, tym tractor, how to use a box blade, how to use a land plane, leveling yard with fill dirt, leveling yard with tiller, leveling yard with rototiller, leveling yard with riding mower, box blade vs land plane, john deere, subcompact tractor, Tractor
Id: c00WiAPKli4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 49sec (1069 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 14 2021
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