We coached a team of platinums then made them battle to see who improved more...

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yes okay downfield it's past all of them it's going off the corner it's gonna be awkward it is awkward no i'm so pissed hey guys today i decided to put my absolutely legendary coaching skills to the test so i came up with this idea where i would kind of do a coach battle against someone you may have seen sunless khan do a video like this already but don't worry we got permission to steal his idea so anyway i challenged a professional coach named mclando who's currently coaching the pittsburgh knights who are an rlcs team so it should be a pretty good challenge the plan is this we'll all go into a private match and mklando and i will choose our team colors after choosing we'll tell the players to hit auto to join a random team in whichever players join our color will be the team that we're coaching we'll analyze that game as it happens and after we'll take our teams into a one-hour coaching session based on that game after the session we'll match them up against each other again in a final best of three in whichever coach's team wins that series is crowned the greatest rocket league coach of all time got it alright here we go uh what team color do you want you know what i'll take an orange orange okay yeah blue team it is i prefer blue team anyway oh okay maybe i want blue no no i'm just good you're i guess bread is your bread doggo is kind of a orange hue to it no it's just the knights are always orange though yeah oh looks like i got uh digital jedi harry and superior okay all right we're kind of like we're not really rooting for anyone here we're just kind of hoping it's close and then am i going to be down a player wait what all right i'll actually say something it was off this time i'm sorry yeah wait till spectator says 10. it's at nine yeah no all right so i'm learning that they don't follow instructions well these these guys are gonna be hard to coach okay good we're good all right let the actual analysis begin all right okay now that we actually have six people on the field oh man i might need i might not need to coach my team okay no flipping on the kickoff yeah we can deal with that i think that might have been a triple commit got to save 12 i got like 12 boosts all right oh nice shot i don't know about you but i like the general spacing that my team has it seems like they're everybody's like at least communicating yeah yeah oh okay well speaking of yeah they probably both said they had it and maybe peeled off yeah we're gonna need to work on that one uh oh no one's back post this is scary so many things i want to say but i'm speechless you better be taking notes nice they rotated back post they are my viewers okay all right looks like your team is over committing no way that works what the heck oh there's no way these let's go i just saw them both like creeping up there he was so confident i'm hyping this guy up so much oh my goodness okay i'd rather have two people waiting back than uh yeah no oh yeah two people he just doesn't care he goes i love it oh the triple commit that works what go harry see here's what's gonna be embarrassing right if if my team wins this one and then we go into the coaching and then you just completely wreck me i'm gonna look horrible oh man we're working it downfield oh yeah oh yeah all right okay well put me on the spot here hopefully uh i could keep their track record up yeah yeah i'd say like even though the score was uh two goal difference i think they're pretty evenly matched yeah i'd say so but the score line says different okay ah yes tremendous good job yeah you like our performance yeah it's really good now if you lose after this i'm gonna look horrible so we're gonna work really hard here no it's really good though you got you guys had really good shooting potential we're gonna do a replay review i'm gonna teach you everything i know you're gonna win rlcs after this uh good performance uh we did take the l in the pre-game but that's not what matters right what matters is the best of three afterwards so i'm confident i see good potential on you guys so i think you're gonna do well overall uh first general thoughts uh i really liked the spacing at midfield and for the most part on offense however there were a few instances where we had like two people rotating near post but i'll point those out anyways let's go through this replay so right here digital jedi since the ball is over on this side of the field on the left side i would want you to rotate to the back post around here that way you're just kind of keeping the normal rotation uh the flow of rotations going because the general flow of rotations is like goes in a circle like this like round and round and round uh so if the ball was on this side the ball's in this corner then you should be rotating the back post around here and then the guy who's front post he goes for the ball after he's done he rotates around this guy moves forward and you're kind of moving positions like this over and over again that's the general idea of rotations so whenever you're rotating back to defense if the ball's on this side you're going to run a rotate around to this side and establish that circle flowing thing so this definitely would have prevented this here if a digital jedi if you had rotated back post by now you would be rotating probably right right here and you'd be in a really good position to jump up and try and hit this ball here but since you kind of took this route around and then did that or whatever it was you weren't there in time all right my flat players it is time to learn the crash course to winning every game possible so anywho now you guys probably noticed this but this is kind of our shooting potential here on the box we scored four goals in here i think there was one from downfield where you had a power shot in but basically all of our goals came from here so the big thing is is that if you force it to the corner we're just trying to hit it into an awkward spot middle but if you try to score from the corner it's gonna be really hard so my big thing is that you take it slow here you force them to cheat up because if they cheat up and lose they're gone so i want the guy here to feel as comfortable as possible to score goals makes it really easy and again here um this was a gigantic triple commit oh my god this is bad in this situation superior is in the best position to go for this i'd say because he has the best angle to keep it out of the zone however digital jedi could also go for this if you wanted to since he also has a decent angle to go for it you both have decent position or in a decent position to go for it it doesn't really matter which as long as you communicate and only one of you is going and the other is staying back yeah i shouldn't have gone for that i realized yeah so considering your mechanical ability every single time you should rotate toward the back post and never rotate through the play and never try and hit the ball from the opponent's angle to the ball uh and the reason for that is because it can throw off your teammates if they're like in a better position in which case they are the only time you would ever want to attack the ball from the opponent's angle is if you are the last man back and like your teammates are way up field and like the ball's right here and you're coming down this way and you're trying to clear it off to the corner that's a very specific example where you would hit it from the opponent's angle but other than that uh you should always rotate around especially if you have at least one teammate back so main focus rotate to back post around the play so whichever the ball side is on you go to the other side to that post and don't attack the ball from the opponent's angle it was really cool and i noticed you guys doing a lot which is probably why you felt pretty good this series or this game was that you were sticking back post a lot there was people that there was so so much chaos happening in the corner and if you saw chaos you kind of just waited and then when you had your turn to strike you went it's really good because that gives you more potential on the ball maybe a lot of times the ball would plop somewhere awkward and you just turn and get it it was really easy but if you were here you'd have to do like a weird like 180 degree turn to get it so props to that right there i do see myself going back at it yeah so this is another example where it's like uh it's not necessary to attack the ball from this angle when you have two teammates back even if they're not going to be there for it instantly which in this case it looks like dude men pro is gonna beat them to it it's still best to rotate around to back post and in this case back post would be right here because the ball is on this side of the field so that seems to be the main theme so far is don't attack the ball from the opponent's angle and of course rotate back post so we want to be a unit here the first thing i want you guys doing is kick off the second you just hit this first boost pad i need you front flipping the reasoning is is that if they get to the ball before you they're going to force an awkward angle on us right when you pick up this pad front flip it's an easy way to just get to the ball cause a 50. the guy cheating can come and take it away i guarantee you waiting is teaching them to do this already so we need to counter it this is the easiest way to do it the second you hit this pad front flip [Music] so here's a here's the strategy that we'll do and i know it's kind of hard to break your muscle memory on kickoffs but the strategy that we'll go ahead and do in this best of three is having one person diagonal going for it obviously they're closest to it having one person cheat up and one person go for the corner boost behind the diagonal person i'm not going to have you focus particularly on trying to send it back to your teammate unless you're really comfortable with it but for the most part just try and keep it on this general right side of the [Music] field didn't feel too hard didn't it just a nice little dump to mid yeah a little a little pass play there that's what i'm saying though we're scoring off the corner let's put it to the corner first throw it middle middleman will be there go call it if you're beat you'll go back it'll be easy what's really important though is that if this doesn't work out is that third man is ready so for instance astro if you're here and you notice that there's going to be a past middle i want you to stay further back the best place to stay if you don't know what's going on is probably right about here the reasoning is that if you lose the 50 here it's still going to come to you and you're on the ground and you can rotate back quickly oh my god my point is if there's a 50 of the corner there's only 90 degrees here right it can either go to the opposite corner middle or back you can take you can contain all that from here whenever you move up on the offense and you may already do this subconsciously you should have one person in the corner with the ball one person's center here and one person backing them up that's the general offensive formation that you should move into you may have also heard this referred to as first man second man and third man that's what that is so obviously it makes the most sense here to have digital jedi be the first man in the corner harry be the second man and superior being the third man backing them up and the reason this works is because the balls in this corner and it can basically go anywhere from here it could be a really good pass to harry or digital jedi could lose the 50. but regardless you have someone ready for each scenario you have perry ready for the center and superior ready for the lost 50. oh man oh man oh man this is it this is it are you are you actually confident do you think they're they're gonna do well i think they will yeah no we we went over we like we like really nailed down some really good concepts and i didn't want to like overwhelm them so i was just like all right we're gonna we're gonna do just basically the same thing over again so that we don't forget everything to me like it seemed like they're the sort of team that has the same mistakes over and over again so i was literally just repeating myself so by the end i was just like yep i was just referring to the things that i already said okay let's see if they do exactly yes okay it's good kickoff oh yeah strong start okay nice all right oh harry what the what in the world harry did you talk about the best coach ever yes i did oh man which is why it hurts so much nice oh this is awkward oh they're going for pinches i guess i didn't teach that oh gosh that was scary i'm saying this game already looks like way more like a hundred percent yeah like on both ends uh-huh okay okay all right yeah get back it's going back post harry potter i told you oh my god it worked knack pause harry yes yes go around the play superior nice oh my god we've been on defense for so long yeah we're we're kind of crushing it on the pressure side of things oh that's the clear all right there we go score that let's go hey i mean there's half a game left half a game left yeah last game oh yeah very nice nice that's it nice it's only halfway done but i'm i'm happy with the performance so far gotta say hey you guys are sticking back post now i hate it i know it's the best strategy i knew you i knew you'd tell him to oh look at that aerial he's so fast you guys are playing so well it's the rotations focused entirely on positioning [Music] score that oh he almost dunked it after not a chance to come back right here oh come on cut it yes come on oh yes yes yes yes superior let's go let's go i'm so sad you have no idea how sad i am i think we took this game okay i guess you're just the best coach ever best coach ever thank you i will be quoting that that will be my sub sound uh when i start streaming on twitch yeah make sure you include the i guess part two okay now i'm cutting that out all right i'm feeling it reverse sweep time baby i don't know about that oh my okay this is chaotic what'd you do i didn't do anything different yes okay downfield it's past all of them it's going off the corner it's gonna be awkward it is awkward my team whipped like four times in a row and it was still fine oh my gosh the panic is real i'm actually oh oh they blocked her all right i'm up i hit him mid he's awkward go astral just go in let's go okay so basically we just need to play time honestly yo my 30 second pep talk was better than my hour of coaching oh that's a that's a shooting opportunity let's go harry yes i mean that's that looks like a back post mistake from your team to me i don't know that looks awkward it is awkward it is but we stay patient okay all right who's thinking this is the air oh yo look at him go wow okay hit it in come on look at that shot the power and everything yeah but the safe clear to the corner huh fine that was uh good from both sides okay i would i would say that as well oh that's awkward that looks awkward to me let's go dude that's the offensive formation we talked about it hey my team is being nice all right challenge yes oh where's the defense he's a net take it out come on where's the box shot he's taking out the ball oh my god i can't tell you how many times the ball just dropped in the box and no one's there i know there have been a lot of times that happened it's all right sorry little little discombobulated i like how we're just admitting when stuff is bad of both their teammates rotating straight behind him as well oh did he just we'll have to check the instant replay he may have just saved his teammates i might need a slow-mo on that one [Music] let's go ggs ggs oh i'm so sad honestly i'm proud of all of these cracks yeah yeah you know they really ascended and despite the the clear lag issues i think is a valiant effort from everybody yeah my biggest tip to astro was to not have attack but it looks like he couldn't make it happen big thanks to lando for participating in this video i really had no clue how this video was gonna turn out but he was a great sport and he really is one of the smartest coaches out there if you want to check out his twitch that'll be in the description and if you enjoyed this give it a like and hit subscribe if you think i sound like that one guy from zombieland [Music] me
Channel: Wayton Pilkin
Views: 308,196
Rating: 4.9663253 out of 5
Keywords: rocket league, coaching, wayton, wayton pilkin, rocket league coaching, tutorial, challenge, platinum, rank, rlcs, coach, mclando, knights, soniqs
Id: MJxkmAbz09U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 9sec (1089 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 17 2020
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