How to Draw a Cozy Cabin - Day and Night

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welcome back for another live tutorial i am excited to be with you here today i'm really excited to show you what we're going to draw um we're going to draw this cozy cabin and we're going to do it in day and night and to go from day to night is actually really easy and i'm really excited to show you that because it's it's i think it's gonna maybe be a little game changer if you want to like start doing night scenes um so that's what we're gonna be drawing today like it's really cool i was blown away when she showed me the night picture first and then was like oh yeah and i did this uh here's my cool day yeah um so i am lisa bardeaux that's me and i've got three little kids and my husband jeff is here he also works with barto brush and he does all the behind the scenes kind of stuff for these lives and he's managing the um the comments so if you guys have anything you want to say or any questions while we're doing this feel free to pop in and he will shout those out to me and i'm also the owner of bardo brush i make awesome brushes for procreate and other educational type content such as this to teach you how to draw and to find your creative prowess as i like to say um and the other really exciting thing today is we're giving away an ipad on this live so you must be present to win and i'm gonna show you the slide where you can go to enter so at giveaway if you go to that site you can enter um and we will pull winner at the end of the at the end of this live and you have to be here to claim it we're gonna have you like shout out it's me in the comments and then also send us an an email um using the email that you put in when you enter here so make sure you put in a valid email there and of course it is only for people that in countries where we can ship an ipad to from apple or amazon so sorry if you're not in a country that's applicable we'll try to do the best we can with that but if you if we pull your name and you're in the wrong country we'll do something else for you so all right so just gonna put that website in the comments and we're gonna go ahead and get started let's draw all right i'm gonna go ahead and open up procreate and i'm going to create a new canvas and the canvas size that i'm going to be using today is 3800 by 2800 pixels i have this saved because it's the size i use a lot so 3800 by 2800 pixels but it's going to be like a horizontal kind of orientation all right so today we're going to be using procreate's perspective guide feature to sketch out our house and i actually just released a tutorial about using the perspective guide if you go to my website i'll just show it to you real quick if you go to my website and go to the tutorials page and then go to the recent tutorials this one right here drawing with perspective if you've never drawn in perspective um or if you're confused about perspective i think this will really help you out a lot and it makes it really easy to draw a scene in perspective and i also have this free worksheet for the procreate file for you to learn um follow along in the tutorial and learn about perspective so i would check that out but i'm going to kind of go over a little bit of that just not quite as in-depth as this tutorial okay so the first thing that we're going to do is we're going to set up the procreate drawing guide so to do that we're going to go to the actions menu canvas and then here where it says drawing guide we're just going to go ahead and toggle that on and you'll see like a grid will pop up um which is not exactly what we want so we're gonna go where it says edit drawing guide and we'll get into here and then down here there are some options and you're gonna click or tap where it says perspective and there's not going to be anything on the string because screen because we need to set up a vanishing point and the drawing we're doing today is going to be in two-point perspective so we need to put two points on our screen so what was the size of your canvas real quickly it was uh 3 800 by 2800 thanks okay so we're going to tap in two points on the screen just like that and you'll see these two little dots pop up and basically these are the vanishing points for perspective all the lines converge to that vanishing point and this is our horizon line is what this line is don't worry about the technicals too much just kind of follow along if you're not quite sure what i mean by that i'm going to actually zoom way out and i'm going to edit where these points are and i'm actually going to drag them like way far out like that and what this does when you like extend your vanishing points out it makes your perspective a little less distorted a little more like compressed so that's why i'm doing that and i kind of talked about that in that perspective tutorial too and then i'm also going to raise up the points above the canvas something like that and do a little bit more just kind of making sure that this line is level like it's straight there's a grid back there so you can see so that's kind of what i'm at and raising this horizon line up what that does is it oops not straight there we go it makes it look like you're looking down on something and that's kind of the angle that i want to do for this drawing i don't want to be like looking up on the house i want to be like looking down so you can see the roof and everything like that so that's what i'm doing here and just making sure it's straight and then when you're done go ahead and click done and it should look something like that all right and so now um i actually forgot one thing which is to turn on drawing assist and you can do that in when you go to edit drawing guide there's a toggle here assisted drawing you just turn that on oops i need to change the color there we go done or you can go up to the layer and you can tap it and you can tap where it says drawing assist but you just want to make sure that in the layers it says assisted right underneath like layer one so make sure that's turned on and what that does that means that anywhere you draw now is gonna snap to these perfectly lines in perspective you can't draw any like curved lines or anything like that so that's what that means and that's going to help us draw this house so i'm going to grab my favorite um sketching brush so it's just the bardo pencil actually one that i've been updating i have a update for that set coming out soon so it's just an updated version of the pencil box sparta pencil but you can use any pencil brush you want then i'm going to grab like a medium dark gray and then i can start sketching out my house as you're sketching this on the grid someone's asking can you change the color of the grid yeah that's actually what i accidentally did um is if you you can select your points if you tap on it and then you can move this bar and choose the color that you want um so yeah you can do that and and i actually i need a i need to provide some feedback to procreate because the done button is so close to this line where it changes the lines to like almost white that i accidentally change them to white all the time so i'm gonna give them some feedback love you bro great love you to death um okay so we're going to draw our house and i'm going to start down here um and i don't want to i don't want to start make my house too high to start with because i want to make sure i have room for the roof so i'm going to draw it pretty small in my canvas and the first thing that i do is draw the footprint of the house so this is going to be like i'm going to make it long on one side and a little bit shorter on the other kind of like that let me do that again there we go so maybe something like that and then starting where this line ends you're going to draw over and you kind of want to make sure you i'm going to zoom in a bit go over and start there and you just want to make sure that the lines intersect and it's okay if they overlap just a little bit um but that's going to be like the footprint of the house okay so i just draw like a parallelogram essentially and now i'm going to draw the height of the house so just draw lines going up and then from the end of that line draw a line going over and then from this little corner here draw a line going up and so now we have the side of the house you just want to make sure that everything connects that's the important thing when you're doing these perspective sketches and using this drawing assist is you want to make sure that all the corners line up just nicely and now that we know this line i can draw a line here and then i can connect it up there didn't quite get it all the way that's okay ah yeah that's close enough okay um so now we got the next wall and i'm gonna draw all the walls even the ones like that you can't really see so i'm gonna draw this one and then connect it there make sure they connect good like that and then like that so now we've got a box essentially and that's going to be the bottom of the house and i can already tell that i think i drew it too high because i really i wanted to have a nice tall roof so if you do that i think that you can add some more space just by going to crop and resize and adding more space at the top and that shouldn't mess with the yeah okay and that shouldn't mess with your guides or anything so if you don't have enough room you can always add more with the crop and resize feature okay so we've got um we've got our box here i'm going to add on like a door right here oops a little too wide there we go a couple windows and because we have that drawing guide things turned on all of our lines are perfectly straight so we have some windows that i've added and then the next thing i'm going to draw is the roof and if you guys as i'm doing this if you have any questions feel free to put them into the chat and jeff will ask them to me um if their questions like related to what i'm drawing and then we're gonna do a q a like of general q a if you have something unrelated to this at the end so feel free to throw up your questions and jeff will write him down so he can ask me later okay so now we're gonna add like a roof like this um that's like a triangle so because we can't draw those like diagonal lines because of the perspective guides all i'm gonna do is draw a line up from the center like from the center of this point here you guys can see that up to the total height that i want my roof to be so i think i'll make a pretty tall roof and that's where the the top of the roof is going to go and then if i draw a line over this is going to be like the top roof line and then i can take draw a line up from the center of this side of the house up to connect there oops connect that a little better there we go so that's like the total height of the room it kind of looks like a caddy like a little carrying box with a handle um but we're gonna add these lines that connect down like the triangle diagonal lines in a little bit so don't worry about that quite yet um and then the other thing that i'm going to add is a chimney and i want to add like a chimney that comes off the side of the house and it's like one of those stone chimneys that's outside the house so that's going to be here so i'm going to draw the bottom of the chimney coming out from the side of the house so this is going to be like the footprint of the chimney i'm going to make it pretty wide and it's actually going to be a chimney that kind of like tapers as it goes to the top um but we can't do that tapered part just yet so we're just going to draw some lines straight up to get the total height of the chimney so extend above the roof like that and then from there up so something like that okay and now i'm going to draw the top of the chimney so i'm going to draw just a line like that and then a line like that and then something like that there we go so that's like the top of the chimney and that's pretty much it for the perspective sketch that's all that we need to do so um everybody everybody doing good i hope i'm going to go ahead and continue on to the next part after i drink some of my tea someone's asking a good question like are you drawing this from a reference how how do you know how to draw this um that's a really great question and for something like a house i've been drawing houses since i was a kid i think that's probably one of the like one of the first things most kids probably try to draw is like a picture of a you know grass with a tree and a house and a sun i feel like that's every kid's first like scene that they draw so i've been drawing houses for a while so i'm not really working from a reference but i did see a reference for this chimney that's why i wanted to do it um so yeah a little bit a little bit from imagination a little bit from reference um so good question okay so now we're ready to um we're ready to turn off the perspective guide because we don't need it anymore so we're going to go to the layers menu we're going to tap on the layer just anywhere on that layer and then we're going to uncheck drawing assist turn that off and then i'm actually going to turn off the perspective guide as well so where it goes to the should i go to the actions menu canvas drawing guide turn it off okay all right so now we can draw all the other lines for the roof and things like that um so what you're going to do is you're going to draw a line from this point the middle of the roof down here and if you hold you don't lift your pencil up it'll make like a straight line this is called quick line and that'll kind of help you make that like perfectly straight line down i'm going to do that again here there we go like that and then one here and then i like to do it completely in 3d even though you won't see this line back here just in case i need to reference it okay all right so now we're going to go ahead and refine this sketch because this is like the most boring house in the world it's just like straight lines no character and this is just basically a guide that we're going to use uh to draw like our sketch with more character in our own like art style so what i'm going to do is i'm going to go to layers menu i'm going to tap n and then i'm going to reduce the opacity like that just so i can just barely see it and then i'm going to create a new layer on top all right and i'm gonna actually start with this chimney because i said we want it to taper at the top so this is how we're gonna do that we're gonna go to the top of the chimney and i'm gonna draw basically a smaller top within this little shape here so kind of like in the center of the chimney i'm drawing and you want these lines to be the same angle as these lines so i'm kind of fiddling with that a little bit so they should be the same angle i mean i don't mind if it's a little wonky like i like wonky illustrations so that's what we're doing here and then i'll just draw the top so we're drawing like a smaller top within that bigger top and then we're going to do what we did with the roof which is just draw a line from i'll start with this outer point right there all the way down to this point here hold down don't let go and you'll get your quick line thing and there you go and then we're going to do it from this point here all the way down there we go and then from this point here down to the respective point at the bottom so from there oops i can't see it there we go i make sure i can see the bottom there we go so now we have like this cool tapered chimney now we can start sketching in the rest by hand i'm not you're going to use like super straight lines for everything else um this is just a sketch this isn't like the final art anyways so i'm going to draw in the roof next and the other thing i'm going to do with the roof is i'm actually going to extend it beyond this part right here because if you know roof like they over hang over the like boxy part of the house a little bit so that's why it's going to extend down and you can actually give it a little more character um by going straight and then you could even like curve it out so it's like a little curved roof line whatever you want to do that's what i'm going to do whoop like that so it kind of slopes like that just for fun and then i'm gonna do the same back here this little line that comes out kind of like swoop it out and then i need to draw a line for like the back of that roof shape and i'm going to draw the house so if you can see what i did there this line is the same angle as this line just so you know i'm just going to trace over all this stuff here here there we go oops and this one here all right now we're going to add some details um just roughly because this isn't the final art but i think i'm going to add some like oversized looking shingle things almost like you would see on a gingerbread house kind of like exaggerate exaggerated shingles there we go something like that and then the door i'm going to go ahead and sketch that in there would be a doorknob right there and also some window panes and these lines again in perspective should be the same angle as these lines they should all be parallel and then these this line this way should be the same angle as this line you could have used the drawing guide to do this but i think some things are just easy enough to do by hand and also again i don't care if it's perfect i don't like it being perfect that's my preference okay and then i'm also going to add some little like window sill type things here um cool so that's looking pretty good um i can turn off this layer now and that's like our kind of hand-drawn sketch of the house i'm going to go ahead and actually shrink this down because i want to add some smoke coming from the chimney and some other things too so i'm just going to tap the so um transform the little arrow icon transform and that'll select my whole layer and then i can just like shrink it down i don't know i won't have enough room for all the smoke let's see yeah that's probably about good okay good okay so now i'm going to add some smoke and for the smoke i'm doing this kind of like i'm gonna have it come up and then like swoop around like that and then i'm gonna have it come up this way and kind of come in and like that except maybe a bit bigger kind of get a feel for how you want to do it oops these kind of like swoopy lines i usually like takes me a while to get them exactly how i want them to be [Music] well that's pretty good okay and then the other two things i want to add are a couple trees part of me and losing my voice and some mounds of snow in front so we're gonna draw a tree i'm just gonna draw like a straight line down here like next to the side of the house be over a little bit more and then i'm just going to draw like a big triangle for the tree and actually i'm gonna go over a little bit more i kind of want it to go behind the house a bit okay so there's a tree and then these aren't gonna be like branches and then one more over here maybe a little bit smaller what brush are you using right now i'm just using my pencil brush bardo pencil um it's actually an updated version of it i'm working on an update for that set but any pencil brush will work because this is just a sketch okay so we've got some trees and then we're going to add just some piles of snow so i'm going to draw like a a regular lump kind of thing sorry there we go kind of make it come like that there's one lump there's another lump and i'll do one more over here i don't want it to there we go okay so that's the whole sketch you guys i'm gonna curve this one around a little bit more okay great okay so there is our finished sketch i'm just gonna refine this a little bit here kind of looked like it was going whoop up like that all right okay so there's our finished sketch um and now we're gonna move on to coloring so do we have any questions about anything i've done so far before we move on to coloring any questions jeff i'll be just a second as they come up and know you guys that we're only answering and asking questions about this specific moment right yeah if you have other questions that are like about other things in procreate or art or whatever i will definitely answer all those questions we'll do that at the end um but we're gonna ask questions about this so i'm gonna go ahead and move on and if jeff um see some questions he'll just shout them out to me okay so like i said we're ready to color uh we're gonna go to the layers menu we're going to tap n and then we're gonna reduce the opacity of the sketch real quick just as we're talking sketches do you limit your sketch to a single layer for a reason um you know that's a really good question i don't not necessarily like see these trees how i like drew it and then i moved it over if i had put that tree on another layer i could have like moved it easier and i had to redraw it so sometimes i do sketches in a bunch of layers it depends on how much i want to be able to manipulate things independently so that's a really good question i might have done this in multiple layers but i was trying to keep it simple for you guys so yeah and people are asking right are the trees on a different layer the answer is i have um i only have two layers right now one is the perspective sketch and then the other one is the um the house with all the detail and everything like that but we're ready we're going to add another layer now so i'm going to tap on the first layer and then i'm going to tap the little plus to add a new layer and that just puts this layer below the layer with this refined sketch i always keep my sketch on top and then on the sketch layer so the top layer go to where it says n and then these are blend modes which we're going to be using today and i'll kind of explain that a little bit later but we're going to set this blend mode to multiply i always do that with my sketches because it makes it so it's easier to see it like darkens it no matter what's underneath it so just makes it a little bit easier to see all right so now we're going to get into brushes and for this drawing the one i showed you earlier i used a lot of different brushes from a lot of different sets i was just kind of like experimenting and like trying different things so i'll go through and i'll tell you what all the brushes are and then i'll tell you like what sort of brush if you don't have that brush um you could possibly use so um the first thing i'm going to do is i'm going to draw in all the flat shapes of my drawing so i'm going to use a brush from my basic tool kit called bardo inker streamline and this is just a really like opaque brush with a little bit of texture along the edges it's really good for filling in shapes so any type of like really solid brush will do the job for this all right um so the first thing i'm actually gonna do before i start coloring in i'm gonna change my background color so i'm going to layers panel going to where it says background color and then i'm gonna choose um like uh like a light kind of almost kind of muted aqua color so that's the color i'm using for the background and then for the brush itself i'm going to use i'm actually going to use like a brighter version of that color so what i'm going to do is i'm going to tap and hold and just select that color and then i'm going to go up to the color picker and then i'm going to get like a brighter version i think i'm going to get a little warmer so it's something kind of like that that's the color that i'm using okay all right and so now i'm just going to draw the shape of the house itself what am i doing i'm on the wrong layer make sure you're on the middle layer guys i was on the sketch layer so we're gonna make sure we're on the the new layer that we made um all right cool so i'm just gonna make my brush that's a little bit bigger i'm just gonna draw this whole shape here and i'm not trying to be too precise because i like it to be a little wonky like i said um but you know kind of follow the lines that you put in on your sketch so i'm just kind of doing an outline of the whole thing and then once i have an outline i can use color drop so you just drag this little circle and you drop it and then it'll fill that whole shape in it's very handy so i just did the house and now i'm going to create a new layer to do like different all the different pieces so go into the layers panel and i'm gonna hit the plus sign and now we're gonna do the roof okay so i just add in a new layer to do the roof i'm gonna get like a darker version of that same color so just kind of like went down to this little area over here the darker you go the darker to get the more you go this way it'll get like a more muted color and then more saturated the closer you go that way so look around there and then i'm going to draw the roof and i'm just tracing over what i already drew and here okay and fill that in with color drop perfect and then also draw this part too and then here i'm just gonna draw to that point right there and kind of fill in that little spot i don't want to overlap this part of the house because it's supposed to look like it's behind the house so i just kind of colored it in okay so we got a roof um let's do the chimney so i'm going to create another new layer for the chimney and the reason i'm putting these on their own layers because they all like overlap each other and i want to be able to manipulate them independently later on so all these things that touch each other or overlap each other will go on a new layer so go ahead and create another new layer and then i'm going to get like like a gray kind of a little bit below center there and then i'm going to draw the chimney and i'm trying to get a good angle try it again i'm drawing the whole 3d shape as one flat color okay okay great got the whole thing outlined and then i'm going to fill it in with color drop all right cool we're getting there we got the chimney done let's go ahead and do the doors and the windows i'm going to do those both on one layer i could do them on the same layer as the chimney but i'm not gonna do that i'm just gonna first i'm just gonna i like to keep things separate on separate layers uh if you have like a less powerful ipad um or um an older ipad you don't get as many layers so you can put things that don't touch each other on the same layer but we're not gonna use too many layers for this so okay let's do the the doors and the windows now so i created another layer and i'm gonna do the door in the same color as the roof so i'm just going to select that color and i'm going to draw in the door and fill it in and then for the windows i'm going to choose like a like a really light yellow really pale yellow so that's the yellow that i'm using for the windows maybe a little warmer there we go and then i'm just going to draw those in all right cool okay um let's do the trees next um so i'm going to create a new layer and the trees are behind the house so that layer needs to be behind all these other ones so i'm just going to tap at the bottom layer hit the plus and then my new layer will be behind everything else for the trees i'm going to start i'm kind of i'm kind of using these colors as a base and like changing them based on those colors so i'm going to select this green color bluey green and i'm going to make the trees just like a greener version of that color maybe like a little a little darker let me see how that looks yeah i think that'll look good and then i'll just draw in the tree these are just triangles really easy boom and this one over here there we go i think that's looking pretty good i'll make this one wider okay all right um so we still have to do the smoke and i think i'll just put the smoke here on the same layer since it doesn't touch like i said it doesn't matter if it doesn't touch so i'm going to choose white and i'm going to just draw in the shape actually um which layer by the way is set to multiply uh it was the sketch so the one with the pencil lines um and i know i said i was going to do this on the same layer but i just i changed my mind i'm actually not going to do that i'm going to create a layer that's above everything else now because i want part of the smoke to be over the chimney so it looks like it's coming out of the chimney so i'm actually creating a new layer for the chimney smoke so go ahead and hit the plus and we'll create a new layer and then we'll draw in that shape and i'm going to make it overlap the chimney a little bit i'll show you why in a second okay cool make sure it's a closed shape before you use uh color drop color fill and what i'm going to do is i'm actually going to select the same brush i've been using as an eraser so i'm going to tap and hold it and that'll choose the same ink or streamline brush as the eraser so that i can erase here where it pops out of the chimney so there we go so that's like that top edge so now it looks like it's behind the edge it's kind of crooked there we go so now it looks like it's coming out and then on the same layer i'm going to go ahead and do the snow since they're both white that'll be fine they're both not touching so i'm just gonna draw in these mounds and fill them in okay cool so we've got all of our shapes as flat um flat shapes all filled in so the next thing i'm going to do is start adding some texture to this drawing because i don't really like super flat color i like my even if it's like a solid color i like to have a bit of texture and so to do that i'm actually going to be using brushes from my wash and dry watercolor toolkit it's these three sets right here so i'm going to go into the wash set and you can use you know any brush that has a lot of texture like there's some brushes that are like big brushes with lots of texture they're better for adding texture to flat things and that's what these brushes do so the brush that i'm going to be using is stone wash from the wash set and the other thing that i need to do before i start doing that is i'm actually going to turn on alpha lock on all of these layers i'm not really going to be changing the shape of any of these flat shapes anymore so i'm just going to turn on alpha lock and that will lock those shapes into place and will just let me add texture within those shapes so you if you take two fingers you can swipe to the right or you can tap on a layer and you can um tap alpha lock alpha lock so tap alpha lock and you'll notice that there's like a grid behind like a checkerboard kind of pattern behind the layer image that's how you know it's on okay so i'm going to start with the roof and i'm going to select this same color as the roof and with this stone wash brush that i'm using it it will it will darken it darkens every time you add a brushstroke so that's what you'll see like starting to happen to make it real big and you'll see like a subtle texture if i zoom in you kind of see that i'm just kind of like adding it until it looks like i want it to and if it starts getting too dark if you don't like how dark it gets this set also has a brush called it's in the wash and dry tools it's another little mini set that comes with this set and it's called color lifter and this brush color lifter and this brush will lighten things up so and it will also add some texture too so if it was getting too dark you can lighten it up like that and i'm kind of making a little bit my texture a little bit irregular because i think it adds more character i'm just very lightly pressing down if i press down hard it'll it'll be really intense um so i'm just pressing down really lightly and i can't forget this area over here and i'm kind of switching back and forth between the wash brush which darkens and the light brush or the color lifter brush with which brightens i'm thinking of doing a whole set of this which is like texture brushes that lighten and darken because they're like my favorite way to add texture that looks kind of photo realistic um so i've got that brewing in my head look forward to that in the future um okay roof is looking good i'm gonna do the house so i'm going to the layer with the house i'm selecting that color same color and again i've got the stone wash brush any of these wash brushes will do it but this one has a texture that i like and i'm just adding a little bit of texture so you can kind of see the texture and i'm going to switch back to the color lifter brush in the tool set just kind of making it look you know much texture i want to have i think that looks good but before i move on from the house i'm going to add some i'm going to make this side of the house darker so to do that i'm going to actually just use the selection tool so if you go to the selection tool and i'm just going to select this line right here see i just kind of trace down there and then i'm selecting the rest of it like that so now i just have like this side of the house selected and then i'm going to go back to that wash brush the stone wash brush and i'm going to use it to just darken it even more so that'll make it look and if i oops turn that off i take off my sketch probably a little bit better so you can see now that there is like this side that's darker okay i'm gonna turn the sketch back on okay cool so um i'm gonna do let's do the trees now i'm gonna do the trees in the same way real quick which layer are you on i was just on the one with the house so with the house shape this whole shape and now i'm moving on to the trees and again i have alpha lock turned on all these layers so i'm gonna select the tree color um i've still got my stone wash brush selected i'm just adding some texture i kind of like to do a bunch of layers on the more you like layer on strokes like lift your pencil and do another one that the texture kind of gets it compounds on itself so it's really great for that and then i'm going to go back to the color lifter brush and kind of lighten them up a little bit so i'm kind of like getting them back to their original color like darkening it and letting it back to the original color but they're different because now they have all that great texture so cool um let's do the chimney go to the layer with the chimney select that same gray color i have the color lifter selected first that's fine and then go to the wash and kind of darken it back down and this one i'm going to need to add some shading to it as well but i'm actually gonna do it in kind of a different way so um i guess i'll do that right actually i'm gonna do these doors first and then i'll come back to that so let's go to layer with the doors and windows so that layer select this green color and now because these two things are on the same layer you have to be a little bit careful not to get your color on the window so you can either get your brush size smaller and do it that way or you could just select this area around the door and then go for it it will only draw on the door so either way i have it selected right now going back to the color lifter there we go it's probably a little too light there we go okay and now i'm gonna do the windows too just add a little bit texture to those you can't really see it that much because they're so light but you know what trying to be consistent whoops too big of a brush size there we go cool um all right so the only thing we haven't done yet is the smoke and the snow but i'm going to do that in a minute i'm actually going to focus on this chimney now i want to add like a brick pattern to the chimney and i'm going to do that with a clipping mask so i'm going to go to the layer with the chimney hit the plus sign and i'm gonna tap that new layer that was just created and i'm gonna hit clipping mask and this means that i create whatever i draw on this layer now will be i can only draw within this shape kind of like alpha lock but it's on a separate layer so that's what makes it different and the brush i'm going to be using for the bricks is from my mid-century illustrators kit and it's called crayon and if you use it at a really large size it looks really brick like so it looks kind of like a stylized brick so that's when i was experimenting i figured that out and made me really happy so i'm going to select this gray color and then i'm going to get like a lighter version of it and yeah if you use it at a really big that's probably too dark too light still that's a little bit better um so yeah it looks kind of it's very squarish brush and it's got a lot of texture so i was like oh that's kind of perfect for a brick but you could always draw the bricks by hand and then add texture but this kind of just makes a lot faster so i'm just going to kind of draw these in at the same angle kind of in a brick pattern where it like overlaps so you can kind of see that this is probably too too light the color um but that's okay because i can and and i'm and i'm not worrying about this side that's like a different angle i'm just kind of like drawing them over the edge of this line and then i'm going to erase away you'll see in just a second so i'm just kind of drawing in a brick pattern not super perfect these are kind of like it's like a stone fireplace that's kind of the look that i'm going for oops kind of getting off here there we go okay so now we've got like a brick pattern if i zoom out you can you can see it now i really i was very very happy when i discovered that this looks great um so uh what i'm gonna do now is i'm going to erase everything that's not on this like side of the chimney this front side so i'm going to use i'll just use the ink or streamline that i was using to do all the shapes as my eraser it's one i already had set as my eraser oops yeah and the reason why i'm doing this is because um like you can see these you know they should kind of go this angle because of the perspective so i'm going to draw them in at that angle and one more time can you tell us the uh the brush set that the yeah that was from mid-century illustrators kit mid-century and it was crayon the crayon brush at a really big size like that's a really i made it as big as it could go okay all right so now that i've erased away i'm just going to go ahead and on the same layer just draw in the bricks going the other way kind of like that so now they're kind of like going this way at the same angle as this line like all these lines here i hope that makes sense if you need me to explain it better let me know um but it kind of looks like it's going like in perspective the right way that's the idea here oops that one could be there and again i'm just not making them all perfect all right that's pretty good so you can kind of see they're going like that way now and i think that they're like way too light in color so i'm actually gonna just make them a little darker and to do that actually use my um my wash brush to do that since i want to add some texture so i'm going to go to the layer with all the bricks that's the clipping mask you'll notice a clipping mask because it has this little arrow if i were to turn off the clipping mask you see how like that stuff is actually there you just can't see it because it's confined to the shape of the layer below it so i'm going to turn on alpha lock on this clipping mask layer you can use them in conjunction it's pretty great so turn on alpha lock on the layer with the bricks i'm going to go back to my wash brushes stone wash and i'm just gonna make it big again i'm just gonna go over it a few times until they're like the color that i want them to be i kind of want them to be a little bit more subtle so i think that looks pretty good okay all right so yeah i think that looks pretty good it's a little bit more subtle okay so now i need to make um part of i need to make this side of it darker just like that this side of the house is darker is in shadow i need to make this side of the chimney and shadow so i'm going to use another layer to do that set as a clipping mask so i'm going to go ahead and hit the plus sign again in my layers panel i'm gonna tap that layer and i'm gonna hit clipping mask and if they're like right on top of each other they'll clip to the same layer so these two will both clip to this chimney layer and then i'm actually going to make a selection around the chimney just like i did with the house i'm going to select around like this so following this line that i drew on my sketch that's why i didn't turn off my sketch yet and then drawing around that okay so now i just have like that side of the chimney selected and then um i'm gonna i'm gonna fill it with this gray that i have selected i think that should be dark enough okay so i just filled it in how did you make the brush the bricks darker again i have um i use the wash brush so i turn on a clipping i turned alpha lock on that brick layer i turned on alpha lock and then i darkened them with that wash brush just as i had been darkening the house um like i had lightened and darkened it to add the texture i just darkened it i hope that makes sense okay so now i've got this gray filled in that layer and then i'm going to use a blend mode to make everything below it darker so i'm going to tap the n i'm going to change it to multiply and it's actually not dark enough so i'm going to make this color darker and drop it in there again maybe a little darker there we go all right i hope that makes sense so we have like this little selection with a dark gray and the blend mode is set to multiply and that makes everything below it dark like it makes the the chimney and the bricks all darker blend modes are a little confusing i need to make a every time i use a blend mode i'm like i need to make blend mode tutorial i'll do it you guys next year i promise um okay so we've got the chimney looking good um what else do we need to do to do this and what i'm going to do for this to make it look kind of like it fades off is i'm actually going to erase part of it away so for this i decided i would use my texture maker set and this is a set that has like a bunch of different texture brushes that do different effects so any brush that has a lot of texture will will be good for this but i'm using the one that's called texture press fine from the texture maker so it's pressed fine from the texture maker and then i'm just gonna make my brush a little bit bigger and i don't think i'm on the right layer nope okay so i need to go the layer with the smoke um and i actually need to make sure i set that brush as my eraser so again we're gonna go to the eraser and we're gonna go to texture maker press fine all right sorry those little confusing and then i'm just gonna erase part of it way like i'm gonna erase more of it away at the top than at the bottom so it looks kind of like it's fading off i want all of it to have some texture so i'm gonna make sure i go over the whole thing but i'm going to go over more of it at the top until it kind of like fades off kind of like that turn off the sketch you can see so that's what that looks like maybe i'll erase a little bit more away up here okay and then um cool let me know if you have any questions about that and then i'm gonna go down here to the snow and for those i'm going to actually draw in some texture so i'm going to select my brush as the press fine i'm going to use this brush to like texturize my snow as well and i'm going to what i'm going to do is snow is hard because it's white but there you can see it like it airs shading like parts of it are darker and parts of it are lighter if there's like a hill like and the lights coming from this way this part will be a little bit darker so i'm actually going to tone down the white just a little bit something similar to the background color so i'm gonna select the background color stick with me on this and then i'm gonna get like a much lighter version of it and then i'm gonna like paint in one of the sides so i'm kind of doing a little bit over the whole thing but then a little more on the side so i'm like darkening this side a little bit it's very subtle and then i'm going to get a little bit darker versus a little bit darker you don't want to ever go too too dark with snow because it's white darkening those sides just a little bit more and we kind of refine that more as we go and then i'm going to put some snow on the ground so i'm going to create a new layer underneath everything else so one layer underneath everything else and i'm going to grab white now just pure white and i want to make sure i have i'm afraid i don't have enough room at the bottom so i'm actually going to change my canvas size by going to the actions menu canvas crop and resize and just adding in a little bit more room at the bottom a little more room at the top yeah you can always use this to like reframe your picture as you go if you run out of space okay cool all right and now i've got white i've got the same texture pressed fine brush selected and i'm just gonna like draw on some snow on the ground i like that if you make it go out as far as you want you could make it go all the way across if you want but this to me illustration is kind of like a spot illustration that's not like a full scene it just like exists in kind of like a blank area i don't know let me erase this actually i'm gonna go up a little higher here so yeah you can make that go as high as you want but all right okay cool we're getting somewhere um all right so the next thing i'm going to do now is add in my line work so i need to add in all the details and i usually do the line work at the end that's kind of just my workflow so i'm going to create a layer that is above everything else i usually put it on a layer that's on top of everything else that's kind of just how i do it and i'm going to choose a liner brush just something with some fun texture i have lots and lots of liner brushes to choose from um i forget which one that i was gonna use um let's see i'll go to my gouache paint box that's one of my favorite sets of all the ones that i have and i think i'll use the fine grain liner but any brush that you that has a little bit of texture can be will be good for this all right so i'm gonna add some these little lines here i'm gonna choose this color and while you're done now which was the brush for the snow uh that was press fine from texture maker awesome okay let's see how that looks that's good make the brush size a little bigger and i'm just kind of like drawing in these lines that's kind of funky kind of just making sure there's like four little scallops in each line okay so we got some details on the roof um i'm gonna move this one up actually i'm gonna move them all up a little bit cool and then we need some details on the house and i'm gonna use i'm gonna draw some like um what's this called molding or whatever trim around the windows so i'm just gonna draw like a line around that like that and then do it here this brush has a lot of texture and then around the door i'm going to use actually a lighter color maybe i'll use the same color or maybe even a lighter version of this color so i try to like keep reference oops did i not draw on this i try to keep referencing colors i've already used um and that will um help kind of keep the color palette more cohesive so i'm just choosing like a lighter version of that no it's still not light enough almost white yeah there we go so that will keep your your colored palette more cohesive and i'll just uh use this color for the door knob so i use the same color for the doorknob all right cool and then the trees i'm going to choose this dark green i think here to draw in my detail on the trees it's probably a little too dark to lighten it up a little bit just kind of drawing some lines going out like that and do this one almost there you guys okay and i think i think i've got it all i've done all the things um i know i said these trees are too dark now they're kind of not dark enough so i'm going to select these little parts with the tree line work select that part and then hit add and then select that part making sure not to select the roof part so if you ever like don't like the way the colors look but you don't want to redraw it you can this is one way that i use to adjust colors um go to adjustments menu hue saturation brightness layer and then you can make them darker i can make a more green i think that looks a little bit better all right a little bit better for me all right turn off the sketch now we're all done with that um i just probably want to add a little bit more shading on my snow piles so i'm just going to go back to the snow pile layer this one and i'm going to select that color make it a little darker and then just go back to my texture maker where is it right there press fine brush kinda there we go i just want to make sure you can see that they're like piles all right cool that's it for the daytime house picture um any questions before we turn this into a night scene this part goes fast um it's really easy so i'm excited to show you the trees oh i forgot the snow you're right i just came to we've got the snow on the trees and on the roof thank you guys um you're observant okay so let's create a new layer for that above everything else and for the snow the brush i actually used was from my pencil box and i just used bardo pencil because it's kind of got like a soft edge and it looked really like like fluffy snow so i'm going to choose white for the color i'm going to make the brush size bigger as big as i can and then i'm going to draw like a kind of wavy thing happening and kind of a wavy thing right here and then color it in i can't believe i forgot the snow okay cool i'm gonna erase this away oop let's get my basic tool kit to erase this little part here good and then we need some snow down on the bottom so we'll just kind of draw like a regular wavy line like that color it in great and then on the trees maybe we need a little snow here i don't know yeah sure and then on the trees uh just kind of something like that maybe uh however you want to do it i'm going to do it like that great one more okay cool there now it's done all right any other questions before i move on to doing the night part why is there a layer above everything uh i think maybe you're talking about the sketch layer if not elaborate and i'll let you know um but yeah that was for my sketch that layer above everything all right you guys we are gonna turn this into a nighttime scene um so to do that we're going to create one more layer well two more layers but we're going to create another layer above everything else so this is on top of everything else and we're going to fill the entire layer with kind of like a bluey bluey purpley kind of color we'll adjust the color as we see how it looks but all right so that's the color i'm going to start with it's kind of like here on the color wheel and there on the color disc and then fill it in okay and then we're going to um go to the layer tap n and we're going to change the blend mode to multiply so you can imagine that the sun just went down and everything's in dark that's what we're seeing now um and i think this is a little too dark and a little too like the color isn't quite right so i'm actually going to adjust the color of this layer and like i said i like to go to the adjustments menu hue saturation brightness layer and then i can make it a little maybe less saturated or maybe a little maybe a little brighter less saturated i can make it more purple i don't know you kind of get the idea of like whatever and i'll make it look like kind of nighttimey i think i don't know darker all right that's good i'm not gonna go too crazy with it so i just kind of adjusted it to make it look a little better all right so then from there what we're going to do is we're actually going to erase parts of this filled in layer like it's all filled in with that one color we're going to race parts of it away to show highlights of our nighttime scene so go to the eraser and i was just using um i was just going to use my pencil brush to do this because it's kind of soft and i'm just going to use that for doing all the highlight marks so the first thing i want to do is erase like in the window because i imagine the lights are on inside so those are going to be really bright and then we're gonna start adding highlights on everything you might need to reduce the brush size so i'm gonna add a highlight going over this snow mound i'm actually gonna make it brush bigger like that and over this one too and again i'm just erasing away to reveal the colors that were underneath and i got this one over here like that oh he's starting to see it uh the how are the tree um i'm kind of really stylizing the highlight on the tree like it's not how a highlight on a tree would look so i'm just kind of kind of like erase some lines like that just to kind of give it the effect that like something is happening over there that's obviously not how highlights might look on a pine tree but you get the idea and do the same thing over here okay all right and now i'm going to do highlights on the snow so i'm just again erasing and i'm going to erase this one too i imagine this light is coming from the moon that's what's causing all these highlights like there's like a bright full moon out right now and it's dropping all these highlights on parts of the house um i don't know maybe there would be one here on the chimney you can't really see it anyways but um all right here i'm gonna do a smaller brush size and then just maybe not that small some edges on the door and on the window frames a little bit i'm not trying to make it perfect yeah i don't mind that it like doesn't exactly like kind of erase like shows some of the house behind it like i don't mind that at all in the doorknob um cool i think that's everything i'm gonna try it on the chimney but it might not it might be too much i actually kind of like that so i'm erasing away part of the chimney too okay and then um the other thing is i'm gonna add some little footprints this added like i just did this for the night one um i don't know i just like the way it looked in the night picture kind of gave it some interest like someone had like walked up to the house and went in especially since it's like mostly a dark scene these aren't very good footprints but you get the idea um it gives it a little bit interest a little bit of story so i added some little footprints there and then the other thing i'm going to do is add just a little bit of shadows to the snow mounds and to do that um i just need to get a color that is darker than the color i used for this layer so um if i tap and hold that layer down um it'll just select that layer by itself and um and it's it's multiplying with the background color so i actually need to turn off multiply back to normal so this is the color that i actually use oh and you know what i guess i wasn't erasing at all i was uh oh no that is why i was erasing sorry don't let me confuse you okay i'm gonna select this color so i had um soloed out that layer by tapping and holding this little checkbox and then i turned off multiply so that i can get to this color and select it okay i hope you're with me on that one now i'm going to turn it back to multiply and turn it back and turn everything back on by tapping and holding that checkbox let me know if you didn't follow that sorry that might have been a little confusing um it says now i can select a darker version of that same color just a little bit and i still have my pencil brush selected and i'm gonna just like draw some shadows on the mounds like on the sides of them kind of underneath and also like a little bit of a cast shadow going this way soften it a little bit if you turn the pencil brush on its side it gets a little softer and i'll do it on this side and a little bit of cast shadow and then i'm gonna go a little bit darker just to add a final little bit more you don't have to go too crazy with these shadows so i just add a little bit more darkness so now we've got like some shadows on that side um and then the last thing that i'm going to do is the last thing the picture is i want to draw some like glow coming from these windows so i'm going to create one more layer and i'm going to get like a yellow like a light yellow so i'm like right there on the color wheel and then the brush that i want to choose is like a soft brush with a little bit of texture there's like the airbrush airbrush brushes that are built into procreate which would work too but they don't quite they don't have that texture so i'm going to use one of my brushes um from my multi-tonal marker set so multi-tonal markers is a set that has three different sets within it and one of the sets is called flat marker and within that set there's a brush called flat filler flat fat filler and that's a brush which has it's a cool um like a soft brush with a lot of texture um so that's the brush that i'm gonna be using so if you don't have that one use a soft brush with a lot of texture or just a soft brush and then i am just basically drawing some just kind of very lightly putting in some uh like just like a soft little feathered shape i guess you would say um so that's what i drew in there and then i'm going to change the blend mode of that layer um to make it like look brighter so if i go to the n and this time i'm going to go to the blend mode called add and that's going to make everything underneath it like really bright in fact probably a little bit too bright like it's like super like super bright like they've got their lights on real high um so i'm actually going to reduce the opacity of the layer a little bit so go to the this little here and then just kind of reduce the opacity to get it to what you want and there's our nighttime scene i'm pretty pretty happy with it i'm gonna i think i'm just gonna lighten this whole thing up a little bit there we go all right sorry i need to stop tweaking i think every artist knows that you're like you need to know when to stop um so one last thing uh before if you guys have any questions go ahead and throw them up about this i'm just going to show you one more thing and then we're going to like be done um i'm just going to select these two layers so this layer with the yellow glowy things and then the layer with the multiply and that like solid color are the only two things making this scene look like night so what i'm going to do is i'm going to select both of those layers and group them and i'm going to rename the group tonight oops night and then i can just um hide that group oops there we go turn on that group on and off and i can go from day to night and that's like the fun like i thought that was really cool so i actually ended up making um this the day scene and the night scene as a little animated gif so if you saw it on instagram it like switches back and forth between day and night and i have tutorials on how to do um animated gifs in procreate which um if you guys sign up for that uh giveaway you're automatically signed up for a newsletter which is great because there's a lot of really awesome stuff that comes through the newsletter um but we'll also email everybody afterwards i'll send you links to the um perspective class that i talked to you about before i'll send you links to um what i just said about the animation thing so i'll send you a bunch of really cool resources we'll even get you a free color palette for everything that we did today yeah yeah and then we'll also make sure people were asking about what all the brushes were we'll make sure that is in the description of the video when that email comes out too absolutely so it's so fun all right so we're all done with the drawing um i will take a few questions about this if you guys have any and if we have general q a we'll get that in a little bit and as well you guys make sure to sign up for the giveaway we're going to close that up here in just a minute uh and be doing that as well yeah i'll show the link one more time before we do do you have any questions about this drawing jeff um what was the brush for the snow on the roof and the tree uh that was actually just my pencil brush from the pencil box set so barto pencil um and then and know you guys any questions beyond this specific um drawings that we just drew we will be doing that during our general q a yep so it sounds like maybe we don't have any more questions about this all right cool let me go back to my slides all right you guys so i would love to see what you made um that's one of the funnest things about doing these tutorials is getting to see all the stuff that you guys make from it and like how you guys customize it and make it your own like i love seeing that kind of stuff so please do tag me um you can do hashtag bardo brush bartobrush is our instagram account and then i made a special hashtag for this drawing so if you post this drawing use the hashtag bbcozycabin and that way i can see like all of them all together and it's just like makes my heart sing and then you guys can go see each other's stuff too which is really cool and speaking of like seeing each other's stuff we have a really good online community we have a facebook group called making art everyday bardo brush and that's where like so many people that follow my tutorials or pass or participate in the making art every day project which i'll get to in a second um they all share their work and they're super supportive of each other so having community is really really important especially as we don't get together in person right now um so it's really nice to have that online community all right all right you guys this is your last chance to enter the giveaway we're going to be giving away some master bundles which will contain like all those brushes that i use it's all the brushes that i have that i've made and then an ipad we're giving away an ipad so this is your last chance to enter the giveaway uh jeff will throw up a link one more time in the comments uh link is in the description link is in the description link is in the comments for instagram link is in the bio we have linkedin lots of stuff all the links all the links all right and then i mentioned um while you guys are finishing up before we close the giveaway um i just wanted to mention the making our everyday challenge is something that i've been running for two years now and what it is it's a series of daily drawing prompts tutorials and resources and motivational emails and that awesome community i talked about all with the goal of helping you establish a daily art making practice and we do a different theme every month and this month we did a whole series like i do these tutorial series sometimes and it was on scene school so we learned all about drawing scenes there's a lot of really good stuff that you can learn by participating but even just drawing every day is going to get you better at you know in improving your skills if you want to learn how to draw better do it more often and this really really helps with that so i hope you check it out it's totally free we're planning out for 2021 like what we're gonna do now and i'm gonna send out a survey like asking what you guys want to see going forward so i'm excited so join m a e is where you find out all about that okay you guys we're gonna close the giveaway now you ready to close it jeff close enough okay so we're gonna close the giveaway and while jeff is compiling stuff and like we'd use a randomizer to pick all the winners so he's going to work on that and then he's also going to multitask and shout out some questions for me to answer so we can go ahead and do a q a session so this is whatever you guys want to talk about i will talk about it with you let me see if i can find there was a good question i wanted to try and get to let me give me a second guys because you guys are asking questions and being in wonderfully lively good i love it when there's a lot of questions um deb where was your question can you ask it again um are we going to announce the winner on the stream yes devin we're going to announce the winner on the stream in just a second jeff's got to go and and pull the winners so we're just going to do some q a while he's doing that um and then we'll we'll say who they are if you um the ipad if we call your name for the ipad you must be here and you must say hi that's me and then we're going to have we're going to send you an email that you have to reply to so that you can claim it so we make sure that that person is here um okay do we so what questions asking about actually a couple people have asked what screen protector you use great question um i use um a matte glass screen protector and i've actually become quite partial to the brand that i use like i've tried other ones and this one's by clear look and it's not anything fancy it's not one of those paper-like ones that has the texture i actually tried that and i didn't really like it um i like this one because your pencil just like glides across the screen really smoothly and that's like i really love it for drawing like i didn't like the friction of the paper like but some people do a lot of people do actually but not me so but i do have a link to the one that i use on my faq page which you can find on my website how many layers was on your drawing oh good question let's find out actually if you want to know without having to go through and count if you want to know stuff about your drawing you can go to the actions menu canvas canvas information and so we're going to go to where it says layers and we used 15 layers in this it will also tell you how many layers available you have for your piece so this one i could have gone up to 32 layers and your layers are dependent on two things and one is the total resolution of your canvas so if you have a really high res canvas with lots of pixels you won't get as many layers and then the other thing is your hardware so if you have like a faster ipad with more ram you'll get more layers so those are the two things that affect how many layers you have but yeah there's a lot of cool information like you can see uh statistics so i spent an hour and 12 minutes of track time drawing that picture we just did today i made a total of 760 strokes it's kind of fun to see this stuff um so yeah all right um a couple people are asking just about layers in general and i mean we have a great video that kind of talks about layers i have a video on masks yeah um i will mention i know i talked a little bit about my tutorials but i have a lot of tutorials so if you go to tutorials i have a ton in here and you can right now you can filter them by what brush set i used in it and i'm working on getting more filters in here where you can filter it based on like what procreate technique was used and like that kind of stuff so but yeah we've got it we've got we've got a lot of tutorials in there i do have one on math that's really good and also subscribe to youtube because you'll get them on youtube before they get published on here um because that's where i publish them to first i've got a question uh will you create more procreate canvas textures like magic paper like parchment watercolor yeah actually i have um i have some ideas about doing more magic papers and different like like i have an idea to do like a print maker's magic paper where it's all like replicating like print surfaces for uh like letterpress and um screen printing and block printing and that kind of things and i have got ideas you guys this year has been crazy as you know um and so these ideas that i haven't had time to do because it's been so crazy have been compiling so 2021 guys could be my year i'm gonna make a lot of new stuff i can't wait um yeah someone's asking um how to make my stuff not look pixelated when i export my projects um that's really just gotta depend on the cam the size of the canvas that you use when you start like i use the one that i use today is one that i've been using um i usually don't go any smaller than that but um it shouldn't look pixelated unless it's smaller than like if you're posting to facebook or instagram like whatever their size that they use when they publish it 38 by 2048 yeah um don't go lower than that if you don't want it to look pixelated but yeah it shouldn't it shouldn't if we actually have a great guide you guys on doing printing um for resolution it's this one here i'll show it to you too but this is if you're worried if you're asking about print this one you can put in what size you want to print and it'll tell you like if i wanted to print something that's 8 by 10 inches sorry it's only in inches for everybody that's outside the u.s i'll try to get one in in metric later on but it'll tell you for best print quality you need it to be 300 ppi or dpi they're used interchangeably but they are different things i won't get into that now because i get passionate about it um so you need to have a canvas that's at least 2 400 pixels by 300 pixels to get a good print quality for an 8x10 and then there's also like if you have a pic if you have a canvas that's this many pixels by this many pixels how big can you print it and that's what the second part is so very handy um all right let's do let's jump over to giveaway and then we can come back to some q a okay sounds good giveaway time all right so we're gonna start by giving away how many six master bundles we're gonna pick six names and you guys are gonna win a master bundle which is all of the brush sets 14 sets 284 brushes um that includes that magic paper that we mentioned which if you don't know what it is it's really fun um so let's go ahead and pick some names and if we call your name we will also email you and letting you know that you won so let's do it all right so our first master bundle winner is cameron webb congratulations cameron webb you're a master bundle owner we will email you the details about that and next up we have danielle marie regine lex uh mana yeah i love your name i that was too much for me to repeat but it sounds very fancy danielle congratulations congratulations i said no you're our winner uh we have melissa flores melissa flores you've won a master bundle congratulations hannah zarate hannah zaraby and we're sorry if we butcher your names we're doing our best i'm really sorry hannah zaraby congratulations you're a winner uh and karen yadira landon cabrera oh another awesome name i love these names that have a lot of names good job karen you won as well all right you guys now we're going to announce our ipad winner this is exciting the most important thing for this winner is you will need to email us at info at so please get ready to be able to email us are we emailing them first or no no they have to oh sure i can email them okay so here's what's going to happen we're going to call the name um we're going to email that person and you have to find that email and like email us back and be like hey yeah that's me um and as long as you do that you can win and you have to be here and say that you're here right now so um yes let's go ahead and do that if they don't speak up then we'll pick another winner so all right pays to stick around guys is lally leon lally leon lolly lee holly sorry if we messed up your name go ahead and say something in the comments if you're here say hi that's me and jeff's gonna just gonna shoot an email to you in just a second once we verify that you're on lally we just need you to message us uh or in the in the chats here got to see that you're live and then it was the you want to say the name again jeff lally l-a-l-y lally l-a-l-y and the last name i mean there's probably not that many lollies uh that was leon lolly leon lolly leon lolly leon are you live with us lolly okay i've got a lolly awesome i see her in youtube all right all right shoot us back that email we're gonna we are sending that email right now so just go ahead and reply uh you can also email us at info i see you there lolly we got you congratulations i'm really excited for you winning you guys this is just awesome like we couldn't appreciate all of you guys more we do this because you guys are able to be here with us and support us and we are here for this amazing community that we are really thankful for yeah we really love doing giveaways like this we've um we've already given away another ipad this year and we've done um couple apple pencil giveaways yeah but gift cards lots of brushes and master bundles so we like to do giveaways we like to give back to our community um that's what this whole week has been about um we did like this whole week of giving thing where we did all these giveaways on instagram um culminating in this big ipad giveaway and it's all due to your guys's support whether it's through watching our tutorials or buying the brushes or sharing sharing our tutorials liking commenting all that stuff helps us so please continue to do that we super super appreciate it it keeps us doing this kind of stuff that we love to do and help support our little family too so we really really appreciate it we're so grateful for you guys thank you thank you we've got some fun stuff planned for the rest of the year and into next year too so for those of you guys you know we've basically had a video we're really trying to keep it so we can have a video coming out almost every week you guys because we know that everyone is just needing a little bit of something extra to learn yeah pick up some time and to keep their creative business this year's been it's been a rough year as i'm sure you guys all know and you know as soon as the pandemic shutdown started we started doing these live tutorials because we all are we're at home and you know we all needed something to take our minds off of what was going on so that's kind of where we're at and i think i think being doing creative things is really empowering especially when you're going through something difficult and it gives you a form of expression um and also just takes your mind off of things that might be difficult so i'm glad to be that for you guys did we get lolly's email oh good job lolly congratulations we're super excited for you i hope you enjoy your new ipad i just wanted to say again um i'm lisa bardeau i own barto brush i make awesome brushes for procreate and i also run the making art everyday project where you can learn learn how to draw by drawing a lot and we'll help you out with that so um do we have any more questions i think we can i mean yeah we can if you guys want we can definitely uh stay around for another minute or two yeah so we'll i'll answer a few more questions just a minute but for everybody else i just want to say thank you so much for joining us today and we'll see you next time and then just a heads up for all the master bundle winners so we announced all of you live we will email you guys later today your codes to be able to get your prices yeah give us a give us a minute for that it's our it's our day after thanksgiving i'm still in my pajamas by the way guys i hope you are too because it's one of those days like you should just hang out your pajamas all day especially if you're in the u.s because we have the day off work most of us do so obviously not us all right so if you guys have more questions i will stick around for a few more minutes you can ask me whatever you want um and jeff's gonna throw out the questions to me so thank you for being here yeah i mean people have asked uh and i've seen that pop up a couple times today how how did you start your art career hmm that's a big question um what where to begin um yeah i i've been doing creative things all my life i went to college for graphic design and photography i started a photography business um as i was finishing up my husband and i started a photography business just as i was finishing up with college that we did for 11 years um and then we kind of slowly transitioned over to what we do now uh kind of towards the tail end of that but um if you're wanting to know how i got into what i'm doing now it's it's really just like my own um personal journey to becoming like what i want to be as an artist and i just started like drawing like i started drawing every day one year one year 2016. i started drawing every day and that really kind of launched me into what i do now and that's why i started the making our everyday project um challenge because it was so helpful to me um to be drawing something every day as like a form of self-expression and also just giving that myself that time to be creative um yeah it's a it's a big question that i could go into um but yeah just my advice is like keep creating and keep sharing all of it the process the struggles especially the struggles and the process like i can't i can't like express that enough like yes people love to see your beautiful finished art but more so they want to connect with who you are as a human because they'll see themselves in you and they'll see that struggle and that's that connection is really what is needed um and that's what really kind of got me to excuse me got me to where i am um so i don't know i'm kind of blathering but uh that's my advice as far as that goes yeah i mean it's yeah it's keep going this all takes time you guys for everyone and i've seen a lot of people out there like oh this is hard how do you do this it's just practice yeah a lot of time yeah yeah lots lots of practice try and get try and do it every day even if it's for like 15 to 20 minutes a day like that you will see progress even for that little amount of time even just trying to get something small done that's not very good you'll probably get more out of that than if you spent a long time doing something trying to get it perfect like uh the the best stuff that i've like the most creative stuff i've done is stuff that like i just i was on a time crunch and i had to think of something and then i came up with something and like that kind of creativity is like what fuels me the most than just like spending forever planning something and then like finally getting around to it or over planning it and never doing it i do that as well um someone asked can you make the background look like a notebook paper lopez yeah sure you could draw the lines we have i showed you that quick line feature you could draw a bunch of blue lines in a pink line or you could scan a piece of binder paper and draw on top of it that would be kind of cool so maybe if you want me to elaborate on that let me know but uh yeah uh someone asked if we plan on doing more giveaways in the future we try and do a giveaway every time we're live yeah if it's uh at the very least we try to give away brushes and bundles and things like that every time we go live um and then every now and then we do like a big giveaway like this so uh be sure to sign up for our email list um i mean if you enter the contest then you're signed up and you'll start finding out about stuff like this but that's the best place to to find out about it um in fact we're pondering doing something big for like new year's so new year's day maybe like how many want to join us but yeah we're thinking yeah if you guys are all at home chilling maybe we can draw together and do some fun stuff because we'll be starting a new making art every day 2021 so it's gonna be good time lapse going over your house real quick yeah great idea so i was asking do you think the apple pencil 2 is better than the one while you're doing this oh great question um not necessarily the apple pencil 2 is only compatible with certain ipads and the apple pencil one is only compatible with certain ipads so the main thing is get the one that's compatible with your ipad otherwise do you like it more um i like i like that it charges by putting it here like it snaps onto the side and see it charges um because the other one you had to like stick it like plug it in the side it was like super awkward so that that feature alone is like so much better but it doesn't like work any better than you know it does it's not like doesn't maybe it is i don't know i can't tell if it's like more pressure sensitive or whatever um but the charging thing that's a big deal but make sure it's compatible with your ipad like yeah it's not worth it like getting a whole new ipad just to get the newer pencil but it might be worth it to get a new ipad to get a new ipad so you know uh we're gonna close up here you guys all right you guys i hope you have a wonderful weekend and i hope you get to relax a little bit um that's definitely what we're gonna do so um please enjoy the rest of your weekend and thanks for joining us we'll see you next time bye
Channel: Bardot Brush
Views: 72,259
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 97min 39sec (5859 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 27 2020
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