How to Make Stickers with a Cricut and Procreate - for Beginners and Beyond! / Sticker Series Part 2

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hi i'm lisa bardeau and today i'm teaching you about how to make stickers using a cricut cutting machine with artwork i drew in procreate this video is part two in a three video series where i show you different methods for making stickers using an ipad and procreate in the first video i walked you through how i set up a sticker sheet and made stickers by printing them on inkjet vinyl sticker paper and cut them out by hand with scissors and in the final video i'll talk to you about ordering professionally printed stickers but in this video i'm going to show you how i created these stickers using a cricut cutting machine in this video we're going to be going over getting started with a cricut how to make both die cut and kiss cut stickers how to add white outlines to your stickers in procreate how to make full bleed stickers cleaning up your cut lines a fast and easy way to combine many files onto a single sticker sheet troubleshooting problems and much more i'll also be sharing the pros and cons of making stickers using a cricut and a ton of helpful tips along the way and buckle up because this is a long video we're going to be covering a lot of different methods techniques and lots more cool qriket stuff if you're new to procreate check out my procreate for beginners tutorial to learn the basics and be sure to subscribe and hit the bell icon so you don't miss any future tutorials let's jump in so you should know that i am brand new to using a cricut i had a silhouette cutting machine maybe like 10 years ago that i only used occasionally so this video will be very relatable if you're using a cricut for the first time you'll get to see what mistakes a newbie might encounter and what you really need to do to start making stickers i did make a ton of mistakes i have some advice so please stick around for that while i am new to the world of cricut i am no stranger to making custom stickers and setting up dye lines i used to do it all the time in my previous life as a custom wedding invitation designer the machine that i purchased is the cricut maker there are also other types of qrikets this is the more high-end model that can handle different materials there is another popular cutting machine brand called silhouette and i compared the two and they do have pretty similar capabilities i decided to go with the cricut mainly because it seemed to be the more popular machine if it's popular i know there's going to be a lot more resources out there for me if i get into trouble and if it's popular that means the company is actively working to develop it and support it and have lots of accessories and all kinds of stuff for it so that's why i decided to go with the cricut if you're using a cricut for the first time there are a couple things that you'll need to do once you've taken it out of the package it instructs you to go to a website where you can download the software this software was for my mac and not for my ipad so what you'll actually need to do is go to the app store and look for cricut design space and download that once it's installed you'll also need to set up a free account to use the software before we get started i wanted to share some important qriket tips you'll understand the reasons behind all these tips as we go through the video and i'll explain them more here we go calibrate your machine condition your mat wider outlines on your sticker leave more room for error have an airprint compatible printer or you'll need a computer to print be sure to let your sticker paper dry fully before cutting decide if you want kiss cut or die cut and be sure to choose the appropriate settings check that you're using the correct mat for your material and finally peel the mat off the paper not the paper off the mat if all of that is really confusing i promise it won't by the end of the video the first type of sticker we'll make is a die cut sticker with a white outline now let's jump into procreate and get our artwork set up to become a sticker so here is the artwork that i want to create stickers out of i'm going to go ahead and open up the hotdog file the first thing you'll need to do to prepare your artwork is to turn off the background go up to the layers panel and turn off the background layer now here are all the layers that i used to create this artwork i need them onto a single layer there's a really easy way to do that with three fingers swipe down on your screen to pull up the copy paste menu you're going to select copy all then swipe down with three fingers again and tap paste and now we have all visible layers combined into one on a separate layer tap and hold the check box to isolate that layer that's going to turn off visibility for all the other layers so i'm going to show you a really easy way to get white borders around your artwork go ahead and duplicate this layer that we just pasted in then go to the adjustments menu gaussian blur and then choose layer now if you tap on the screen and drag to the right the blur will increase we're going to go to about 15 percent there's a blue bar at the top that shows you how blurry it's going to get but you don't need a lot now we're going to go to the selection tool and then down in the toolbar down here we're going to choose automatic and what automatic does is it selects similarly colored areas on your canvas so we're going to use that to select the area around this hot dog so if you tap anywhere you'll see that it's going to select almost all the background in blue and there is a little bit of a border around the artwork now if we want to adjust that let's go ahead and undo so tap with two fingers to undo and now tap hold and then slide your pencil across the screen to adjust the threshold the black space around the artwork indicates how much of an outline there will be i will say that this outline is a little thin i actually ended up having some problems with my cuts that i think could have partially been avoided how to use a larger outline when you're happy with your outline go to the toolbar and tap invert now the inside of the shape is selected and not the background go to the layers panel and we're going to create a new layer then we're going to select white from our color wheel go ahead and tap that new layer and then tap fill so that's going to fill the area with white now we just need to move that layer so that it's underneath the original artwork layer and we can turn off or delete that blurry layer we don't need that and there you go now you have artwork that has a white outline around it now we need to save this image go to the actions menu share and we're going to export this as a png the png file format supports a transparent background so that's why we're using that one and then go ahead and save the image and that should save right into your camera roll okay now we're going to use the cricut design space app so i'll go ahead and open that up and then i'm going to tap new project and to bring in my artwork i'm going to tap upload and then select from photo library i'll choose my hotdog and there's my artwork so the first thing that the software is going to allow you to do is adjust the image and erase any areas that you don't want you can tap this black shape over here for a closer look so for example i had a little stray mark i didn't see in procreate over here so i'm going to use the eraser tool and erase that and that looks much better if i had left that that actually would become a cut line on my final sticker so i didn't want that go ahead and tap next so this shows us the cut line the edge of the black shape is what's going to be cut out tap the artwork in this little thumbnail to see it as an outline if your cut lines look a little jagged or maybe too intricate you can also smooth them using the smooth feature a smoother cut line will cut faster intricate cuts will take much longer when you're ready tap next you're going to give this artwork file a name then tap print and cut the other option is if you're just going to cut tap save and here we have our hotdog saved and all set up as a sticker so now we're going to put it into a layout tap the artwork then tap insert and it will appear on the canvas tap the artwork to invoke a bounding box as you resize it there are dimensions that help you know how large this is going to print you can also type in specific dimensions by going down here to edit and then typing in the dimension so now i'm going to reposition this up into the top corner and i want to print multiple of the same design on one sheet to do that tap actions down at the bottom that's going to bring up a toolbar and then tap duplicate and then i can just move that over and they do snap into position which is helpful and then i can select both of those by just drawing over them and then i can duplicate those and then i'll do it a couple more times and then i want to check and make sure that it's all going to fit on one page so to do that tap make it and here i can see that they're a little bit too big they're actually going to overflow and do it on two pages so i'm going to resize them a little bit to go back tap canvas then i can select all of them and then shrink them down and now i'll tap make it again and now i can see that they're all fitting on one page and i actually have some extra space here so i think i'm going to duplicate two of them one more time so i'll just select the bottom two duplicate move them on down and then i'll tap make it and this is looking great i'm ready to print it out you'll notice that there's a black box all the way around this is what the cricut machine uses as registration marks to know where the cuts are going so it has a sensor that detects that box so it knows where to put all the different cuts the other thing you'll notice that there is some space along the top and the side that's because the maximum printing size is 6.75 by 9.25 inches to account for these registration marks so you end up wasting quite a bit of paper which is a pretty big downside for this method so the next thing to do is go to the little print button and this would work if you have an airprint enabled printer you just go to print and choose your printer and it should work unfortunately i do not have an airprint enabled printer i have an epson workforce 7820 and it doesn't have air print so i'm going to have to do something different unfortunately there's really not any other way to print this from my ipad so i have to use my computer so that's kind of a bummer if you don't have an air print enabled printer is you do have to use a computer to print fortunately it's pretty easy to transfer things back and forth because of the cricut software so let's do that i'm gonna go ahead and cancel out of this i'm gonna go back to the canvas so tap canvas in the upper right and then i'm going to tap this little disk icon and tap save so i'm just going to call it hotdog stickers and then it's very important you'll want to choose save it to the cloud and this will save your project file to the cricut software cloud and so now i can go over to my computer so on my computer i have downloaded qriket design space for mac so if i open that up boom there's my project so that's pretty easy and i don't have to like transfer anything over so i'll go ahead and select that project and then click make it okay and i see that same preview that i had on my ipad so i'll go ahead and click continue and then i'm going to choose send to printer it's going to bring up a print dialog box i want to make sure to uncheck add bleed i'll show you that in a little bit it's kind of a cool feature but we're not going to use it right now and then i do want to select use system dialog then i'll go ahead and hit print and you got to watch out because this will pop up behind the the window um so let me pull that to the front and this is where i can adjust like my paper settings and the print quality settings and everything like that so if you want to have control over those things be sure to have checked that use system dialog box and then i'll go ahead and send that to my printer and then i'm done with my computer i'm going to do the rest back on my ipad so i'm printing this out and this first time around i'm using the zakoto brand glossy sticker paper that i liked from my previous video where i did hand cut stickers this was my favorite paper for the quality of the print and then also durability okay so back in qriket design space i'm going to go ahead and tap make it and then i'm going to tap continue down at the bottom and then over here in the print options i'm going to choose i've already printed and then you're going to choose your material and the material determines how like deep the blade is going to cut how much pressure it's going to use that sort of thing so i want to create die cut stickers which means that the sticker is cut all the way through the paper meaning through the sticker material and the paper backing creating a stand-alone custom shaped sticker so let's set it up to do that we're going to go to all materials and if you want to do die cut stickers what you don't want to do is choose the sticker paper setting that's going to make a kiss cut sticker which i'll talk about in a little bit but it's not what i want here so i'm going to choose card stock and the option i've been using is card stock adhesive backed okay so that's how you set up your file and get ready to cut it and print it in theory it should work in practice i struggled with this a lot so let's get into that all right so i've got my machine over here and i've got the cricut light grip mat that came with the machine and one thing to know is that these mats they when they first come out of the box they are very very sticky and i actually struggled a lot with my papers not peeling off right everything getting super stuck so if you don't want that to happen you'll need to condition your mat so grab a clean t-shirt or i'm going to use this fabric and just kind of like press it down all over to put a little bit of lint on it make it a little less sticky and then align your printout with the edges of the grid again there's my printout with that black box and i'm going to load the mat there's two little slits on either side and then press the flashing arrow button that's going to load it in and then as soon as the little cricut logo button starts flashing press that and it will start doing its thing so i wouldn't say that the cutting took super long i mean as long as i would expect it to take i've obviously sped up the video here but it wasn't a horribly long time all right so it's all done i'm going to press the arrow button to unload the mat and i'm ready to peel off my stickers now your first instinct might be to peel the paper away from the mat but don't do that what you want to do is actually to peel the mat off the paper if you don't your paper will curl up it might rip it's a lot more difficult to do it that way trust me i tried it didn't turn out good so what you want to do is flip your mat over and bend the mat back while keeping the paper as straight as you can and it should come off pretty cleanly so now i've got the backing off to get the stickers off and do the same thing turn it over and just bend the mat back so they kind of like pop off and then you can pull them the rest of the way off so the cuts didn't come out super cleanly on all of these maybe i need to adjust the pressure of the blade and you can do that in the settings right before you go to cut it and the other thing i noticed about these is that they aren't all like uniformly cut some of the the cut is a little bit off so i tried a couple more times and had about the same results i also had some problems with the little rollers kind of tearing up my paper so that that was kind of disappointing i was having a hard time there's a lot of trial and error with this for sure so after everything was kind of not coming out very good the cuts weren't lining up very well i realized that there's a setting to calibrate the machine for print and cut so i went through and did that it took me like three or four different iterations of adjusting and reprinting and recutting and recalibrating it's kind of a pain in the butt um but eventually it started looking a little bit better so i decided to print another copy this time i'm using the ava glossy sticker paper i also really liked this paper from my last video again i'm setting my material to cardstock adhesive-backed all right so those are out i'm going to go ahead and peel those off again by peeling back the mat and not peeling back the paper that came off very cleanly but the cuts are still a little inconsistent like some of them are kind of perfect and then some not so much so it's hard for me to tell if it's something that i'm doing but i feel like it should be a little more intuitive than this i think it's just going to take a little bit more trial and error with the paper types calibration and cutting pressure but in any case i want to show you some other ways you can make stickers with the cricut including making full bleed stickers and setting up a kiss cut sticker sheet so let's do that next the next type of sticker we'll make is a full bleed die cut sticker so the cut line will be right along the edge of the artwork this is actually quite easy to set up i'll also be showing you a tip for cleaning up your cut lines here is a balloon dog i drew with my awesome alcohol markers i actually have a tutorial for drawing this balloon dog if you want to do it yourself the first thing we need to do is get rid of the background so i'll go to the layers panel i'll turn off this illustrated background layer and then i'll also turn off the white background layer too and that's literally all you have to do go to the actions menu choose share and then save it as a png to your camera roll next we're gonna go to the cricut design space app and start a new project tap upload choose image from library and we're going to import that balloon dog artwork so this initial preview looks a little funky um but i can already tell that the edges look a little rough so i'm going to go ahead and continue to the next screen and here i can really see that my cut lines are very jagged looking if i tap this thumbnail and i can see an outline and it's even more apparent that there's some problems here and we don't want a cut line that has all these jagged edges especially since we're going to be doing a full bleed design where the cut is right along the edge of the artwork so we're going to need to fix this up to do that we'll go back to procreate and just by zooming in on the artwork i can see that there are some areas where my brush you know kind of went over the edges it's kind of the reality of using this type of brush but we can fix that really easy no problem at all so first of all we want to put everything onto one layer so i'm going to swipe down with three fingers and choose copy all swipe down with three fingers again and choose paste now i have all of my artwork on a single layer i'm going to tap and hold the check box to isolate that layer and turn off all the other layers and then i'm going to duplicate the layer i'll go up to the adjustments menu and choose gaussian blur and then layer this is a very similar process to how we set up the white outlines now if i tap and slide to the right i'm going to increase the blur to about like five percent or so you don't really need a lot for this and then go to the selection tool again make sure that we have automatic selection enabled and then i'm going to tap and drag to the left or right to adjust the selection threshold what i'm looking for here is to get the selection really close to the edges there might even be a little bit of overlap which is where it's kind of that golden color that's kind of what we want here then i'll go to the layers panel and select the other layer not the blurry one just the artwork layer tap it and choose clear and that's going to clear out all that extra stuff that was around the edges be sure to delete the blurry layer and still make sure that all the other layers are turned off i don't know why when i delete a layer they come back on but make sure they're off so now i can zoom in and i can see that the edges look a lot cleaner i'll go ahead and export that again and go back to the cricut design space cancel out of this we'll import that new version of it and this looks way better that's exactly what we're going for so if you ever have really jagged looking cut lines the edges of your artwork look a little rough this is what you can do to fix that so now i'm going to go ahead and save that again i'm going to make sure to choose print and cut and then i can import that to my canvas and i think i'm going to make lots of little stickers these are just like a couple inches i think and i'll go ahead and duplicate that select the row and go down to the edit toolbar to make sure that this row is less than 6.75 inches remember that is the maximum printing width select the row duplicate that and do that a few more times until i have a whole sheet of tiny balloon dogs then i'll select all the copies and check down in the edit toolbar again to make sure that the height is less than 9.25 inches and it is so we should be good to go to print this all on one page i'm going to go ahead and tap make it and that's going to bring up a preview of what it's going to look like on a piece of paper that's looking good it's all fitting on one sheet of paper so now i can save this project so that i can print it on my computer so again i'm going to type in the name and then i'm going to save to the cloud that's going to make sure that when i open the software on my computer i can see this project so over on my computer i've got the cricut design space app open and i can open that balloon dog sticker file and i'll click make it then i'll click continue and then send to printer so this is where things are a little different than before over here under add bleed we're going to make sure that is turned on and what this does is it replicates kind of the color and textures of your artwork and extends that beyond where it already is this will make a lot more sense when i show you the print again i'm going to choose the use system dialog so i can adjust my own print settings and then i will send it to my printer all right so here is the print of these balloon dogs and if you look closely you will see that there is blue texture added to the outside of my original art that's called bleed and it was automatically generated by the qriket software when we turned on the bleed option the term bleed means to extend the image or artwork past the intended cut line to avoid having white borders the bleed is trimmed off leaving the final full bleed sticker with color going all the way to the edge when you cut it just in case the cuts don't line up exactly perfectly you won't have little white bits showing through you'll have little blue bits showing through so it makes it look a little bit more seamless so that's all done i'm going to of course flip my mat over peel the mat back that came off really cleanly these little balloon dogs are so cute take a long time to peel off individually but i think it's worth it they're pretty darn cute so here are all my little balloon dog stickers they make me really happy and as you can see our final sticker has no white borders it's just the artwork itself and it looks pretty great and unfortunately if you look up close on some of these i still had problems with the cut lines being a little bit off like some of them came out really perfect but then some of them did not and they look a little bit off so i might have to play around with that and uh see what i can do but overall i got a lot of really great stickers out of that run and the last thing i want to show you is how to create a kiss cut sticker sheet so if you're not familiar with the term kiss cut what it means is that the machine is only going to cut through the top layer of the sticker paper so through the sticker material only while leaving the backing paper intact so if you think of any sticker sheet that you might buy from the store that is a kiss cut you're peeling the sticker off while the backing paper remains here is the artwork that i'm going to use for my sticker sheet these are some doodles that i drew all on one procreate canvas since these are all on one canvas we're going to set up the dye line for all of these at once the first thing we'll need to do is to turn off the background layer then i'm going to swipe down with three fingers to choose copy all swipe down with three fingers again and choose paste and here you can see i have everything on one layer tap and hold the check box to isolate that layer and turn off all the other layers and then i will duplicate that layer go up to the adjustments menu gaussian blur and then layer and then we're going to set that to about 15 now i'll go over to the selection menu and again make sure to have the automatic option enabled now we're going to tap somewhere in the background area and slide across the screen to adjust the threshold and how big we want that outline to be and as i do that i can see that some of the objects are too close to each other and the outlines are blending together so that tells me that i need to go back and rearrange some of these so i'm just going to undo everything until i'm back to that original single layer then i'm going to use the transform tool to just move things around a bit and now if i repeat that process duplicate the layer blur it and use the automatic selection tool now my outlines are looking a lot better remember this is going to be the shape of the sticker so here on this pizza sticker i need to decide if i want the area between his hand and legs to be open or closed and i feel like the arm might like rip off on the sticker so i'm going to leave that closed so once that's looking good go down to the toolbar and tap invert then go to the layers menu and add a new layer be sure that the color is set to white tap the new layer and choose fill and then move the new layer to below the artwork layer delete the blurry layer again make sure that all the other layers are turned off and you're all done so we'll go to the actions menu share and save it as a png now we'll head over to qriket design space and we will upload this image and as we continue through i can see that my cut lines look great that's exactly how i wanted them to be so i'm going to go ahead and save that and put it onto my canvas now as i resize this i can see the width and height here and i want to put two sticker sheets on one piece of paper so i'm going to be duplicating this and i'm going to make sure that the width of this is less than 6.75 inches so i'll move it up to the top corner and then i will duplicate it and i'm making sure to leave a little bit of room in between the two copies so that i can cut the paper in half and have two sticker sheets i'll go down to the edit toolbar to make sure that this is less than 9.25 inches high which it's a little bit too big so i'm just going to resize it down perfect and then i'll tap make it and there it is all on one paper perfect and ready to go so i need to print this from my computer so i'm going to go back and save the project and then i will print it out for my computer open up that project make sure to turn off the bleed setting i'm not using that because i am using white borders don't use bleed if you're intending to have white borders and i'll print that out so for my kiss cut sticker sheet i decided to use the cricut brand printable sticker paper the benefit of using cricut branded materials is that you know the settings are going to be specifically formulated for that material and they should work perfectly so here is the print uh this paper is really thick i was surprised when i took it out of the package but it went through my printer just fine i didn't have any problems with that although i have heard that people do have problems with this paper sometimes so there you go so back in cricut design space i need to make sure that i set my material properly for this now if i go to all materials and search for sticker there it is printable sticker paper in white and the sticker paper is formulated to be a kiss cut sticker that's what's built into the settings so it's not going to cut all the way through that's why before we used cardstock and not sticker paper i'm going to go ahead and load that onto the matte so when i put it onto the sticker mat i noticed that it wasn't sticking very well and that actually ended up being a big problem it started sliding all over the place and i didn't notice it right away so i ran over and undid it and then i looked at the package to see what matt it suggested using didn't say so i looked it up on cricket's website and they suggest using the standard grip mat which luckily i had purchased i think because this paper's so thick it needs a stickier mat so that's kind of a bummer i wish the packaging said exactly what matt you needed but i'm glad i had it i made sure to prime it with my cloth so i reprinted it and the paper stuck on a lot better and i had no problem cutting it out one thing to know about this paper is it's just paper it's not waterproof it's just like regular paper so keep that in mind when you use this material when it was done i took it over to my paper trimmer and trimmed out the edges to make two sticker sheets so here are my sticker sheets when i tried to peel one of the stickers off it kind of ripped a little bit so that was disappointing i've been having a hard time and the other thing is that the cutting wasn't consistent between the two sticker sheets like one was a little bit more off than the other one some of the artwork got cut off in the cut if any of my viewers are more experienced with the cricut than me maybe you can let me know what i'm doing wrong here sound off in the comments folks so you might be wondering what if i have a lot of different artwork that i want to combine onto one sticker sheet now you could go through and export each file from procreate as a png import it into cricut set up the dye line put it onto your canvas do that with all of your pieces rearrange them and make a layout but i think that is not the most efficient way to do it and we can do a lot faster if we set it all up in procreate first so if you watch my last video i showed you how to get a lot of artwork onto one procreate canvas at once so that's what we're gonna do but i'm gonna kind of go through it quickly so here all my pieces i'm going to go through each of them and turn off the background layer then i'm going to select all of them and share them as pngs and save them to my camera roll now i'm going to create a new canvas template i'll set the unit to inches instead of pixels and i'll set the width to 6.75 and the height to 9.25 again that is the maximum printing size for cricut so here i've got my canvas i'm going to use split screen view to open up the photos app i'm going to select all four of those images and drag them onto my canvas and now i have everything on one canvas all that's left to do is to resize them rearrange them and duplicate them to fill the area again be sure you're leaving enough space between each object so that there is room for white borders and again you don't have to do white borders if you plan on using the full bleed option but i'm going to do white borders for these so here it is all arranged i'll turn off the background layer i'm going to swipe down with three fingers copy all and then paste tap and hold the checkbox to isolate the layer duplicate it and we're going to follow the same process to add some white outlines so we're going to blur it with gaussian blur go to the selection tool make sure we're using automatic selection and set the threshold until we have the amount of border that we want and then tap invert create a new layer fill it with white move the layer down and delete the blurry layer and there we have our sticker sheet all set up so we'll export that as a png and save it open up a new project in qriket design space import that picture and there's our cut lines they look great so we'll save that and we will import it to the canvas now when i do that you might notice something we haven't seen before which is down here on this little layers option there is a warning triangle and if we tap the triangle it says that basically this is too big to print which is not a big deal we can resize it a little bit so you'll notice if i make it smaller and let go eventually that triangle will disappear and now there's no warning triangle so we should be good to go so that's another way you can check to make sure that what you're putting in is going to fit on a page and it fits perfectly awesome so again i'm going to save the project to the cloud so that i can print it from my computer and for these stickers i'm using the cricut printable vinyl it's a vinyl material unfortunately i read on the package that says it's not washable so that is kind of a bummer but i'm going to go ahead and try it out it's a lot thinner than the printable sticker paper so in cricut design space under materials i'm going to make sure to choose the printable vinyl option this material setting will do a kiss cut which is what i wanted to do with these so that's great now i will get out my cricut i'm going to go back to my light grip mat because this paper is a lot thinner i'll load it up and i will get to cutting that one didn't have any problems it cut really well actually [Music] and here is one of the stickers another cool thing that you can do with a kiss cut sticker sheet is peel off the extra sticker material you know the ones that are not stickers and that'll make it really easy to peel your stickers off later so how do these cricut made stickers compared to my hand cut stickers that i already made um you know they're not terribly different obviously the cricut is going to have a much more consistent border it's not hand cut so it's going to look a little more quote unquote perfect but after going through all of this testing one thing i realize is that this is a great way to make a lot of stickers in not a lot of time and you can be really experimental and try different materials and different sizes and things like that so if you decide you need 100 tiny balloon dog stickers on a tuesday night you can do that with a cricut so let's talk about the pros and cons of making stickers with a cricut pros you're going to get professional looking machine perfect cuts the cricut can handle intricate cuts so if you want to do stickers with more intricate cut than you could do by hand this is a great option the software is pretty easy to use it's pretty straightforward i didn't really have any problems with that you can make any size sticker up to 6.75 by 9.25 you can make a lot of stickers fairly quickly i made a ton of stickers in just a matter of few days as i was kind of learning all this if you want to print and cut a ton of tiny stickers that's going to be way easier than if you tried to do it by hand and you can make stickers whenever you want so if you decide on a whim you want to make some stickers you have your equipment you can do that and also it's actually really great for being experimental so if you wanted to experiment with different sizes or different artwork things like that it's really easy to do that with a cricut now let's talk about the cons first of all it's expensive these machines are not cheap this one ran me about 300 and some odd dollars there are less expensive versions but it is relatively expensive to get started with this this is a big one there's going to be lots of trial and error i ran into a lot of problems when i was trying to figure this all out bad cuts you know cuts that didn't go all the way through paper getting stuck trying to figure out the right setting for the material type using the right mat it seems like it takes a lot to figure out exactly what you want to do and the best way to do it so there's a lot of trial and error now imagine once you get it all dialed in then you're good to go and you know exactly what to do but there's a lot to get there of course there's the extra step of setting up your outlines you'll have to do that before you can send it over to the cricut design space and then of course it takes a long time to set up and cut it's not an instant process there's a lot of steps from setting up your files to printing to actually going through the cutting process so it takes a while now i know this was on the pros but the print size is only 9.25 by 6.75 inches so that's a lot of wasted paper or sticker material that you're not using that you just have to throw away your printer must have air print or you're going to need a computer to print it out if you want to have a sticker making workflow that is exclusive to your ipad and not need a computer your printer must have air print or you have to use a computer to print things out and finally this really isn't ideal for very high volume yes you can make a lot of stickers but if you're going for like hundreds and hundreds of stickers this probably is not the best option for that so wrapping up i did experience a lot of frustration with the cricket i expected to open the box and just be able to make some stickers but that was not my experience it was not really very intuitive and i had to do a lot of research to figure everything out but i did also have a lot of fun too when the stickers came out well it was really exciting and felt a little magical when all is said and done i made a bunch of stickers that i'm really proud of and i'm excited to experiment more with this so is it worth it to get a cricut it depends on what you're going to use it for if you only plan on doing a bit of casual sticker making this might not be the best method if you're wanting to make stickers for a business to sell it might also be a better idea to invest that 300 some odd dollars in outsourcing your sticker printing and getting professionally printed stickers so that you can get back to making art but if you plan on doing a bunch of other crafty things with the cricut like i plan on doing then it might not be a bad idea you'll have to decide for yourself on that one i hope this video helped you learn how to create lots of different kinds of stickers using a cricut and decide if this is the best method for you in my next video i'm going to be showing you how to order professionally printed stickers and don't forget to check out my last video where i showed you how to print stickers and cut them out by hand be sure to subscribe and hit the bell icon so you don't miss any future tutorials thank you so much for watching again i'm lisa bardo and i teach people how to find their creativity through drawing on the ipad i'm the owner of bardo brush one of the leading brush creators for procreate if you'd like to support me i hope you'll take a look at my premium brush sets that inspire creativity at i also run the making art everyday challenge this tutorial is actually a part of our make stuff may a whole month dedicated to making things with your art learn more at joinm a e thanks and happy art making if you like this video please subscribe for more awesome tutorials and check out one of my other videos have a great day you
Channel: Bardot Brush
Views: 19,830
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Length: 42min 2sec (2522 seconds)
Published: Sat May 22 2021
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