How To Draw Obi-Wan Kenobi

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hair fred sharon ninja obi-wan yeah obi-wan kenobi you need your drawing supplies we're going to use our lightsabers well markers you also need some paper and some of the coats all right you're ready to start yes let's first draw obi-wan's nose we're going to draw it right here in the middle of our paper and we're going to draw a little u-shape right here kind of looks like a smile now we're going to draw his eyes we're going to draw one circle on the left and the same size circle on the right and it's okay if they're a little different there you go then we're going to draw a smaller circle in the top left of each eye and color in the big circle but what are we going to do with the little circle uh leave it white yes leave it white that part we sped up so what can our friends do if they need more time pause the video yeah all right let's keep going all right now let's draw a big u-shape and we're going to draw it really big because we're also going to draw his beard down here so let's first draw right here we're going to draw coming down like this and we're going to come down and then we're going to come back up and it's really big he looks like he has a big giant chin and this is his little smile there you go and then back up yeah that's my favorite okay let's keep going we're gonna draw his mustache next and his beard we're going to draw a curve that comes down on the left and also down on the right that looks kind of looks like he's fronting facing oh yeah it does yeah big frowny face underneath his nose okay now we're going to draw his beard we're going to come over here and then curve up to that point and then we're going to do the same thing on the side to match now we're going to draw his mustache and we're actually going to connect it down here so let's do the same thing over here and draw a curve it comes down and connects nice i love your mustache i especially love how thick it looks and it's okay that our two drawings don't look exactly the same they're both turning out awesome and that's because the most important thing is have fun and two practice practice and it's okay if your drawings are looking different too because i'm sure they're turning out really cool yeah all right you ready to keep going yes now let's draw his mouth right here underneath his mustache now let's draw his hair we're going to start right above his right eye we're going to come straight up and let's just add a little guide point so right here right above his eye we can start maybe right about there yeah okay now let's draw the right side of his hair first we're gonna start by drawing a curve that comes out like this and we're going to curve down and connect to the beard now let's draw his ear we're going to draw a backwards c shape right here and then let's draw the rest of his hair on this side we're going to draw a curve that comes up like this we're going to curve down and then connect to the ear now let's draw the left side of his hair we're going to start from that same guide point right here and we're going to draw a diagonal line that kind of comes down to the left and we're going to draw a little curve we're going to start here we can curve up like this we're going to connect to that line and then come down and connect to the beard yes and then let's draw that same ear shape over here on the side we're going to draw letter c that's the same size as your other ear nice then we're going to draw the rest of his hair we'll start right here and we'll draw a curve that comes up over down and then connect to his ear let's draw another curve we're going to start right here and we're going to curve up like this almost touch the top of this hair back down and connect here now let's give him eyebrows i'm going to draw a curve that comes over the left eye and also the same curve over the red eye you could draw him also angry maybe if he's using the force his eyebrows are tipped in the middle yeah okay but let's draw more like this he's talking to leia right now so he he's not angry we're going to draw this line connecting back down and we could do the same thing over here curving up and then back down yeah if you wanted to draw him battling darth vader you could draw him more angry and his lightsaber getting ready to attack okay let's keep going we're ready to draw his body next let's draw two lines straight down from his beard one on the left side and one on the right side then we'll connect with two lines across for his belt let's actually make his belt a little thicker i'm going to draw one more line right here kind of close to the top line and then let's add another line above the two top ones this is now the middle of the belt and we could also draw a couple more lines i'm going to draw two lines right here on the right side and then let's draw a little pouch on the left and also over here on the right good then up here let's draw his robes we're going to draw it crossing over his chest we're going to draw one line here then we can draw another diagonal line that's a little further over then we're going to draw another diagonal line going the other way right here and then another one further now let's draw the robes coming out from underneath his belt we're going to draw two lines that kind of look like an upside down v and then we're going to draw another one out here that kind of matches and also out here that matches and then let's connect those two on the left and the two on the right oh this side on mine's a little shorter i didn't put it right in the center that's okay let's just draw the rest of the rope coming down here and then connecting in and we'll do that same thing over here and connecting it see how this is a little thicker on this side now we're ready to draw his legs and his boots we're going to draw a little u-shape right here underneath the robe and another u-shape that matches on the right side so there's the start of his pants now let's draw his boots and we're going to draw them coming out from the pants so we're going to draw two lines on the left side and look the one on the inside is a little bit longer yes i love how tall your obi wan is getting we're gonna do the same thing on the right side so draw that line that yeah that comes down matches there you go now let's draw the rest of his boots we're going to draw a curve coming out here and then connect into the long line and the same thing on the right side curve out for the toes and then back in cool we're almost done what is he missing though his arms yeah his arms he needs arms we're going to draw his cloak his long sleeve cloak coming out a little further on this side we're going to draw coming out then we're going to draw a kind of a wide line or a longer line coming in like this for the bottom of the sleeve and then this one is going to come up and connect to his armpit yeah then let's draw his hand just a letter u and then a smaller u inside for his thumb look at this really small then we're gonna draw his lightsaber let's draw the top of the handle first we're gonna draw two short lines coming out of his fist and then connect them at the top then we're gonna draw two more longer lines coming out from the handle right next to each other there you go you could even draw a little longer too yes there you go and then at the very top let's connect them with a little curve we could even draw the bottom of the handle for his lightsaber down here let's draw his other arm we're going to draw it close to his waist so we're going to draw like this and then connecting into his belt and then we can draw his hand coming out of his sleeve right here and we could just leave it like that or we could even add a little line just for maybe a finger or thumb we did awesome we finished drawing obi-wan he looks really cool except we're not completely done we still need a code yes my favorite part we are going to fast forward so remember to pause the video and take time to color your drawings you ready to fast forward yeah austin give me five we did it we finished drawing and coloring obi-wan kenobi he looks so much better colored yeah i think so too you can pause the video right now to match your same coloring you can also add a background oh that would be really cool especially if you drew the grand inquisitor coming after him maybe on this side and then darth vader on the other side yeah you can also add little princess leia right there oh that would make your drawing perfect yes we hope you have a lot of fun joining everyone kenobi and we hope you have fun coloring your drawings and adding a background and we'll see you later our friends goodbye [Music]
Channel: Art for Kids Hub
Views: 132,581
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Art For Kids Hub, Art For Kids, How To Draw, Easy, Simple, Cartooning, 4 kids, art lesson, drawing, 2022, Disney+, Obi-Wan Kenobi, star wars
Id: nyyBl1wLe8g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 5sec (605 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 24 2022
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