How To Draw The Mandalorian

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hey Eric friends today we're going to draw another character from Star Wars who are we gonna draw this Mandalorian yeah this is gonna be awesome we hope you're gonna follow along with us you need something to draw with we're gonna use markers you all sniper some paper something to color with yeah all right let's get started yes we're first gonna draw his helmet we're gonna draw an upside down u-shape in the middle of our paper but we want to also make sure that we leave maybe more towards the top so that we have room towards the bottom for his body eyes now on each side I'm going to draw a little longer this is for his helmet maybe even a little bit longer there we go then down at the bottom we're going to connect these two lines for the bottom of his helmet now we're going to draw another line that matches the bottom across kind of the top of his helmet then we're going to draw two lines down the middle that connect to that curve now we're also going to draw another we're going to draw this visor or the part that I looked through so we're going to draw another curve right under that first one we drew and it we're going to leave space on both sides then we're going to draw a short line down on each side now over here on the right we can draw a diagonal line that comes in towards the middle and then we're going to draw a diagonal line that connects down to the bottom oh yeah you can do the same thing on the other side too you're just going to match the same line come towards the middle and then connect to the bottom now on each cheek we're going to draw that same line but we're going to connect to the side of the helmet and then down to the bottom and we'll do the same thing over here on the right side come in and then connect down now on the left side let's draw an upside down U shape and we'll do that same shape over here on the right side then over here on the left let's draw a short line out down and then connect back in and the same thing over here on the right Short Line down and then connect back in we did it we drew his helmet now if we ever went too fast or if you need more time remember you can always pause the video and take extra time now we're gonna draw his body but let's also draw his cape so we're going to draw the part that wraps around his neck so we'll draw two short lines that come out on each side of his chin then we'll connect the bottom with a little curve that comes down and then back up I'm going to draw little wrinkles too and let's draw or little folds in the fabric we'll draw a curve that doesn't connect all the way to the side but draw it maybe two on this side top one can be shorter than the bottom one now we're going to draw his body let's draw two short lines that come down for each side of his body then we can connect those two lines at the bottom let's draw another line above it for his belt then let's draw his legs we're going to draw two lines coming down further and and these can come out a little ways there you go now let's draw the inside of his legs we're going to draw a line that comes up curve at the top and then back down and then right here let's draw a line for the top of his boots and the same thing on the other side now let's draw his boots we're going to draw a long line for his heel on inside of each leg and then a short line on the outside then let's draw the toes on his boot we'll draw a diagonal line coming out and then right at the end curve first toes same thing over here diagonal line and then curve now we can connect his toes to his heel and same thing over here on the right side let's draw one more line above that bottom line for a little detail on his boots that's the sole of his boot he looks really cool but let's add even more details let's start up here on his chest and we're going to draw this strap that comes across this held all of the ammo for his uh this integrator yes disintegrating gun yeah so I'm going to draw another line for the other side of his strap and then let's draw short lines going this way for each of those little disintegrator bullets that was the coolest gun ever and then let's also draw short lines on his belt over here for a couple more of them then we can also draw let's draw two short lines for his belt buckle now let's draw his chest plate or armor let's draw a diagonal line it comes down connects to his the strap on his chest and then we can also draw a another diagonal line that's smaller it comes in closer to the center and then we can draw a line over and then back up let's also draw a short line right in the middle of that now we're drawing in with his old armor but you could you could change it and draw it with his shiny armor now right here I'm going to draw a short line on the other side of his strap and then the diagonal line coming out that's the rest of his chest armor on the other side of the strap now on each side of his chest armor let's draw another line Short Line that connects to the outside of his body okay let's come down here and draw the rest of his armor on his legs we'll draw a short line on each side of his leg and then let's connect those short lines together let's also draw the armor that was over here on his leg we'll draw it line in down and then connect back out do the same thing on his right leg down and then back out let's draw his arms but first we're going to draw his arm his shoulder pad armor so we'll draw a short line and then Short Line out and then a curve to connect the top let's do the same thing over here looks like the letter L and then a curve to connect the top all right now let's draw the arms we're going to draw a long line that comes down then let's draw a shorter line that comes down next to it and then right here we're going to draw a curve that comes around and then connects back to the outside of his arm I Like It cartoon that's okay so you could draw this a little bit longer if you want the inside line yeah are we doing with skinny arms even though he's got tougher arms in the in the show let's try let's draw a long line over here coming out of his shoulder and then we'll draw the Short Line and then we'll draw that curve coming around for his fist I like his arms yeah okay now let's draw the armor on his arm so we're gonna draw a line Short Line and also a short line on his wrist then you have these cool plates on his fist so I'm going to draw a line down and connect to the outside and let's repeat those same lines over here two lines short lines across his arm long line down and then out now we need to draw his cape let's start over here and we're going to draw a wavy line coming out to the side and then we'll draw a short curve coming down then let's draw another wavy line coming back up to his shoulder next we could draw another wavy line is going to come up down and then connect to his leg now I'm going to imagine it underneath or in between his legs will come through like that and then connect to his other leg and right here I'm going to imagine it going behind his leg and then connect up to his hand all right let's draw the disintegrator gun on his back so we're gonna draw two lines coming out from his shoulder and then we're going to draw a big curve that comes up high next to his ear and then on this side we're going to draw a shorter one all right now we're going to connect these two lines together we're going to curve down back out and then connect that's the part that rests against his shoulder so yeah it's kind of like a sniper gun yeah we did it we finished drawing our Mandalorian your drawing looks super cool except it's going to look even better once we do what color them yeah we need to color them this part we're going to fast forward but at the end you guys can pause the video to match the same color and you ready to fast forward yeah you did such a great job on coloring the Mandalorian did you have fun yeah I hope our friends are gonna take time to color their drawings also now you can pause it right now to match the same coloring what do we use to color our drawings markers yeah but you could use whatever you have at home or in your classroom and we used a lot of colors we use great two different Grays well a light gray medium gray and also a dark kind of brown color then we also use red for his old armor but you could use gray a light gray for the shiny armor yeah we hope it had a lot of fun drawing the mandal Oregon yeah we do we hope you had a lot of fun and also be sure to check out baby Yoda that is our favorite show I can't wait for the second season same we'll see you later our friends goodbye
Channel: Art for Kids Hub
Views: 2,243,784
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Art For Kids Hub, Art For Kids, How To Draw, Easy, Simple, Cartooning, 4 kids, the Mandalorian, Baby yoda, Star Wars
Id: knaCsapOEGY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 10sec (610 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 30 2020
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