How To Draw Zian From LEGO DREAMZzz Series

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hey Art friends today we have a super exciting lesson sponsored by the LEGO Group for the Lego dream series on YouTube the Lego dream series is an awesome show where imagination comes to life and season 2 is launching on May 17th and we can't wait to watch it it's going to be awesome yeah will be really awesome in this video we're going to show you how to draw Zion he's a giant cat mixed with an owl and he becomes friends with the Zoey and the dream world he's also super loyal and protective always ready to swoop in and save dreamers in trouble and he looks really cool yeah he looks awesome so be sure to watch the new episodes of the Lego dreams series night of the never witch on the Lego YouTube channel starting May 17th and stay tuned for the second half of the season coming in September all right are you ready to draw Zion yes I hope you're going to follow along let's get started let's first start by drawing Zion's beak we're going to draw it right in the middle of our paper um about here and maybe slightly to the left so that we have room for his body we're going to draw the letter v that's for the bottom of his beak and then we're going to draw the top of his beak with an upside down V and then we can also color that diamond shape in okay now let's draw his eyes we're going to start really close to the beak and we're going to draw a curve that comes up and down and then we're going to do the same thing over here got two upside down U shapes and then we're going to draw the bottom and turn them into two Leaf shapes kind of look like leaves and then let's draw this pupil we're going to draw a circle and color it in but we also want to touch the top of the eye and we're going to color the iris part around the eye later with pink but let's leave it just like that and now let's draw has this shape this really cool shape above his beak so we could add a little guide point right here it's really close to the beak and then we're going to draw the letter v we're going to curve up to the left and also up to the right and the edge of this V should be past the eyes on each side then we're going to draw a line that goes straight across and connects the top yeah and then we're going to draw it looks like there's a really cool gem right here on his forehead so we're going to draw a letter V and then we're going to draw an upside down letter V on top and then we're going to draw another curve that comes out here to the left and also up here to the right nice now let's draw his head and his chin we're going to start right here on this triangle shape and we're going to draw a big U shape we're going to come down and back up so we'll start here we're going to come down and we're going to come around and then we're going to come back up and connect on the other side yes and now he's got an owl face so let's give him his big owl ears we're going to draw an upside down really tall and skinny upside down V and we'll do the same thing on the right side the same height now let's start his body we're going to come right here and draw the chest we're going to draw curving down and then under now over here on this side we're going to draw a diagonal line coming down this is where his wing comes into his body now we're ready to draw my favorite part his big cool awesome Wings we're going to start here and we're going to draw a curve that comes out of his shoulder and then we're going to keep going and turn the other way so we got this big S curve yeah and then we're going to do that same thing over here and we want them to match so we're going to try to look at the other side and match now let's draw the other side of the wing we're going to draw a big curve that comes down and then we're going to connect into his chest and then let's do the same thing on the other side to match we're going to come down curve and end in that diagonal line yeah okay now this is just the start of his wings now we need to draw the really cool feathers we're going to draw a diagonal L coming out let's match over here too so let's just repeat all the same steps on both sides then we're going to turn this into a feather so we're going to come in like this and then connect so a little diagonal line and then connect in and then let's do the same thing over here diagonal and then straight in then we're going to leave some space and we're going to repeat that same step so we'll draw diagonal L leave space diagonal L then we're GNA draw that another diagonal line coming in yeah you know what we're doing yes that's awesome and then we'll repeat the same thing over here now let's add another one we're going to leave a little space and we'll draw that diagonal line out and then back in and then we'll do the same thing over here now this next one we want to tip a little bit more down so we're going to draw coming down a little more and back in and we'll do the same over here the next feather we're going to point down again but we also want to draw it shorter so see how I drew it shorter than the one before it and then I'm going to do the same thing over here shorter and then back in yeah and then the same thing over here you're doing awesome Austin and it's okay that our two drawings don't look exactly the same they're both turning out awesome the most important thing is to have fun yeah and to practice practice to have fun and practice all right let's keep going now this next part with the feathers we're going to connect them so this one's pointed down a little more but it's also shorter and then watch this one I'm we're going to do the rest of them all the way into the body then this one's touching but I'm also going to make them smaller I'll keep going so that you can see what it's going to look like when we're all done see how it got smaller and smaller yeah until we connected into the body and they touch just like that good job now let's do the same thing over here so we're going to draw the diagonal line aiming down and then back in and then we're going to to make sure that the feathers touch and one more I love drawing Wings when they're all spread out like this it's so cool it's one of my favorite things concentrating yeah keep going you're doing awesome you did it that looks really cool okay now let's finish his body and also his legs we're going to start with this leg and we're going to bend it so let's draw a looks like a sideways U shape or a c then we're going to draw a backward C going the other way we're going to start here in the middle of the other one and curve this way then we're going to do it one more time going under and then we're going to connect into the lake so he's got it all bent like this it looks like he's going to take a step or take off and start flying now let's draw his claw right at the end and we can also draw a little toe line right here too and then he has these really cool bracelets I'm going to draw a line across his wrist or ankle and then we're going to draw another line right here or curve yeah you did it okay now let's draw his legs standing right behind this one so we'll draw it coming straight down we're going to draw a straight line coming down and then we're going to draw his foot coming forward or his toes and then we're going to curve under for the bottom of his foot and then we're going to connect up to his other leg yeah oh and you can keep going because your legs are little bit further apart yeah that's awesome okay now let's draw that same bracelet that he has on this leg and then let's also draw two toe lines and we're going to draw his razor sharp claws on each toe I'm going to draw a little Point coming down so you can see it all right we did it there's his two front legs now let's draw his belly we're going to imagine his chest line going behind his front leg and then we're going to come up almost like we're going to touch the feathers yes and then we're going to bend down like this with a curve for his back leg and then a straight line down and we want to stop in the same place as this leg over here and then we're going to draw we're going to draw curving forward for the toes now let's come back up here and we'll draw the back of his leg so we'll draw this part curving down and we'll stop there then we're going to draw bumping out and then straight down and then we're going to draw the bottom of his foot and connect to his toes and then let's do the same thing we did for his front foot draw two toe lines and let's draw those really sharp claws on each toe all right now we're ready to draw his last leg we're going to draw it right next to this one and we're going to draw that same curve that we drew right here and then we're going to draw a straight line down and then we'll draw the toes coming forward Ward and then we'll connect into his other foot okay now right here I have a little extra space so I'm going to draw the back of his leg coming up and you could draw it maybe just barely right there yeah and then we could draw the two toe lines and the claws he's looking so awesome yeah he is let's finish him by drawing the tail we're going to draw big curve coming around like this and back then we're going to come back up and draw the other side of his tail but watch I'm going to get really far away from the end so they get really far apart here and then we're going to curve around and connect it in so it's still gets really thick yeah and then he has two kind of looks like he has bracelets on the end of his tail two two of them so we're going to draw two lines that curve and then we're going to draw two more a little higher and we did it we finished drawing Zion he looks really cool except we still need to color it yes this part will speed up but at the end you can pause the video to match your same coloring you ready to fast forward yeah let's talk a little bit about what we're coloring while we're doing it but we'll still do some fast forwarding so we're coloring first with a light green all of these feathers on the outside but we're also leaving a white stripe right down the middle of the feather and we're going to do this for every feather going down now let's use the same green and add a stripe on the legs so I'm leaving a little white stripe above the bracelet but then adding kind of a thick Green Stripe Right There and then we'll also do the same thing on this leg I'm going to draw curved almost like a pie shape or a triangle shape and then we're going to add two green stripes back here too one for each of the back legs about this high so not not too close to the foot a little bit above the toes yeah and then on the wings he has this really cool pattern let's first draw we're going to draw right here in the corner we're going to draw a moon or a crescent shape and then we're going to draw a crescent shape on this side really close to the here you can also color it in but we're coloring it we're drawing it the other direction yes and then you can yeah color it in now right here halfway down the wing we're going to draw a green line that comes in we'll do the same thing over here and then we're going to draw it looks like upside down mountain mountains we're going to draw three or four triangles or zigzags so we'll draw I'm going to draw a couple on this side so we got zigzag like that and we don't want to go too far to the other side because we're going to have a blue stripe coming down and then I'm going to draw zigzags on this side too and then color those shapes in Also let's also add a star right below the Crescent shape or the moon on both sides oh let's add two stars one's a little bit bigger and the other one's small then we're going to color in the face so let's draw a curve right here right above the eyes on each side and then a zigzag line right here on the chest connecting into the leg now let's color in the face solid and also the chest but we want to leave these little Corners up here white now we're switching to our light blue and we're going to color this cool almost looks like a lightning bolt coming down so we'll draw a diagonal line here and then we're going to draw a curve that comes down and then we're going to add one zigzag and then we're going to curve into the body then we're going to start on the other side and we're going to draw a curve coming down and add two zigzags and then curve into the body looks like a lightning bolt okay now let's do the same thing over here we'll have the diagonal line first then we'll draw a curve a zigzag and then into the body and then we're going to draw the other side coming down We'll add a zigzag and another zigzag and then into the body now we're ready to color those two shapes in now let's color in the toes I'm going to draw a curve here and then we'll color in the front of the toes let's do the same thing on each foot I'm also going to draw color in these toes that are curled and then the back toes also next let's color in the end of the tail and also little triangles inside of the ears now we're switching to our dark blue we'll color in the top of the foot then we'll add a stripe right below the green stripe and a stripe above it then we're going to do that on each of the legs so we'll color above the foot and then a stripe below and on top of the green stripe and then repeat that for the back feet also then for the rest of the body let's add a line that goes right here and connects to the top of the leg and then we're going to draw two lines one on each of the back legs and then we're going to color everything on the body above those lines let's also color the tail but we want to leave those two bracelets white next let's color the top of his ears and the top of his head when we're coloring the top of his head we want to leave the vshape white but we'll color the inside part then let's f finish the Wings by coloring in with the dark blue all of the white around the lightning bolt the moon and also these triangle shapes oh I almost forgot we need to add three triangles under each eye so we'll add one here upside down triangles then I'm going to add another one right next to it and then a smaller one over here on the cheek and we'll do the same thing on this eye then right here on the chest We'll add a little U shape then we're going to draw a curve that comes down to a point here and then we'll draw another curve on the other side coming down to a point then let's color in this shape then we'll use this blue green color to fill in this cool detail on his forehead oh and also we could add a little triangle shape or diamond shape inside if you can fit it that's that's okay you could leave it off then let's switch to our red and we're going to add some Jewels right here we're going to add two on this bracelet and two on this one now let's switch to our yellow and we can color in the diamond shape on his forehead and then also the bracelets on his wrist or his front legs and also on his tail the very last thing we're going to finish his eyes with our pink we're going to color in the iris that goes around the pupil and we're going to I'm going to make it pretty big on each eye and we did it we finished drawing and coloring Zion he turned out super cool I especially love yours thank you I think Zoe would be super proud of us I think she would too you can pause the video right now to match our same coloring but but you can also use different materials too we used markers but you could use colored pencils crayons or even oil pastels yeah you could also add a background to finish your drawing that would be really cool we hope you have a lot of fun drawings dying with us we do we hope you had a lot of fun and don't forget to check out the Lego dream series and join the adventures with Zoe and Zion we also want to give a big thank you to the LEGO Group for sponsoring this art lesson and we'll see you later our friends goodbye
Channel: Art for Kids Hub
Views: 451,137
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Art For Kids Hub, Art For Kids, How To Draw, Easy, Simple, Cartooning, 4 kids, art lesson, drawing, Art Hub, step by step, drawing lessons for kids, art tutorials, kids art projects, art education, family-friendly, homeschool art lessons, 2024
Id: GWCB2jcwX-U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 28sec (1168 seconds)
Published: Fri May 17 2024
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