How To Draw Charmeleon Pokémon - Advanced

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favorite friends today we're really excited because we're gonna draw another pokemon who are we drawing charmeleon yeah charmeleon and we've already drawn charizard and charmander charmander yeah so be sure to check those out too you need your art supplies we're gonna use a pencil and a marker you also need some paper and something to color with yeah you're ready to start yes we're going to use our pencil first this is so we can draw the guide shapes and also guidelines to get the general shape of charmeleon now let's first draw a circle for his head i'm going to jar up here towards the top of our paper and a little bit to the left on the left side i'm going to draw it about this size oh maybe a little bit bigger that's the great part about using a pencil first you can get it just right before you move on to the next step i pressed really hard so that it would show up on the camera but you can press lighter at home so that it's easier to erase the guidelines when we're all done you can also go back over it if you want to make it bigger or smaller you can also move it look at this i'm going to make it a little bit bigger go back over it and then if you make any changes you can use your eraser and erase the other guidelines that you're not going to use anymore so i made this a little bigger so i'm erasing the smaller circle now let's draw the guidelines for the body for charmeleon we're going to start here we're going to draw his neck the start or the front of his neck we're going to draw it right in the center of the circle so we can also even put a little guide point right here in the middle at the bottom of our circle and we're going to draw a curve this this is for his belly we're going to curve down like this and we're going to curve around and we're going to come past his head and then curve up for the for the tail so look at this right here if you draw a line straight down from the circle i think i went out too far so if i draw a line straight down from the circle i'm going to draw his belly not sticking out as far so i'm going to draw another guideline right over the first one i did and bring it in so it doesn't stick out past the his head yeah he doesn't have that big of a belly so now i'm going to erase the other guideline because i don't want it i don't want to use that one anymore i'm going to use the smaller one kind of looks like a balloon with a wiggly string i don't know what i was saying the balloon's like flying away yeah and the strings like yeah next we're going to draw the guideline for the back of charmeleon so we'll start here so i'm going to leave a little space and we're going to draw a line i'm going to draw kind of an s line i'm going to curve in like this and then we're going to curve out just a little bit and we're going to go past the tail line so i'm going to come down about that far past the tail so it comes in a little bit and then it comes out he has a really strong body and the general shape of his body looks a little bit like a pear yeah bigger at the bottom and then smaller at the top i like that you made it come out a little further yeah i just wanted to make it a little wider yeah that's perfect that's the great part about the pencil yes okay now we've got just three more guidelines that we're going to use so up here at the top i'm going to turn my paper sideways sometimes that helps we're going to split our top the head circle up here we're going to split it in half so i'm going to draw a line just use your eyes to measure and split that circle right in half then we're going to also draw a guideline for the top of his shoulders so i'm going to leave a little space so that he has room for his neck and then this is this will be the top of his shoulders and we go through the whole body and then we're also going to draw about half we're going to measure this shape and right about in half that's where his legs are going to start i might go a little lower so i'm going to draw another line that goes straight across like that go over it a couple times to make it darker for our friends one thing i notice on this line on your drawing it's tipped just a little bit like this and you could tip it the other way that way his legs are the same height yeah there you go we're done with our pencil let's put that off to the side and we're going to switch to our markers we're going to use this on top of all of the pencil guidelines let's first start on his head and we're going to start with the eyes specifically so right here we're going to come in see this line and that splits our circle we're going to come in just a little bit and add a little point okay now we're going to draw a diagonal line that comes up and touches the circle and then we're going to draw a diagonal line coming down and it's going to go past the end of the circle and come outside of the circle this is for his nose and then right here inside of this v-shape we're going to draw his eye we're just going to draw a little curve like that now let's draw his other eye we're going to leave a little space right here for his nose and we're going to draw a point right about there on that line then we're going to draw a diagonal line going up and we're going to go all the way up see look at this we could draw an imaginary line we're going to draw another diagonal line that comes up and it matches the height of this line then we're going to draw a straight line that comes across the guideline like this i'm going to even draw this just a little bit higher on the top there we go yeah now we can draw the outside of charmander's nope charmeleons we're going to draw the end of chameleons i like that curve coming down and connecting okay now let's draw the inside of his eye we're going to draw another curve coming down and then inside let's draw a little u shape like that and we can also color that u shape in that's his pupil let's come over here and we'll just color this whole thing in because you can only see part of it so that's his pupil there we go now let's draw the top of his head or his forehead we're going to draw a little bump for the eyebrow shape and then we're going to come in and then touch the circle again so it comes in and then come back out touch the circle then we're going to draw the top of his head we're going to come in just a little and then we're going to go way outside of the circle for the end of he's got this really cool horn on the top of his head then we're going to curve around for the top of that horn and then we're going to come back and touch the circle and then stop isn't that cool yeah i love how this circle is helping us make the shape then we're going to start at the horn and we're going to draw a diagonal line that comes down and then come back out and touch right where the half the line that divides the circle in half yeah then let's come back in and we're going to stop where the neck is yes good job keep going you did it now we're going to draw the front of his nose we're going to draw a curve that comes down like this and we're going to stay outside of the circle then we're going to come back in with a short diagonal line for the top of his mouth and then we're going to draw a line that's straight across look at that it matches the bottom of his eye and i'm going to stop just under his eye see how if you drew a line straight underneath his eye that's where we're going to draw a little curl that comes up for the last part of his mouth yeah now we're going to draw the bottom of his jaw we're going to draw right on the guideline the circle we're going to come down and trace the circle and then we're going to draw his jaw we're going to draw a diagonal line coming up nice we did it we drew his head oh let's add a couple more lines just right here he has a little muscle for his eyebrow we'll draw a curve there and we're going to draw a curve the same curve on the other side now we did it let's draw his body next we're going to start here and we're going to draw his neck so we'll start it on his chin and we're going to come down right to the shoulder line that's this line come the guideline that's coming across then we're going to do the same thing on the other side we'll draw a curve and stop at the shoulder line nice job now let's draw his arms we're going to start by drawing a little bump that comes out for his shoulder on the left and we're going to draw that same little bump come out and then down for the right shoulder yeah now let's draw the left arm first so we're going to come out like this to his elbow we're just going to come really actually i probably came too far but that's okay and then we're gonna that's okay we're gonna curve down draw another diagonal line coming down further now we're gonna come back up to his armpit we're gonna draw a little point we'll leave a little space right here and then a point that's on the guideline his belly line now we're going to draw the diagonal line coming out for the other side of his arm and then watch this line this line is going to be a little trickier we're gonna draw another diagonal line but towards the bottom it gets further away yeah now right here at the end let's draw a little curve coming in and we're gonna draw the letter v for his first claw on his thumb and at the top of the v let's draw a curve to end the the talon or his claw okay now let's draw a short little line behind or next to the claw and we're going to draw another v but this one's a little different we're going to draw a line that comes down like this straight down and it comes past the thumb and we're going to curve back up nice job and then we'll draw that curve to complete the claw at the top now we're going to do one more letter v right here at the end we're going to touch on the claw draw a letter v it comes up and then we can connect it back in to the other side of the arm and then let's draw another curve to complete the claw we did it now let's jump over here and we're going to draw his other arm we're just going to repeat all of the same steps we might change it a little bit since his arm is on this side so we'll draw the top of the arm we're going to come out and then bend down so these lines should look close to about the same height on our drawing so now let's draw the other side of his arm just like we did over here so we're going to start where his armpit would be this time i'm going to draw inside of his inside of the body we're going to draw the inside arm we'll stop there and then we're going to do the same thing this line is going to come down but it's further away down here than it is up here yeah all right let's repeat those same steps first we're going to draw a little curve coming in we're going to draw the thumb claw so i'm going to draw the letter v and then we'll draw a curve at the top of the letter v to complete the talon then we'll draw a short line in we'll draw a letter b this time i'm going to draw a straight line or a curve kind of going this way and then we'll curve back and then we can draw the top of the cloth and then let's do one more talon draw another letter v and connect it to the outside of the arm and then draw the top of the talon and we did it good job that looks awesome yeah both of our drawings are turning out really cool and i love that they're not exactly the same and it's okay if their drawings are a little different too because the most important thing is to have fun yeah and two practice practice remember to practice all right let's keep going okay now we're ready to draw his belly but we're gonna add a guide point down here at the bottom so this is the side of one of his legs we're gonna come in and add a guide point maybe right about there so it's kind of thick he has really strong legs now we're going to draw his belly we're going to start above the arm line on the guideline and we're going to just trace on top of that pencil line and then stop down here at that point yeah good job now we're going to draw his back we're going to start underneath on his armpit right here and we're going to trace over the pencil line but this time we're going to stop at this line the guideline right here and then we're going to come out for a strong leg we're going to come out and then right where the tail crosses over we're going to come back in good and then we're gonna draw the rest of the line coming down and matching the guideline yeah now let's draw his foot and the rest of his leg so down here at the bottom it's kind of like what we did on his on his thumb or on his hand we're going to draw a short line coming in and we're going to draw the letter v for his first talon we're going to come down and back up and this time instead of a curve like we did up here let's draw a smaller upside down v for the top of his talon or claw then let's draw a little bit of skin in between his talons and then we'll draw another letter v for his other claw then we can draw another upside down v for the top of his claw and then we're going to draw a little more of his foot this time when we draw the letter v let's come out to the side and then we'll curve back up yeah and then we can draw a line i mean down to connect the end of the talon now we're ready to draw the rest of his leg right here on the top of the town we'll draw a little curve coming in for the top of his foot then we're going to curve back out and we're going to touch that point on the belly line and then we're gonna curve back up like this towards the top of his leg and we're gonna stop right about there he's got that really strong leg next we're ready to draw his other leg now it's pointed the other direction so we're not going to use the same steps they'll be slightly different but we're going to start in the same spot so see this pencil line comes across that's where we're going to start his leg and we're going to come down like this and then we're going to curve back in we want to make sure that this line is about the same length of where his foot is over here now let's draw the claws on this foot we're going to draw a sideways v coming out and then back in let's draw another one right next to it i'm going to draw another sideways v like that almost looks like a sideways w and we can connect the top or the end of those talons oh let's draw one more talon just so that we have three on this side we have three on this side let's draw it behind the first one now we're going to draw the other side of his leg let's leave a little space on his belly and we're going to draw a curve coming towards his knee or a diagonal line towards his knee and then we're going to curve down and this is going to be higher than his talons this is where his heel is and then we're going to curve back into the bottom of the talon we did it jack we finished his body his legs and also his arms what do we need to still draw his tail yeah we do but let's switch back to our pencil this is the cool part two we can change his tail see how close it is to his arm i thought it would be cooler if we moved it away from his arm so i'm going to start here on his belly i'm going to draw a new line that comes out further like that i'll draw it a little bit darker so that our friends at home can see yeah then let's erase the first line we drew now let's draw the other side of his tail with our pencil so we can use it as a guideline we're going to leave we're going to draw a curve like this but right here at the end we're going to leave just a little gap the end of his tail is on fire yeah it's my favorite part so we've got that tail shape in there it comes off of his leg curves up just like the bottom part and we leave that little space here now let's draw we're going to draw the letter u at the end of his tail we're going to draw guidelines for the fire now let's turn this u-shape into kind of looks like a raindrop so i'm going to curve the right side go back over it to make it a little darker and then we're going to draw the other side of the fire coming down this side is more of an s curve see how it curves one way and then back the other way yeah that looks really cool now if you wanted to you could make the base of the raindrop a little bit wider okay i'm gonna do that too i'm gonna erase this extra guideline on this side and make this a little wider i'm gonna come out further and then curve back in switch back to our marker we have our guidelines all finished we'll let's first draw over the pencil line for the tail so i'm going to draw the top part first we'll just trace over the guideline then do the same thing for the bottom of the tail or the other side now the fire is going to be really cool let's start at the top i'm going to draw a line coming down on the left side then let's draw some fire coming out of the raindrop shape so i drew a w then i'm going to curve back into the fire like this curve down and connect to the tail now on the right side let's add more flames we're going to draw a line that comes down on top of the guideline then we'll add a little zigzag come down further i'm going to add another zigzag come down even further and then one more zigzag coming out and then connect down to the bottom jack we did it we finished drawing charmeleon he looks really cool we're done with our markers but before we color it let's use our eraser and go back over our drawing and erase all of the extra guidelines that you can still see we're not completely done yeah he's still we still have a major part of our drawing left we got to draw his belly so let's start here we're going to draw a big upside down u we're going to start on his armpit we're going to draw an upside down ute comes up like this and then we're gonna curve down and stop right next to his leg the top of his leg that's kind of an important detail we almost left off you got it good job jack you did it okay now we're gonna imagine that line going underneath his leg and we're gonna come out over here and watch this we're gonna start far away from the bottom of his tail but as we curve up to the end of his tail we're going to connect to the outside then what's the last thing we're missing his nostril yeah we can't forget that we're going to put it right about there now we're done drawing charmeleon we still need to color it now this part we're going to fast forward again but at the end remember you can pause the video to match our same coloring you ready to fast forward yes [Music] give me five we did it we finished coloring and drawing charmeleon he looks so much better at colored in yeah he does yeah i hope you guys at home will pause the video and use our drawings as inspiration to color your drawings now you could just color them all red but we colored and added shading to make them look more 3d we also used our what are these markers called biannual markers yeah but you could use whatever you have at home if you have the same set the colors that we use are r105 that's the main color for our charmeleon and then our 107 we use for shading but we also use our brown color y529 to make the shadows look a little darker for the belly we use y900 that's the light tan color and then for the eyes we use blue and also a light blue for shading on the talons we hope you had a lot of fun drawing charmeleon we do we hope you had a lot of fun and we'll see you later our friends goodbye
Channel: Art for Kids Hub
Views: 352,395
Rating: 4.6416383 out of 5
Keywords: Art For Kids Hub, Art For Kids, How To Draw, Easy, Simple, Cartooning, 4 kids, art lesson, 2021, pokémon, charmeleon, charizard, charmander, pokemon
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 2sec (1322 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 10 2021
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