How To Draw Mew From Pokémon

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hey our friends today we're drawing another pokemon mew yeah me mew not mewtwo yeah this is baby the baby one yeah i hope you're gonna follow along with us you need your drawing supplies some paper and something to color with all right let's start let's first draw mu's eyes we're going to draw two upside down u shapes and we're going to draw them in the middle of our paper i'm going to start here and we're going to draw an upside down u like this and then we're going to draw another we'll leave a little space and then we're going to draw another upside down u next to it that matches on the inside of each of these used we can draw extend it down just a little further and then let's connect the bottom of each shape kind of look like gumdrops now then we're going to draw muse pupil we're going to draw a little curve on the inside and we're going to draw another curve on the inside of this eye now let's draw an oval shape at the top of the pupil on both eyes and then down at the bottom let's draw an upside down u also now we're going to color in the inside shape of each eye so we want to leave that oval shape white and also the upside down gumdrop shape at the bottom now let's draw the shape of mu's head we're going to draw the nose first so we're going to draw it looks like a smiley face we're going to start here underneath this eye and come over to the other eye and then let's draw the cheeks we're going to start here on the nose and we're going to come underneath the eye and we're going to come out past the eye and then we're going to match the outside and curve up and then stop just right above the eye and then let's create that same curve on the other side we're going to come out just past the eye curve up above the eye now we're going to draw the top of mu's head we're going to leave a little space between each of these lines so maybe we could even draw a guide point there and a guide point over here and then we're going to draw a curve in between that connects those two guide points together so then we're going to draw the ears we're going to start at the top of the head draw a diagonal line up and then curve down and then we'll do the same thing on the right side we'll curve out and then back down that looks like mu oh wait not quite we need eyebrows now it looks like mute now we're ready to draw mu's body we're going to start underneath the nose and we're going to draw a curve that comes down curves out for the belly and then curves back this way oh i might have made him a little too tall that's okay we're just practicing right yes yeah now we'll come back up and let's draw the arms and we'll complete the body later we're going to draw a curve coming out on the left and then we can draw that same curve coming out on the right side too for the arms now let's leave a little space we're going to come down the body right where the armpit would be and then we're going to draw another curve and look it tapers towards mu's wrist and then we can we're going to do the same thing we're going to come down leave a little space and then we're going to come out and taper close to the wrist now let's draw the fingers and mu has three fingers so we're going to draw a sideways v another one and then one more for the last finger kinda looks like a w with an extra zigzag let's do the same thing over here for the right side we'll draw a w and then an extra zigzag those are sharp fingers now let's draw mu's legs we're going to start right underneath the arm and we're going to draw a curve that comes out around and back in now we're going to draw the other leg we'll start here underneath this arm on the right side and we're going to draw a short line that comes down and then we're going to curve out to match this curve on this side so we're going to curve out for the other leg and we'll curve back in and look down here at the bottom we're going to curve back around and keep going we're going to curve up and stop yeah now let's draw mu's feet which are really long feet we're going to start here on the left side we're going to curve out around for the foot and then curve back up it's a really tall u then we could draw two curves for the toes right at the end of mu's foot all right now this foot on the right side is going to be a lot longer we're going to draw the heel first diagonal line then we're going to draw a really tall u-shape coming down further we're gonna curve down at the bottom for the toes and then back up and then connect into the leg we want it to look the same like the same width on both sides what's our foot missing toes yeah let's draw those two curves for the toes all right we're missing one important thing it's tail yeah mu's tail let's start on the right side right here on the hip and we're gonna curve out past the hand and then we're gonna connect right into the cheek let's draw the other side of the tail now we're going to start here and we're going to oh i'm going to start up here it might be a little easier to trace around and match the same curve so we're going to curve match and then connect into the body yeah then let's imagine it going behind mew's head we're going to start here next to the ear and we're going to we're going to draw a really big curve coming around to the other side and we want to leave some space here for the end of the tail there you go now let's draw the outside of mu's tail we're going to match that same curve just trace around and watch this at the very end i'm going to do something different we're going to go way past where we ended here that's a fun line huh yeah i could tell you're concentrating now we're gonna draw the end of the tail and it's a lot thicker so we can start here and we're gonna curve out and then right here at the end we're gonna come back in and then it doesn't have a sharp point at the end but a little curve we did it we finished drawing mu it looks really cool except we still need a color yeah my favorite part we are going to fast forward so remember you can pause the video and match our same coloring at the very end you ready to fast forward yeah we did it we finished coloring new it looks awesome yeah it does you could pause the video right now to match the same color yeah we used our biannual markers to color mew but you could use whatever you have at home like crayons or even oil pastels the colors that we used if you have the same set is r502 that's the light pink color that we use for most of mew and then the shading we use is a purple color r703 and then for mu's eyes we use b203 we also use a blue colored pencil and white colored pencil to add brighter highlights we hope you had a lot of fun drawing you and we'll see you later our friends goodbye [Music]
Channel: Art for Kids Hub
Views: 2,651,566
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Art For Kids Hub, Art For Kids, How To Draw, Easy, Simple, Cartooning, 4 kids, art lesson, 2021, Mew, pokemon, pokémon
Id: S8DfLCsWxc0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 7sec (547 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 03 2021
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