How To Draw A Shark With Shapes (young artists)

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often tell our friends what we're gonna draw today dude yes yes yeah really cool sharp with a big mouth he's gonna eat you all right little man you got your marker yeah all right you ready to draw jerk yeah I hope you guys are ready to you got something to draw with and a piece of paper in front of you and we're gonna keep this nice and simple cuz how old are you yes Austin's three years old so this is gonna be a good activity for three-year-olds we're gonna work on shapes we're gonna make our shark out of shapes sounds cool yeah squares and triangles yeah all right should we do it yeah you ready sir all right so we're going to start with a square and that's going to be the first shape of our shark and this is going to be the body of our shark and we're going to start right in the middle of our paper okay so can we draw can you draw a straight line that goes across now you should turn it this way so it's a little easier to draw but we'll turn it like that and I'll put two dots for you that you can connect K so put it up there and a dot there you want to connect those mm-hmm good you did that perfect bow on the little step pump okay now we're going to do two lines down one on this side okay and then one on so I'm going to come down a little further and then one on this side all the way down so we'll go all the way down to a point down here from there so draw and then on this side we'll do a point all the way down to there we're going to make a square good all the way down you did it congratulations and the second one perfect give me five look Venus okay the next step we're going to connect this point to that point can you do that and I'll do my I'll draw mine too what shape is that dangle no what is that you know what shape that is it's for kick it's kind of like a cube yes it's a square yes you knew that didn't you you forgot that's okay all right case should we keep going yeah okay now let's draw his mouth next okay so we're going to draw a V on this side so I'm going to turn it like this but we're going to draw the mouth and we're going to draw it open on this side so here we go we're going to draw a V I'm going to come down and then back up like that so you can turn your paper and then it can be a little easier to draw the V with draw a point there top point there a point there can you connect those down and then up and do a V the letter V start up here or yeah you can do it that way too and then come back perfect you did it okay now let's turn it back this way turn yes there you go okay now we're going to connect the top so we're going to do the top of his mouth top of his head so draw a point from there to there good job you did it and a little bump that's okay and then we're going to connect the bomb connect the bottom good job okay what's her shirt missing in his mouth hey T yes really sharp teeth huh so we're gonna do up we're gonna do lots of zigzags one two and we'll just do a bunch inside his mouth can you put a bunch of teeth in his mouth yeah good let me see you yes a bunch yeah hot and then do some on the bottom too really sharp those look awesome he looks like he could really eat something yeah okay now let's put his eye in there we'll do a little circle right here in that triangle did you see that there's two triangles right there that's what a triangle looks like one two that's pretty cool huh okay then let's fill in his eye okay so we can color in his eye yes good job Kate now let's draw his tail you ready to draw the part back here we're going to draw another triangle so we'll put a point out here and then we're going to connect and make a triangle I'll give you a point to you see that triangle shape put a point right here we're going to draw a line there to there and then there okay good and then back you did it that's his tail okay now let's do the part that end of his tail okay so we'll draw a little line we're going to draw some more triangles draw a little line it comes out from there good job okay now we're going to go up and then down to there so go up to this point and then back down to there perfect and then we're going to do another triangle down here this one could be a little small it'll come down and then back up there's his tail so we'll come down to that point and then back up to there yep start from there good job and then back up you did it yeah that's perfect are you having fun good all right let's keep going it sharks have a big thin on their back don't they so we'll draw a line that comes up draw a line up good and then we're going to draw a curved line that goes that connects to it perfect you did it okay now let's draw a fin down here on the side and we can draw it we could draw a little smaller just like that little line that comes down good and then we'll draw another curved line that connects it like that you did it awesome alright ok now they have gills on the side of their body there's three gills so we're gonna do three lines game counting with me how many is that one two carrying three lines can you do three lines on yours you did it okay now we're going to do two more if we're going to do it another little fin on the side right here so do a little line right here on the triangle right down here I they're good and then we're going to connect it so it's another triangle job and then we'll do another one right here another line you can do it over here right there yes and then connect it so it looks like a triangle Austin you did such a good job on your shirt and did you have fun doing all those shapes yeah but we need a color I'm still right what color are shirts great gray yes sharks can be great should we call them gray all right let's pick out our colors and then we'll do it all right Austin we got our gray we're just gonna use a light gray or get color the whole thing will fast for it okay all right let's do it right awesome good job buddy Sharkey did awesome game 5 that was so cool did you have a lot of fun yeah you promise yeah yeah what shapes do we use what was the first shape we use Jenga no though these are triangles what is the first yes a square you remember getting another 5 then did you think you could draw a shark whoa how old are you you're 3 and you did such an awesome job on your shirt yeah we hope you guys had a lot of fun drawing your sharks with us remember this is a good activity for young artists it's short and simple right yeah and you're three years old yeah you work on shapes and you put them together and make something bigger what did we make yeah yes we made an awesome shark was he late our friends goodbye I need to eat you know I'm stronger
Channel: Art for Kids Hub
Views: 420,540
Rating: 4.5254235 out of 5
Keywords: art for kids, Art projects, Art Ideas, Art Tips, how to draw, shark, shapes
Id: G6hV-xRV6xg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 12sec (552 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 22 2015
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