How To Draw A Candy Corn Monster Folding Surprise

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hey our friends today you're gonna be trying a candy corn yeah candy corn monster we hope you're gonna follow along with us you need something to draw with you always need something to draw with we we use markers you can use whatever you have at home you also need some paper and something to color with yeah now first we're going to fold you ready to start we're first going to take the top edge and we're going to fold it down line it up with the bottom edge and then crease it down the middle and out to the corners down the middle and out to the corners yeah then we're going to take the top flap and fold it back up to the top we're also using marker paper that's because we're drawing with markers we're also coloring with markers yeah now we're going to take our paper and flip it over and do the same thing fold the top flap up to the top edge crease it down the middle and out to the corners now this is just a guide fold so we're going to take that last flap and unfold it and flatten it out and then flip it back over now we're going to put this scratch piece of paper underneath our drawing paper just to protect our table you don't have to use red you could use whatever scratch paper you have at home now we're ready to draw we're going to use our markers we're going to draw half of the candy corn above the fold or on the top part and we're also going to draw the bottom of the candy corn below this fold so first let's draw the letter v and we're going to draw a curve down at the bottom so it's not a sharp letter v does that make sense a sharp point down at the bottom of the v so half of the v is above the fold and half of it is below the fold now we're going to draw the top of our candy corn we'll connect the left side over to the right there's the shape of our candy corn now we're ready to draw our face we're going to draw a circle over here on the left for one eye and we're going to draw that same size circle over here for the right eye and we can draw a smaller circle in the top left of each eye this is for the highlight to make our eyes look shiny then let's color in the big circle but leave the little circle white now anytime that we fast forward the video or if we go too fast remember you can always pause it yeah you can pause the video you can also pause the video if you want to take time to draw extra details all right now let's draw the mouth i'm going to start right here on the left and i'm going to draw a line that goes across over to the right and look at this i have part of the line down here at the bottom and part of it up here at the top yeah now let's draw little cheek lines i'm going to draw a short line on the left and also on the right i like your candy corn thank you both of our drawings look a little different and that's okay they're they're both turning out awesome remind our art friends what's the most important thing to have fun yeah and to practice practice remember to practice it's okay if your drawings look different than ours too because i'm sure they're turning out awesome yeah all right let's keep going now we're ready to open up our paper or folding surprise part of our candy corn up here at the top and part of it down here at the bottom and we need to connect these two now when we're drawing the folding surprise we want to make sure that we draw everything above this bottom fold and below the top fold that way when you fold it back up it's all hidden first we're going to start down here at the bottom and we're going to draw a little teeth well candy corn teeth we're going to draw the letter v in the middle of the mouth i like how small your mouth is down at the bottom it's awesome now we're going to curve around and come back down it almost looks like we're turning this into well it does look like the letter m then we're going to do the same thing we're going to add another candy corn on each side so over here on the left and also on the right okay now we can connect the bottom of each candy corn with a little curve now we're ready to draw the tongue and we're going to draw it coming out kind of like our cupcake monster we'll start over here on top of the right tooth and we're going to curve up to the middle watch how crazy this tongue is going to get we're going to curve around like this then we're going to curve back down whoa yeah it's going to be a scary candy corn and then right here at the end we can keep going and then curve back up now we're going to start here at the end we're going to follow around with that same curve but watch i'm getting further away and i'm going to keep going all the way over and then stop right here oh i like that you went off the paper that's cool okay and then we can draw the other side of our tongue we're kind of making it look 3d i'm going to draw a curve comes up like this and then it's going to curve back around that's a scary tongue yeah it is now we can come up here to the top of our candy corn and we're going to draw more teeth but we're going to flip them so they're upside down we'll draw an upside down v right in the middle of our mouth and we're going to repeat all of those same steps we'll draw another curve on each side and that turns it into the letter w then we'll add one more tooth on each side so another kind of curved v cool now let's connect the top of each candy corn with a curve all the way across we did it now we're ready to draw the rest of our candy corn and connect it down to the bottom let's start here on the outside we're going to draw a curve that comes like this in and then we're going to start curving out and we're going to stop here at the tongue yeah you can keep going imagine that line no that's good that's what i'm gonna do we can imagine that line going behind the tongue and then connecting down here at the bottom you you know what we're gonna do now we're gonna do the same thing over here on the right i'm gonna come in and then curve around and then connect down at the bottom that is a scary candy corn now we're going to draw the inside line of our mouth so we can start up here and connect to the tooth and then we're going to follow that first line that we drew we'll go right next to it imagine it going behind the tongue and then connecting down here all the way to the bottom of the mouth and let's do the same thing over here we'll connect to the tooth and then follow the outside line and connect down to the bottom good job jack now let's draw the back of the mouth or the throat we're gonna draw a u-shape right here then on the left side we'll curve around and connect down to the tongue then on the right side we'll do the same thing come around and connect down to the tongue what else should we add to our candy corn bat wings yeah let's do that bat wings let's start here on the left and we're going to draw a line that comes up and we want to make sure that we don't go past this fold we want to stay below the fold then we're going to curve back down all right now let's draw we'll start here on the n and we're going to draw a curve that comes up just like we did on the outside but it gets a little further away towards the top okay let's add two more of those spikes i'm gonna curve down then back up and then down again and back up next we can connect this line into our candy corn all right let's add the wings in between each of these little finger things the spikes and draw an upside down u or curve and then we'll connect all the way up here to the end of the wing let's also add a candy corn shape a small little candy corn shape right here it kind of looks like the hook yeah on the batwing let's repeat those same steps over here on the right side but we're going to flip it so we'll start in the same spot we'll draw a line that comes up and then curves down then we're going to draw those spikes we'll start at the end and we'll curve back up and get further away towards the top and then we'll add two more of those spikes curve back down and back up one more and then we'll connect the wing into the candy corn and then don't forget the little corn spike right here at the end and make sure that you're still below that fold oh no no oh did you go over it went over it that's okay but see when you fold it up you'll be able to see just a little bit and that's okay don't don't worry about that oh yeah we need to add the wings in between each of these spikes we'll draw a little curves and then we'll curve up jack we did it we finished drawing our candy corn monster it looks really cool except we still need to color it yeah this part we're going to fast forward but at the end you can pause the video if you want to match our same coloring you ready to fast forward yes jack we did it we finished drawing and coloring our candy corn monster ready to show our friends yes three two one i love how yours turned out i especially love that it's a lot skinnier than mine yeah i think that looks really cool now we added shading and also highlights but you can leave that off to keep the lesson a little easier you guys could even add more things to your folding surprise i think it would be really cool if you had baby candy corns oh yeah flying in the background we hope you had a lot of fun drawing your candy corn monster yeah we do we hope you had a lot of fun and we'll see you later our friends ha ha ha goodbye [Music]
Channel: Art for Kids Hub
Views: 3,034,343
Rating: 4.5090895 out of 5
Keywords: Art For Kids Hub, Art For Kids, How To Draw, Easy, Simple, Cartooning, 4 kids, Halloween, candy corn, monster, folding surprise, scary, bat
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 44sec (704 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 16 2020
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