How To Draw A Dinosaur With Shapes

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hey AAA where's my [Laughter] [Music] pasta all right little man you got your marker yeah yeah you going to you going to draw along with me yeah we hope you guys are going to follow along too you got something to draw with and a piece of paper and a little artist with you yeah this activity we're going to use shapes and so it's going to be a lot of fun to build a dinosaur out of just shapes right yeah all right you ready to start yeah got your marker yeah okay okay little man we're going to start with our paper horizontal and the first the first thing we're going to do is draw a straight line right in the middle of our paper okay okay oh and I drew it a little wobbly I'm going to draw it this way there we go okay can you draw a line right here in the middle of your paper and we can connect the dots just like that okay [Laughter] uh good job that's awesome okay now we're going to draw we're going to draw a curved line underneath and this is going to be for our dinosaur's body okay so we're going to come down like this and it's kind of like we're drawing a smile shape or U shape or it kind of looks like a boat too huh so you can you draw a big smile line right there do that but there's no dots there's just these two dots so start there and then draw a big smile underneath and then back up perfect that looks like a bucket it looks like a what a bucket yeah it does or a bowl we put cereal in it huh yeah yeah okay now let's draw his head so we're going to draw a big oval on this side over here and this is going to be for his head is that OV an oval it kind of looks like an egg huh right here there you go oh that's a big one I like it okay now let's draw his neck so we're going to draw a line that comes down right here and connects to right there right there to right there little bump a little bump yep that's okay okay now let's draw his neck the back of his neck the other line and we draw another line right there and it kind of almost looks like a triangle huh mhm so we going draw a line there to there good job that looks awesome all right okay now let's draw his tail okay so we're going to draw a line that comes out over here you draw a curly line that comes up right to there and I'll put a point for that good job okay now we're going to come back down with another curly line like that so we can draw from that point all the way down to there yes you did it and I like the sound effects too okay what should we draw next his legs yeah okay we're going to draw kind of rectangle shapes let's draw one like that we going draw a rectangle right there point point good and then we could draw another point to there good and then another one right to there good job okay we're going to do another one right here like that so we can draw a point there good job okay and then draw you could I bet you could do this by yourself there and then another point back up to finish his leg good okay we're going to draw how many more legs do we need two yeah two more okay so we're going to draw another one we'll draw another one right here like this okay so we draw a point to there right there draw a line between those two points those two right here yes right there good and then another one drop the bottom of his foot and then connect it back up to his body good job and then we're going to do the last one like that we draw another one right to there there and then I'll draw them all see if you can do them all together is that going to be hard start there it's like a DOT to dot connect you did it give me five good job okay what's he missing Austin his face yeah he's missing his face let's draw an eye we draw a circle we draw a circle right there for his eye and then let's color it in you color in his eye good job I right there yes good and we can draw a smile too should we draw a little smile on there all right for his mouth going draw it right here and start right there and then draw right there good job job that's kind of a Soo face huh all right let's draw the spikes on his back okay so we're going to draw a triangle shape like this up and then down you want to do one right here up and then down good good job and then we can do another one good and then we do one on his back awesome he looks really cool huh should we color him yeah all right let's get our color picked out all right Austin we got our color picked out which one are you going to use blue you're going to use a light blue I'm going to use a light green okay and we're not going to do any shading so we're going to fast forward the whole thing and color it solid okay yeah you ready to start yeah let's do it right now [Music] good job Austin you almost got it little more right there no do little white right there okay and then do you want to do a different color like I did on his Spikes uhhuh all right what color do you want to do red oh you want red yeah okay here it is you want to use that one yeah that's going to look awesome yeah yeah atin good job man give me five what was your favorite part dude the blue the blue all of it all of it was my favorite part too I really like this one it was a lot of fun huh yeah we hope you guys had a lot of fun drawing your awesome dinosaurs made out of shapes huh yeah yeah this is meant to be super simple nice and easy For Young Artists we we start with little shapes and we build build a big thing huh yeah what did we make dinosaur yeah dinosaur we'll see you later our friends [Music] goodbye I'm a big dinosaur going to eat the little dinosaur oh you [Music]
Channel: Art for Kids Hub
Views: 2,673,881
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: art for kids, Art projects, Art Ideas, Art Tips, how to draw, dinosaur
Id: EZ2h6W4YVz0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 43sec (463 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 11 2015
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