How To Draw A Haunted Spooky Taco Truck

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here for sure and draw a Halloween food truck yeah we hope you're gonna follow along because art is always better with friends friends like you you need your drawing supplies we're going to use markers you also need some paper and something to cut with yeah you ready to start yes let's first draw the ground for our truck we're gonna start here and we'll draw a line that comes across the bottom of our paper then let's draw oh I'm going to come a little more to the edge so that we have more room on our paper I'm going to draw a gravestone over here our food truck is in the graveyard and then we're going to draw I'm going to draw one over here too and we can add more details let's leave it just like that nice now let's draw the wheels for our truck I'm going to draw a circle over here and we want to leave some space here so that we can draw the front of our taco truck or food truck and I'm also going to leave some room here and draw a circle and come down to touch the ground this one's floating oh maybe it's a spooky or it's a ghost taco truck it's floating now let's draw a smaller circle inside of each tire for the wheel and draw one over here there you go nice now let's draw the bottom of our truck and we're going to draw a line that comes out from the tire I'm also going to imagine that going behind the car or the truck and coming out over here and then the same thing right here we're going to get really close to and even touch the gravestone over here now let's draw a square over here for the bumper I'm going to draw right here at the front and we can draw one over here too oh this one maybe this one will touch the wheel and come down there's our bumpers now let's draw the front of our truck we're going to start here we'll come up and stop there then let's draw a diagonal line that comes over the front of our wheel then we're going to come up higher and then let's draw another line that comes all the way across and we're going to stop just above the back bumper yes I love your taco truck your Halloween food truck then we're gonna come down and connect to the back bumper nice there's the main shape of our truck let's add all of the details let's start by drawing the windows first I'm going to draw a diagonal line right here but not all the way to the top then we can draw the top we're going to come across like this and then we're going to come down to match the front and then we can connect the bottom to the front now let's draw the big window that the food is served out of we're going to draw a line that comes down right here then let's turn it into the letter L we're going to come all almost all the way to the back and then we're going to draw the top that matches that line that we just drew and then come down to connect so it's a big giant rectangle shape now let's draw the headlights and also the tail lights little rectangle shapes good yeah and then one in the back next we can draw another line across the bottom this is the little counter space that you put the foot on when you order and we can also drop maybe this is a fridge or a stove maybe more like a fridge yeah yeah there we go and then oh let's also draw let's draw a little cover that blocks the rain if there's rain or shade and then we can also draw a little U shapes that are connected across for a little extra detail our food truck looks really cool but it doesn't look very spooky let's add a few spooky details let's draw an eyeball right here I'm gonna draw a big giant eyeball on the front foreign and then we can connect it to our truck we'll just draw two lines down let's draw the eyeball details I'm going to draw a circle and then a smaller circle inside that's colored in yes just like that now let's also turn it into a taco truck we're going to draw a big taco you could turn this into a hot dog truck or a burger truck any kind of food you want I'm going to draw a rectangle shape on top then let's draw a another line that matches this is for the taco big giant taco then we're going to draw a big rainbow Line This is the taco shell so we're going to come all the way over to the other side and let's also draw a skull inside of the taco I'm going to draw another kind of a circle shape but leave the bottom open and then we can draw little bumps for the teeth the bottom of the the skull and then let's draw circles for the eyes two circles and then let's draw an upside down V and connect the bottom oh triangle shape for the nose nice there's our little skull now let's add the taco ingredients The Filling inside of the Taco we'll add the beef on the left and also on the right and then let's draw maybe this is lettuce so more wavy lines and we could also add tomatoes or maybe this is cheese oh it's not a very gross Taco though we need to draw hmm worms let's add more worms let's draw a worm coming out of our Taco I'm gonna draw curving out and then back in yeah just like that and then I'm gonna draw maybe a different wiggly worm coming out of the top and another worm coming out this way maybe this one doesn't come out as far though then let's add little texture lines for a worm we can draw little curves on each worm and let's draw two short lines oh yeah keep going you got one more worm and then let's draw two short lines to connect our Taco to our truck two short lines on the front and two short lines on the back then we can also add oh we gotta draw a monster inside of our taco truck that's um the chef the chef is the monster so I'm gonna draw a big upside down U then I'm going to draw a circle for the eye and a little dot inside and then I'm going to draw the monster screaming so I'm going to draw a mouth like this and some teeth inside you could change your monster so it looks different maybe it has more than one eye and lots of teeth or a mustache oh yeah and a mustache that's awesome oh let's add some toppings for our tacos although that kind of looks like a ketchup bottle maybe it's hot sauce yes and then oh napkins I'm gonna draw another rectangle shape with a line going across oh maybe the stove is on fire but that's how the monsters like it or the spooky ghosts they like their food on fire extra extra crispy yeah oh and oh you're gonna add fire too yes then let's add slime coming off of the table I'm gonna draw little drips like this coming down from the counter oh gross I would love to eat from this place I would too for some reason it looks good okay and then next let's try the menu coming off to the side so I'm going to draw a line coming out down and then back in and we can also draw a little frame around it I'm going to draw that same shape but smaller inside foreign and then we at the top we could write the word menu I'm going to write m e got to write a really small n U yeah I like it can't really see it not quite but that's okay then we can add a few lines oh and maybe a square for a picture and another square right there we could add even more details but I think we should leave it just like this we still need to do one more thing color yeah this part will fast forward but at the end you could pause the video if you'd like to match our same color you could also color your drawings any way you want you're ready to fast forward yeah [Music] thank you I said give me five we did it we finished drawing and coloring our spooky Halloween taco truck and it turned out awesome yeah I love all the extra details that we added yeah we added ghosts and bats I also added zombie hands sticking out of the truck and also cobwebs I like the little monster under your truck and in the window the spooky eyes makes it scary we hope you had a lot of enjoying the Halloween picture we do and we hope you take extra time to color your drawings and add more spooky things and we'll see you later friends goodbye [Music]
Channel: Art for Kids Hub
Views: 364,491
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Art For Kids Hub, Art For Kids, How To Draw, Easy, Simple, Cartooning, 4 kids, art lesson, drawing, 2022, Halloween, food truck, spooky, cartoon, taco food truck
Id: HmkRJm-gZ_A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 28sec (688 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 23 2022
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