How To Draw A Food Truck + New Challenge Time

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hair from steroids food drugs yeah it's gonna be a lot of fun i love food trucks because they always have such good food tasty tacos now it's also wednesday which means challenge tone at the end of this video we're gonna give you an awesome challenge to complete now we're also making some big changes to how we do the challenge time and also the spotlights on monday so be sure to head over to challenge time and we'll leave all of the details on how you can enter your child's drawing into our next spotlight you ready to start what do our art friends need a marker some paper and something to color with all right let's do it we're first gonna draw the ground we're gonna draw a horizontal line that comes across our paper yeah you can start there and you can keep going go a little further there we go now we're going to draw the wheels to our food truck all right we got two wheels two circles about this far apart now inside each of the wheels we're going to draw another circle that's smaller yeah one over here too now we're going to draw an even smaller circle inside of that one all right austin now we're ready to draw the food truck we're first gonna draw a line that connects the two wheels then we're gonna draw another line that's shorter that comes out on each side this these are a lot like the steps on our ice cream truck and if you haven't seen that one yet you go to check that out too so now we're going to draw a rectangle shape so i went up over and down then we're going to draw a rectangle over here on this side so you might want to make this th that line a little longer we're going to go up over and down just like we did on the back now we got our bumpers let's draw the back of our truck where all the food is so we're going to start right here behind or next to the front wheel so we're going to draw a big line that goes up then we're going to draw a line that goes over and we're gonna stop right above the bumper and then come down and connect to the bumper there's the back of our truck let's draw the front we're gonna draw a line that comes forward so we can draw just a short one since you kind of have a short front yeah then we can draw a line that comes down so i drew a diagonal you know what you could just draw it straight into the bumper just go all the way down i like how yours is going to be different i'm just going to draw it straight down too there we go now let's draw the window the side window let's draw a square so i'm going to draw a line down line across then let's draw on upside down now to connect it all right we got our window let's add a door we're going to draw a line down connect to the wheels on both sides yeah or just draw it down to the bottom of the truck now let's draw the big window on the side of the truck where they serve the food so we're going to draw a line down we're going to draw a big rectangle so i'm going to draw a big line down and a big line across keep going all the way then we're going to draw an upside down l to complete the rectangle next let's draw the counter that they can set the food on so i'm going to draw a little short rectangle underneath the big one there we go next we can draw the sun shade i'm going to draw a line that goes across and then we can draw lots of little lines coming down so i'm going to draw stripes we're going to color that red and white and then we can add an extra detail i'm going to draw little u-shapes on each one of these sections all the way across to the other side your food truck is looking so cool let's draw a rack on top of our truck i'm going to draw two short lines up and then connect those two lines and then we can add two more lines inside for extra details yeah all right now let's add a menu hanging out the back so i'm going to draw two lines that come out the back of the truck now this is the sign that they can fold up when they're driving but it sticks out when they're cooking food okay now let's write the word menu at the top of this rectangle so we're gonna draw the letter m draw it really small so you have room e and u all right and then we can add the different items on the menu i'm just going to draw lines but if you guys at home you guys could use your own creativity and add pictures or different words or even prices oh i like how you're drawing wiggly lines that looks like words now let's add a person inside of the food truck um taking orders let's draw a circle first for his head we're just gonna keep it simple and then connect the circle down for his body then we can add two little dots for his eyes and a happy face now let's add a few more things inside of the food truck i'm going to add napkin holder dispenser and we can draw another line let's draw another line across and then we can also add a little bottles of something so i'm going to draw a rectangle go up over and down like ketchup yeah this if it's a hot dog uh truck this could be ketchup this could also be hot sauce and salsa and then i'm gonna draw little triangles on top for the top of the bottle we're almost done let's add a few more little details i'm going to add headlights and i'm going to add a tail light back here it's a little rectangle and we can also add a big horn on the top i'm going to draw a rectangle that is diagonal so it looks like a little check mark and then i'm going to add an upside down check mark to complete the rectangle yeah then let's draw two diagonal lines coming out of the front and then we can draw a line connecting that and then let's draw two lines connecting the horn down to the truck austin we did it we finished drawing our food truck it looks really cool now we still need to do one last thing what is it yeah we need to color it it's gonna look so much better colored in now this part we are gonna fast forward so at the end you guys can pause it if you want to match the same color or you can use your creativity to color yours any way you want yeah and we're also gonna draw something on top of our food truck a big food item i wonder what it's gonna be [Music] austin great job on your food track it looks so much better all colored in i especially love what kind of food track it is tacos yeah tacos now we used our own creativity to change our tracks we added more details especially this big giant taco on the top but what time is it challenge yeah it's challenge time we want to challenge you guys to finish your drawing by changing your truck into your favorite kind of food so if you love pizza it could be a pizza truck you could draw a big slice of pizza what other kind of food trucks could there be a hot dog a hot dog truck oh an italian truck you could draw a big pile of spaghetti with meatballs on top what other kind of trucks are there a burger truck that would be awesome so use your own creativity to change your truck any way you want you can even add a background and some other extra details and then parents head over to yeah challenge time for all of the instructions on how to enter your child's drawing into our next spotlight we can't wait to see your drawings and we'll see you later our friends goodbye
Channel: Art for Kids Hub
Views: 271,071
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Art For Kids Hub, Art For Kids, How To Draw, Easy, Simple, Cartooning, 4 kids
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 5sec (545 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 06 2019
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